def scalar_encoder(self, scalar, length, scale_range): result = np.empty(length, dtype=float) for i in range(length): result[i] = helpers.gaussian(i, helpers.scale(scalar, length, scale_range), self.stddev * length) return result
def scaled_stick_value(gp, axis, invert, deadzone_pct=4): stick_value = scale(sdl2.SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gp['gp_object'], axis), gp['stick_range'], (-32768, 32768) ) * invert deadzone_range = tuple(n * deadzone_pct / 100.0 for n in (-32768, 32768)) if min(deadzone_range) < stick_value < max(deadzone_range): return 0 else: return int(stick_value)
def scaled_gamepad_input(gamepad_input_key, output_range): """ Read a value from the gamepad and scale it to the desired output range. :param gamepad_input_key: string :param output_range: tuple :return: int """ if 'btn' in gamepad_input_key: scale_src = (0, 1) else: scale_src = STICK_RANGE if gamepad_input_key in gp_state: return int(scale(gp_state[gamepad_input_key], scale_src, output_range)) else: return 0
def pretransform_dataset(self, dataset, reshape = False): max_vector_length = self.settings.getint("LSTM", "max_vector_length") dataset_padded = helpers.padding(dataset, max_vector_length) assert (dataset_padded.shape[1] == max_vector_length) if (self.settings.getboolean("LSTM", "scale_data") == True): if (reshape == True): dataset_padded = dataset_padded.reshape(-1, 1) self.scaler, datasetX = helpers.scale(dataset_padded) if (reshape == True): datasetX = datasetX.reshape(1, -1) else: datasetX = dataset_padded return datasetX
def run(): logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO, filename='results.log', filemode='w') # load the new file df = read_csv('pre-processed-in-24-hours.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) for cell in [108 * 2 + 1]: # : for epoch in [ 1000, ]: # [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000]: for batch_size in [ 500, ]: # [500, 1000, 1500]: for n_input in [1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16]: for n_out in range(1, 9): "Starting... cell {0}, epoch {1}, batch_size {2}, input {3} and output {4}" \ .format(cell , epoch , batch_size , n_input , n_out)) try:"Training {} {}".format( n_input, n_out)) # transform data scaler, data_scaled = scale(df.values) train, test = split_dataset(df.values, n_out) train_scaled, test_scaled = split_dataset( data_scaled, n_out) # restructure into window size train_scaled, test_scaled = restructure_data_by_window( train_scaled, test_scaled, n_out) train, test = restructure_data_by_window( train, test, n_out) # fit model model = build_model(train_scaled, n_input, n_out, cell, epoch, batch_size) # history is a list by window size history_scaled = [ x for x in train_scaled[:n_input, :, :] ] history = [x for x in train[:n_input, :, :]] train_walk_foward_validation( history, history_scaled, model, n_input, scaler, train, train_scaled) predictions_inverted = test_walk_foward_validation( model, n_input, scaler, test, test_scaled, train, train_scaled)"predictions_inverted: {}".format( predictions_inverted.shape))"test {}".format(test.shape)) data = { 'predict': predictions_inverted.reshape( predictions_inverted.shape[0] * predictions_inverted.shape[1]), 'real': test[:, :, 0].reshape(test[:, :, 0].shape[0] * test[:, :, 0].shape[1]) } data['time'] = df.index[-data["predict"].shape[0]:] df_plot = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(data) df_plot.to_csv('plot_results_{0}_{1}.csv'.format( n_input, n_out)) plot_results(df_plot) plot_scatter(df_plot) except Exception as e:
def train(train_dataloader_X, train_dataloader_Y, test_dataloader_X, test_dataloader_Y, device, n_epochs, balance, reconstruction_weight, identity_weight, print_every=1, checkpoint_every=10, sample_every=10): # keep track of losses over time losses = [] # Get some fixed data from domains X and Y for sampling. These are images that are held # constant throughout training, that allow us to inspect the model's performance. fixed_X = next(iter(test_dataloader_X))[0][0] fixed_Y = next(iter(test_dataloader_Y))[0][0] # scale to a range -1 to 1 fixed_X = scale( fixed_Y = scale( # batches per epoch iter_X = iter(train_dataloader_X) iter_Y = iter(train_dataloader_Y) batches_per_epoch = min(len(iter_X), len(iter_Y)) for epoch in range(1, n_epochs+1): epoch_loss_d_x = 0 epoch_loss_d_y = 0 epoch_loss_g = 0 for _ in range(batches_per_epoch): # move images to GPU or CPU depending on what is passed in the device parameter, # make sure to scale to a range -1 to 1 images_X, _ = next(iter_X) images_X = scale( images_Y, _ = next(iter_Y) images_Y = scale( # ============================================ # TRAIN THE DISCRIMINATORS # ============================================ ## First: D_X, real and fake loss components ## # Compute the discriminator losses on real images d_x_out = D_X(images_X) d_x_loss_real = real_mse_loss(d_x_out) # Generate fake images that look like domain X based on real images in domain Y fake_x = G_YtoX(images_Y) # Compute the fake loss for D_X d_x_out = D_X(fake_x) d_x_loss_fake = fake_mse_loss(d_x_out) # Compute the total loss d_x_loss = d_x_loss_real + d_x_loss_fake ## Second: D_Y, real and fake loss components ## d_y_out = D_Y(images_Y) d_y_real_loss = real_mse_loss(d_y_out) # D_y disciminator loss on a real Y image fake_y = G_XtoY(images_X) # generate fake Y image from the real X image d_y_out = D_Y(fake_y) d_y_fake_loss = fake_mse_loss(d_y_out) # compute D_y loss on a fake Y image d_y_loss = d_y_real_loss + d_y_fake_loss d_total_loss = d_x_loss + d_y_loss # ========================================= # TRAIN THE GENERATORS # ========================================= ## First: generate fake X images and reconstructed Y images ## # Generate fake images that look like domain X based on real images in domain Y fake_x = G_YtoX(images_Y) # Compute the generator loss based on domain X d_out = D_X(fake_x) g_x_loss = real_mse_loss(d_out) # fake X should trick the D_x # TODO: consider using MSELoss or SmoothL1Loss (Huber loss) # Create a reconstructed y y_hat = G_XtoY(fake_x) # Compute the cycle consistency loss (the reconstruction loss) rec_y_loss = cycle_consistency_loss(images_Y, y_hat, lambda_weight=reconstruction_weight) # Conversion from X to X should be an identity mapping it_x = G_YtoX(images_X) # Compute the identity mapping loss it_x_loss = identity_mapping_loss(images_X, it_x, weight=identity_weight) ## Second: generate fake Y images and reconstructed X images ## fake_y = G_XtoY(images_X) d_out = D_Y(fake_y) g_y_loss = real_mse_loss(d_out) # fake Y should trick the D_y x_hat = G_YtoX(fake_y) rec_x_loss = cycle_consistency_loss(images_X, x_hat, lambda_weight=reconstruction_weight) it_y = G_XtoY(images_Y) it_y_loss = identity_mapping_loss(images_Y, it_y, weight=identity_weight) # Add up all generator and reconstructed losses g_total_loss = g_x_loss + g_y_loss + rec_x_loss + rec_y_loss + it_x_loss + it_y_loss # Perform backprop if d_total_loss >= balance*g_total_loss: d_x_optimizer.zero_grad() d_x_loss.backward() d_x_optimizer.step() d_y_optimizer.zero_grad() d_y_loss.backward() d_y_optimizer.step() if g_total_loss >= balance*d_total_loss: g_optimizer.zero_grad() g_total_loss.backward() g_optimizer.step() # Gather statistics epoch_loss_d_x += d_x_loss.item() epoch_loss_d_y += d_y_loss.item() epoch_loss_g += g_total_loss.item() # Reset the iterators when epoch ends iter_X = iter(train_dataloader_X) iter_Y = iter(train_dataloader_Y) # Print the log info if epoch % print_every == 0 or epoch == n_epochs: # append real and fake discriminator losses and the generator loss losses.append((epoch_loss_d_x, epoch_loss_d_y, epoch_loss_g)) print('Epoch [{:5d}/{:5d}] | d_X_loss: {:6.4f} | d_Y_loss: {:6.4f} | g_total_loss: {:6.4f}'.format( epoch, n_epochs, epoch_loss_d_x, epoch_loss_d_y, epoch_loss_g)) # Save the generated samples if epoch % sample_every == 0 or epoch == n_epochs: G_YtoX.eval() # set generators to eval mode for sample generation G_XtoY.eval() save_samples(epoch, fixed_Y, fixed_X, G_YtoX, G_XtoY, sample_dir='../samples') G_YtoX.train() G_XtoY.train() # Save the model parameters if epoch % checkpoint_every == 0 or epoch == n_epochs: save_checkpoint(G_XtoY, G_YtoX, D_X, D_Y, '../checkpoints') export_script_module(G_XtoY, '../artifacts', 'summer_to_winter_{:05d}.sm'.format(epoch)) export_script_module(G_YtoX, '../artifacts', 'winter_to_summer_{:05d}.sm'.format(epoch)) return losses
