def load_legislators():
    """Take information from Sunlight Fdn csv file; calls to Sunlight API for the first election"""
    #for first year elected. I have a function to do the API call for me, where do I define function?
    #need to figure out how to not hardcode my API key!  Look at Twitter bot

    file_open = open("./src/legislators_test.csv")
    for index, line in enumerate(file_open): #enumerate gives tuple of index of line & the line info. use to keep track of where we are & commmit every so often
        if index > 0: #skip first line that is a header
            legislators = line.rstrip().split(",")
            #checks if member is currently in office, 0 means no.

            if int(legislators[9]) == 1:
                crp_id = legislators[20]
                current_legislator_dict.setdefault(crp_id, True) #fill current members dict. so can only pull those values in our cont. table

                bioguide_id = legislators[16]
                first = legislators[1].decode("UTF-8")
                last = legislators[3].decode("UTF-8")
                nickname = legislators[5].decode("UTF-8")
                suffix = legislators[4]
                title = legislators[0]
                state = legislators[7]
                party = legislators[6]
                if legislators[0] == "Sen":
                    chamber = "Senate"
                    chamber = "House"
                twitter_id = legislators[21]
                facebook_id = legislators[24]
                if legislators[0] =="Sen":
                    sen_rank = legislators[8] #only req. for senators
                    district = None
                    district = int(legislators[8])  #only for house members
                    sen_rank = None

                off_website = legislators[13]
                open_cong_url = legislators[22]
                pict_link = ""+legislators[16]+".jpg"

                first_elected = get_first_term_year(crp_id, os.environ['SUNLIGHT_API_KEY']) #API call to SLF to get the year
                temp_legislator_object = Legislator(leg_id=crp_id, bioguide_id=bioguide_id, first=first, last=last, nickname=nickname, suffix=suffix, 
                                                    title=title, state=state, party=party, chamber=chamber, twitter_id=twitter_id, 
                                                    facebook_id=facebook_id, district=district, sen_rank=sen_rank, off_website=off_website, 
                                                    open_cong_url=open_cong_url, pict_link=pict_link, first_elected=first_elected)

                # object_list = db.session.add(temp_legislator_object)
    return temp_legislator_object
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_get_first_term_year(self):
     assert get_first_term_year("N00007335", os.environ["SUNLIGHT_API_KEY"]) == 1993
def update_legislators():
	""" input = file handle from which to look for updates to legislators
		output = nothing

		checks for new legislators. they can be 1) filling empty seat or 2) replacing an occupied seat

	currently_loaded = db.session.query(Legislator.leg_id).all() #list of tuples => [(leg_id (known as crp_id in sunlight data,), (leg_id,)]
	loaded_ids = {tup[0]: True for tup in currently_loaded}

	# use this to keep track of currently serving members, we can then check against ones in db.
	# if its in our db but not in this list, then we need to delete from our db
	current_mem_ids = {}

	apikey = os.environ['SUNLIGHT_API_KEY']
	query_params = { 'apikey': apikey,
					'per_page': 'all',

	endpoint = ''
	# gets all current members of congress. need to find ones we don't already have in our system
	response = (requests.get(endpoint, params=query_params)).json()
	for entry in response['results']:
		crp_id = entry['crp_id']
		bioguide_id = entry['bioguide_id']
		first = entry['first_name']
		last = entry['last_name']
		nickname = entry['nickname']
		suffix = entry['name_suffix']
		title = entry['title']
		state = entry['state']
		party = entry['party']
		chamber = entry['chamber'].capitalize()
		twitter_id = entry.get('twitter_id', None)
		facebook_id = entry.get('facebook_id', None)
		if chamber =="Senate":
			sen_rank =  entry['state_rank'].capitalize()
			district = None
			district = int(entry['district'])  #only for house members
			sen_rank = None
		off_website = entry['website']
		open_cong_url = None
		pict_link = ""+bioguide_id+".jpg"
		first_elected = get_first_term_year(crp_id, apikey) #API call to SLF to get the year
		current_mem_ids[crp_id] = True
		# if the member is not already loaded, load it
		if crp_id not in loaded_ids:
			temp_legislator_object = Legislator(leg_id=crp_id, bioguide_id=bioguide_id, first=first, last=last, nickname=nickname, suffix=suffix, title=title, state=state, party=party, chamber=chamber, twitter_id=twitter_id, facebook_id=facebook_id, district=district, sen_rank=sen_rank, off_website=off_website, open_cong_url=open_cong_url, pict_link=pict_link, first_elected=first_elected)


	# if member is in our db but isn't current member, remove from db
	for x in loaded_ids.keys():
		if x not in current_mem_ids:
			member = Legislator.query.filter_by(leg_id = x).first()
			# get all contributions to that member and delete from table
			contributions = Contrib_leg.query.filter_by(leg_id= x).all()
			for item in contributions:
