Exemplo n.º 1
    def local_coverage(self, features, *args, **kwargs):
        processes = kwargs.pop('processes', None)
        if not processes:
            return _local_coverage(self.adapter, features, *args, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(features, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValueError(
                "only single features are supported for parallel "

        # we don't want to have self.array do the binning
        bins = kwargs.pop('bins', None)

        # since if we got here processes is not None, then this will trigger
        # a parallel array creation
        features = helpers.tointerval(features)
        x = np.arange(features.start, features.stop)
        features = list(helpers.split_feature(features, processes))
        ys = self.array(
            features, *args, bins=None, processes=processes, ragged=True,
        # now we ravel() and re-bin
        y = np.column_stack(ys).ravel()
        if bins:
            xi, yi = rebin.rebin(x, y, bins)
            del x, y
            return xi, yi
        return x, y
Exemplo n.º 2
    def local_coverage(self, features, *args, **kwargs):
        processes = kwargs.pop('processes', None)
        if not processes:
            return _local_coverage(self.adapter, features, *args, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(features, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValueError(
                "only single features are supported for parallel "

        # we don't want to have self.array do the binning
        bins = kwargs.pop('bins', None)

        # since if we got here processes is not None, then this will trigger
        # a parallel array creation
        features = helpers.tointerval(features)
        x = np.arange(features.start, features.stop)
        features = list(helpers.split_feature(features, processes))
        ys = self.array(
            features, *args, bins=None, processes=processes, ragged=True,
        # now we ravel() and re-bin
        y = np.column_stack(ys).ravel()
        if bins:
            xi, yi = rebin(x, y, bins)
            del x, y
            return xi, yi
        return x, y
Exemplo n.º 3
def _local_count(reader, feature, stranded=False):
    The count of genomic signal (typcially BED features) found within an

    Usually this only makes sense for BED or BAM (not bigWig) files.

    :param feature: pybedtools.Interval object
    :param stranded: If `stranded=True`, then only counts signal on the same
        strand as `feature`.
    if isinstance(feature, basestring):
        feature = helpers.tointerval(feature)
    if stranded:
        strand = feature.strand
        strand = '.'

    count = 0
    for al in reader[feature]:
        if stranded and al.strand != strand:
        count += 1
    return count
Exemplo n.º 4
def _local_count(reader, feature, stranded=False):
    The count of genomic signal (typcially BED features) found within an

    Usually this only makes sense for BED or BAM (not bigWig) files.

    :param feature: pybedtools.Interval object
    :param stranded: If `stranded=True`, then only counts signal on the same
        strand as `feature`.
    if isinstance(feature, basestring):
        feature = helpers.tointerval(feature)
    if stranded:
        strand = feature.strand
        strand = '.'

    count = 0
    for al in reader[feature]:
        if stranded and al.strand != strand:
        count += 1
    return count
Exemplo n.º 5
def _local_coverage(reader,
    Returns a binned vector of coverage.

    Computes a 1D vector of coverage at the coordinates for each feature in
    `features`, extending each read by `fragmentsize` bp.

    Some arguments cannot be used for bigWig files due to the structure of
    these files.  The parameters docstring below indicates whether or not an
    argument can be used with bigWig files.

    Depending on the arguments provided, this method can return a vector
    containing values from a single feature or from concatenated features.

    An example of the flexibility afforded by the latter case:

        `features` can be a 3-tuple of pybedtools.Intervals representing (TSS
        + 1kb upstream, gene, TTS + 1kb downstream) and `bins` can be [100,
        1000, 100].  This will return a vector of length 1200 containing the
        three genomic intervals binned into 100, 1000, and 100 bins
        respectively.  Note that is up to the caller to construct the right
        axes labels in the final plot!

    features : str, interval-like object, or list

        Can be a single interval or an iterable yielding intervals.

        Interval-like objects must have chrom, start, and stop attributes, and
        optionally a strand attribute.  One exception to this that if
        `features` is a single string, it can be of the form "chrom:start-stop"
        or "chrom:start-stop[strand]".

        If `features` is a single interval, then return a 1-D array for that

        If `features` is an iterable of intervals, then return a 1-D
        array that is a concatenation of signal for these intervals.

        Available for bigWig.

    bins : None, int, list
        If `bins` is None, then each value in the returned array will
        correspond to one bp in the genome.

        If `features` is a single Interval, then `bins` is an integer or None.

        If `features` is an iterable of Intervals, `bins` is an iterable of
        integers of the same length as `features`.

