Exemplo n.º 1
def NRM_dir_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the NRM direction statistics, DANG, free floating direction and NRMdev.

    input: Mdec_free,Minc_free, x, y, z, Yint
    output: DANG, NRMdev, dir_vec_free

    # input:    directional_statistics/ mean_dir_stat[Mdec_free,Minc_free, x, y, z]
    #           arai_statistics/        intercept_stats[Yint]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ NRM_dir_stat[DANG, NRMdev, dir_vec_free]
    x = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["x"]
    y = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["y"]
    z = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["z"]
    Mdec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_free"]
    Minc_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_free"]
    Yint = sc["arai_statistics"]["intercept_stats"]["Yint"]

    mean_x = sum(x) / len(x)
    mean_y = sum(y) / len(y)
    mean_z = sum(z) / len(z)

    center_of_mass = [mean_x, mean_y, mean_z]

    # calculate DANG & NRMdev
    dir_vec_free = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_free, Minc_free, 1)

    DANG = helpers.get_angle_diff(dir_vec_free, center_of_mass)

    NRMdev = ((math.sin(math.radians(DANG)) * helpers.norm(center_of_mass)) / abs(Yint)) * 100

    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["dir_vec_free"] = dir_vec_free
    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["DANG"] = DANG
    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["NRMdev"] = NRMdev
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 2
def best_fit_lines_Zijderveld(sc):
    Function to calculate the direction of the Best - Fit lines for the Zijderveld, use the Free floating direction

    input: Free-floating direction (Mdec_free, Minc_free) and the center-of-mass vector (CMvec) to calculate the size of the plot
    output: The (x,y) coordinates for the horizontal (line_H_) and vertical (line_V_) lines for the Zijderveld diagram, for the two options, Up-North (UpN) or Up-West (UpW)
    # input:    directional_statistics/ mean_dir_stat[CMvec, Mdec_free, Minc_free ]
    # output:   best_fit_lines/         best_fit_lines_Zijderveld[line_H_UpN, line_V_UpN, line_H_UpW, line_V_UpW]

    CMvec = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["CMvec"]
    Mdec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_free"]
    Minc_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_free"]

    # first find in which order of magnitude the point for the lines should be, they should be outside the area of the zijderveld plot
    # find the maximum absolute value for the center of mass and take an order of magnitude bigger to be sure to outside of the plot
    Abs_CMvec = []
    for i in range(len(CMvec)):

    M = max(Abs_CMvec) * 10

    # get the direction vector with the correct magnitude M
    Dvec = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_free, Minc_free, M)

    # Center of mass - Direction vector is the first point
    P1 = helpers.list_min_list(CMvec, Dvec)

    # Center of mass + Direction vector is the second point
    P2 = helpers.list_plus_list(CMvec, Dvec)

    # North Up
    line_H_UpN = [[P1[1], P1[0]], [P2[1], P2[0]]]
    line_V_UpN = [[P1[1], -1 * P1[2]], [P2[1], -1 * P2[2]]]

    # West Up
    line_H_UpW = [[P1[0], -1 * P1[1]], [P2[0], -1 * P2[1]]]
    line_V_UpW = [[P1[0], -1 * P1[2]], [P2[0], -1 * P2[2]]]

        "line_H_UpN"] = line_H_UpN
        "line_V_UpN"] = line_V_UpN

        "line_H_UpW"] = line_H_UpW
        "line_V_UpW"] = line_V_UpW
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 3
def alpha_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the alpha statistic, the angular difference between the anchored and free-floating best-fit directions

    input: free floating direction vector (dir_vec_free), and the anchored direction (Mdec_anc, Minc_anc)
    output: alpha

    # input:    directional_statistics/ mean_dir_stat[Mdec_anc, Minc_anc]
    #                                   NRM_dir_stat[dir_vec_free]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ alpha_stat[alpha]
    Mdec_anc = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_anc"]
    Minc_anc = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_anc"]
    dir_vec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["dir_vec_free"]

    dir_vec_anc = []
    dir_vec_anc = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_anc, Minc_anc, 1)

    alpha = helpers.get_angle_diff(dir_vec_free, dir_vec_anc)

    sc["directional_statistics"]["alpha_stat"]["alpha"] = alpha
    return sc
def field_basics_pTh(sc):
    Function to write the field basics to the suitcase for pseudo-Thellier. Only difference here w.r.t. the field_basics function above is that the "infield_steps" are now the ARM_aqc_steps for the NAA format, for pTh-GF (generic format) this is still the infieldstep. The lab field strength (Blab), and the direction of the labfield as provided by the user in the input (field_dir_vec_initial). The labfield direction is chcked with the direction of the last ptrm_step to check if the field_dir_vec_initial is correct or if it should be anti-parallel to that.

    input: the ptrm_gained_vec from the basisc, the infield_steps and the ARM_acq_steps from the measurements
    output: the field basics: Blab, field_dir_vec_initial, field_dir_vec

    # input:  preprocessed/     msrmnts      [infield_steps, ARM_acq_steps]
    #                           basics       [ptrm_gained_vec]
    # output: preprocessed/     field_basics [Blab, field_dir_vec_initial, field_dir_vec]

    infield_steps = sc["preprocessed"]["msrmnts"]["infield_steps"]
    ARM_acq_steps = sc["preprocessed"]["msrmnts"]["ARM_acq_steps"]
    ptrm_gained_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["ptrm_gained_vec"]

    # make extra if statement
    if len(infield_steps) == 0:
        infield_steps = ARM_acq_steps

    # get lab field strength and direction of applied labfield
    Blab = infield_steps[0]["lab_field"]
    field_dir_vec_initial = helpers.dir2cart(infield_steps[0]["lab_field_dec"],

