def plot(self, filename, panel_list, ancestries_df):
        dataset_label, _ = self._unique_dataset_and_K_check(ancestries_df)
        dataset = Dataset(dataset_label)
        population_order = Dataset.used_populations()

        rows, cols = 1, len(panel_list)
        width, height = self.PLOT_SIZE
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cols * width, rows * height), dpi=30)
        fig.set_size_inches((cols*width), (rows*height))
        ax_ids = (np.arange(rows * cols) + 1).tolist()[::-1]

        # One subplot per panel
        for panel in panel_list:
            df_lite = ancestries_df.xs(panel.label, level="panel")
            df_lite = df_lite.reset_index(drop=True).set_index("population")
            plot_title = "Dataset: {}\n{}".format(,

            ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, ax_ids.pop())
            fig, tax = ternary.figure(scale=1, ax=ax)

            df_lite = df_lite.loc[population_order]
            df_lite = df_lite[["EUR", "AFR", "AMR"]].dropna()
            df_grouped = df_lite.groupby(level="population", sort=False)

            for population, df_pop_group in df_grouped:
                    df_pop_group.values, label=population, s=45,
                    alpha=0.75, color=population_colors(population),

            self._ternary_plot_aesthetics(tax, plot_title, df_lite)

        makedirs(self.PLOTS_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        plt.savefig(join(self.PLOTS_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def draw_ax(self, ax, components_to_compare, components_df,
                explained_variance, reference_population, title):

        ylabel_prefix = ""
        xlabel_prefix = ""

        for pop_code, components in components_df.groupby(level="population"):
            marker = plot_helpers.population_markers(pop_code)
            color = plot_helpers.population_colors(pop_code)
            filled_markers = ['o', '.', 'D', 's', '^', '<', '>', '*']
            lw = 0 if marker in filled_markers else 1  # linewidth
            z = 1 if marker == 'o' else 0
            # ^ americans are 'o' and appear on top

            x = components[components_to_compare[0]]
            y = components[components_to_compare[1]]
            ax.scatter(x, y, lw=lw, label=pop_code, marker=marker,
                       c=color, zorder=z, s=30, alpha=0.65)

            # Define inversion of axis to align components across plots
            # Keep the reference population in the upper left
            if pop_code == reference_population:
                xaxis_mean = np.mean(ax.get_xlim())
                yaxis_mean = np.mean(ax.get_ylim())

                # The median determines where most the scatter cloud is
                reference_in_the_left = np.median(x) < xaxis_mean
                reference_in_the_top = np.median(y) > yaxis_mean

                if not reference_in_the_left:
                    xlabel_prefix = "–"
                if not reference_in_the_top:
                    ylabel_prefix = "–"

        xcomponent, ycomponent = components_to_compare
        xvariance = explained_variance.ix[xcomponent]
        xlabel = "{}{}: {}%".format(xlabel_prefix, xcomponent, xvariance)

        yvariance = explained_variance.ix[ycomponent]
        ylabel = "{}{}: {}%".format(ylabel_prefix, ycomponent, yvariance)

        if title:
            ax.set_title(title, fontweight="bold")


        return ax