def get_song_artist(index_artista, index_musica): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index_artista, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: find, row = helpers.id_on_db(index_musica, "songs") if (find): # Checa se a musica pertence a um album que pertence ao artista correto findAlbum, rowAlbum = helpers.id_on_db(row[7], "albuns") if (findAlbum): if (rowAlbum[7] == index_artista): response = { 'idSong': row[0], 'nameSong': row[1], 'genre': row[3], 'explicit': row[2], 'idSongItunes': row[4], 'nameArtistSong': row[5], 'nameAlbumSong': row[6], 'idAlbumSong': row[7] } else: response = [] response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 else: response = jsonify("Song not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response
def get_song_album(index_album, index_musica): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index_album, "albuns") if (not find): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: find, row = helpers.id_on_db(index_musica, "songs") #,row) if (find and row[7] == index_album): response = { 'idSong': row[0], 'nameSong': row[1], 'genre': row[3], 'explicit': row[2], 'idSongItunes': row[4], 'nameArtistSong': row[5], 'nameAlbumSong': row[6], 'idAlbumSong': row[7] } response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 elif (not find): response = jsonify("Song not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 elif (row[7] != index_album): response = "Song not from album." response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response
def get_album_artist(index_artista, index_album): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index_artista, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: find, row = helpers.id_on_db(index_album, "albuns") if (find): # Checa se o album desejado pertence ao artista if (row[7] == index_artista): response = { 'idAlbum': row[0], 'nameAlbum': row[1], 'trackCount': row[2], 'explicit': row[3], 'genre': row[4], 'idAlbumItunes': row[5], 'nameArtistAlbum': row[6], 'idArtistAlbum': row[7] } else: response = [] response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 else: response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response
def delete_songs_album(index): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index, "albuns") if (not find): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: connection = connect_to_db() sql = "DELETE FROM songs WHERE idAlbumSong=%s" if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (index, )) connection.commit() response = "Deletion successful." response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (find and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def get_songs_album(index): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index, "albuns") if (not find): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: connection = connect_to_db() sql = "SELECT * FROM songs WHERE idAlbumSong = %s" data = (index, ) if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute(sql, data) rows = cursor.fetchall() row_headers = [ column_name[0] for column_name in cursor.description ] response = [] for result in rows: response.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result))) response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (find and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def get_all_songs_artist(index): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: connection = connect_to_db() sql = "SELECT songs.* FROM songs INNER JOIN albuns ON albuns.idArtistAlbum=%s" if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute(sql, (index, )) rows = cursor.fetchall() row_headers = [ column_name[0] for column_name in cursor.description ] response = [] for row in rows: response.append(dict(zip(row_headers, row))) response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: reponse = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (find and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def delete_song_album(index_album, index_musica): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index_album, "albuns") if (not find): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: findSong, row = helpers.id_on_db(index_musica, "songs") if (not findSong): response = jsonify("Song not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: if (row[7] == index_album): connection = connect_to_db() if (connection.is_connected()): sql = "DELETE FROM songs WHERE idSong=%s" cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (index_musica, )) connection.commit() response = "Deletion successful." response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 else: response = "Song not from album." response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (find and findSong and row[7] == index_album and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def get_all_albuns_artist_itunes(index): try: find, row = helpers.id_on_db(index, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: artistId = row[2] if (artistId): albuns = helpers.get_type_from_id(artistId, "album") if (type(albuns) == str): response = jsonify(albuns) response.status_code = 400 else: responseDict = [] for album in albuns: responseDict.append({ 'nameArtistAlbum': album['artistName'], 'nameAlbum': album['collectionName'], 'trackCount': album['trackCount'], 'explicit': album['collectionExplicitness'], 'genre': album['primaryGenreName'], 'idAlbumItunes': album['collectionId'] }) response = jsonify(responseDict) response.status_code = 200 else: response = jsonify("Artist not on iTunes.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response
def get_all_songs_album_itunes(index): try: find, row = helpers.id_on_db(index, "albuns") if (not find): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: albumId = row[5] if (albumId): songs = helpers.get_type_from_id(albumId, "song") if (type(songs) == str): response = jsonify(songs) response.status_code = 400 else: responseDict = [] for song in songs: responseDict.append({ 'nameArtistSong': song['artistName'], 'nameAlbumSong': song['collectionName'], 'nameSong': song['trackName'], 'explicit': song['trackExplicitness'], 'genre': song['primaryGenreName'], 'idSongItunes': song['trackId'] }) response = jsonify(responseDict) response.status_code = 200 else: response = jsonify("Album not on iTunes.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response
