async def loop(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** 😕 Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed!\n🤐 The provided video is {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 🙄 BSDK KUCH DE TOH SAHI PLAY KRRNE KO!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 😉 is gaane k baad 3 baar bajaunga #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)}!" ) await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path) await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 🥳 OK BHAI BAJATA HU 3 baar") await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path) await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed, the provided video is {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text("Aku Tidak Menemukan Link Lagu!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"Lagu-mu Akan Diputar Di Nomor! {callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path)}!" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text("Lagumu Sudah Di-Mulai!...")
async def oynat(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** 😕 Ses Dosyası Uzun {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) izin verilmez!\n🤐 Sağlanan ses, {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 🙄 Bana oynatacak bir şey vermedin.!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 😉 Sıraya Alındı. Sırası= #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} !" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 🥳 Oynatılıyor...")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** 😕 Daha uzun videolar {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) buna izin verilmiyor!\n🤐 Sağlanan video, {audio.duration / 60} Dakika(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 🙄 Bana oynatılacak bir şey vermedin.!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 😉 sıraya alındı #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} !") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 🥳 Çalınıyor...")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-**VIDEO IS LONGERTHAN {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) \n THE VIDEO U GIVEN IS {audio.duration / 60} MINUTES(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** GIVE ME SOMETHING TO PLAY") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-**[★]( QUEUED AT #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)}!" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-**PLAYING [★](" )
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError(f"**@Z44Z4\nتخزين هذه الاغنيه كبير جدا🔻\n يجب ان تكون الاغنيه 65mb او ادنى تخزينا ♻️")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed, the provided video is {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text("You did not give me anything to play!" ) if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"Queued at position {await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)}!" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text("Playing...")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 100) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** يجب ان يكون حجم مقطع الصوت {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) لايمكن تحميل \n المقطع هذا لان حجمه {audio.duration / 100} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** قم بالرد على الاغنيه او الرابط اولا ♻️") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** تم اضافه الاغنيه الى الدور #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} 🎶" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** تم تشغيل الاغنيه.. 🎶")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 100) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** ببوورە قەبارەی زۆرە {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) ناتوانم دابگرم \n نابێ لە زیاتر بێ {audio.duration / 100} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** تکایە لە ڕێپڵەی گۆرانی یان لینک بنوسە ♻️") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** گۆرانیە زیادکرا بۆ ڕێزی دواتر بۆ پەخشکردن #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} 🎶" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** گۆرانیە پەخشکرا.. 🎶")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"Video uzunluğu {DURATION_LIMIT} dakikayı desteklememektedir. Sadece özel botlara özel kodlanmaktadır." ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text(f"`Oynatılacak bir içerik bulunamadı!`" ) if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"`Müzik başarıyla #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} sıraya eklendi!`" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"`Oynatılıyor...`")
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** 😕 Video Oynatılamıyo {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) limit sayıdının üstüne izin verilmez!\n💬 Sağlanan video süresi {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 🇹🇷 Bana oynatılacak bir şey vermedin!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: await message.reply_text( f"**{bn} :-** 🗣️ Konumda sıraya alındı #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} !" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_text(f"**{bn} :-** 🥳 Oynatılıyor...")
