Exemplo n.º 1
def predict():
	global graph
	global model

	message = request.get_json(force=True)
	encoded = message['encoded']

	if len(encoded) > 5000:
		response = {
			'predictions': [-1]

		return jsonify(response)
		newline_id = 4
		encoded = list(split_list(encoded, newline_id))

		predictions = []
		with graph.as_default():
			for e in encoded:
				if predictions != []:

				if len(e) == 2:

				predictions.extend(list(np.argmax(model.predict(np.array([e])).squeeze()[1:-1], axis=-1)))
		predictions = [int(prediction) for prediction in predictions]

		response = {
			'predictions': predictions

		return jsonify(response)
Exemplo n.º 2
def BlockFrequency(e, M=10):
    M = 10
    ce = list(e)
    ce = ce[:len(ce) - (len(ce) % M)]
    n = len(ce)
    N = n / M
    run_test = True
    outstr = "Frequency Test within a Block:\n"
    outstr += "n = %d\n" % n
    outstr += "M = %d\n" % M
    outstr += "N = %d\n" % N
    if n < 100:
        run_test = False
        Pi_l = split_list(ce, M, proportion)
        Chi2_obs = 4 * M * sum([pow((i - 0.5), 2) for i in Pi_l])
        p = igamc(N / 2.0, Chi2_obs / 2.0)
        outstr = "Frequency Test within a Block:\n"
        outstr += "n = %d\n" % n
        outstr += "M = %d\n" % M
        outstr += "N = %d\n" % N
        outstr += "Chi^2_obs = %.6f\n" % Chi2_obs
        outstr += "P-value = %.6f\n" % p
    if not run_test:
        outstr += 'Test not run: pre-test condition not met: '
        outstr += 'n >= 100\n'
    open("./test_results/BlockFrequency.txt", "w").write(outstr)
    if run_test:
        if p < 0.01:
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def LongestRunOfOnes(e):
    ce = list(e)
    n = len(ce)
    run_test = True
    outstr = "Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block:\n"
    outstr += "n = %d\n" % n
    if n < 128:
        run_test = False
        if n >= 750000:  # set constants & instantiate the v_i table
            M, K, N, iv = 10000, 6, 75, 10
            vt = {10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 16: 0}
        elif n >= 6272:
            M, K, N, iv = 128, 5, 49, 4
            vt = {4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}
        else:  # 128 <= n < 6272
            M, K, N, iv = 8, 3, 16, 1
            vt = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
        ce = ce[:n - (n % M)]  # discard bits that don't fit
        n = len(ce)
        block_list = split_list(ce, M)  # list of M-bit blocks
        runs = []
        for block in block_list:  # Tabulate freq.s of longest runs
            lr = longest_run(block)
            runs.append((block, lr))
            if lr in vt.keys():
                vt[lr] += 1
            elif lr < min(vt.keys()):
                vt[min(vt.keys())] += 1
            elif lr > max(vt.keys()):
                vt[max(vt.keys())] += 1
        pre_Chi2_l = []
        for i in xrange(K + 1):
            idx = iv + i
            num = pow((vt[idx] - N * pi_i[(K, M)][iv + i]), 2)
            den = float(N * pi_i[(K, M)][idx])
            pre_Chi2_l.append(num / den)
            Chi2_obs = sum(pre_Chi2_l)
            p = 1 - igamc(K / 2.0, Chi2_obs / 2.0)
        if n <= 256:
            outstr += "Blocks (& longest runs):"
            for i in xrange(len(runs)):
                (b, l) = runs[i]
                outstr += "  %s (%d)\t" % ("".join([str(c) for c in b]), l)
                if i % 2:
                    outstr += '\n'
        outstr += "V_i values:\n"
        for i in sorted(vt.keys()):
            outstr += "  V_%d = %d\n" % (i - iv, vt[i])
        outstr += "Chi2_obs = %.6f\n" % Chi2_obs
        outstr += "P-value = %.6f\n" % p
    if not run_test:
        outstr += 'Test not run: pre-test condition not met: '
        outstr += 'n >= 128\n'
    open("./test_results/LongestRunOfOnes.txt", "w").write(outstr)
    if run_test:
        if p < 0.01:
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def NonOverlappingTemplateMatching(e, m=6):
    n = len(e)
    # m = 6  # min 2, max 16, rec 9 or 10
    N = 8  # fixed value as per spec
    M = int(n / float(N))
    ce = list(e)
    ce = ce[:len(ce) - (len(ce) % M)]
    blocks = split_list(ce, M)
    templates = sorted(get_templates(m))
    outstr = "Non-Overlapping Template Matching Test:\n"
    outstr += "n = %d\n" % n
    outstr += "N = %d\n" % N
    outstr += "M = %d\n" % M
    outstr += "%d templates to iterate over:\n" % len(templates)
    p_l = []
    first = True
    for B in templates:
        W = map(int, xrange(N))
        for j in xrange(N):
            block = blocks[j]
            hits = 0
            idx = 0
            while idx < M - m:
                if block[idx:idx + m] == B:
                    hits += 1
                    increment = m
                    increment = 1
                idx += increment
                if block[idx:idx + m] == []:
                    raise LengthError()
            W[j] = hits
        mu = float(M - m + 1) / pow(2, m)
        sigma2 = M * (1.0 / pow(2, m) - float(2 * m - 1) / pow(2, (2 * m)))
        pre_Chi2_l = map(lambda j: pow((W[j] - mu), 2) / sigma2, xrange(N))
        Chi2_obs = sum(pre_Chi2_l)
        p = igamc(N / 2.0, Chi2_obs / 2.0)
        if not first:
            outstr += '\n----------------'
            first = False
        outstr += "\nB = %s\n" % ''.join(map(str, B))
        outstr += "mu = %.6f\n" % mu
        outstr += "sigma2 = %.6f\n" % sigma2
        outstr += "Chi2_obs = %.6f\n" % Chi2_obs
        outstr += "W = %s\n" % W
        outstr += "P-value = %.6f\n" % p
    for j in xrange(len(p_l)):
        p = p_l[j]
        if p < 0.01:
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def fetch_users(db: Dict[str, Dict[User, Talks]], args: Namespace) -> None:
    """Fetch users from database and display their usernames."""

