Exemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        hosts = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        host_id = get_host_id(hosts)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(hosts)
        show_warning_message = not show_terminate
        asg = get_asg_name(request, hosts)
        is_protected = False
        if asg:
            is_protected = groups_helper.is_instance_protected(request, asg, [host_id])

        agent_wrappers, is_unreachable = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        return render(request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
            'env_name': name,
            'stage_name': stage,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'hosts': hosts,
            'host_id': host_id,
            'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
            'show_terminate': show_terminate,
            'show_warning_message': show_warning_message,
            'show_force_terminate': IS_PINTEREST,
            'asg_group': asg,
            'is_unreachable': is_unreachable,
            'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
            'instance_protected': is_protected,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        hosts = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(
            request, name, stage, hostname)
        host_id = get_host_id(hosts)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(hosts)
        show_warning_message = not show_terminate
        asg = get_asg_name(request, hosts)
        is_protected = False
        if asg:
            is_protected = groups_helper.is_instance_protected(
                request, asg, [host_id])

        agent_wrappers, is_unreachable = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        return render(
            request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
                'env_name': name,
                'stage_name': stage,
                'hostname': hostname,
                'hosts': hosts,
                'host_id': host_id,
                'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
                'show_terminate': show_terminate,
                'show_warning_message': show_warning_message,
                'show_force_terminate': IS_PINTEREST,
                'asg_group': asg,
                'is_unreachable': is_unreachable,
                'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
                'instance_protected': is_protected,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        hosts = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        host_id = get_host_id(hosts)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(hosts)
        show_warning_message = not show_terminate
        asg = get_asg_name(request, hosts)
        is_protected = False
        if asg:
            is_protected = groups_helper.is_instance_protected(request, asg, [host_id])

        agent_wrappers, is_unreachable = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        return render(
                "env_name": name,
                "stage_name": stage,
                "hostname": hostname,
                "hosts": hosts,
                "host_id": host_id,
                "agent_wrappers": agent_wrappers,
                "show_terminate": show_terminate,
                "show_warning_message": show_warning_message,
                "show_force_terminate": IS_PINTEREST,
                "asg_group": asg,
                "is_unreachable": is_unreachable,
                "pinterest": IS_PINTEREST,
                "host_information_url": TELETRAAN_HOST_INFORMATION_URL,
                "instance_protected": is_protected,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        agents = agents_helper.get_agents_by_host(request, hostname)
        env = environs_helper.get_env_by_stage(request, name, stage)
        host = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(
            request, name, stage, hostname)
        show_terminate = False
        asg = ''
        if host and host.get('hostId'):
            if host.get('state') != 'PENDING_TERMINATE' and host.get(
                    'state') != 'TERMINATING' and host.get(
                        'state') != 'TERMINATED':
                show_terminate = True

        cluster_provider = clusters_helper.get_cluster_provider(
            request, name, stage)
        if cluster_provider == 'null':
            cluster_provider = None

        # TODO deprecated it
        if host and host.get('groupName'):
            group_info = groups_helper.get_group_info(request,
            if group_info and group_info["asgStatus"] == "ENABLED":
                asg = host.get('groupName')

        # gather the env name and stage info
        agent_wrappers = []
        for agent in agents:
            agent_wrapper = {}
            agent_wrapper["agent"] = agent
            envId = agent['envId']
            agent_env = environs_helper.get(request, envId)
            agent_wrapper["env"] = env
            agent_wrapper["error"] = ""
            if agent.get('lastErrno', 0) != 0:
                agent_wrapper["error"] = agents_helper.get_agent_error(
                    request, agent_env['envName'], agent_env['stageName'],

        return render(
            request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
                'env_name': name,
                'stage_name': stage,
                'hostname': hostname,
                'host': host,
                'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
                'show_terminate': show_terminate,
                'cluster_provider': cluster_provider,
                'asg_group': asg,
                'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        envs = environs_helper.get_all_env_stages(request, name)
        stages, env = common.get_all_stages(envs, stage)
        duplicate_stage = ''
        for stage_name in stages:
            if stage_name != stage:
                hosts = environs_helper.get_env_capacity(request,
                if hostname in hosts:
                    duplicate_stage = stage_name

        hosts = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(
            request, name, stage, hostname)
        host_id = get_host_id(hosts)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(hosts)
        show_warning_message = not show_terminate
        asg = get_asg_name(request, hosts)
        is_protected = False
        if asg:
            is_protected = autoscaling_groups_helper.is_hosts_protected(
                request, asg, [host_id])

        agent_wrappers, is_unreachable = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        host_details = get_host_details(host_id)

        return render(
            request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
                'env_name': name,
                'stage_name': stage,
                'hostname': hostname,
                'hosts': hosts,
                'host_id': host_id,
                'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
                'show_terminate': show_terminate,
                'show_warning_message': show_warning_message,
                'show_force_terminate': IS_PINTEREST,
                'asg_group': asg,
                'is_unreachable': is_unreachable,
                'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
                'host_information_url': CMDB_UI_HOST,
                'instance_protected': is_protected,
                'host_details': host_details,
                'duplicate_stage': duplicate_stage,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        agents = agents_helper.get_agents_by_host(request, hostname)
        env = environs_helper.get_env_by_stage(request, name, stage)
        host = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        show_terminate = False
        asg = ''
        if host and host.get('hostId'):
            if host.get('state') != 'PENDING_TERMINATE' and host.get('state') != 'TERMINATING' and host.get('state') != 'TERMINATED':
                show_terminate = True

        cluster_provider = clusters_helper.get_cluster_provider(request, name, stage)
        if cluster_provider == 'null':
            cluster_provider = None