        Available for bigWig.

    fragment_size : None or int
        If not None, then each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from
        a BAM file) will be extended `fragment_size` bp in the 3' direction.
        Higher fragment sizes will result in smoother signal.  Not available
        for bigWig.

    shift_width : int
        Each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from a BAM
        file) will be shifted `shift_width` bp in the 3' direction.  This can
        be useful for reconstructing a ChIP-seq profile, using the shift width
        determined from the peak-caller (e.g., modeled `d` in MACS). Not
        available for bigWig.

    read_strand : None or str
        If `read_strand` is one of "+" or "-", then only items from the genomic
        signal (e.g., reads from a BAM file) on that strand will be considered
        and reads on the opposite strand ignored.  Useful for plotting genomic
        signal for stranded libraries. Not available for bigWig.

    stranded : bool
        If True, then the profile will be reversed for features whose strand
        attribute is "-".

    use_score : bool
        If True, then each bin will contain the sum of the *score* attribute of
        genomic features in that bin instead of the *number* of genomic
        features falling within each bin. Not available for bigWig.

    accumulate : bool
        If False, then only record *that* there was something there, rather
        than acumulating reads.  This is useful for making matrices with called
        peaks. Available for bigWig.

    preserve_total : bool
        If True, re-scales the returned value so that each binned row's total
        is equal to the sum of the original, un-binned data.  The units of the
        returned array will be in "total per bin".  This is useful for, e.g.,
        counting reads in features.  If `preserve_total` is False, then the
        returned array will have units of "density"; this is more generally
        useful and is the default behavior.  Available for bigWig, but not when
        using method="ucsc_summarize".

    method : str; one of [ "summarize" | "get_as_array" | "ucsc_summarize" ]
        Only used for bigWig.  The method specifies how data are extracted from
        the bigWig file.  "summarize" is the default.  It's quite fast, but may
        yield slightly different results when compared to running this same
        function on the BAM file from which the bigWig was created.

        "summarize" uses bx-python.  The values returned will not be exactly
        the same as the values returned when local_coverage is called on a BAM,
        BED, or bigBed file, but they will be close.  This method is quite
        fast, and is the default when bins is not None.

        "get_as_array" uses bx-python, but does a separate binning step.  This
        can be slower than the other two methods, but the results are exactly
        the same as those from a BAM, BED, or bigBed file.  This method is
        always used if bins=None.

        "ucsc_summarize" is an alternative version of "summarize".  It uses the
        UCSC program `bigWigSummary`, which must already installed and on your

    function : str; one of ['sum' | 'mean' | 'min' | 'max' | 'std']
        Determine the nature of the values returned. Only valid if `method` is
        "summarize" or "ucsc_summarize", which also implies bigWig. Default is
        "mean". If `method="ucsc_summarize", then there is an additional option
        for function, "coverage", which returns the percent of region that is

    zero_inf, zero_nan : bool
        Only used for bigWig. If either are True, sets any missing or inf
        values to zero before returning.

        If `method="ucsc_summarize"`, missinv values are always reported as
        zero. If `method="get_as_array"`, missing values always reported as

        Values can be -inf, inf, or nan for missing values when
        `method="summarize"` according to the following table:

        ========== ========================
        `function` missing values appear as
        ========== ========================
        "sum"      0
        "mean"     nan
        "min"      inf
        "max"      -inf
        "std"      nan
        ========== ========================

    processes : int or None
        The feature can be split across multiple processes.


    1-d NumPy array

    If a feature has a "-" strand attribute, then the resulting profile will be
    *relative to a minus-strand feature*.  That is, the resulting profile will
    be reversed.

    Returns arrays `x` and `y`.  `x` is in genomic coordinates, and `y` is
    the coverage at each of those coordinates after extending fragments.

    The total number of reads is guaranteed to be the same no matter how it's

    (with ideas from

    # bigWig files are handled differently, so we need to know if we're working
    # with one; raise exeception if a kwarg was supplied that's not supported.
    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BigWigAdapter):
        is_bigwig = True
        defaults = (
            ('read_strand', read_strand, None),
            ('fragment_size', fragment_size, None),
            ('shift_width', shift_width, 0),
            ('use_score', use_score, False),
            ('preserve_total', preserve_total, False),
        for name, check, default in defaults:
            if (((default is None) and (check is not default))
                    or (check != default)):
                raise ArgumentError("Argument '%s' not supported for bigWig" %

        if method == 'ucsc_summarize':
            if preserve_total:
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "preserve_total=True not supported when using "
        is_bigwig = False

