def d_diff_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    # print("d_diff_cost: ", T)
    Penalizes trajectories whose d coordinate (and derivatives) 
    differ from the goal.
    _, d_coeffs, T = traj

    d_dot_coeffs = differentiate(d_coeffs)  # calculates velocity
    d_ddot_coeffs = differentiate(d_dot_coeffs)  # calculates acceleration

    d = to_equation(d_coeffs)  # position
    d_dot = to_equation(d_dot_coeffs)  # velocity
    d_ddot = to_equation(d_ddot_coeffs)  # acceleration

    D = [d(T), d_dot(T),
         d_ddot(T)]  # functions to calculate the d vals at time T

    target = predictions[target_vehicle].state_in(T)
    target = list(np.array(target) + np.array(delta))
    d_targ = target[3:]
    cost = 0
    for actual, expected, sigma in zip(D, d_targ, SIGMA_D):
        diff = float(abs(actual - expected))
        cost += logistic(diff / sigma)
    return cost
def d_diff_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Penalizes trajectories whose d coordinate (and derivatives)
    differ from the goal.
    _, d_coeffs, T = traj
    d_dot_coeffs   = differentiate(d_coeffs)
    d_ddot_coeffs  = differentiate(d_dot_coeffs)

    d      = to_equation(d_coeffs)
    d_dot  = to_equation(d_dot_coeffs)
    d_ddot = to_equation(d_ddot_coeffs)

    D = [d(T), d_dot(T), d_ddot(T)]

    target = predictions[target_vehicle].state_in(T)
    target = list(np.array(target) + np.array(delta))
    d_targ = target[3:]
    cost   = 0

    for actual, expected, sigma in zip(D, d_targ, SIGMA_D):
        diff  = float(abs(actual-expected))
        cost += logistic(diff/sigma)

    return cost
Exemplo n.º 3
def d_diff_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Penalizes trajectories whose d coordinate (and derivatives) 
    differ from the goal.

        trajectory (list): list of tuple([s_coefficients, d_coefficients, t])
        target_vehicle (int): the label of the target vehicle
        delta (list): [s, s_dot, s_double_dot, d, d_dot, d_double_dot]
        goal_t (float): the require time to get to the goal
        predictions (dict): dictionary of {v_id : vehicle }
    _, d_coeffs, T = traj

    d_dot_coeffs = differentiate(d_coeffs)
    d_ddot_coeffs = differentiate(d_dot_coeffs)

    d = to_equation(d_coeffs)
    d_dot = to_equation(d_dot_coeffs)
    d_ddot = to_equation(d_ddot_coeffs)

    D = [d(T), d_dot(T), d_ddot(T)]

    target = predictions[target_vehicle].state_in(T)
    target = list(np.array(target) + np.array(delta))
    d_targ = target[3:]
    cost = 0
    for actual, expected, sigma in zip(D, d_targ, SIGMA_D):
        diff = float(abs(actual - expected))
        cost += logistic(diff / sigma)
    return cost
Exemplo n.º 4
def nearest_approach(traj, vehicle):
    closest = 999999
    s_, d_, T = traj
    s = to_equation(s_)
    d = to_equation(d_)
    for i in range(100):
        t = float(i) / 100 * T
        cur_s = s(t)
        cur_d = d(t)
        targ_s, _, _, targ_d, _, _ = vehicle.state_in(t)
        dist = sqrt((cur_s - targ_s)**2 + (cur_d - targ_d)**2)
        if dist < closest:
            closest = dist
    return closest
Exemplo n.º 5
def max_accel_cost(traj):
    s, d, T = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a_s = to_equation(s_d_dot)

    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    a_d = to_equation(d_d_dot)

    all_accs = [
        a_s(float(T) / 100 * i) + a_d(float(T) / 100 * i) for i in range(100)
    max_acc = max(all_accs, key=abs)
    if abs(max_acc) > MAX_ACCEL: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def max_accel_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, d, t = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a = to_equation(s_d_dot)
    all_accs = [a(float(T) / 100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    max_acc = max(all_accs, key=abs)
    if abs(max_acc) > MAX_ACCEL: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def max_accel_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a = to_equation(s_d_dot)
    all_accs = [a(float(T) / 500 * i) for i in range(500)]
    max_acc = max(all_accs, key=abs)
    if abs(max_acc) > MAX_ACCEL: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def efficiency_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    Rewards high average speeds.
    t = T
    s = a
    s = to_equation(s)
    avg_v = float(s(t)) / t
    return logistic(2 * float(max_v - avg_v) / avg_v)
Exemplo n.º 9
def min_speed_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, _, t = traj
    speed = differentiate(s)
    speed = to_equation(speed)
    all_speeds = [speed(float(t)/100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    min_speed = min(all_speeds)
    if min_speed < MIN_SPEED: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 10
def efficiency_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Rewards high average speeds.
    s, _, t = traj
    s = to_equation(s)
    avg_v = float(s(t)) / t
    targ_s, _, _, _, _, _ = predictions[target_vehicle].state_in(t)
    targ_v = float(targ_s) / t
    return logistic(2 * float(targ_v - avg_v) / avg_v)
Exemplo n.º 11
def max_jerk_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(s_d_dot)
    jerk = to_equation(jerk)
    all_jerks = [jerk(float(T) / 500 * i) for i in range(500)]
    max_jerk = max(all_jerks, key=abs)
    if abs(max_jerk) > MAX_JERK: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 12
def min_velocity_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    v = to_equation(s_dot)
    all_vels = [v(float(T) / 500 * i) for i in range(500)]
    min_vel = min(all_vels)
    if min_vel < -0.001:
        return 1
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 13
def total_accel_cost(traj):
    s, d, T = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a_s = to_equation(s_d_dot)

    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    a_d = to_equation(d_d_dot)

    total_acc = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        acc = a_s(t) + a_d(t)
        total_acc += abs(acc * dt)
    acc_per_second = total_acc / T

    return logistic(acc_per_second / EXPECTED_ACC_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 14
def max_velocity_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    v = to_equation(s_dot)
    all_vels = [v(float(T) / 500 * i) for i in range(500)]
    max_vel = max(all_vels, key=abs)
    if abs(max_vel) > max_v + 0.1:
        return 1
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 15
def stays_on_road_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    _, d_coeffs, t = traj
    d = to_equation(d_coeffs)
    all_ds = [d(float(t)/100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    if max(all_ds) <= MAX_D and min(all_ds) >=MIN_D:
        return 0
        return 1
Exemplo n.º 16
def max_jerk_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, d, t = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(s_d_dot)
    jerk = to_equation(jerk)
    all_jerks = [jerk(float(T) / 100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    max_jerk = max(all_jerks, key=abs)
    if abs(max_jerk) > MAX_JERK: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 17
def max_jerk_cost(traj):
    s, d, T = traj

    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(s_d_dot)
    jerk_s = to_equation(jerk)

    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(d_d_dot)
    jerk_d = to_equation(jerk)

    all_jerks = [
        jerk_s(float(T) / 100 * i) + jerk_d(float(T) / 100 * i)
        for i in range(100)
    max_jerk = max(all_jerks, key=abs)
    if abs(max_jerk) > MAX_JERK: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 18
def show_trajectory(s_coeffs, d_coeffs, T, vehicle=None):
    s = to_equation(s_coeffs)
    d = to_equation(d_coeffs)
    X = []
    Y = []
    if vehicle:
        X2 = []
        Y2 = []
    t = 0
    while t <= T + 0.01:
        if vehicle:
            s_, _, _, d_, _, _ = vehicle.state_in(t)
        t += 0.25
    plt.scatter(X, Y, color="blue")
    if vehicle:
        plt.scatter(X2, Y2, color="red")
Exemplo n.º 19
def exceeds_speed_limit_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, _, t = traj
    speed = differentiate(s)
    speed = to_equation(speed)
    all_speeds = [speed(float(t)/100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    max_speed = max(all_speeds)
    if max_speed > SPEED_LIMIT:
        return 1
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 20
def total_jerk_cost(traj):
    s, d, t = traj
    T = t
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(s_d_dot)
    jerk_s = to_equation(jerk)

