Exemplo n.º 1
def wordcloud():
    Handles the functionality on the visualisation page -- a prototype for displaying
    single word cloud graphs.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if 'cloudoption' not in session:
        session['cloudoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_CLOUD_OPTIONS

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        # there is no wordcloud option so we don't initialize that

        return render_template('wordcloud.html', labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # "POST" request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Dendrogram', 'Download...')
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        JSONObj = utility.generateJSONForD3(fileManager, mergedSet=True)

        # Create a list of column values for the word count table
        from operator import itemgetter

        terms = sorted(JSONObj["children"], key=itemgetter('size'), reverse=True)
        columnValues = []
        for term in terms:
            rows = [term["name"], term["size"]]

        return render_template('wordcloud.html', labels=labels, JSONObj=JSONObj, columnValues=columnValues)
Exemplo n.º 2
def csvgenerator():
    Handles the functionality on the csvgenerator page. It analyzes the texts to produce
    and send various frequency matrices.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        if 'csvoptions' not in session:
            session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('csvgenerator.html', labels=labels)

    if 'get-csv' in request.form:
        #The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on csvgenerator.html.

        savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateCSV()

        return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def multicloud():
    Handles the functionality on the multicloud pages.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if 'cloudoption' not in session:
        session['cloudoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_CLOUD_OPTIONS
    if 'multicloudoptions' not in session:
        session['multicloudoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_MULTICLOUD_OPTIONS

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded.

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        return render_template('multicloud.html', jsonStr="", labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        JSONObj = utility.generateMCJSONObj(fileManager)

        return render_template('multicloud.html', JSONObj=JSONObj, labels=labels, loading='loading')
Exemplo n.º 4
def hierarchy():
    Handles the functionality on the hierarchy page. It analyzes the various texts and
    displays a dendrogram.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        # if 'dendrogramoptions' not in session: # Default settings
        #     session['dendrogramoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_DENDRO_OPTIONS

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels)

    if 'dendro_download' in request.form:
        # The 'Download Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html.
        # sends pdf file to downloads folder.
        attachmentname = "den_"+request.form['title']+".pdf" if request.form['title'] != '' else 'dendrogram.pdf'
        return send_file(pathjoin(session_functions.session_folder(),constants.RESULTS_FOLDER+"dendrogram.pdf"), attachment_filename=attachmentname, as_attachment=True)

    if 'refreshThreshold' in request.form:
        pdfPageNumber, score, inconsistentMax, maxclustMax, distanceMax, distanceMin, monocritMax, monocritMin, threshold = fileManager.generateDendrogram()
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, inconsistentMax=inconsistentMax, maxclustMax=maxclustMax, distanceMax=distanceMax, distanceMin=distanceMin, monocritMax=monocritMax, monocritMin=monocritMin, threshold=threshold)

    if 'getdendro' in request.form:
        #The 'Get Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html.
        pdfPageNumber, score, inconsistentMax, maxclustMax, distanceMax, distanceMin, monocritMax, monocritMin, threshold = fileManager.generateDendrogram()
        session['dengenerated'] = True
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, pdfPageNumber=pdfPageNumber, score=score, inconsistentMax=inconsistentMax, maxclustMax=maxclustMax, distanceMax=distanceMax, distanceMin=distanceMin, monocritMax=monocritMax, monocritMin=monocritMin, threshold=threshold)
Exemplo n.º 5
def multicloud():
    Handles the functionality on the multicloud pages.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if 'multicloudoptions' not in session:
        session['multicloudoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_MC_OPTIONS

    folderPath = pathjoin(session_functions.session_folder(), constants.RESULTS_FOLDER)
    if (not os.path.isdir(folderPath)):
    malletPath = pathjoin(folderPath, "topicFile")

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded.