    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BamAdapter):
        if use_score:
            raise ArgumentError("Argument 'use_score' not supported for "

    # e.g., features = "chr1:1-1000"
    if isinstance(features, basestring):
        features = helpers.tointerval(features)

    if not ((isinstance(features, list) or isinstance(features, tuple))):
        if bins is not None:
            if not isinstance(bins, int):
                raise ArgumentError("bins must be an int, got %s" % type(bins))
        features = [features]
        bins = [bins]
        if bins is None:
            bins = [None for i in features]
        if not len(bins) == len(features):
            raise ArgumentError("bins must have same length as feature list")

    # nomenclature:
    #   "window" is region we're getting data for
    #   "alignment" is one item in that region
    profiles = []
    xs = []
    for window, nbin in zip(features, bins):
        window = helpers.tointerval(window)
        chrom = window.chrom
        start = window.start
        stop = window.stop
        strand = window.strand

        if not is_bigwig:
            # Extend the window to catch reads that would extend into the
            # requested window
            _fs = fragment_size or 0
            padded_window = pybedtools.Interval(
                max(start - _fs - shift_width, 0),
                stop + _fs + shift_width,
            window_size = stop - start

            # start off with an array of zeros to represent the window
            profile = np.zeros(window_size, dtype=float)

            for interval in reader[padded_window]:

                if read_strand:
                    if interval.strand != read_strand:

                # Shift interval by modeled distance, if specified.
                if shift_width:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start -= shift_width
                        interval.stop -= shift_width
                        interval.start += shift_width
                        interval.stop += shift_width

                # Extend fragment size from 3'
                if fragment_size:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start = interval.stop - fragment_size
                        interval.stop = interval.start + fragment_size

                # Convert to 0-based coords that can be used as indices into
                # array
                start_ind = interval.start - start

                # If the feature goes out of the window, then only include the
                # part that's inside the window
                start_ind = max(start_ind, 0)

                # Same thing for stop
                stop_ind = interval.stop - start
                stop_ind = min(stop_ind, window_size)

                # Skip if the feature is shifted outside the window. This can
                # happen with large values of `shift_width`.
                if start_ind >= window_size or stop_ind < 0:

                # Finally, increment profile
                if use_score:
                    score = float(interval.score)
                    score = 1

                if accumulate:
                    if preserve_total:
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += (score / float(
                            (stop_ind - start_ind)))
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += score

                    profile[start_ind:stop_ind] = score

        else:  # it's a bigWig
            profile = reader.summarize(
                bins=(nbin or len(window)),

        # If no bins, return genomic coords
        if (nbin is None):
            x = np.arange(start, stop)

        # Otherwise do the downsampling; resulting x is stll in genomic
        # coords
            if preserve_total:
                total = float(profile.sum())
            if not is_bigwig or method == 'get_as_array':
                xi, profile = rebin(x=np.arange(start, stop),
                if not accumulate:
                    nonzero = profile != 0
                    profile[profile != 0] = 1
                x = xi

                x = np.linspace(start, stop - 1, nbin)

        # Minus-strand profiles should be flipped left-to-right.
        if stranded and strand == '-':
            profile = profile[::-1]
        if preserve_total:
            scale = profile.sum() / total
            profile /= scale

    stacked_xs = np.hstack(xs)
    stacked_profiles = np.hstack(profiles)
    del xs
    del profiles
    return stacked_xs, stacked_profiles
Exemplo n.º 6
def _local_coverage(reader, features, read_strand=None, fragment_size=None,
                    shift_width=0, bins=None, use_score=False, accumulate=True,
                    preserve_total=False, method=None, processes=None,
                    stranded=True, verbose=False):
    Returns a binned vector of coverage.

    Computes a 1D vector of coverage at the coordinates for each feature in
    `features`, extending each read by `fragmentsize` bp.

    Some arguments cannot be used for bigWig files due to the structure of
    these files.  The parameters docstring below indicates whether or not an
    argument can be used with bigWig files.

    Depending on the arguments provided, this method can return a vector
    containing values from a single feature or from concatenated features.

    An example of the flexibility afforded by the latter case:

        `features` can be a 3-tuple of pybedtools.Intervals representing (TSS
        + 1kb upstream, gene, TTS + 1kb downstream) and `bins` can be [100,
        1000, 100].  This will return a vector of length 1200 containing the
        three genomic intervals binned into 100, 1000, and 100 bins
        respectively.  Note that is up to the caller to construct the right
        axes labels in the final plot!

    features : str, interval-like object, or list

        Can be a single interval or an iterable yielding intervals.

