Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     Costruttore della classe Peer
     # Searching for shareable files
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk("shareable"):
         for file in files:
             file_md5 = helpers.hashfile(open("shareable/" + file, 'rb'), hashlib.md5())
             new_file = SharedFile(file, file_md5)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        running = 1
        while running:
            conn = self.client
            cmd = conn.recv(4)

            if cmd == "FIND":
                print "received command: " + str(cmd)
                sessionId = conn.recv(16)
                print "received sessionID: " + str(sessionId)
                term = conn.recv(20)
                print "received search term: " + str(term)

                #  Finta risposta dalla directory
                #  Number of different md5
                idmd5 = None

                response = 'AFIN' + str(2).zfill(3)

                for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./share"):
                    for file in files:
                        filemd5 = helpers.hashfile(open("./share/" + file, 'rb'), hashlib.md5())
                        filename = file.ljust(100)
                        copies = str(2).zfill(3)
                        response += filemd5
                        response += filename
                        response += copies  # 2 copie
                        response += '|0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001'
                        response += '03000'
                        response += '|fc00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008:0003'
                        response += '03000'


            elif cmd == "LOGI":
                msg = conn.recv(55)
                print "received command: " + str(cmd)
                print "received ipv4: " + msg[:4]
                print "received ipv6: " + msg[4:]
                print "received porta: "

                response = 'ALGI' + '1234567891234567'
                print response

            elif cmd == "GREG":
                response = 'ADRE' + '002'
                print response

            elif cmd == 'LOGO':
                print "received command: " + str(cmd)
                sessionid = conn.recv(16)
                print "peer: " + sessionid
                response = 'ALGO' + '003'
                print response

            elif cmd == 'ADDF':
                response = 'RADD' + '003'
                print response

            elif cmd == 'DELF':
                response = 'RDEL' + '003'
                print response

            elif cmd == 'RETR':
                fileRemoteMd5 = conn.recv(32)

                for root, dirs, files in os.walk("share"):
                    for file in files:
                        fileMd5 = helpers.hashfile(open("share/" + file, 'rb'), hashlib.md5())
                        if fileRemoteMd5 == fileMd5:
                            print "Nome file dal client: ", file
                            length = os.stat("share/" + file).st_size
                            print "Lunghezza file", length
                            numChunks = length / 1024 + 1

                            strChunks = str(numChunks).zfill(6)

                            msg = ''
                            with open("share/" + file, 'rb') as f:
                                l = f.read(1024)
                                while (l):
                                    lenChunk = len(str(l))
                                    strLenChunk = str(lenChunk).zfill(5)
                                    msg += strLenChunk
                                    msg += l
                                    l = f.read(1024)
            elif cmd == 'DREG':
                print response
                conn.send('ADRE' + str(5).zfill(5))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_board(name):
    /boards/ handler
    form = PostForm(request.form)

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        board_id, is_board_locked, max_threads = g.db.execute('''select id, locked, max_threads from boards where name = %s''', name).first()
        if is_board_locked:
            flash('Board is locked!')
            return redirect(url_for('get_board', name=name))
        # select how many threads there already are
        nr_threads = g.db.execute('''select count(*) from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = 0''', board_id).first()[0]
        # grab threads, oldest first
        # TODO: maybe spare sticked? revisit!
        thread_ids = g.db.execute('''select id from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = 0 order by stickied asc, bumped asc''', board_id)
        if nr_threads >= max_threads:
            # this should hopefully only always be one, but delete as many as necessary to adjust to max threads
            for i in range(nr_threads - max_threads):
                helpers.delete_thread(board_id, thread_ids[i])
        # TODO: ezt a részt lehetne egy külön metódusba átvinni
        file = request.files['file']
        file_id = None
        if file:
            # fájl mentése, validálás, new
            filename = ''
                filename = img.save(request.files['file'], name=str(int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())))+'.')
                imagefile = Image.open(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename))

                outimg = resize(imagefile, (150, 150))
                outimg.save(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'thumbs' , filename))
            except UploadNotAllowed:
                return 'NEM BAZMEG'

            ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):]
            # TODO: fix, hashing broken
            file_h = open(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename), 'r')
            filehash = helpers.hashfile(file_h)
            filesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename))
            g.db.execute('''insert into files (filename, extension, original_filename, size, md5, content_type) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', filename, ext, secure_filename(file.filename), filesize, filehash, file.content_type)
            file_id = g.db.execute('''select LAST_INSERT_ID()''').first()[0]

