def interact_with_conn(self, player): if self.toggle_condition is None: rpg_print("You can't go through the " + + ".") return else: # door has possible passage, if unlocked go through, if locked check inventory if self.locked is False: return self.connecting_room else: # check inventory for required item # Ask player if want to use item # if player yes: # use item, remove item, toggle locked, go to next room # if player no: pass if player.check_for_item(self.toggle_condition): rpg_print( "Your {} will open {}. Would you like to use it? (y/n)" .format(self.toggle_condition, print("Input> ", end='') player_input = str(input()).strip() if player_input == 'y' or 'Y': player.use_key(self.toggle_condition) self.locked = False # make door unlocked pass # proceed through door, etc else: rpg_print( "You have chosen not to leave your current location..." ) return else: rpg_print( "{} is locked but you don't have the key.".format( return pass
def object_menu(self, player): if not self.objects: rpg_print( "There doesn't appear to be any unusual objects in the room") return else: for i, o in enumerate(self.objects): i += 1 o.print_obj_descr(i) # Ask player if they want to take item. Return true or false. # If statement to handle either case if req_player_interaction(): self.add_room_item_to_inv((i - 1), player) else: return
def connection_menu(self, player): if not self.connections: rpg_print("There don't appear to be any ways out of this room") else: # If there are connections in the room for i, c in enumerate(self.connections): i += 1 c.print_conn_descr(i) print("Interact with door or exit? (0 for no)") print("Door> ", end='') player_input = int(input()) if player_input < 1 or player_input > len( self.connections ): # if input num is in range of connections print("EXITING DOOR SELECTION") pass else: return self.connections[player_input - 1].interact_with_conn( player) # player ref is for inv check pass
def print_player_inventory(self): while True: hp.rpg_print("In your inventory you currently possess the following:") for i, val in enumerate(self.inventory): print('{}. {}'.format((i+1), print("Inspect which item? (0 to return)") print('> ', end='') player_input = int(input()) - 1 print("*****") if player_input < 0: return elif player_input > len(self.inventory): return else: print(self.inventory[player_input]) print("Press enter to continue...", end='') input() print("*****")
def room_menu(self, player): self.print_room_descr() # Player can interact with objects, NPCs and connections (doors) print("What would you like to inspect?") rpg_print( "1. Doors\n2. Look for interesting objects.\n3. Interact with NPCs. 4. Back to main." ) player_input = int(input()) # go to conn menu and if player changes room, return the room back to then if (player_input == 1): return self.connection_menu(player) elif player_input == 2: self.object_menu(player) elif player_input == 3: self.npc_menu() elif player_input == 4: return self # Returning to main menu, return room to show no change has ocurred else: print("What??") self.room_menu(player)
def print_conn_descr(self, conn_num): rpg_print('{}. {} there is a {}.{}.'.format( conn_num, self.location, self.descr, ' It is locked.' if self.locked else ''))
def print_room_descr(self): print("***** {} *****".format( rpg_print(self.description)
def print_obj_descr(self, obj_num): rpg_print('{}. {} Would you like to take the {}?'.format(obj_num, self.room_descr,