Exemplo n.º 1
 def glue(self, nch=64, fs=100):
     sortkeys = sorted(self.data.keys())
     if len(sortkeys):
         files = [self.data[sortkey]["filename"] for sortkey in sortkeys]
         fulldata = get_raw_data(files[0])
         lastvalue = fulldata[-64:]
         for ind, _file in enumerate(files[1:]):
             data = get_raw_data(_file)
             bufferdata = np.tile(lastvalue, int(fs * self.buffer[ind]))
             fulldata = np.concatenate((fulldata, bufferdata, data))
         if len(sortkeys) == 1:
             if fulldata.shape[0] / nch < 360000:
                 print("Adding some constant data at the end")
                 bufferdata = np.tile(lastvalue,
                                      360000 - int(fulldata.shape[0] / nch))
                 fulldata = np.concatenate((fulldata, bufferdata))
         ### CHECK LENGTHS
         print(self.totallen, " == ", fulldata.shape[0] / nch, "?")
         # saving file
         asksave = messagebox.askquestion(
             "Saving glued data",
             "Do you want to save glued data into file?",
         if asksave == 'yes':
             savefile = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(
                 title="Save datafile as...",
                 initialfile="GLUED" + base(files[0]))
             write_data(savefile, fulldata)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_geojson(self,
        # format as geojson
        # `coordinates` format as [longitude, latitude]

        geo_mappings = self.process_json(input_path)
        geojson = {
            "features": [{
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "coordinates": [
                "properties": {
                    "name": d['host']
            } for d in geo_mappings]
        write_data(output_path, geojson)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
	starttime = datetime.datetime.now()

	for i in range(1):
		# --- Preparation ---
		pdb_obj = PDB('./FAcD-FA-ASP.pdb', wk_dir='./FAcD_test'+str(i))		# Initiate with the file from protein data bank 											(self.path) 
		pdb_obj.rm_wat()													# Remove water and ion in original crystal file 											(self.path) 
		pdb_obj.get_protonation()											# For most crystal files, add hydrogens														(self.path) 

		# --- Operation ---
		# Mutation
		Muta_tag = pdb_obj.Add_MutaFlag('r')								# Generate a target "Flag" for mutation 													
		if pdb_obj.MutaFlags[0][2] == '108': 								# Keep the key residue 
		pdb_obj.PDB2PDBwLeap()												# Deploy mutation 																			(self.path) 
		# protonation modification
		pdb_obj.rm_allH()													# Remove all hydrogens after mutation (residues only) 										(self.path) 
		pdb_obj.get_protonation()											# Determine protonation state again 														(self.path) 
		# use minimization to relax each mutated PDB
		pdb_obj.PDB2FF()													# Generate parameter files for MD simulation 
		pdb_obj.PDBMin(engine='Amber_pmemd_gpu')							# Minimization 																				(self.path) 

		# --- Sample with MD ---
		pdb_obj.rm_wat()													# Remove water from the minimization 														(self.path) 												
		pdb_obj.PDB2FF(ifsavepdb=1) 										# Generate parameter files *savepdb save the exact structure use in MD for future analysis 	(self.path) 
		pdb_obj.PDBMD(tag=Muta_tag, engine='Amber_pmemd_gpu', equi_cpu=1)				# Run MD 																					(self.nc) 
		# sample
		pdb_obj.nc2mdcrd(point=100)											# Sample from trajactory 																	(self.mdcrd) 