        # új poszt adatainak beillesztése
        actual_email = form.email.data
        if form.email.data == app.config['NOKO_STRING']: # or form.email.data == app.config['SAGE_STRING']:
            actual_email = None
        date_now = datetime.datetime.now()
        g.db.execute('''insert into posts (board_id, parent_id, name, subject, message, date, email) values (%s, 0, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', str(board_id), form.name.data, form.subject.data, markup_engine(form.message.data), date_now, actual_email)
        post_id = g.db.execute('''select LAST_INSERT_ID()''').first()[0]

        if file:
            # poszt img-idjének frissítése
            g.db.execute('''update posts set file_id = %s where id = %s''', file_id, post_id)

        # finally return user to their thread
        return redirect(url_for('get_thread', board_name=name, thread_id=post_id))

    board = g.db.execute('''select * from boards where name = %s''', str(name)).first()
    board_names = [x[0] for x in g.db.execute('''select name from boards''').fetchall()]

    op_posts = g.db.execute('''select * from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = 0 order by stickied desc, bumped desc, date desc limit %s''',

    threads = []
    for i in op_posts:
        op_post = dict(i)
        if op_post['file_id']:
            op_post['file'] = g.db.execute('''select * from files where id = %s''', op_post['file_id']).first()
        replies = []#[dict(x).__setitem__('file', g.db.execute('''select * from files where id = %s''', x['file_id']).first()) if x['file_id'] else dict(x) for x in g.db.execute('''select * from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = %s order by date desc limit 5''', int(board['id']),int(i['id'])).fetchall()]
        replies_with_image = 0
        for k in g.db.execute('''select * from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = %s order by date desc limit 5''', int(board['id']),int(i['id'])).fetchall():
            reply = dict(k)
            if reply['file_id']:
                replies_with_image += 1
                reply['file'] = g.db.execute('''select * from files where id = %s''', reply['file_id']).first()

            'op_post': op_post,
            'replies': replies[::-1],
            'num_unshown_posts': g.db.execute('''select COUNT(*)-5 from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = %s order by date asc''', int(board['id']), int(i['id'])).first()[0],
            # TODO: fix, inner join vagy valami faszság :(
            'num_unshown_files': g.db.execute('''select COUNT(*)-(select COUNT(*) from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = %s and file_id != 0 order by date limit 5) from posts where board_id = %s and parent_id = %s and file_id != 0 order by date asc''', int(board['id']), int(i['id']), int(board['id']), int(i['id'])).first()[0]

    return render_template('board.html', board_name=board['name'], board_title=board['title'], board_names=board_names,
        threads=threads, default_name=board['default_name'], force_default=board['force_default'], form=form, board_locked=board['locked'])
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_thread(board_name, thread_id):
    /boards/thread/ handler
    form = PostForm(request.form)

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        board_id, max_replies = g.db.execute('''select id, max_replies from boards where name = %s''', board_name).first()
        nr_replies = g.db.execute('''select count(id) from posts where parent_id = %s''', thread_id).first()[0]
        is_admin_unlocked, locked = g.db.execute('''select admin_unlocked, locked from posts where id = %s''', thread_id).first()
        # thread lockolva
        if locked:
            flash('thread locked')
            return redirect(url_for('get_board', name=board_name))

        # thread full, és admin nem unlockolta
        if nr_replies >= max_replies and not is_admin_unlocked:
            flash('thread full')
            return redirect(url_for('get_board', name=board_name))
        file = request.files['file']
        file_id = None
        if file:
            # fájl mentése, validálás, new
            filename = ''
                filename = img.save(request.files['file'], name=str(int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())))+'.')
                imagefile = Image.open(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename))

                outimg = resize(imagefile, (150, 150))
                outimg.save(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'thumbs' , filename))
            except UploadNotAllowed:
                return 'NEM BAZMEG'

            ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):]
            # TODO: fix, hashing broken
            file_h = open(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename), 'r')
            filehash = helpers.hashfile(file_h)
            filesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DEST, 'image' , filename))
            g.db.execute('''insert into files (filename, extension, original_filename, size, md5, content_type) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', filename, ext, secure_filename(file.filename), filesize, filehash, file.content_type)
            file_id = g.db.execute('''select LAST_INSERT_ID()''').first()[0]

        date_now = datetime.datetime.now()
        # új poszt adatainak beillesztése
        actual_email = form.email.data
        if form.email.data == app.config['NOKO_STRING']: # or form.email.data == app.config['SAGE_STRING']:
            actual_email = ''
        g.db.execute('''insert into posts (board_id, parent_id, name, subject, message, date, email) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', str(board_id), str(thread_id), form.name.data, form.subject.data, markup_engine(form.message.data), date_now, actual_email)

        if file:
            post_id = g.db.execute('''select LAST_INSERT_ID()''').first()[0]
            # poszt img-idjének frissítése
            g.db.execute('''update posts set file_id = %s where id = %s''', file_id, post_id)