        Interval-like objects must have chrom, start, and stop attributes, and
        optionally a strand attribute.  One exception to this that if
        `features` is a single string, it can be of the form "chrom:start-stop"
        or "chrom:start-stop[strand]".

        If `features` is a single interval, then return a 1-D array for that

        If `features` is an iterable of intervals, then return a 1-D
        array that is a concatenation of signal for these intervals.

        Available for bigWig.

    bins : None, int, list
        If `bins` is None, then each value in the returned array will
        correspond to one bp in the genome.

        If `features` is a single Interval, then `bins` is an integer or None.

        If `features` is an iterable of Intervals, `bins` is an iterable of
        integers of the same length as `features`.

        Available for bigWig.

    fragment_size : None or int
        If not None, then each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from
        a BAM file) will be extended `fragment_size` bp in the 3' direction.
        Higher fragment sizes will result in smoother signal.  Not available
        for bigWig.

    shift_width : int
        Each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from a BAM
        file) will be shifted `shift_width` bp in the 3' direction.  This can
        be useful for reconstructing a ChIP-seq profile, using the shift width
        determined from the peak-caller (e.g., modeled `d` in MACS). Not
        available for bigWig.

    read_strand : None or str
        If `read_strand` is one of "+" or "-", then only items from the genomic
        signal (e.g., reads from a BAM file) on that strand will be considered
        and reads on the opposite strand ignored.  Useful for plotting genomic
        signal for stranded libraries. Not available for bigWig.

    stranded : bool
        If True, then the profile will be reversed for features whose strand
        attribute is "-".

    use_score : bool
        If True, then each bin will contain the sum of the *score* attribute of
        genomic features in that bin instead of the *number* of genomic
        features falling within each bin. Not available for bigWig.

    accumulate : bool
        If False, then only record *that* there was something there, rather
        than acumulating reads.  This is useful for making matrices with called
        peaks. Available for bigWig.

    preserve_total : bool
        If True, re-scales the returned value so that each binned row's total
        is equal to the sum of the original, un-binned data.  The units of the
        returned array will be in "total per bin".  This is useful for, e.g.,
        counting reads in features.  If `preserve_total` is False, then the
        returned array will have units of "density"; this is more generally
        useful and is the default behavior.  Available for bigWig, but not when
        using method="ucsc_summarize".

    method : str; one of [ "summarize" | "get_as_array" | "ucsc_summarize" ]
        Only used for bigWig.  The method specifies how data are extracted from
        the bigWig file.  "summarize" is the default.  It's quite fast, but may
        yield slightly different results when compared to running this same
        function on the BAM file from which the bigWig was created.

        "summarize" uses bx-python.  The values returned will not be exactly
        the same as the values returned when local_coverage is called on a BAM,
        BED, or bigBed file, but they will be close.  This method is quite
        fast, and is the default when bins is not None.

        "get_as_array" uses bx-python, but does a separate binning step.  This
        can be slower than the other two methods, but the results are exactly
        the same as those from a BAM, BED, or bigBed file.  This method is
        always used if bins=None.

        "ucsc_summarize" is an alternative version of "summarize".  It uses the
        UCSC program `bigWigSummary`, which must already installed and on your

    processes : int or None
        The feature can be split across multiple processes.


    1-d NumPy array

    If a feature has a "-" strand attribute, then the resulting profile will be
    *relative to a minus-strand feature*.  That is, the resulting profile will
    be reversed.

    Returns arrays `x` and `y`.  `x` is in genomic coordinates, and `y` is
    the coverage at each of those coordinates after extending fragments.

    The total number of reads is guaranteed to be the same no matter how it's

    (with ideas from

    # bigWig files are handled differently, so we need to know if we're working
    # with one; raise exeception if a kwarg was supplied that's not supported.
    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BigWigAdapter):
        is_bigwig = True
        defaults = (
            ('read_strand', read_strand, None),
            ('fragment_size', fragment_size, None),
            ('shift_width', shift_width, 0),
            ('use_score', use_score, False),
            ('preserve_total', preserve_total, False),
        for name, check, default in defaults:
            if (
                ((default is None) and (check is not default))
                (check != default)
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "Argument '%s' not supported for bigWig" % name)

        if method == 'ucsc_summarize':
            if preserve_total:
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "preserve_total=True not supported when using "
        is_bigwig = False

    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BamAdapter):
        if use_score:
            raise ArgumentError("Argument 'use_score' not supported for "