		# --- QM cluster ---
		atom_mask = ':108,298'												# Define QM cluster / can also use some presets: ligand; residues within a distance using a Layer object
		g_route = '# hf/6-31G(d) pop=cm5'									# QM keywords
		pdb_obj.PDB2QMCluster(atom_mask, g_route=g_route, ifchk=1)			# Run QM cluster calculation																(self.qm_cluster_out, self.qm_cluster_chk) 
		pdb_obj.get_fchk(keep_chk=0)										# Save fchk files for analysis																(self.qm_cluster_fchk) 
		# --- Analysis ---
		# targeting C-F bond
		a1 = int(pdb_obj.stru.ligands[0].CH3)
		a2 = int(pdb_obj.stru.ligands[0].F)
		a1qm = pdb_obj.qm_cluster_map[str(a1)]
		a2qm = pdb_obj.qm_cluster_map[str(a2)]
		# Field Strength (MM)
		E_atom_mask = ':1-107,109-297'										# Define atoms for field strength calculation
		Es = pdb_obj.get_field_strength(E_atom_mask, a1=a1 ,a2=a2 ,bond_p1='center') # Run Field Strength analysis
		# Bond Dipole Moment (QM)
		Dipoles = PDB.get_bond_dipole(pdb_obj.qm_cluster_fchk, a1qm, a2qm)	# Run Bond Dipole Moment analysis
		# Mutation distance
		r1 = pdb_obj.stru.ligands[0]
		r2 = pdb_obj.stru.chains[ord(pdb_obj.MutaFlags[0][1])-65][int(pdb_obj.MutaFlags[0][2])-1]
		Dist = pdb_obj.stru.get_resi_dist(r1, r2)

		# write to csv or plot												
		write_data(pdb_obj.MutaFlags, {'E': Es, 'Bond Dipole': Dipoles, 'Distance': Dist}, data_output_path)		# Current data: Mutation - MD geometry - QM cluster wavefunction = Field strength at bond - Bond dipole moment
	endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
	print(endtime - starttime)
Exemplo n.º 4
def extract_benchmarkportfolio(db, output):

    # def qry_get_investment_name():
    #     return '''
    #     select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName from tblInvestmentList
    #     where isActive=1 and parentID is null and
    #         (investmentListName like '%Lonsec (Traditional) SAA Benchmark%')
    #     '''

    def qry_get_investment_name():
        return '''
        select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName from tblInvestmentList
        where isActive=1 and parentID is null and
            (investmentListName like '%Lonsec (Traditional) SAA Benchmark%')

    def qry_get_investment_list_benchmark_weight_details(listid):
        return '''
        With T(InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName, RiskCategoryNo) as (
        select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName, RiskCategoryNo from tblInvestmentList
        where investmentListid={listid}
        union all
        select il.InvestmentListID, il.InvestmentListName, il.RiskCategoryNo
        from tblInvestmentList il
        inner join T on il.parentID = T.investmentListID
        select T.InvestmentListName, 'Risk Profile '+ convert(varchar, T.RiskCategoryNo) as Strategy
        , ve.AlternativeCode as SecurityCode
        , 'CASH' as Exchange
        , ve.BenchmarkName
        , ilb.[Weight], ilb.DateFrom
        from T
        left join tblInvestmentListBenchmark ilb on ilb.investmentListID = T.InvestmentListID and ilb.DateTo = '2079-06-06'
        left join tblBenchmark ve on ilb.BenchmarkID = ve.BenchmarkID
        order by T.investmentListID, T.RiskCategoryNo

    def replace_with_parent(row, parent):
        row[0] = parent
        return row

    rows = db.get_data(qry_get_investment_name())

    header = ['Portfolio', 'Strategy', 'Security Code', 'Exchange', 'Security Name', 'Weight', 'Effective Date']
    report_data = []
    for row in rows:
        listid, listname = row
        logger.info('Processing {} - {}'.format(listname, listid))
        data = db.get_data(qry_get_investment_list_benchmark_weight_details(listid))

        data = [replace_with_parent(row, listname) for row in data if row.Strategy]  # don't count first row
        report_data += data

    helper.write_data(output, report_data, header)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process_json(self, output_path):
        geo_mappings = []
        for record in self.data['hits']['hits']:
                mapping = {}
                geolocation = record['_source']['geolocation']
                host = record['_source']['host']

                mapping['host'] = host
                mapping['coordinates'] = geolocation


                print("Oops!", sys.exc_info()[0], "occured.")