def eval_genomes(robot, genomes, config): for genome_id, genome in genomes: # Enable the synchronous mode vrep.simxSynchronous(settings.CLIENT_ID, True) if (vrep.simxStartSimulation(settings.CLIENT_ID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) == -1): print('Failed to start the simulation\n') print('Program ended\n') return robot.chromosome = genome robot.wheel_speeds = np.array([]) robot.sensor_activation = np.array([]) robot.norm_wheel_speeds = np.array([]) individual = robot start_position = None # collistion detection initialization errorCode, collision_handle = vrep.simxGetCollisionHandle( settings.CLIENT_ID, 'robot_collision', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) collision = False first_collision_check = True now = fitness_agg = np.array([]) scaled_output = np.array([]) net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) id = uuid.uuid1() if start_position is None: start_position = individual.position distance_acc = 0.0 previous = np.array(start_position) collisionDetected, collision = vrep.simxReadCollision( settings.CLIENT_ID, collision_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) while not collision and - now < timedelta( seconds=settings.RUNTIME): # The first simulation step waits for a trigger before being executed vrep.simxSynchronousTrigger(settings.CLIENT_ID) collisionDetected, collision = vrep.simxReadCollision( settings.CLIENT_ID, collision_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) individual.neuro_loop() # # Traveled distance calculation # current = np.array(individual.position) # distance = math.sqrt(((current[0] - previous[0])**2) + ((current[1] - previous[1])**2)) # distance_acc += distance # previous = current output = net.activate(individual.sensor_activation) # normalize motor wheel wheel_speeds [0.0, 2.0] - robot scaled_output = np.array([scale(xi, 0.0, 2.0) for xi in output]) if settings.DEBUG:'Wheels {}'.format(scaled_output)) individual.set_motors(*list(scaled_output)) # After this call, the first simulation step is finished vrep.simxGetPingTime(settings.CLIENT_ID) # Fitness function; each feature; # V - wheel center V = f_wheel_center(output[0], output[1]) if settings.DEBUG:'f_wheel_center {}'.format(V)) # pleasure - straight movements pleasure = f_straight_movements(output[0], output[1]) if settings.DEBUG: 'f_straight_movements {}'.format(pleasure)) # pain - closer to an obstacle more pain pain = f_pain(individual.sensor_activation) if settings.DEBUG:'f_pain {}'.format(pain)) # fitness_t at time stamp fitness_t = V * pleasure * pain fitness_agg = np.append(fitness_agg, fitness_t) # dump individuals data if settings.SAVE_DATA: with open(settings.PATH_NE + str(id) + '_fitness.txt', 'a') as f: f.write( '{0!s},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8}, {9}\n'.format( id, scaled_output[0], scaled_output[1], output[0], output[1], V, pleasure, pain, fitness_t, distance_acc)) # errorCode, distance = vrep.simxGetFloatSignal(CLIENT_ID, 'distance', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # aggregate fitness function - traveled distance # fitness_aff = [distance_acc] # behavarioral fitness function fitness_bff = [np.sum(fitness_agg)] # tailored fitness function fitness = fitness_bff[0] # * fitness_aff[0] # Now send some data to V-REP in a non-blocking fashion: vrep.simxAddStatusbarMessage(settings.CLIENT_ID, 'fitness: {}'.format(fitness), vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) # Before closing the connection to V-REP, make sure that the last command sent out had time to arrive. You can guarantee this with (for example): vrep.simxGetPingTime(settings.CLIENT_ID) print('%s fitness: %f | fitness_bff %f | fitness_aff %f' % (str(genome_id), fitness, fitness_bff[0], 0.0)) # , fitness_aff[0])) if (vrep.simxStopSimulation(settings.CLIENT_ID, settings.OP_MODE) == -1): print('Failed to stop the simulation\n') print('Program ended\n') return time.sleep(1) = fitness