    if args.list:
        # find users / find users -ls / find users --list
        print('Available users are:')

        # Print usernames in columns
        for chunk in split_list(list(db['talks'].keys()), 3):
            for user in chunk:
                print(f" # {user:20}", end="")
Exemplo n.º 6
def fetch_tags(db: Dict[str, Dict[User, Talks]], args: Namespace) -> None:
    """Display available tags in database."""

    if args.list:
        # find tags / find tags -ls / find tags --list
        print('Available tags are:')

        # Print tags in columns
        for chunk in split_list(db['tags'], 3):
            for tag in chunk:
                print(f" # {tag:20}", end="")
Exemplo n.º 7
def Universal(e):
    ce = list(e)
    n = len(ce)
    L, Q, expectedValue, variance = find_LQ(n)
    K = int(n / L) - Q
    init_seg = split_list(ce[:Q * L], L)
    test_seg = split_list(ce[Q * L:(Q + K) * L], L)
    T = [int(0) for i in xrange(pow(2, L))]
    for i in xrange(Q):
        cur_block = ''.join([str(j) for j in init_seg[i]])
        cur_val = int(cur_block, 2)
        T[cur_val] = i
    f_n = 0
    for i in xrange(K):
        cur_block = ''.join([str(j) for j in test_seg[i]])
        cur_val = int(cur_block, 2)
        last_occurrence = T[cur_val]
        T[cur_val] = i
        distance = Q + i - last_occurrence
        f_n += log(distance, 2)
    s = f_n
    f_n /= K

    c = 0.7 - 0.8 / L + (4.0 + 32.0 / L) * pow(K, (-3.0 / L)) / 15.0
    sigma = c * sqrt(variance / K)
    p = erfc(abs((f_n - expectedValue) / (sqrt(2) * sigma)))  # BUG
    # QUESTION: Use sigma or variance in p?
    outstr = 'Maurer\'s "Universal Statistical" Test:\n'
    outstr += "n = %d, L = %d, Q = %d\n" % (n, L, Q)
    outstr += "Note: %d bits are discarded\n" % (n - (Q + K) * L)
    outstr += "c = %.6f, sigma = %.6f, K = %d, sum = %.6f\n" % (
                        c,        sigma,        K,      s)
    outstr += "f_n = %.6f, expectedValue = %.6f, variance = %.4f\n" % (
                        f_n,        expectedValue,        variance)
    outstr += "P-value = %.6f\n" % p
    open("./test_results/Universal.txt", "w").write(outstr)
    if p < 0.01:
        return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_list_sessions(self):
   Obtain the list of sessions, ids in a folder.
   log(self.repo + " > Getting sessions for {0}.".format(self.name))
   fields, sql = sql_oracle.list_session
   result = self.db.execute(sql, d(folder_id=self.id))
   for row in result:
     rec = get_rec(row, fields)
     self.sessions_id[rec.session_id] = self.sessions[rec.session_name] = Session(**rec)
   # Obtain connections
   for ids in split_list(self.sessions_id.keys(), 499):
     fields, sql = sql_oracle.list_session_conns
     # result = self.db.execute(sql, session_id=str(tuple(self.sessions_id.keys())))
     result = self.db.execute(sql.format(session_id=str(tuple(ids))))
     for row in result:
       rec = get_rec(row, fields)
       self.sessions_id[rec.session_id].add_connection(rec.connection_type, rec.connection_name)
Exemplo n.º 9
for i in range(1, myparser.num_calls + 1):
    all_generated_groups = all_generated_groups + groups.create_groups(
        myparser.all_emails, myparser.desired, i)
#print the generated groups to check

