Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: lotg.py Projeto: tojaku/lotg
def update_account():
    form = AccountDataForm()
    user = g.user
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form.email.data = user.email
        form.language.data = user.language
        form.timezone.data = user.timezone
    elif request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit():
        if password_hash(form.old_password.data) != user.password:
            form.old_password.errors.append(_('Wrong password'))
            return render_template('update_account.html', form=form)
        if form.email.data != user.email:
            user.email = form.email.data
            user.confirmed = False
            user.confirmation_string = random_string(20)
            msg = message_confirmation(user.id, user.email, user.confirmation_string)
            flash(_('Confirmation message sent, check your e-mail'))
        if form.password.data:
            user.password = password_hash(form.password.data)
            flash(_('Password successfully changed'))
        user.language = form.language.data
        user.timezone = form.timezone.data
        return redirect('update_account')

    return render_template('update_account.html', form=form)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def GET(self):
        qdict = web.input()
        web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        web.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')

        if not(qdict.has_key('pw')) or not(qdict.has_key('npw')) or not(qdict.has_key('cpw')):
            return json.dumps({"result":3})

        if password_hash(qdict['pw'], gv.sd['salt']) == gv.sd['password']:
            if qdict['npw'] == "":
                return json.dumps({"result":3})
            elif qdict['cpw'] !='' and qdict['cpw'] == qdict['npw']:
                gv.sd['password'] = password_hash(qdict['npw'], gv.sd['salt'])
                return json.dumps({"result":4})
            return json.dumps({"result":2})

        return json.dumps({"result":1})
Exemplo n.º 3
    def GET(self):
        qdict = web.input()
        web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        web.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')

        if not (qdict.has_key('pw')) or not (qdict.has_key('npw')) or not (
            return json.dumps({"result": 3})

        if password_hash(qdict['pw'], gv.sd['salt']) == gv.sd['password']:
            if qdict['npw'] == "":
                return json.dumps({"result": 3})
            elif qdict['cpw'] != '' and qdict['cpw'] == qdict['npw']:
                gv.sd['password'] = password_hash(qdict['npw'], gv.sd['salt'])
                return json.dumps({"result": 4})
            return json.dumps({"result": 2})

        return json.dumps({"result": 1})
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: lotg.py Projeto: tojaku/lotg
def sign_in():
    form = SignInForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        user = User.query.filter_by(email=form.email.data, password=password_hash(form.password.data)).first()
        if user is None:
            flash(_('Wrong email or password'))
        elif user.active is False:
            flash(_('Your account is deactivated'))
        elif user.confirmed is False:
            flash(_('Your account is not confirmed'))
            session['user_id'] = user.id
            user.signed_in = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            flash(_('Successfully signed in'))
            return redirect('')

    return render_template('sign_in.html', form=form)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: lotg.py Projeto: tojaku/lotg
def account_problem():
    form = AccountProblemForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        user = User.query.filter_by(email=form.email.data).first()
        if user is None:
            form.email.errors.append(_('Unknown e-mail address'))
        elif form.problem.data == 'confirmation':
            msg = message_confirmation(user.id, user.email, user.confirmation_string)
            flash(_('Confirmation message sent, check your e-mail'))
            return redirect('')
        elif form.problem.data == 'password':
            new_password = random_string(10)
            user.password = password_hash(new_password)
            msg = message_reset_password(user.email, new_password)
            flash(_('Your password was reset, check your e-mail'))
            return redirect('')

    return render_template('account_problem.html', form=form)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: lotg.py Projeto: tojaku/lotg
def sign_up():
    form = SignUpForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        user = User()
        user.email = form.email.data
        user.password = password_hash(form.password.data)
        user.signed_up = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        user.language = form.language.data
        user.timezone = form.timezone.data
        user.confirmation_string = random_string(20)

        except IntegrityError as err:
            if err.message.find(user.email) != -1:
                form.email.errors.append(_('E-mail address is in use'))
            msg = message_confirmation(user.id, user.email, user.confirmation_string)
            flash(_('Successful sign up, check your e-mail'))
            return redirect('')

    return render_template('sign_up.html', form=form)
Exemplo n.º 7
    u"mm": 0,
    u"mo": [0],
    u"rbt": 0,
    u"mtoff": 0,
    u"nprogs": 1,
    u"nbrd": 1,
    u"tu": u"C",
    u"snlen": 32,
    u"name": u"SIP",
    u"theme": u"basic",
    u"show": [255],
    u"salt": password_salt(),
    u"lang": u"default"