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 Sedang memproses lagumu...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="📑 Manual Book!", url='') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🍃 Channel Aku!", url='') ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 240) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Video Dengan Durasi Melebihi {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) Tidak Diizinkan Untuk Diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("Anda Tidak Memberi Saya Apapun Untuk Dimainkan, Silahkan Reply Pesanmu Dan Play Musik!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"⚡ Lagu Request-an Kamu Di **Posisi** {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption = f"🍃 **Judul Lagu :** Non Judul Lagu!\n🦇 **Player :** Crystal Heart Music!\n" \ + f"⚡ **Request Dari :** {message.from_user.mention}" ), return await lel.delete()
async def oynat(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply(f"**{bn} :-** 🔄 İşleme alındı ...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name hell_pic = PLAY_PIC keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Müzik Kanalı 🎶", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** ❌ Daha uzun videolar {DURATION_LIMIT} dakikaların oynamasına izin verilmez!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text(f"**{bn} :-**❗ Bana oynayacak bir şey vermedin.!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"**{bn} :-** #️⃣ Konumda sıraya alındı #{position} !") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo=hell_pic, reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ Parça oynatılıyor... \n**Requested By :-** {}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply(f"**{bn} :-** 🔄 Processing...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name hell_pic = PLAY_PIC keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔊 Channel", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** ❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed to play!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text(f"**{bn} :-**❗ You did not give me anything to play!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"**{bn} :-** #️⃣ Queued at position #{position} !") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo=hell_pic, reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ Playing song... \n**Requested By :-** {}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Processing** Sounds...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔊 Channel", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 240) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Video Yang Lebih Lama Dari Durasi {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) Tidak Diizinkan Untuk Diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("Anda Tidak Memberi Saya Apapun Untuk Dimainkan, Silahkan Reply direct!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Sedang Mengantri** Di Posisi {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Sedang Memutar.**\n\n Lagu Permintaan Dari {}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Memulai** streaming bokep...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔊 Official Group", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"🖕 Video lebih dari {DURATION_LIMIT} menit tidak bisa di play bodoh!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗Link salah ganteng!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Queued** in position {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Playing** request by {}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Processing** sounds...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔊 Channel", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed to play!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗ You did not give me anything to play!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Queued** at position {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Playing** here the song requested by {}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Processing** sabar kar thodasa...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text=" ⏤͟͟͞͞★ 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈™ 🇮🇳 ", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) se bada video..😮 mai nhi play karta ja..🙄" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗ Are play karne kuch de to sahi..🙄") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Queued** at position {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Playing** le tera song sun ab..🔥{}!".format( message.from_user.mention() ), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Sedang Proses**...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="📜 Manual", url=''), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Channel 🔔", url='') ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 240) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Video Dengan Durasi Melebihi {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) Tidak Diizinkan Untuk Diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text( "Anda Tidak Memberi Saya Apapun Untuk Dimainkan, Silahkan Reply direct!" ) if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"🔔 **Status:** Queued {position}\n" f"🎧 **Request Dari:** {message.from_user.mention}") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption = f"🔔 **Status:** Dimainkan\n" \ + f"🎧 **Request Dari:** {message.from_user.mention}" ), return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("__I like it.__\n\n🔄 **Processing...**") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Bot by Mork.", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed to play!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text( "❗ You did not give me anything to play. Use #play for help.") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit( f"#⃣ **Queued** at #{position}!\n❗ `Reminder: Max. of 3 song queue per group.`" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption= "__'Is that fear I smell?'__\n\n▶️ **Playing** here the song requested by {}!\n\nℹ `Need help?` PM @ppnaravxt_bot for help.\n🤖 Bot by @ppnaravxt." .format(message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply(f"**{bn} :-** 🔄 Processing...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name hell_pic = PLAY_PIC keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="INSTAGRAM", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** ❌ Video lebih lama dari {DURATION_LIMIT} menit tidak boleh dimainkan!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text( f"**{bn} :-**❗ Anda tidak memberi saya apa pun untuk dimainkan!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"**{bn} :-** #️⃣ Mengantri di posisi #{position} !") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo=hell_pic, reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ Memutar Lagu... \n**Diminta Oleh :-** {}!".format( message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply(f"**{bn} :-** 🔄 Müziği arıyorum izninizle...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name hell_pic = PLAY_PIC keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🤖 Bot", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"**{bn} :-** 😥 {DURATION_LIMIT} süreli video oynatamıyoruz") file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text( f"**{bn} :-**😟 Ama bana oynatacak bir şey vermedin ki?") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit( f"**{bn} :-** #️⃣ Sıraya aldım iyi dinlemeler #{position} !") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo=hell_pic, reply_markup=keyboard, caption= "▶️ Müziği çalıyorum... \n**Ne güzel müzik zevkin varmış :-** {}!". format(message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Memproses** lagu...") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔊 Channel", url="") ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Vidio yang durasinya lebih dari {DURATION_LIMIT} menit tidak diperbolehkan untuk diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗ Kamu tidak memberikanku apapun untuk diputar!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Antri** pada posisi {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption=f"▶**Memutar** lagu disini, atas permintaan {message.from_user.mention()}!" ), return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 Memproses suara...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🔊 Akun ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏʏs", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Video dengan durasi lebih dari {DURATION_LIMIT} menit tidak diperbolehkan untuk diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text( "❗ Anda tidak memberi saya apa pun untuk dimainkan!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ Mengantri di posisi {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ Memutar di sini lagu yang diminta oleh {}!".format( message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 Memprosesss...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🔊 Channel", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Durasi lagu melebihi {DURATION_LIMIT} Menit tidak dapat diputar!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗ Tidak ada lagu yang dimainkan!") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ Lagu dimasukkan ke dalam antrian nomor {position}!" ) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ Memainkan lagu! atas permintaan {}!".format( message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Processing**") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🔥𝕐𝖔𝖚𝖗 - 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝕪🔥", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) se bada video..😮 mai nhi play karta ja..🙄" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: file_path = await converter.convert( else: return await lel.edit_text("❗ Abey play karne kuch de to sahi noob 😂") if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await lel.edit(f"#⃣ **Queued** at position {position}!") else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Playing** here the song requested by🔥{}!".format( message.from_user.mention()), ) return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **Pʀocɘssɩŋʛ** soʋŋɗs...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Bot Owŋɘʀ", url="") ]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Vɩɗɘos ɭoŋʛɘʀ tʜʌŋ {DURATION_LIMIT} ɱɩŋʋtɘ(s) ʌʀɘŋ't ʌɭɭowɘɗ to pɭʌƴ !" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) title = file_name thumb_name = "" thumbnail = thumb_name duration = round(audio.duration / 60) views = "Locʌɭɭƴ ʌɗɗɘɗ" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Bot Owŋɘʀ", url=f"") ]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: try: results = YoutubeSearch(url, max_results=1).to_dict() # url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Watch On YouTube", url=f"{url}")]]) except Exception as e: title = "NaN" thumb_name = "" duration = "NaN" views = "NaN" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Wʌtcʜ Oŋ YoʋTʋɓɘ", url=f"") ]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( else: await lel.edit("🔎 **Fɩŋɗɩŋʛ** tʜɘ soŋʛ...") sender_id = user_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name user_name = message.from_user.first_name rpk = "[" + user_name + "](tg://user?id=" + str(user_id) + ")" query = '' for i in message.command[1:]: query += ' ' + str(i) print(query) await lel.edit("🎵 **Pʀocɘssɩŋʛ** soʋŋɗs...") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: lel.edit( "❌ Soŋʛ ŋot ʆoʋŋɗ.\n\nTʀƴ ʌŋotʜɘʀ soŋʛ oʀ ɱʌƴɓɘ spɘɭɭ ɩt pʀopɘʀɭƴ." ) print(str(e)) return keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Wʌtcʜ Oŋ YoʋTʋɓɘ", url=f"{url}")]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", caption= f"#⃣ Yoʋʀ ʀɘqʋɘstɘɗ soŋʛ **queued** ʌt posɩtɩoŋ {position}!", reply_markup=keyboard) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete() else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Pɭʌƴɩŋʛ** ʜɘʀɘ tʜɘ soŋʛ ʀɘqʋɘstɘɗ ɓƴ {} vɩʌ YoʋTʋɓɘ 🎵" .format(message.from_user.mention()), ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 Processing Sounds...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ", url=f""), InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ", url=f""), ] ] ) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed to play!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) title = file_name thumb_name = "" thumbnail = thumb_name duration = round(audio.duration / 60) views = "Locally added" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ", url=f""), InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ", url=f""), ] ] ) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: try: results = YoutubeSearch(url, max_results=1).to_dict() # url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ", url=f""), InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ", url=f""), ] ] ) except Exception as e: title = "NaN" thumb_name = "" duration = "NaN" views = "NaN" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ", url=f""), InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ", url=f""), ] ] ) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( else: await lel.edit("🔎 **Finding** the song...") sender_id = user_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name user_name = message.from_user.first_name rpk = "["+user_name+"](tg://user?id="+str(user_id)+")" query = '' for i in message.command[1:]: query += ' ' + str(i) print(query) await lel.edit("🎵 **Processing** sounds...") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: lel.edit( "❌ Song not found.