    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    jerk = differentiate(d_d_dot)
    jerk_d = to_equation(jerk)

    total_jerk = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        j = abs(jerk_s(t)) + abs(jerk_d(t))
        total_jerk += abs(j * dt)
    jerk_per_second = total_jerk / T
    return logistic(jerk_per_second / EXPECTED_JERK_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 21
def max_accel_cost_d(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Penalizes the maximum accleration in d-direction
    s, d, t = traj
    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    a_d = to_equation(d_d_dot)
    all_accs = [a_d(float(T) / 100 * i) for i in range(100)]
    max_acc = max(all_accs, key=abs)
    if abs(max_acc) > MAX_ACCEL_d: return 1
    else: return 0
Exemplo n.º 22
def total_jerk_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = to_equation(differentiate(s_d_dot))
    total_jerk = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        j = jerk(t)
        total_jerk += abs(j * dt)
    jerk_per_second = total_jerk / T
    return logistic(jerk_per_second / EXPECTED_JERK_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 23
def exceeds_speed_limit_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Penalizes exceeding speed limit
    s_coeffs = traj[0]
    s_dot_coeffs = differentiate(s_coeffs)
    velocity = to_equation(s_dot_coeffs)

    nb_steps = 101
    for time in np.linspace(0, T, nb_steps):
        if velocity(time) > SPEED_LIMIT:
            return 1.0
    return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 24
def total_jerk_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, d, t = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    jerk = to_equation(differentiate(s_d_dot))
    total_jerk = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        j = jerk(t)
        total_jerk += abs(j * dt)
    jerk_per_second = total_jerk / T
    return logistic(jerk_per_second / EXPECTED_JERK_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 25
def total_accel_cost(a, max_v, T, trajectory):
    s = a
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a = to_equation(s_d_dot)
    total_acc = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        acc = a(t)
        total_acc += abs(acc * dt)
    acc_per_second = total_acc / T

    return logistic(acc_per_second / EXPECTED_ACC_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 26
def total_accel_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, d, t = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)
    a = to_equation(s_d_dot)
    total_acc = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        acc = a(t)
        total_acc += abs(acc * dt)
    acc_per_second = total_acc / T

    return logistic(acc_per_second / EXPECTED_ACC_IN_ONE_SEC)
def exceeds_speed_limit_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):

    s, _, t = traj
    s       = to_equation(s)
    v       = float(s(t)) / t

    target_speed = 0.95 * SPEED_LIMIT
    stop_cost    = 0.8
    if v < target_speed:

        cost = stop_cost * ((target_speed- v)/target_speed)

    else : cost = 1

    return cost
Exemplo n.º 28
def total_accel_cost_d(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    Penalizes total amount of acceleration in 1 sec in d-direction
    s, d, t = traj
    d_dot = differentiate(d)
    d_d_dot = differentiate(d_dot)
    a_d = to_equation(d_d_dot)
    total_acc = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0
    for i in range(100):
        t = dt * i
        acc_d = a_d(t)
        total_acc += abs(acc_d * dt)
    acc_per_second = total_acc / T

    return logistic(acc_per_second / EXPECTED_ACC_IN_ONE_SEC)
def total_jerk_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    # print("total_jerk_cost: ", T)
    s, d, t = traj
    s_dot = differentiate(s)  # velocity
    s_d_dot = differentiate(s_dot)  # acceleration
    jerk = to_equation(differentiate(s_d_dot))  # jerk
    total_jerk = 0
    dt = float(T) / 100.0  # .05
    for i in range(100):  # 0 to 99
        t = dt * i
        # print("t:", t)
        j = jerk(t)  # jerk at time t
        # print("jerk: ", j)
        # print("abs: ", abs(j*dt))
        # total_jerk += abs(j*dt)
        # print("abs: ", abs(j))
        total_jerk += abs(j)
    # jerk_per_second = total_jerk / T
    jerk_per_second = total_jerk / 100  # average jerk
    # print("jerk per second: ", jerk_per_second)
    return logistic(jerk_per_second / EXPECTED_JERK_IN_ONE_SEC)
Exemplo n.º 30
def exceeds_speed_limit_cost(traj, target_vehicle, delta, T, predictions):
    s, _, _ = traj
    #calculate coefficients for speed
    s_dot = differentiate(s)
    #make a polynomial function of time for speed
    s_dot_equation = to_equation(s_dot)

    all_speeds = []
    for i in range(100):
        #take i% of total time T
        t = float(T) / 100 * i
        #calculate speed at given timestep
        v = s_dot_equation(t)

        #add this speed to list of all speeds

    max_v = max(all_speeds, key=abs)
    #check if it exceeds SPEED_LIMIT
    if (abs(max_v) > SPEED_LIMIT):
        return 1

    return 0