Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_matrix_block(self, start_row, start_column, num_rows, num_columns):
            Computes a given block of the result matrix.
            The method invoked by FEP nodes.

            @param start_row: the index of the first row in the block
            @param start_column: the index of the first column in the block
            @param num_rows: number of rows in the block
            @param num_columns: number of columns in the block

            @return: the block of the result matrix encoded as a row-order list of lists of integers
	This method is searching for the elements that this node needs in order to compute his block.
	Firstly finds the node from where a element should be taken, starts a thread which will obtain the element, and then
	puts that element in a matrix.
	Those are made twice, for each matrix.
	After calculating the two matrixes, the method 'multiply' gives the result that is returning the result.
	A = [[0 for i in range(self.matrix_size)] for j in range(num_rows)];
	B = [[0 for j in range(num_columns)] for j in range(self.matrix_size)];
        for i in range(num_rows):
		for j in range(self.matrix_size):
			row = start_row + i;
			id_row = row / self.block_size;
			id_column = j / self.block_size;

			node = self.nodes[(self.matrix_size / self.block_size) * id_row + id_column];	

			i_a = node.node_ID[0];
			j_a = node.node_ID[1];
			size = node.block_size;
			helper = Helper(node, row - i_a * size, j - j_a * size, "a");
			A[i][j] = helper.element;
	for i in range(self.matrix_size):
		for j in range(num_columns):
			column = start_column + j;
			id_row = i / self.block_size;
			id_column = column / self.block_size;

			node = self.nodes[(self.matrix_size / self.block_size) * id_row + id_column];	

			i_b = node.node_ID[0];
			j_b = node.node_ID[1];
			size = node.block_size;
			helper = Helper(node, i - i_b * size, column - j_b * size, "b");
			B[i][j] = helper.element;

	return self.multiply(A, B, num_rows, num_columns);