sd['password'] = password_hash('opendoor', sd['salt'])

    with open('./data/sd.json', 'r') as sdf:  # A config file
        sd_temp = json.load(sdf)
    for key in sd:  # If file loaded, replce default values in sd with values from file
        if key in sd_temp:
            sd[key] = sd_temp[key]
except IOError:  # If file does not exist, it will be created using defaults.
    with open('./data/sd.json', 'w') as sdf:  # save file
        json.dump(sd, sdf)

nowt = time.localtime()
now = timegm(nowt)
tz_offset = int(
    time.time() - timegm(time.localtime())
Exemplo n.º 8
    def POST(self):
        global error_msg, been_through_subconfig

        been_through_subconfig = False
        self.logger.debug('in Sub POST')
        save_last_get('Sub POST')
        error_msg = ''
        form = web.input()
        continuation = '/cn'
            gv.sd['master'] = 1 if 'Master Station' in form else 0
            gv.sd['slave'] = 1 if 'Substation' in form else 0
            gv.sd['subnet_only_substations'] = 0 if 'Enable Remote Substations' in form else 1
            form['Radio Only Substation Name'] = form['Radio Only Substation Name'].strip() if 'Radio Only Substation Name' in form else ''
            radio_only_substation = len(form['Radio Only Substation Name']) > 0
            if not radio_only_substation:
                gv.sd['remote_radio_substation'] = 1 if 'Only Radio Access' in form else 0
            if not gv.sd['master'] and not gv.sd['slave'] and not radio_only_substation:
                error_msg = 'At least one of "Master Substation" or "Substation" must be checked.'
                raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form

            for f in ['Master IP', 'Master Port', 'System Network Name', 'Radio Power', 'Radio Network Name', 'Radio Router Number', 'Radio Only Substation Name']:
                if f in form:
                    form[f] = form[f].strip()

            if not radio_only_substation and len(form['Master IP']) == 0:
                error_msg = '"Master IP" must not be blank'
                raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form
            gv.sd['master_ip'] = form['Master IP']
            gv.sd['substation_network'] = form['System Network Name']

            if 'Radio Power' in form:
                    power = int(form['Radio Power'])
                    power = -1
                jsave(gv.sd, 'sd')
                actual_power = power & ~0x10  # disable the "hard power" bit
                if actual_power < 0 or actual_power > 5:
                    error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Power" must be integer between 0 and 4 inclusive.'
                    raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form
#                if len(form['Radio Network Name']) < 1:
#                    error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Network Name" must be non-empty.'
#                    raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form

                if len(form['Radio Network Name']) > 0:
                    radio_network_hash = password_hash(form['Radio Network Name'], 'notarandomstring')[:16]
                    cmd = ['python', 'substation_proxy.py', '--onetime', '--power='+str(power), '--key='+radio_network_hash]
                    cmd = ['python', 'substation_proxy.py', '--onetime', '--power='+str(power)]
                router_id = 255
                type = 'base' if not gv.sd['remote_radio_substation'] else 'remote'
                self.logger.info('initial radio type: ' + type)
                if len(form['Radio Router Number']) > 0 and form['Radio Router Number'] != '0':
                        router_id = int(form['Radio Router Number'])
                        router_id = 254
                    if router_id < 1 or router_id > 63:
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Router Number" must be between 1 and 63 inclusive.'
                        raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form
                    type = 'router'
                if radio_only_substation:
                    if len(form['Radio Only Substation Name']) > 12:
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Only Substation Name" must be unique and between 1 and 12 characters.'
                        raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form
                    elif form['Radio Only Substation Name'] == 'localhost':
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Only Substation Name" must not be "localhost".'
                        raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form
                    cmd.append('--radio_name='+form['Radio Only Substation Name'])
                    type = 'remote' # radio only substations are never base radios