        write_data(output_path, geo_mappings)
        return geo_mappings
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():

    pdb_obj = PDB(glob('*_ff.pdb')[0])
    pdb_obj.prmtop_path = glob('*prmtop')[0]
    pdb_obj.prepi_path = {
        'SAH': '../ligands/ligand_SAH.prepin',
        'MET': '../ligands/ligand_MET.prepin'
    pdb_obj.mdcrd = glob('./MD/*mdcrd')[0]
    # --- QM cluster ---
    atom_mask = ':217,218'
    sele_lines, pdb_obj.qm_cluster_map = pdb_obj.stru.get_sele_list(
        atom_mask, fix_end='H', prepi_path=pdb_obj.prepi_path)
    pdb_obj.qm_cluster_fchk = glob('./QMCluster/*fchk')
        key=lambda file_name: int(file_name.split('.')[-2].split('_')[-1]))

    # pdb_obj.get_fchk(keep_chk=0)

    # --- Analysis ---
    # targeting C-I bond
    a1 = int(pdb_obj.stru.ligands[1].C1)
    a2 = int(pdb_obj.stru.ligands[1].I1)
    a1qm = pdb_obj.qm_cluster_map[str(a1)]
    a2qm = pdb_obj.qm_cluster_map[str(a2)]
    # Field Strength (MM)
    E_atom_mask = ':1-216'
    Es = pdb_obj.get_field_strength(E_atom_mask,
    # Bond Dipole Moment (QM)
    print(a1qm, a2qm)
    Dipoles = PDB.get_bond_dipole(pdb_obj.qm_cluster_fchk, a1qm, a2qm)
    # write to csv or plot
    write_data(pdb_obj.MutaFlags, {
        'E': Es,
        'Bond Dipole': Dipoles
    }, data_output_path)
Exemplo n.º 7
    tgt_results = []
    pbar = ProgressBar()
    for i in pbar(range(len(orig_data))):
        en_point = i - batch_size
        de_point = i + batch_size
        if en_point < 0:
            en_point = 0
        if de_point > len(simi_src_data) - 1:
            de_point = len(simi_src_data) - 1
        max_bleu, bleu[0], bleu[1] = get_max_bleu(
            orig_data[i], simi_src_data[en_point:de_point])
        tgt_results.append(' '.join(
            simi_tar_data[(en_point + bleu[0]):(en_point + bleu[1])]))

    print_result(orig_data, tgt_results)

    return tgt_results

helper.log_w("Reading data. Please wait...")
orig_data = helper.read_data(ORIG_FILE)
simi_src_data = helper.read_data(SIMI_FILE_SRC_LANG)
simi_tar_data = helper.read_data(SIMI_FILE_TAR_LANG)

helper.log_w("Compute similarity...")
out_tgt_data = similarize(orig_data, simi_src_data, simi_tar_data, 10)

helper.log_w("Writing new data...")
helper.write_data(DEST_FILE, out_tgt_data)

Exemplo n.º 8
		bleu[0], bleu[1] = get_max_bleu(orig_data[i], simi_src_data[en_point:de_point])

		count= count + 1
		if(bleu[0] > 0.45)
			print(" ")		
			print("origin en : ",orig_data[i])				
			print("translate en : ",simi_src_data[en_point + bleu[1]])		
			print("target vi: ",simi_tar_data[en_point + bleu[1]])
			print("cosine point: ",bleu[0])		
			print(" ")
			tgt_results_vi.append(simi_tar_data[en_point + bleu[1]])
	print("GOAL SETENCES",count)
	return tgt_results_vi,tgt_results_en

helper.log_w("Reading data. Please wait...")
orig_data = helper.read_data(ORIG_FILE)
simi_src_data = helper.read_data(SIMI_FILE_SRC_LANG)
simi_tar_data = helper.read_data(SIMI_FILE_TAR_LANG)

helper.log_w("Compute similarity...")
out_tgt_data_vi,out_tgt_data_vi_en = similarize(orig_data, simi_src_data, simi_tar_data, 1500)

helper.log_w("Writing new data...")
helper.write_data(DEST_FILE_VI, out_tgt_data_vi)
helper.write_data(DEST_FILE_EN, out_tgt_data_vi_en)

