Exemplo n.º 1
    async def select(self, ctx, *, pokemon: converters.PokemonConverter(accept_blank=False)):
        """Select a specific pokémon from your collection."""

        if pokemon is None:
            return await ctx.send("Couldn't find that pokémon!")

        await self.bot.mongo.update_member(
            {"$set": {f"selected_id": pokemon.id}},

        await ctx.send(f"You selected your level {pokemon.level} {pokemon.species}. No. {pokemon.idx}.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def moveitem(
        from_pokemon: converters.PokemonConverter,
        to_pokemon: converters.PokemonConverter = None,
        """Move a pokémon's held item."""

        if to_pokemon is None:
            to_pokemon = from_pokemon
            converter = converters.PokemonConverter()
            from_pokemon = await converter.convert(ctx, "")

        if to_pokemon is None:
            return await ctx.send("Couldn't find that pokémon!")

        if from_pokemon is None or to_pokemon is None:
            return await ctx.send("Couldn't find that pokémon!")

        if from_pokemon.held_item is None:
            return await ctx.send("That pokémon isn't holding an item!")

        if to_pokemon.held_item is not None:
            return await ctx.send("That pokémon is already holding an item!")

        num = await self.bot.mongo.fetch_pokemon_count(ctx.author)

        await self.bot.mongo.update_pokemon(from_pokemon,
                                            {"$set": {
                                                f"held_item": None
        await self.bot.mongo.update_pokemon(
            to_pokemon, {"$set": {
                f"held_item": from_pokemon.held_item

        from_name = str(from_pokemon.species)

        if from_pokemon.nickname is not None:
            from_name += f' "{from_pokemon.nickname}"'

        to_name = str(to_pokemon.species)

        if to_pokemon.nickname is not None:
            to_name += f' "{to_pokemon.nickname}"'

        await ctx.send(
            f"Moved held item from your level {from_pokemon.level} {from_name} to your level {to_pokemon.level} {to_name}."
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def moveset(self, ctx, *, search: str):
        """View all moves for your pokémon and how to get them."""

        search = search.strip()

        if len(search) > 0 and search[0] in "Nn#" and search[1:].isdigit():
            species = self.bot.data.species_by_number(int(search[1:]))
            species = self.bot.data.species_by_name(search)

            if species is None:
                converter = converters.PokemonConverter(raise_errors=False)
                pokemon = await converter.convert(ctx, search)
                if pokemon is not None:
                    species = pokemon.species

        if species is None:
            raise commands.BadArgument(
                "Please either enter the name of a pokémon species, nothing for your selected pokémon, a number for "
                "a specific pokémon, `latest` for your latest pokémon. ", )

        async def get_page(source, menu, pidx):
            pgstart = pidx * 20
            pgend = min(pgstart + 20, len(species.moves))

            # Send embed

            embed = discord.Embed(color=0x9CCFFF)
            embed.title = f"{species} — Moveset"

                f"Showing {pgstart + 1}–{pgend} out of {len(species.moves)}.")

            for move in species.moves[pgstart:pgend]:
                embed.add_field(name=move.move.name, value=move.text)

            for i in range(-pgend % 3):
                embed.add_field(name="‎", value="‎")

            return embed

        pages = pagination.ContinuablePages(
            pagination.FunctionPageSource(math.ceil(len(species.moves) / 20),
        self.bot.menus[ctx.author.id] = pages
        await pages.start(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def select(self, ctx, *, pokemon: converters.PokemonConverter(accept_blank=False)):
        """Select a specific pokémon from your collection."""
        if await self.bot.get_cog("Trading").is_in_trade(ctx.author):
            return await ctx.send("You can't do that in a trade!")

        if pokemon is None:
            return await ctx.send("Couldn't find that pokémon!")

        num = await self.bot.mongo.fetch_pokemon_count(ctx.author)

        await self.bot.mongo.update_member(
            {"$set": {f"selected_id": pokemon.id}},

        await ctx.send(
            f"You selected your level {pokemon.level} {pokemon.species}. No. {pokemon.idx}."