def training_loop(G_XtoY, G_YtoX, D_X, D_Y, g_optimizer, d_x_optimizer, d_y_optimizer, dataloader_X, dataloader_Y, test_dataloader_X, test_dataloader_Y, epochs=1000): print_every = 1 # keep track of losses over time losses = [] test_iter_X = iter(test_dataloader_X) test_iter_Y = iter(test_dataloader_Y) # Get some fixed data from domains X and Y for sampling. These are images that are held # constant throughout training, that allow us to inspect the model's performance. fixed_X =[0] fixed_Y =[0] fixed_X = scale(fixed_X) # make sure to scale to a range -1 to 1 fixed_Y = scale(fixed_Y) # batches per epoch iter_X = iter(dataloader_X) iter_Y = iter(dataloader_Y) batches_per_epoch = min(len(iter_X), len(iter_Y)) for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): # Reset iterators for each epoch if epoch % batches_per_epoch == 0: iter_X = iter(dataloader_X) iter_Y = iter(dataloader_Y) images_X, _ = images_X = scale(images_X) # make sure to scale to a range -1 to 1 images_Y, _ = images_Y = scale(images_Y) # move images to GPU if available (otherwise stay on CPU) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") images_X = images_Y = # ============================================ # TRAIN THE DISCRIMINATORS # ============================================ ## First: D_X, real and fake loss components ## # Train with real images d_x_optimizer.zero_grad() # 1. Compute the discriminator losses on real images out_x = D_X(images_X) D_X_real_loss = real_mse_loss(out_x) # Train with fake images # 2. Generate fake images that look like domain X based on real images in domain Y fake_X = G_YtoX(images_Y) # 3. Compute the fake loss for D_X out_x = D_X(fake_X) D_X_fake_loss = fake_mse_loss(out_x) # 4. Compute the total loss and perform backprop d_x_loss = D_X_real_loss + D_X_fake_loss d_x_loss.backward() d_x_optimizer.step() ## Second: D_Y, real and fake loss components ## # Train with real images d_y_optimizer.zero_grad() # 1. Compute the discriminator losses on real images out_y = D_Y(images_Y) D_Y_real_loss = real_mse_loss(out_y) # Train with fake images # 2. Generate fake images that look like domain Y based on real images in domain X fake_Y = G_XtoY(images_X) # 3. Compute the fake loss for D_Y out_y = D_Y(fake_Y) D_Y_fake_loss = fake_mse_loss(out_y) # 4. Compute the total loss and perform backprop d_y_loss = D_Y_real_loss + D_Y_fake_loss d_y_loss.backward() d_y_optimizer.step() # ========================================= # TRAIN THE GENERATORS # ========================================= ## First: generate fake X images and reconstructed Y images ## g_optimizer.zero_grad() # 1. Generate fake images that look like domain X based on real images in domain Y fake_X = G_YtoX(images_Y) # 2. Compute the generator loss based on domain X out_x = D_X(fake_X) g_YtoX_loss = real_mse_loss(out_x) # 3. Create a reconstructed y # 4. Compute the cycle consistency loss (the reconstruction loss) reconstructed_Y = G_XtoY(fake_X) reconstructed_y_loss = cycle_consistency_loss(images_Y, reconstructed_Y, lambda_weight=10) ## Second: generate fake Y images and reconstructed X images ## # 1. Generate fake images that look like domain Y based on real images in domain X fake_Y = G_XtoY(images_X) # 2. Compute the generator loss based on domain Y out_y = D_Y(fake_Y) g_XtoY_loss = real_mse_loss(out_y) # 3. Create a reconstructed x # 4. Compute the cycle consistency loss (the reconstruction loss) reconstructed_X = G_YtoX(fake_Y) reconstructed_x_loss = cycle_consistency_loss(images_X, reconstructed_X, lambda_weight=10) # 5. Add up all generator and reconstructed losses and perform backprop g_total_loss = g_YtoX_loss + g_XtoY_loss + reconstructed_y_loss + reconstructed_x_loss g_total_loss.backward() g_optimizer.step() # Print the log info if epoch % print_every == 0: # append real and fake discriminator losses and the generator loss losses.append( (d_x_loss.item(), d_y_loss.item(), g_total_loss.item())) print( 'Epoch [{:5d}/{:5d}] | d_X_loss: {:6.4f} | d_Y_loss: {:6.4f} | g_total_loss: {:6.4f}' .format(epoch, epochs, d_x_loss.item(), d_y_loss.item(), g_total_loss.item())) sample_every = 1 # Save the generated samples if epoch % sample_every == 0: G_YtoX.eval() # set generators to eval mode for sample generation G_XtoY.eval() save_samples(epoch, fixed_Y, fixed_X, G_YtoX, G_XtoY, batch_size=16, sample_dir='samples_cyclegan') G_YtoX.train() G_XtoY.train() # uncomment these lines, if you want to save your model checkpoint_every = 1000 # Save the model parameters if epoch % checkpoint_every == 0: checkpoint(epoch, G_XtoY, G_YtoX, D_X, D_Y) return losses