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        return render_template('multicloud.html', jsonStr="", labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()        

        JSONObj = fileManager.generateMCJSONObj(malletPath)

        return render_template('multicloud.html', JSONObj = JSONObj, labels=labels, loading='loading')
Exemplo n.º 6
def statistics():
    Handles the functionality on the Statistics page ...
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        # if len(labels) >= 1:
            #FileInfoDict, corpusInfoDict = fileManager.generateStatistics()

            # return render_template('statistics.html', labels=labels, FileInfoDict=FileInfoDict,
            #                        corpusInfoDict=corpusInfoDict)

        if 'analyoption' not in session:
            session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS

        return render_template('statistics.html', labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        normalize = request.form['normalizeType']
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        if len(labels) >= 1:
            FileInfoDict, corpusInfoDict= utility.generateStatistics(fileManager)
            return render_template('statistics.html', labels=labels, FileInfoDict=FileInfoDict,
                                   corpusInfoDict=corpusInfoDict, normalize=normalize)
Exemplo n.º 7
def cut():
    Handles the functionality of the cut page. It cuts the files into various segments
    depending on the specifications chosen by the user, and sends the text segments.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if request.method == "GET":

        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        if 'cuttingoptions' not in session:
            session['cuttingoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CUT_OPTIONS

        previews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive()

        return render_template('cut.html', previews=previews, num_active_files=len(previews))

    if 'preview' in request.form or 'apply' in request.form:

        # The 'Preview Cuts' or 'Apply Cuts' button is clicked on cut.html.

        savingChanges = True if 'apply' in request.form else False  # Saving changes only if apply in request form
        previews = fileManager.cutFiles(savingChanges=savingChanges)

        if savingChanges:
        return render_template('cut.html', previews=previews, num_active_files=len(previews))

    if 'downloadchunks' in request.form:
        # The 'Download Segmented Files' button is clicked on cut.html
        # sends zipped files to downloads folder
        return fileManager.zipActiveFiles('cut_files.zip')
Exemplo n.º 8
def kmeans():
    Handles the functionality on the kmeans page. It analyzes the various texts and
    displays the class label of the files.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
    defaultK = int(len(labels)/2)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded

        session['kmeansdatagenerated'] = False

        return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore='', kmeansIndex=[], fileNameStr='', fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=0, defaultK=defaultK)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        session['kmeansdatagenerated'] = True

        kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue = fileManager.generateKMeans()

        return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore, kmeansIndex=kmeansIndex, fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK)
Exemplo n.º 9
def similarity():
    Handles the similarity query page functionality. Returns ranked list of files and their cosine similarities to a comparison document.  

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
    if 'uploadname' not in session:
        session['similarities'] = constants.DEFAULT_MC_OPTIONS

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded

        similaritiesgenerated = False

        return render_template('similarity.html', labels=labels, docsListScore="", docsListName="", similaritiesgenerated=similaritiesgenerated)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        compFile = request.form['uploadname']

        docsListScore, docsListName = fileManager.generateSimilarities(compFile)

        similaritiesgenerated = True

        return render_template('similarity.html', labels=labels, docsListScore=docsListScore, docsListName=docsListName, similaritiesgenerated=similaritiesgenerated)
Exemplo n.º 10
def viz():
    Handles the functionality on the alternate bubbleViz page with performance improvements.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if 'cloudoption' not in session:
        session['cloudoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_CLOUD_OPTIONS
    if 'bubblevisoption' not in session:
        session['bubblevisoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_BUBBLEVIZ_OPTIONS

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        return render_template('viz.html', JSONObj="", labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # "POST" request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Dendrogram', 'Download...')
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        JSONObj = utility.generateJSONForD3(fileManager, mergedSet=True)

        return render_template('viz.html', JSONObj=JSONObj, labels=labels, loading='loading')
Exemplo n.º 11
def downloadworkspace():
    Downloads workspace that stores all the session contents, which can be uploaded and restore all the workspace.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    path = fileManager.zipWorkSpace()

    return send_file(path, attachment_filename=constants.WORKSPACE_FILENAME, as_attachment=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
def rollingwindow():
    Handles the functionality on the rollingwindow page. It analyzes the various
    texts using a rolling window of analysis.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if 'rwoption' not in session:
        session['rwoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ROLLINGWINDOW_OPTIONS

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        rwadatagenerated = False
        # default legendlabels
        legendLabels = [""]

        return render_template('rwanalysis.html', labels=labels, legendLabels=legendLabels,

    if request.method == "POST":
        # "POST" request occurs when user hits submit (Get Graph) button
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        dataPoints, dataList, graphTitle, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, legendLabels = utility.generateRWA(fileManager)
        rwadatagenerated = True
        session['rwadatagenerated'] = rwadatagenerated

        if 'get-RW-plot' in request.form:
            # The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on rollingwindow.html.