Exemplo n.º 9
import maxSum as ms
import helper as hp

for i in range(1,4):

	print 'test '+str(i)+':'

	matrix,m,n = hp.read_data('../data/test'+str(i)+'.txt')
	print 'finish reading test data'

	T = ms.maxSum(matrix,m,n)
	print 'finish computing T'

	a,b,score = ms.findMaxScore(T,m,n)
	print 'finish finding max score'

	stack = ms.backTrack(T,matrix,a,b)
	print 'finish backTrack'

	output = hp.write_data(stack,score,'../data/test'+str(i)+'grp12.txt')
	print 'finish writing output'

Exemplo n.º 10
def extract_modelportfolio(db, output):

    # def qry_get_investment_name():
    #     return '''
    #     select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName from tblInvestmentList
    #     where isActive=1 and parentID is null and
    #         (investmentListName like '%Aon%Model Portfolios'
    #          or investmentListName like '%ASET%Model Portfolio%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%Aylesbury%Portfolio%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%BFP%Phase%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%Camerons%Portfolios%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%FSS%Portfolios%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%BT Panorama%Portfolios%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%DAC objective%Portfolio%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%Lonsec Retirement%Portfolios%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%LFG Model Portfolios%'
    #          or investmentListName like '%AssetChoice Ess%Portfolios%'
    #     )
    #     '''

    def qry_get_investment_name():
        return '''
        select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName from tblInvestmentList
        where isActive=1 and parentID is null and
            (investmentListName like 'UniSuper%Portfolio%'


    def qry_get_investment_list_investment_weight_details(listid):
        return '''
        With T(InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName, RiskCategoryNo) as (
        select InvestmentListID, InvestmentListName, RiskCategoryNo from tblInvestmentList
        where investmentListid={listid}
        union all
        select il.InvestmentListID, il.InvestmentListName, il.RiskCategoryNo
        from tblInvestmentList il
        inner join T on il.parentID = T.investmentListID
        select T.InvestmentListName, rc.RiskCategory as Strategy, coalesce(ve.stockCode, isff.ApirCode
        , ic.investmentCode) as SecurityCode
        , case
           when ve.Exchange is not null then ve.Exchange
           when isff.InstrumentID is not null then 'FND'
           else 'CASH'
        , coalesce(ve.stockName, isff.InvestmentName, 'CASH') as SecurityName
        , ili.[Weight], ili.DateFrom, ili.InvestmentID
        from T
        left join tblRiskCategory rc on T.RiskCategoryNo = rc.RiskCategoryNo
        left join tblInvestmentListInvestment ili on ili.investmentListID = T.InvestmentListID
                                                 and ili.DateTo = '2079-06-06'
        left join vewEquities ve on ili.InvestmentID = ve.StockID
        left join vewISF_Fund isff on isff.InvestmentID = ili.InvestmentID
        left join tblInvestmentCode ic on ic.InvestmentID = ili.InvestmentID and ic.IsUsedForGrowthSeries=1
        order by T.investmentListID, T.RiskCategoryNo

    def replace_with_parent(row, parent):
        row[0] = parent
        return row

    rows = db.get_data(qry_get_investment_name())

    header = ['Portfolio', 'Strategy', 'Security Code', 'Exchange', 'Security Name', 'Weight', 'Effective Date', 'InvestmentID']
    report_data = []
    for row in rows:
        listid, listname = row
        logger.info('Processing {} - {}'.format(listname, listid))
        data = db.get_data(qry_get_investment_list_investment_weight_details(listid))
        data = [replace_with_parent(row, listname) for row in data[1:]]  # don't count first row
        report_data += data

    helper.write_data(output, report_data, header)