    # check the field_dir_vec_initial, in an experiment the specimen could have been rotated so that field dir vec should be negative
    # check this by comparing the direction of the ptrm with field_dir_vec_initial
    vecl = ptrm_gained_vec[len(ptrm_gained_vec) - 1]  # last ptrm gained step
    vecl_abs = []  # make this vector absolute
    for i in range(len(vecl)):

    # check field direction, and make it positive or negative is necessary, only works for fields applied along principal axis
    if field_dir_vec_initial[2] == 1 or field_dir_vec_initial[2] == -1:
        if field_dir_vec_initial[0] == 0 and field_dir_vec_initial[1] == 0:
            # then you have [0,0,1] or [0,0,-1]
            if (max(vecl) - max(vecl_abs)) < 0:
                field_dir_vec = [0, 0, -1]
                field_dir_vec = [0, 0, 1]
        else:  # [x,x,1] en x != 0
            field_dir_vec = field_dir_vec_initial
    elif field_dir_vec_initial[1] == 1 or field_dir_vec_initial[1] == -1:
        if field_dir_vec_initial[0] == 0 and field_dir_vec_initial[2] == 0:
            # then you have [0,1,0] or [0,-1,0]
            if (max(vecl) - max(vecl_abs)) < 0:
                field_dir_vec = [0, -1, 0]
                field_dir_vec = [0, 1, 0]
        else:  # [x,1,x] en x != 0
            field_dir_vec = field_dir_vec_initial
    elif field_dir_vec_initial[0] == 1 or field_dir_vec_initial[0] == -1:
        if field_dir_vec_initial[1] == 0 and field_dir_vec_initial[2] == 0:
            # then you have [1,0,0] or [-1,0,0]
            if (max(vecl) - max(vecl_abs)) < 0:
                field_dir_vec = [-1, 0, 0]
                field_dir_vec = [1, 0, 0]
        else:  # [1,x,x] with x != 0
            field_dir_vec = field_dir_vec_initial
    else:  # All other field directions that are not principal axis
        field_dir_vec = field_dir_vec_initial

    sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["Blab"] = Blab
        "field_dir_vec_initial"] = field_dir_vec_initial
    sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["field_dir_vec"] = field_dir_vec
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 5
def anisotropy_calc(sc):
    Function that calculates the paleointensity correction factor when anisotropy data is available. It uses the previously calculated s-tensor. First the direction of the NRM for the selected part of the Arai plot is determined to give Mhat_ChRM. Which is used to get the anisotropy correction c. The anisotropy correction in multiplied with Banc to get Banc_aniso_corr.

    input: s-tensor, the direction of the applied labfield, direction of the data selection, the original Banc
    output: the anisotropy correction anis_c, the anisotropy corrected paleointensity estimate Banc_aniso_corr

    # input:    preprocessed/               field_basics            [field_dir_vec]
    #                                       s_tensor                [s1_list, s2_list, s3_list, s4_list, s5_list, s6_list, scheck_list]
    #           arai_statistics/            PI_Banc_est             [B_anc]
    #           directional_statistics/     mean_dir_stat           [Mdec_free, Minc_free]
    # output:   anisotropy_statistics/      Anisotropy_Correction   [anis_c, Banc_aniso_corr]

    Mdec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_free"]
    Minc_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_free"]

    field_dir_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["field_dir_vec"]
    B_anc = sc["arai_statistics"]["PI_Banc_est"]["B_anc"]

    Xp_list = sc["preprocessed"]["aniso_trm"]["x+"]
    s_tensor = sc["anisotropy_statistics"]["Aniso_tensor"]["s_tensor"]

    if Xp_list != None:  # then there is anisotropy data, do calculations, if no anisotropy data present do nothing

        anis_c = []

        # the direction of the NRM, should be determined from the selected Arai plot
        # this is the Mdec_free & Minc_free, the unit vecotr of this gives -> Mhat_ChRM

        # get mean unit vector
        Mhat_ChRM = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_free, Minc_free, 1)
        Blab_orient = field_dir_vec  # it was: helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_free, Minc_free, 1), that is wrong!! (13 feb 2020)

        s1 = s_tensor[0]
        s2 = s_tensor[1]
        s3 = s_tensor[2]
        s4 = s_tensor[3]
        s5 = s_tensor[4]
        s6 = s_tensor[5]

        A1 = [s1, s4, s6]
        A2 = [s4, s2, s5]
        A3 = [s6, s5, s3]

        A = [A1, A2, A3]

        # make A and Mhat_ChRM into a numpy arrays (1)
        A = numpy.array(A)
        Mhat_ChRM = numpy.array(Mhat_ChRM)

        # do numpy calculation (2)
        Hanc = numpy.linalg.solve(A, Mhat_ChRM)

        # back to python lists (3)
        A = A.tolist()
        Mhat_ChRM = Mhat_ChRM.tolist()
        Hanc = Hanc.tolist()

        # unit vector in the direction of the ancient field
        Hanc_hat = helpers.list_div_num(Hanc, helpers.norm(Hanc))

        Manc = []
        Mlab = []
        for i in range(len(A)):
            Manc.append(helpers.dot_product(A[i], Hanc_hat))
            Mlab.append(helpers.dot_product(A[i], field_dir_vec))

        aniso_c = helpers.norm(Mlab) / helpers.norm(Manc)

        Banc_aniso_corr = aniso_c * B_anc

            "aniso_c"] = aniso_c
            "Banc_aniso_corr"] = Banc_aniso_corr

    return (sc)