\n\nTry another song or maybe spell it properly." ) print(str(e)) return keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ", url=f""), InlineKeyboardButton( text="ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ", url=f""), ] ] ) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) qeue = que.get( s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", caption=f"🏷 **Judul:** [{title[:60]}]({url})\n⏱ **Durasi:** {duration}\n" \ + f"💡 **Status:** Antrian ke {position}\n🎧 **Permintaan:** {requested_by}", reply_markup=keyboard) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete() else: chat_id = que[chat_id] = [] qeue = que.get( s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", reply_markup=keyboard, caption=f"🏷 **Judul:** [{title[:60]}]({url})\n⏱ **Durasi:** {duration}\n" \ + f"💡 **Status:** Playing\n🎧 **Permintaan:** {requested_by}" ), os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): lel = await message.reply("🔄 **ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ** ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ...") sender_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Channel", url="")]]) audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice ) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"❌ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏꜱ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ {DURATION_LIMIT} ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ(s) ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴀʏ!" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) title = file_name thumb_name = "" thumbnail = thumb_name duration = round(audio.duration / 60) views = "ʟᴏᴄᴀʟʟʏ ᴀᴅᴅᴇᴅ" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Channel", url=f"") ]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif url: try: results = YoutubeSearch(url, max_results=1).to_dict() # url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Watch On YouTube", url=f"{url}")]]) except Exception as e: title = "NaN" thumb_name = "" duration = "NaN" views = "NaN" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ", url=f"") ]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( else: await lel.edit("🔎 **ꜰɪɴᴅɪɴɢ** ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ...") sender_id = user_id = sender_name = message.from_user.first_name user_name = message.from_user.first_name rpk = "[" + user_name + "](tg://user?id=" + str(user_id) + ")" query = '' for i in message.command[1:]: query += ' ' + str(i) print(query) await lel.edit("🎵 **ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ** ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ...") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" #print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f'thumb{title}.jpg' thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, 'wb').write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] url_suffix = results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: lel.edit( "❌ ꜱᴏɴɢ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ.\n\nᴛʀʏ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴏɴɢ \nᴏᴡɴᴇʀ @anikethacker") print(str(e)) return keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ", url=f"{url}")]]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await converter.convert( if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: position = await queues.put(, file=file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", caption= f"#⃣ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴏɴɢ **queued** ᴀᴛ ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴏɴ {position}!", reply_markup=keyboard) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete() else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", reply_markup=keyboard, caption="▶️ **Playing** ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ {} ᴠɪᴀ ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ 🎵" .format(message.from_user.mention()), ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): audio = ( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None url = get_url(message) me = message.text.split(None, 1) if len(me) >= 2: args = me[1] else: args = "None" ruuta = " " text = " " markup = " " m = await message.reply_text("Wait-a-min....(^_-)") if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed!\n🤐 The provided video is {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = get_file_name(audio) text += "**Playin[...](**" markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text = "🦄", callback_data = "na")]]) await m.edit("Processing...") ruuta += "Tg file..., name unknown" file_path = await converter.convert( (await if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name ) elif url: results = [] count = 0 while len(results) == 0 and count < 6: if count>0: time.sleep(1) results = YoutubeSearch(url, max_results=1).to_dict() count += 1 markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text = "Go To Video", url = url)]]) title = results[0]["title"] thumb =results[0]["thumbnails"][0] await m.edit("Processing...just-a-sec...") try: thumb.pop() tum = " ".join(thumb) except AttributeError: tum = thumb text += f"\n**{title}[..]({tum})**" ruuta += title duration = results[0]["duration"] text += f"\n**Duration: {str(duration)}**" channel = results[0]["channel"] text += f"\n**Artist: {channel}**" file_path = await converter.convert( elif not args == "None": results = [] count = 0 while len(results) == 0 and count < 6: if count>0: time.sleep(1) results = YoutubeSearch(args, max_results=1).to_dict() count += 1 vidId = results[0]['id'] link = "" + vidId await m.edit("Downloading...") file_path = await converter.convert( markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[(InlineKeyboardButton(text = "Go to video", url = link))]]) title = results[0]["title"] thumb =results[0]["thumbnails"][0] try: thumb.pop() tum = " ".join(thumb) except AttributeError: tum = thumb text += f"\n**{title}[..]({tum})**" ruuta += title duration = results[0]["duration"] text += f"\n**Duration: {str(duration)}**" await m.edit("Processing...just-a-sec..") channel = results[0]["channel"] text += f"\n**Artist: {channel}**" else: await m.delete() markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[(InlineKeyboardButton("Search And Play ", switch_inline_query_current_chat = ""))]]) await message.reply_text(f"You did not give me anything to play!", reply_markup = markup) return if in callsmusic.pytgcalls.active_calls: global quu quu[].append(ruuta) text += f"**\nQueued at position #{await callsmusic.queues.put(, file_path=file_path)} !**" await m.delete() await message.reply_text(text, parse_mode = "md", reply_markup = markup) else: callsmusic.pytgcalls.join_group_call(, file_path) await m.delete() quu[] = [ruuta] await message.reply_text(text, reply_markup = markup, parse_mode = "md")