import helpers
import threading

batched_lists = helpers.split_list(all_generated_groups, myparser.num_threads)
#batchedLists = splitList(batchedLists, num_threads)
print("Batched lists are:")

thread_list = []
error_count = 0
for i in batched_lists:

        t = threading.Thread(target=helpers.go_thread,
Exemplo n.º 10

    words = []
    print_message("Reading the words list... ")
    word_list = open(args.wordslist)
    for line in word_list.readlines():
        word = line.strip()
        if args.extension:
            word = "{}.{}".format(word, args.extension)

    print_message("OK.\n\tThe selected file contains " + str(len(words)) + " paths.\n")

    threads = 1
    if args.threads:
        threads = int(args.threads)
    print_message("Hunting paths using " + str(threads) + " threads... just wait...\n")

    port = 80
    if args.port:
        port = int(args.port)

    starting = '/'
    if args.starting:
        starting = args.starting

    for portion in split_list(words, threads):
        threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(args.target, portion, starting, port, http, args.validation)).start()
Exemplo n.º 11
def OverlappingTemplateMatching(e, m=6):
    n = len(e)
    # m = 6  # min 2, max 16, rec 9 or 10
    N = 968  # fixed value as per spec
    M = 1032  # fixed, but could be: int(n/float(N))
    outstr = "Overlapping Template Matching Test:\n"
    outstr += "n = %d\n" % n
    outstr += "N = %d\n" % N
    outstr += "M = %d\n" % M
    run_test = True
    if n < 1000000:
        run_test = False
        ce = list(e)
        ce = ce[:len(ce) - (len(ce) % M)]
        blocks = split_list(ce, M)
        templates = sorted(get_templates(m))[::-1]
        pi = [0.364091, 0.185659, 0.139381, 0.100571, 0.070432, 0.139865]
        p_lambda = (M - m + 1.0) / pow(2, m)
        p_eta = p_lambda / 2.0
        p_l = []
        first = True
        prevlen = 0
        for tidx in xrange(len(templates)):
            B = templates[tidx]
            v = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # given B
            for j in xrange(N):
                block = blocks[j]
                hits = 0
                idx = 0
                while idx < M - m:
                    if block[idx:idx + m] == B:
                        hits += 1
                    idx += 1
                    if block[idx:idx + m] == []:
                        raise LengthError()
                if hits <= 5:
                    v[hits] += 1
                    v[5] += 1
            pre_Chi2_l = []
            for i in xrange(6):
                pre_Chi2_l.append(pow((v[i] - N * pi[i]), 2) / (N * pi[i]))
            Chi2_obs = sum(pre_Chi2_l)
            p = igamc(5 / 2.0, Chi2_obs / 2.0)
            if not first:
                outstr += '\n----------------'
            if first:
                outstr += "lambda = %d\n" % p_lambda
                outstr += "%d templates to iterate over:\n" % len(templates)
                first = False
            outstr += "\nB = %s\n" % ''.join([str(i) for i in B])
            outstr += "v = %s\n" % v
            outstr += "Chi2_obs = %.6f\n" % Chi2_obs
            outstr += "P-value = %.6f\n" % p
    if not run_test:
        outstr += 'Test not run: pre-test condition not met: '
        outstr += 'n >= 1000000\n'
    open("./test_results/OverlappingTemplateMatching.txt", "w").write(outstr)
    if run_test:
        for p in p_l:
            if p < 0.01:
                return False
    return True