def delete_artist(index): try: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: sql = "DELETE FROM artists WHERE idArtist = %s" connection = connect_to_db() if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (index, )) connection.commit() response = jsonify("Deletion successful.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (find and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def add_song(index): try: newSong = request.get_json() noParamName = False inputNotString = False if (not newSong): response = jsonify("No Body in request.") response.status_code = 400 elif ("name" not in newSong.keys()): noParamName = True response = jsonify("No name parameter in request body.") response.status_code = 400 elif (type(newSong["name"]) != str): inputNotString = True response = jsonify("Name parameter must be str type.") response.status_code = 400 else: findAlbum, row = helpers.id_on_db(index, "albuns") if (not findAlbum): response = jsonify("Album not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: connection = connect_to_db() if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor() albumId = row[5] if (not albumId): response = jsonify("Album not on iTunes, no Songs.") response.status_code = 200 else: songs = helpers.get_type_from_id(albumId, "song") if (type(songs) == str): response = jsonify(songs) response.status_code = 400 else: dataToSave = [] for song in songs: if (song['trackName'].lower() == newSong['name'].lower()): dataToSave.append({ 'nameSong': song['trackName'], 'explicit': song['trackExplicitness'], 'genre': song['primaryGenreName'], 'idSongItunes': song['trackId'], 'nameArtistSong': song['artistName'], 'nameAlbumSong': song['collectionName'], 'artistIdItunes': song['artistId'] }) break if (not dataToSave): response = jsonify("Song not on iTunes.") response.status_code = 200 else: findSong = helpers.on_db( dataToSave[0]['idSongItunes'], "songs") if (findSong): response = jsonify("Song already on DB.") response.status_code = 200 else: sql = "INSERT INTO songs (nameSong, explicit, genre, idSongItunes, nameArtistSong, nameAlbumSong, idAlbumSong) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" data = (dataToSave[0]['nameSong'], dataToSave[0]['explicit'], dataToSave[0]['genre'], dataToSave[0]['idSongItunes'], dataToSave[0]['nameArtistSong'], dataToSave[0]['nameAlbumSong'], index) cursor.execute(sql, data) connection.commit() response = jsonify("Added successful.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (newSong and not noParamName and not inputNotString and findAlbum and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def update_artist(index): try: artist = request.get_json() noParamName = False if (not artist): response = jsonify("No Body in request.") response.status_code = 400 elif ("name" not in artist.keys()): noParamName = True response = jsonify("No name parameter in request body.") response.status_code = 400 else: find, _ = helpers.id_on_db(index, "artists") if (not find): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: result = helpers.is_on_itunes(artist['name']) if (type(result) == str): response = jsonify(result) response.status_code = 400 else: connection = connect_to_db() if (connection.is_connected()): # Deletar todos os albuns e musicas do artista antes cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "DELETE FROM albuns WHERE idArtistAlbum=%s" cursor.execute(sql, (index, )) if (not result[0]): # Sem ID iTunes id = None name = artist['name'] else: # Com ID iTunes id = result[1] name = result[2] # Colocar albuns no BD helpers.add_all_items_to_db( id, index, "album", cursor) # Pegar IDs albuns do artista sql = "SELECT idAlbum,idAlbumItunes FROM albuns WHERE idArtistAlbum=%s" cursor.execute(sql, (index, )) rows = cursor.fetchall() # app.logger(rows) # Colocar musicas nos albuns for row in rows: helpers.add_all_items_to_db( row[1], row[0], "song", cursor) findNameArtist = helpers.on_db(artist, "artists") if (not findNameArtist): sql = "UPDATE artists SET nameArtist = %s, idArtistItunes=%s WHERE idArtist= %s" data = (name, id, index) cursor.execute(sql, data) connection.commit() response = jsonify("Update successful.") response.status_code = 200 else: response = jsonify("Artist already on DB.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) finally: if (artist and not noParamName and find and type(result) != str and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()
def add_album(index): try: newAlbum = request.get_json() noParamName = False inputNotString = False if (not newAlbum): response = jsonify("No Body in request.") response.status_code = 400 elif ("name" not in newAlbum.keys()): noParamName = True response = jsonify("No name parameter in request body.") response.status_code = 400 elif (type(newAlbum["name"]) != str): inputNotString = True response = jsonify("Name parameter must be str type.") response.status_code = 400 else: findArtist, row = helpers.id_on_db(index, "artists") if (not findArtist): response = jsonify("Artist not on DB.") response.status_code = 404 else: connection = connect_to_db() if (connection.is_connected()): cursor = connection.cursor() artistId = row[2] if (not artistId): response = jsonify("Artist not on iTunes, no Albuns.") response.status_code = 200 else: albuns = helpers.get_type_from_id(artistId, "album") if (type(albuns) == str): response = albuns response = jsonify(response) response.status_code = 400 else: dataToSave = [] for album in albuns: if (album['collectionName'].lower() == newAlbum['name'].lower()): dataToSave.append({ 'nameAlbum': album['collectionName'], 'trackCount': album['trackCount'], 'explicit': album['collectionExplicitness'], 'genre': album['primaryGenreName'], 'idAlbumItunes': album['collectionId'], 'nameArtistAlbum': album['artistName'], 'artistIdItunes': album['artistId'] }) break if (not dataToSave): response = jsonify("Album not on iTunes.") response.status_code = 200 else: findAlbum = helpers.on_db( dataToSave[0]['idAlbumItunes'], "albuns") if (findAlbum): response = jsonify("Album already on DB.") response.status_code = 200 else: sql = "INSERT INTO albuns (nameAlbum, trackCount,explicit,genre,idAlbumItunes, nameArtistAlbum, idArtistAlbum) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" data = (dataToSave[0]['nameAlbum'], dataToSave[0]['trackCount'], dataToSave[0]['explicit'], dataToSave[0]['genre'], dataToSave[0]['idAlbumItunes'], dataToSave[0]['nameArtistAlbum'], index) cursor.execute(sql, data) connection.commit() response = jsonify("Added successful.") response.status_code = 200 return response except Exception as e: response = jsonify("Error: " + str(e)) response.status_code = 400 return response finally: if (newAlbum and not noParamName and not inputNotString and findArtist and connection.is_connected()): cursor.close() connection.close()