        # TODO deprecated it
        if host and host.get('groupName'):
            group_info = groups_helper.get_group_info(request, host.get('groupName'))
            if group_info and group_info["asgStatus"] == "ENABLED":
                asg = host.get('groupName')

        # gather the env name and stage info
        agent_wrappers = []
        for agent in agents:
            agent_wrapper = {}
            agent_wrapper["agent"] = agent
            envId = agent['envId']
            agent_env = environs_helper.get(request, envId)
            agent_wrapper["env"] = env
            agent_wrapper["error"] = ""
            if agent.get('lastErrno', 0) != 0:
                agent_wrapper["error"] = agents_helper.get_agent_error(request, agent_env['envName'],
                                                                       agent_env['stageName'], hostname)

        return render(request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
            'env_name': name,
            'stage_name': stage,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'host': host,
            'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
            'show_terminate': show_terminate,
            'cluster_provider': cluster_provider,
            'asg_group': asg,
            'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        host = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(host)
        # TODO deprecated it
        asg = get_asg_name(request, host)

        agent_wrappers, show_force_terminate = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        return render(request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
            'env_name': name,
            'stage_name': stage,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'host': host,
            'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
            'show_terminate': show_terminate,
            'show_force_terminate': show_force_terminate,
            'asg_group': asg,
            'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        host = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        show_terminate = False
        if host and host.get('state') and host.get('state') != 'PENDING_TERMINATE' and host.get('state') != 'TERMINATING' and host.get('state') != 'TERMINATED':
            show_terminate = True

        # TODO deprecated it
        asg = ''
        if host and host.get('groupName'):
            group_info = groups_helper.get_group_info(request, host.get('groupName'))
            if group_info and group_info["asgStatus"] == "ENABLED":
                asg = host.get('groupName')

        # gather the env name and stage info
        agents = agents_helper.get_agents_by_host(request, hostname)
        agent_wrappers = []
        show_force_terminate = False
        for agent in agents:
            if agent.get('deployStage') == 'STOPPING' or agent.get('deployStage') == 'STOPPED':
                if is_agent_failed(agent):
                    show_force_terminate = True
            agent_wrapper = {}
            agent_wrapper["agent"] = agent
            envId = agent['envId']
            agent_env = environs_helper.get(request, envId)
            agent_wrapper["env"] = agent_env
            agent_wrapper["error"] = ""
            if agent.get('lastErrno', 0) != 0:
                agent_wrapper["error"] = agents_helper.get_agent_error(request, agent_env['envName'],
                                                                       agent_env['stageName'], hostname)

        return render(request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
            'env_name': name,
            'stage_name': stage,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'host': host,
            'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
            'show_terminate': show_terminate,
            'show_force_terminate': show_force_terminate,
            'asg_group': asg,
            'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get(self, request, name, stage, hostname):
        envs = environs_helper.get_all_env_stages(request, name)
        stages, env = common.get_all_stages(envs, stage)
        duplicate_stage = ''
        for stage_name in stages:
            if stage_name != stage:
                hosts = environs_helper.get_env_capacity(request, name, stage_name, capacity_type="HOST")
                if hostname in hosts:
                    duplicate_stage = stage_name

        hosts = environ_hosts_helper.get_host_by_env_and_hostname(request, name, stage, hostname)
        host_id = get_host_id(hosts)
        show_terminate = get_show_terminate(hosts)
        show_warning_message = not show_terminate
        asg = get_asg_name(request, hosts)
        is_protected = False
        if asg:
            is_protected = autoscaling_groups_helper.is_hosts_protected(request, asg, [host_id])

        agent_wrappers, is_unreachable = get_agent_wrapper(request, hostname)
        host_details = get_host_details(host_id)

        return render(request, 'hosts/host_details.html', {
            'env_name': name,
            'stage_name': stage,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'hosts': hosts,
            'host_id': host_id,
            'agent_wrappers': agent_wrappers,
            'show_terminate': show_terminate,
            'show_warning_message': show_warning_message,
            'show_force_terminate': IS_PINTEREST,
            'asg_group': asg,
            'is_unreachable': is_unreachable,
            'pinterest': IS_PINTEREST,
            'host_information_url': CMDB_UI_HOST,
            'instance_protected': is_protected,
            'host_details': host_details,
            'duplicate_stage': duplicate_stage,