            savePath, fileExtension = utility.generateRWmatrixPlot(dataPoints, legendLabels)

            return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="rollingwindow_matrix" + fileExtension, as_attachment=True)

        if 'get-RW-data' in request.form:
            # The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on rollingwindow.html.

            savePath, fileExtension = utility.generateRWmatrix(dataList)

            return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="rollingwindow_matrix" + fileExtension, as_attachment=True)

        if session['rwoption']['filetorollinganalyze'] == '':
            session['rwoption']['filetorollinganalyze'] = unicode(labels.items()[0][0])

        return render_template('rwanalysis.html', labels=labels,
Exemplo n.º 13
def upload():
    Handles the functionality of the upload page. It uploads files to be used
    in the current session.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template('upload.html', MAX_FILE_SIZE=constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE,

    if 'X_FILENAME' in request.headers:  # X_FILENAME is the flag to signify a file upload
        # File upload through javascript
        fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

        # --- check file name ---
        fileName = request.headers[
            'X_FILENAME']  # Grab the filename, which will be UTF-8 percent-encoded (e.g. '%E7' instead of python's '\xe7')
        if isinstance(fileName, unicode):  # If the filename comes through as unicode
            fileName = fileName.encode('ascii')  # Convert to an ascii string
        fileName = unquote(fileName).decode(
            'utf-8')  # Unquote using urllib's percent-encoding decoder (turns '%E7' into '\xe7'), then deocde it
        # --- end check file name ---

        if fileName.endswith('.lexos'):

            # update filemanager
            fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

            fileManager.addUploadFile(request.data, fileName)

        return 'success'
Exemplo n.º 14
def kmeans():
    Handles the functionality on the kmeans page. It analyzes the various texts and
    displays the class label of the files.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
    defaultK = int(len(labels) / 2)
    if 'analyoption' not in session:
        session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS
    if 'kmeanoption' not in session:
        session['kmeanoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_KMEAN_OPTIONS

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded
        return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore='', kmeansIndex=[], fileNameStr='',
                               fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=0, defaultK=defaultK,
                               colorChartStr='', kmeansdatagenerated=False)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        if request.form['viz'] == 'PCA':
            kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue, colorChartStr = utility.generateKMeansPCA(fileManager)

            return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore,
                                   fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK,
                                   colorChartStr=colorChartStr, kmeansdatagenerated=True)

        elif request.form['viz'] == 'Voronoi':

            kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue, colorChartStr, finalPointsList, finalCentroidsList, textData, maxVal = utility.generateKMeansVoronoi(fileManager)

            return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore,
                                   kmeansIndex=kmeansIndex, fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels),
                                   KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK, colorChartStr=colorChartStr,
                                   finalPointsList=finalPointsList, finalCentroidsList=finalCentroidsList,
                                   textData=textData, maxVal=maxVal, kmeansdatagenerated=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
def rollingwindow():
    Handles the functionality on the rollingwindow page. It analyzes the various
    texts using a rolling window of analysis.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        #"GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        session['rwadatagenerated'] = False

        #default legendlabels
        legendLabels = [""]

        return render_template('rwanalysis.html', labels=labels, legendLabels=legendLabels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        #"POST" request occurs when user hits submit (Get Graph) button
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        dataPoints, dataList, graphTitle, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, legendLabels = fileManager.generateRWA()
        session['rwadatagenerated'] = True

        if 'get-RW-plot' in request.form:
            #The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on csvgenerator.html.

            savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateRWmatrixPlot(dataPoints, legendLabels)

            return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="rollingwindow_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)

        if 'get-RW-data' in request.form:
            #The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on csvgenerator.html.

            savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateRWmatrix(dataList)

            return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="rollingwindow_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)

        return render_template('rwanalysis.html',   labels=labels, 
Exemplo n.º 16
def select():
    Handles the functionality of the select page. Its primary role is to activate/deactivate
    specific files depending on the user's input.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() # Usual loading of the FileManager

    if request.method == "GET":

        activePreviews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive()
        inactivePreviews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfInactive()

        return render_template('select.html', activeFiles=activePreviews, inactiveFiles=inactivePreviews)

    if 'toggleFile' in request.headers:
        # Catch-all for any POST request.
        # On the select page, POSTs come from JavaScript AJAX XHRequests.
        fileID = int(request.data)

        fileManager.toggleFile(fileID) # Toggle the file from active to inactive or vice versa

    elif 'setLabel' in request.headers:
        newLabel = (request.headers['setLabel']).decode('utf-8')
        fileID = int(request.data)

        fileManager.files[fileID].label = newLabel

    elif 'disableAll' in request.headers:

    elif 'selectAll' in request.headers:

    elif 'applyClassLabel' in request.headers:

    elif 'deleteActive' in request.headers:

    return '' # Return an empty string because you have to return something
Exemplo n.º 17
def clustering():
    Menu page for clustering. Let's you select either hierarchical or kmeans clustering page.

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded

        return render_template('clustering.html', labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')

        return render_template('clustering.html', labels=labels)
Exemplo n.º 18
def tokenizer():
    Handles the functionality on the tokenize page. It analyzes the texts to produce
    and send various frequency matrices.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        if 'csvoptions' not in session:
            session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels)

    if 'gen-csv' in request.form:
        #The 'Generate and Visualize Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html.
        DocTermSparseMatrix, countMatrix = fileManager.generateCSVMatrix(roundDecimal=True)
        countMatrix = zip(*countMatrix)

        dtm = []
        for row in xrange(1,len(countMatrix)):
        matrixTitle = list(countMatrix[0])
        matrixTitle[0] = "Token"
        matrixTitle[0] = matrixTitle[0].encode("utf-8")

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixData=dtm, matrixTitle=matrixTitle, matrixExist=True)

    if 'get-csv' in request.form:
        #The 'Download Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html.
        savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateCSV()

        return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
Exemplo n.º 19
def viz():
    Handles the functionality on the alternate bubbleViz page with performance improvements.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('viz.html', JSONObj="", labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # "POST" request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Dendrogram', 'Download...')
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        JSONObj = fileManager.generateJSONForD3(mergedSet=True)

        return render_template('viz.html', JSONObj=JSONObj, labels=labels, loading='loading')
Exemplo n.º 20
def topword():
    Handles the topword page functionality. Returns ranked list of topwords

    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
    if 'uploadname' not in session:
        session['topword'] = constants.DEFAULT_MC_OPTIONS

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded
        return render_template('topword.html', labels=labels, docsListScore="", docsListName="", topwordsgenerated=False)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')
        inputFiles = request.form['chunkgroups']
        docsListScore, docsListName = fileManager.generateSimilarities(inputFiles)

        return render_template('topword.html', labels=labels, docsListScore=docsListScore, docsListName=docsListName, topwordsgenerated=True)
Exemplo n.º 21
def upload():
    Handles the functionality of the upload page. It uploads files to be used
    in the current session.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template('upload.html')

    if 'X_FILENAME' in request.headers: # X_FILENAME is the flag to signify a file upload
        # File upload through javascript
        fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

        fileName = request.headers['X_FILENAME'] # Grab the filename, which will be UTF-8 percent-encoded (e.g. '%E7' instead of python's '\xe7')
        if isinstance(fileName, unicode): # If the filename comes through as unicode
            fileName = fileName.encode('ascii') # Convert to an ascii string

        fileName = unquote(fileName).decode('utf-8') # Unquote using urllib's percent-encoding decoder (turns '%E7' into '\xe7'), then deocde it

        # detect (and apply) the encoding type of the file's contents
        # since chardet runs slow, initially detect (only) first 500 chars; 
        # if that fails, chardet entire file for a fuller test
            encodingDetect = chardet.detect(request.data[:500]) # Detect the encoding from the first 500 characters
            encodingType   = encodingDetect['encoding']
            fileString = request.data.decode(encodingType) # Grab the file contents, which were encoded/decoded automatically into python's format
            encodingDetect = chardet.detect(request.data) # :( ... ok, detect the encoding from entire file
            encodingType   = encodingDetect['encoding']
            fileString = request.data.decode(encodingType) # Grab the file contents, which were encoded/decoded automatically into python's format