                # get pid of substation_proxy.
                # Tell sip_monitor to not restart it.
                # Kill it, then setparameters, then allow sip_monitor to restart it
                proxy_info = subprocess.check_output("/bin/ps auwx | /bin/grep -e substation_proxy", shell=True)
                l = proxy_info.split('\n')
                kill_list = ['kill', '-9']
                for e in l:
                    if 'grep -e' not in e and e != '':
                        word_list = re.sub('[^\w]', ' ', e).split()
                subprocess.call(['touch', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                    if len(kill_list) > 2:
                    self.logger.info('Executing cmd: ' + " ".join(cmd))
                    self.logger.info('removing substation_proxy_pause')
                    subprocess.call(['rm', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                except Exception as ex:
                    self.logger.info('removing substation_proxy_pause ex: ' + str(ex))
                    subprocess.call(['rm', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                if radio_only_substation:
                    continuation = '/cc'
                jsave(gv.sd, 'sd')
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.info('finish ex: ' + str(ex))
            raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form

        if continuation != '/cc':
        self.logger.debug('Sub POST been_through True.  continuation: ' + continuation)
        been_through_subconfig = True
        raise web.seeother(continuation) # configure network parameters
Exemplo n.º 9
    u"rst": 1,
    u"mm": 0,
    u"mo": [0],
    u"rbt": 0,
    u"mtoff": 0,
    u"nprogs": 1,
    u"nbrd": 1,
    u"tu": u"C",
    u"snlen": 32,
    u"name": u"OpenSprinkler Pi",
    u"theme": u"basic",
    u"show": [255],
    u"salt": password_salt()

sd['password'] = password_hash('opendoor', sd['salt'])

    with open('./data/sd.json', 'r') as sdf:  # A config file
        sd_temp = json.load(sdf)
    for key in sd:  # If file loaded, replce default values in sd with values from file
        if key in sd_temp:
            sd[key] = sd_temp[key]
except IOError:  # If file does not exist, it will be created using defaults.
    with open('./data/sd.json', 'w') as sdf:  # save file
        json.dump(sd, sdf)

now = timegm(time.localtime())
gmtnow = time.time()
plugin_menu = []  # Empty list of lists for plugin links (e.g. ['name', 'URL'])
Exemplo n.º 10
    u"etok": 0,
    u"etbase": 7.0,
    u"etmin": 0,
    u"etmax": 200,
    u"ethistory": 1,
    u"etforecast": 1,
    u"etapi": u"",
    u"light_ip": 1,

for i in range(5):
    sd['teadr' + str(i)] = ''
    sd['tesmsnbr' + str(i)] = ''
    sd['tesmsprovider' + str(i)] = ''

sd['password'] = password_hash('Irricloud', sd['salt'])
remote_sensors = {}
remote_zones = {}

in_bootloader = {}  # make no VSB look like in bootloader

    with open('./data/sd.json', 'r') as sdf:  # A config file
        sd_temp = json.load(sdf)
    added_key = False
    for key in sd:  # If file loaded, replce default values in sd with values from file
        if key in sd_temp:
            sd[key] = sd_temp[key]
            added_key = True
    if added_key:  # force write
Exemplo n.º 11
    def POST(self):
        global error_msg, been_through_subconfig

        been_through_subconfig = False
        self.logger.debug('in Sub POST')
        save_last_get('Sub POST')
        error_msg = ''
        form = web.input()
        continuation = '/cn'
            gv.sd['master'] = 1 if 'Master Station' in form else 0
            gv.sd['slave'] = 1 if 'Substation' in form else 0
                'subnet_only_substations'] = 0 if 'Enable Remote Substations' in form else 1
            if not gv.sd['master'] and not gv.sd[
                    'slave'] and 'Radio Only Substation' not in form:
                error_msg = 'At least one of "Master Substation" or "Substation" must be checked.'
                raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form

            for f in [
                    'Master IP', 'Master Port', 'System Network Name',
                    'Radio Power', 'Radio Network Name', 'Radio Router Number',
                    'Radio Only Substation Name'
                if f in form:
                    form[f] = form[f].strip()

            gv.sd['master_ip'] = form['Master IP']
            gv.sd['substation_network'] = form['System Network Name']
            if 'Radio Power' in form:
                    power = int(form['Radio Power'])
                    power = -1
                jsave(gv.sd, 'sd')
                actual_power = power & ~0x10  # disable the "hard power" bit
                if actual_power < 0 or actual_power > 5:
                    error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Power" must be integer between 0 and 4 inclusive.'
                    raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form