        # parent poszt bumpolása
        if form.email.data != app.config['SAGE_STRING']:
            g.db.execute('''update posts set bumped = %s where id = %s and parent_id = 0 and board_id = %s''', date_now, thread_id, board_id)

        # noko, vissza a thread-be
        if form.email.data == app.config['NOKO_STRING']:
            return redirect(url_for('get_thread', board_name=board_name, thread_id=thread_id))
            return redirect(url_for('get_board', name=board_name))
    # invalid poszt
    elif request.method == 'POST' and not form.validate():
        # sem kép, sem szöveg
        if form.errors.keys()[0] == 'message':
            return 'need image or msg, lul'
        else: return ':('

    board = g.db.execute('''select * from boards where name = %s''', str(board_name)).first()
    posts = [dict(x) for x in g.db.execute('''select * from posts where board_id = %s AND (parent_id = %s OR (parent_id = 0 AND id = %s)) order by date''', board['id'], thread_id, thread_id).fetchall()]
    for i in range(len(posts)):
        if posts[i]['file_id'] != 0:
            file_details = g.db.execute('''select * from files where id = %s''', posts[i]['file_id']).first()
            posts[i]['file'] = file_details
    thread = { 'op_post': posts[0], 'replies': posts[1:] }
    board_names = [x[0] for x in g.db.execute('''select name from boards''').fetchall()]
    return render_template('thread.html', board_name=board['name'], board_title=board['title'], board_names=board_names, 
                           thread=thread, default_name=board['default_name'], force_default=board['force_default'], form=form)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_file(session_id, host_ipv4, host_ipv6, host_port, file, directory):
    Effettua il download di un file da un altro peer

    :param session_id: id sessione corrente assegnato dalla directory
    :type session_id: str
    :param host_ipv4: indirizzo ipv4 del peer da cui scaricare il file
    :type host_ipv4: str
    :param host_ipv6: indirizzo ipv6 del peer da cui scaricare il file
    :type host_ipv6: str
    :param host_port: porta del peer da cui scaricare il file
    :type host_port: str
    :param file: file da scaricare
    :type file: file
    :param directory: socket verso la directory (per la segnalazione del download)
    :type directory: object

    c = Connection.Connection(host_ipv4, host_ipv6, host_port)                      # Inizializzazione della connessione verso il peer
    download = c.socket

    msg = 'RETR' + file.md5
    print 'Download Message: ' + msg
        download.send(msg)                                                          # Richiesta di download al peer
        print 'Message sent, waiting for response...'
        response_message = download.recv(10)                                        # Risposta del peer, deve contenere il codice ARET seguito dalle parti del file
    except socket.error as e:
        print 'Error: ' + e.message
    except Exception as e:
        print 'Error: ' + e.message
        if response_message[:4] == 'ARET':
            n_chunks = response_message[4:10]                                       # Numero di parti del file da scaricare
            #tmp = 0

            filename = file.name
            fout = open('received/' + filename, "wb")                               # Apertura di un nuovo file in write byte mode (sovrascrive se già esistente)

            n_chunks = int(str(n_chunks).lstrip('0'))                               # Rimozione gli 0 dal numero di parti e converte in intero

            for i in range(0, n_chunks):
                if i == 0:
                    print 'Download started...'

                helpers.update_progress(i, n_chunks, 'Downloading ' + fout.name)    # Stampa a video del progresso del download

                    chunk_length = recvall(download, 5)                             # Ricezione dal peer la lunghezza della parte di file
                    data = recvall(download, int(chunk_length))                     # Ricezione dal peer la parte del file
                    fout.write(data)                                                # Scrittura della parte su file
                except socket.error as e:
                    print 'Socket Error: ' + e.message
                except IOError as e:
                    print 'IOError: ' + e.message
                except Exception as e:
                    print 'Error: ' + e.message
            fout.close()                                                            # Chiusura file a scrittura ultimata
            print '\nDownload completed'

            warns_directory(session_id, file.md5, directory)                        # Invocazione del metododo che segnala il download alla directory
            print 'Checking file integrity...'
            downloaded_md5 = helpers.hashfile(open(fout.name, 'rb'), hashlib.md5()) # Controllo dell'integrità del file appena scarcato tramite md5
            if file.md5 == downloaded_md5:
                print 'The downloaded file is intact'
                print 'Something is wrong. Check the downloaded file'
            print 'Error: unknown response from directory.\n'