        fileManager.addFile(fileName, fileString) # Add the file to the FileManager


        return 'success'
Exemplo n.º 22
def scrub():
    Handles the functionality of the scrub page. It scrubs the files depending on the
    specifications chosen by the user, with an option to download the scrubbed files.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        if 'scrubbingoptions' not in session:
            session['scrubbingoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_SCRUB_OPTIONS

        previews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive()
        tagsPresent, DOEPresent = fileManager.checkActivesTags()

        return render_template('scrub.html', previews=previews, haveTags=tagsPresent, haveDOE=DOEPresent)

    if 'preview' in request.form or 'apply' in request.form:
        #The 'Preview Scrubbing' or 'Apply Scrubbing' button is clicked on scrub.html.

        # saves changes only if 'Apply Scrubbing' button is clicked
        savingChanges = True if 'apply' in request.form else False

        previews = fileManager.scrubFiles(savingChanges=savingChanges)
        tagsPresent, DOEPresent = fileManager.checkActivesTags()

        if savingChanges:

        return render_template('scrub.html', previews=previews, haveTags=tagsPresent, haveDOE=DOEPresent)

    if 'download' in request.form:
        # The 'Download Scrubbed Files' button is clicked on scrub.html.
        # sends zipped files to downloads folder.
        return fileManager.zipActiveFiles('scrubbed.zip')
Exemplo n.º 23
def wordcloud():
    Handles the functionality on the visualisation page -- a prototype for displaying
    single word cloud graphs.

    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
    to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        return render_template('wordcloud.html', labels=labels)

    if request.method == "POST":
        # "POST" request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Dendrogram', 'Download...')
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        JSONObj = fileManager.generateJSONForD3(mergedSet=True)

        return render_template('wordcloud.html', labels=labels, JSONObj=JSONObj)
Exemplo n.º 24
def tokenizer():
    Handles the functionality on the tokenizer page. It analyzes the texts to produce
    and send various frequency matrices.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    if 'analyoption' not in session:
        session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS
    if 'csvoptions' not in session:
        session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixExist=False)

    if 'gen-csv' in request.form:
        # The 'Generate and Visualize Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html.
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        matrixTitle, tableStr = utility.generateTokenizeResults(fileManager)

        return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixTitle=matrixTitle,
                               tableStr=tableStr, matrixExist=True)

    if 'get-csv' in request.form:
        # The 'Download Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html.
        savePath, fileExtension = utility.generateCSV(fileManager)

        return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix" + fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
Exemplo n.º 25
def hierarchy():
    Handles the functionality on the hierarchy page. It analyzes the various texts and
    displays a dendrogram.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    leq = '≤'.decode('utf-8')
    if 'analyoption' not in session:
        session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS
    if 'hierarchyoption' not in session:
        session['hierarchyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_HIERARCHICAL_OPTIONS

    if request.method == "GET":
        # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded.

        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
        thresholdOps = {}
        return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, thresholdOps=thresholdOps)

    if 'dendro_download' in request.form:
        # The 'Download Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html.
        # sends pdf file to downloads folder.
        attachmentname = "den_" + request.form['title'] + ".pdf" if request.form['title'] != '' else 'dendrogram.pdf'
        return send_file(pathjoin(session_functions.session_folder(), constants.RESULTS_FOLDER + "dendrogram.pdf"),
                         attachment_filename=attachmentname, as_attachment=True)

    if 'dendroSVG_download' in request.form:
        attachmentname = "den_" + request.form['title'] + ".svg" if request.form['title'] != '' else 'dendrogram.svg'
        return send_file(pathjoin(session_functions.session_folder(), constants.RESULTS_FOLDER + "dendrogram.svg"),
                         attachment_filename=attachmentname, as_attachment=True)

    if 'getdendro' in request.form:
        # The 'Get Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html.