#                if len(form['Radio Network Name']) < 1:
#                    error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Network Name" must be non-empty.'
#                    raise web.seeother('/su') # back to form

                if len(form['Radio Network Name']) > 0:
                    radio_network_hash = password_hash(
                        form['Radio Network Name'], 'notarandomstring')[:16]
                    cmd = [
                        'python', 'substation_proxy.py', '--onetime',
                        '--power=' + str(power), '--key=' + radio_network_hash
                    cmd = [
                        'python', 'substation_proxy.py', '--onetime',
                        '--power=' + str(power)
                router_id = 255
                type = 'base' if gv.sd['master_ip'] else 'remote'
                self.logger.info('initial radio type: ' + type)
                if len(form['Radio Router Number']
                       ) > 0 and form['Radio Router Number'] != '0':
                        router_id = int(form['Radio Router Number'])
                        router_id = 254
                    if router_id < 1 or router_id > 63:
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Router Number" must be between 1 and 63 inclusive.'
                        raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form
                    cmd.append('--radio_routing=' + str(router_id))
                    type = 'router'
                if 'Radio Only Substation' in form:
                    if len(form['Radio Only Substation Name']) > 12 or len(
                            form['Radio Only Substation Name']) < 1:
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Only Substation Name" must be unique and between 1 and 12 characters.'
                        raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form
                    elif form['Radio Only Substation Name'] == 'localhost':
                        error_msg = 'Error:  "Radio Only Substation Name" must not be "localhost".'
                        raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form
                    cmd.append('--radio_name=' +
                               form['Radio Only Substation Name'])
                    type = 'remote'  # radio only substations are never base radios

                cmd.append('--type=' + type)
                # get pid of substation_proxy.
                # Tell sip_monitor to not restart it.
                # Kill it, then setparameters, then allow sip_monitor to restart it
                proxy_info = subprocess.check_output(
                    "/bin/ps auwx | /bin/grep -e substation_proxy", shell=True)
                l = proxy_info.split('\n')
                kill_list = ['kill', '-9']
                for e in l:
                    if 'grep -e' not in e and e != '':
                        word_list = re.sub('[^\w]', ' ', e).split()
                subprocess.call(['touch', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                    if len(kill_list) > 2:
                    self.logger.info('Executing cmd: ' + " ".join(cmd))
                    self.logger.info('removing substation_proxy_pause')
                    subprocess.call(['rm', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                except Exception as ex:
                    self.logger.info('removing substation_proxy_pause ex: ' +
                    subprocess.call(['rm', 'data/substation_proxy_pause'])
                if 'Radio Only Substation' in form:
                    continuation = '/cc'
                jsave(gv.sd, 'sd')
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.info('finish ex: ' + str(ex))
            raise web.seeother('/su')  # back to form

        if continuation != '/cc':
        self.logger.debug('Sub POST been_through True.  continuation: ' +
        been_through_subconfig = True
        raise web.seeother(continuation)  # configure network parameters
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: gv.py Projeto: Pelado-Mat/SIP
    u"mm": 0,
    u"mo": [0],
    u"rbt": 0,
    u"mtoff": 0,
    u"nprogs": 1,
    u"nbrd": 1,
    u"tu": u"C",
    u"snlen": 32,
    u"name": u"SIP",
    u"theme": u"basic",
    u"show": [255],
    u"salt": password_salt(),
    u"lang": u"default",

sd["password"] = password_hash("opendoor", sd["salt"])

    with open("./data/sd.json", "r") as sdf:  # A config file
        sd_temp = json.load(sdf)
    for key in sd:  # If file loaded, replce default values in sd with values from file
        if key in sd_temp:
            sd[key] = sd_temp[key]
except IOError:  # If file does not exist, it will be created using defaults.
    with open("./data/sd.json", "w") as sdf:  # save file
        json.dump(sd, sdf)

nowt = time.localtime()
now = timegm(nowt)
tz_offset = int(
Exemplo n.º 13

for i in range(5):
    sd['teadr'+str(i)] = ''
    sd['tesmsnbr'+str(i)] = ''
    sd['tesmsprovider'+str(i)] = ''

subprocess.call(['touch', 'data/bdkg2'])
sd['password'] = password_hash('Irricloud', sd['salt'])
remote_sensors = {}
remote_zones = {}

in_bootloader = {} # make no VSB look like in bootloader

    with open('./data/sd.json', 'r') as sdf:  # A config file
        sd_temp = json.load(sdf)
    added_key = False
    for key in sd:  # If file loaded, replce default values in sd with values from file
        if key in sd_temp:
            sd[key] = sd_temp[key]
            added_key = True
    if added_key: # force write