        pdfPageNumber, score, inconsistentMax, maxclustMax, distanceMax, distanceMin, monocritMax, monocritMin, threshold = utility.generateDendrogram(fileManager)
        session['dengenerated'] = True
        labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()

        inconsistentOp = "0 " + leq + " t " + leq + " " + str(inconsistentMax)
        maxclustOp = "2 " + leq + " t " + leq + " " + str(maxclustMax)
        distanceOp = str(distanceMin) + " " + leq + " t " + leq + " " + str(distanceMax)
        monocritOp = str(monocritMin) + " " + leq + " t " + leq + " " + str(monocritMax)

        thresholdOps = {"inconsistent": inconsistentOp, "maxclust": maxclustOp, "distance": distanceOp,
                        "monocrit": monocritOp}

        return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, pdfPageNumber=pdfPageNumber, score=score,
                               inconsistentMax=inconsistentMax, maxclustMax=maxclustMax, distanceMax=distanceMax,
                               distanceMin=distanceMin, monocritMax=monocritMax, monocritMin=monocritMin,
                               threshold=threshold, thresholdOps=thresholdOps)
Exemplo n.º 26
def topword():
    Handles the topword page functionality.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()
    labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels()
    if 'topwordoption' not in session:
        session['topwordoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_TOPWORD_OPTIONS
    if 'analyoption' not in session:
        session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded

        # get the class label and eliminate the id (this is not the unique id in filemanager)
        ClassdivisionMap = fileManager.getClassDivisionMap()[1:]

        # if there is no file active (ClassdivisionMap == []) just jump to the page
            # notice python eval from right to left
        # if there is only one chunk then make the default test prop-z for all
        if ClassdivisionMap != [] and len(ClassdivisionMap[0]) == 1:
            session['topwordoption']['testMethodType'] = 'pz'
            session['topwordoption']['testInput'] = 'useAll'

        return render_template('topword2.html', labels=labels, classmap=ClassdivisionMap, topwordsgenerated='class_div')

    if request.method == "POST":
        # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...')
        if request.form['testMethodType'] == 'pz':
            if request.form['testInput'] == 'useclass':

                result = utility.GenerateZTestTopWord(fileManager)

                # only give the user a preview of the topWord
                for key in result.keys():
                    if len(result[key]) > 20:
                        result.update({key: result[key][:20]})

                return render_template('topword2.html', result=result, labels=labels, topwordsgenerated='pz_class')
                result = utility.GenerateZTestTopWord(fileManager)
                print result[0]

                # only give the user a preview of the topWord
                for i in range(len(result)):
                    if len(result[i][1]) > 20:
                        result[i][1] = result[i][1][:20]
                print result[1]

                return render_template('topword2.html', result=result, labels=labels, topwordsgenerated='pz_all')
            result = utility.generateKWTopwords(fileManager)
            print result

            # only give the user a preview of the topWord
            if len(result) > 50:
                result = result[:50]

            return render_template('topword2.html', result=result, labels=labels, topwordsgenerated='KW')
Exemplo n.º 27
def select():
    Handles the functionality of the select page. Its primary role is to activate/deactivate
    specific files depending on the user's input.
    Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually
          to the browser.
    fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager()  # Usual loading of the FileManager

    if request.method == "GET":

        rows = fileManager.getPreviewsOfAll()
        for row in rows:
            if row["state"] == True:
                row["state"] = "DTTT_selected selected"
                row["state"] = ""

        return render_template('select.html', rows=rows)

    if 'previewTest' in request.headers:
        fileID = int(request.data)
        fileLabel = fileManager.files[fileID].label
        filePreview = fileManager.files[fileID].getPreview()
        previewVals = {"id": fileID, "label": fileLabel, "previewText": filePreview}
        import json

        return json.dumps(previewVals)

    if 'toggleFile' in request.headers:
        # Catch-all for any POST request.
        # On the select page, POSTs come from JavaScript AJAX XHRequests.
        fileID = int(request.data)

        fileManager.toggleFile(fileID)  # Toggle the file from active to inactive or vice versa

    elif 'setLabel' in request.headers:
        newName = (request.headers['setLabel']).decode('utf-8')
        fileID = int(request.data)

        fileManager.files[fileID].label = newName

    elif 'setClass' in request.headers:
        newClassLabel = (request.headers['setClass']).decode('utf-8')
        fileID = int(request.data)

    elif 'disableAll' in request.headers:

    elif 'selectAll' in request.headers:

    elif 'applyClassLabel' in request.headers:

    elif 'deleteActive' in request.headers:

    elif 'deleteRow' in request.headers:
        fileManager.deleteFiles(request.form.keys())  # delete the file in request.form

    return ''  # Return an empty string because you have to return something