    # e.g., features = "chr1:1-1000"
    if isinstance(features, basestring):
        features = helpers.tointerval(features)

    if not ((isinstance(features, list) or isinstance(features, tuple))):
        if bins is not None:
            if not isinstance(bins, int):
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "bins must be an int, got %s" % type(bins))
        features = [features]
        bins = [bins]
        if bins is None:
            bins = [None for i in features]
        if not len(bins) == len(features):
            raise ArgumentError(
                "bins must have same length as feature list")

    # nomenclature:
    #   "window" is region we're getting data for
    #   "alignment" is one item in that region
    profiles = []
    xs = []
    for window, nbin in zip(features, bins):
        window = helpers.tointerval(window)
        chrom = window.chrom
        start = window.start
        stop = window.stop
        strand = window.strand

        if not is_bigwig:
            # Extend the window to catch reads that would extend into the
            # requested window
            _fs = fragment_size or 0
            padded_window = pybedtools.Interval(
                max(start - _fs - shift_width, 0),
                stop + _fs + shift_width,
            window_size = stop - start

            # start off with an array of zeros to represent the window
            profile = np.zeros(window_size, dtype=float)

            for interval in reader[padded_window]:

                if read_strand:
                    if interval.strand != read_strand:

                # Shift interval by modeled distance, if specified.
                if shift_width:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start -= shift_width
                        interval.stop -= shift_width
                        interval.start += shift_width
                        interval.stop += shift_width

                # Extend fragment size from 3'
                if fragment_size:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start = interval.stop - fragment_size
                        interval.stop = interval.start + fragment_size

                # Convert to 0-based coords that can be used as indices into
                # array
                start_ind = interval.start - start

                # If the feature goes out of the window, then only include the
                # part that's inside the window
                start_ind = max(start_ind, 0)

                # Same thing for stop
                stop_ind = interval.stop - start
                stop_ind = min(stop_ind, window_size)

                # Skip if the feature is shifted outside the window. This can
                # happen with large values of `shift_width`.
                if start_ind >= window_size or stop_ind < 0:

                # Finally, increment profile
                if use_score:
                    score = float(interval.score)
                    score = 1

                if accumulate:
                    if preserve_total:
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += (
                            score / float((stop_ind - start_ind)))
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += score

                    profile[start_ind:stop_ind] = score

        else:  # it's a bigWig
            profile = reader.summarize(
                window, method=method, bins=(nbin or len(window)))

        # If no bins, return genomic coords
        if (nbin is None):
            x = np.arange(start, stop)

        # Otherwise do the downsampling; resulting x is stll in genomic
        # coords
            if preserve_total:
                total = float(profile.sum())
            if not is_bigwig or method == 'get_as_array':
                xi, profile = rebin(
                    x=np.arange(start, stop), y=profile, nbin=nbin)
                if not accumulate:
                    nonzero = profile != 0
                    profile[profile != 0] = 1
                x = xi

                x = np.linspace(start, stop - 1, nbin)

        # Minus-strand profiles should be flipped left-to-right.
        if stranded and strand == '-':
            profile = profile[::-1]
        if preserve_total:
            scale = profile.sum() / total
            profile /= scale

    stacked_xs = np.hstack(xs)
    stacked_profiles = np.hstack(profiles)
    del xs
    del profiles
    return stacked_xs, stacked_profiles
Exemplo n.º 7
def _local_coverage(reader,
    Returns a binned vector of coverage.

    Computes a 1D vector of coverage at the coordinates for each feature in
    `features`, extending each read by `fragmentsize` bp.

    Some arguments cannot be used for bigWig files due to the structure of
    these files.  The parameters docstring below indicates whether or not an
    argument can be used with bigWig files.

    Depending on the arguments provided, this method can return a vector
    containing values from a single feature or from concatenated features.

    An example of the flexibility afforded by the latter case:

        `features` can be a 3-tuple of pybedtools.Intervals representing (TSS
        + 1kb upstream, gene, TTS + 1kb downstream) and `bins` can be [100,
        1000, 100].  This will return a vector of length 1200 containing the
        three genomic intervals binned into 100, 1000, and 100 bins
        respectively.  Note that is up to the caller to construct the right
        axes labels in the final plot!

    features : str, interval-like object, or list

        Can be a single interval or an iterable yielding intervals.

        Interval-like objects must have chrom, start, and stop attributes, and
        optionally a strand attribute.  One exception to this that if
        `features` is a single string, it can be of the form "chrom:start-stop"
        or "chrom:start-stop[strand]".

        If `features` is a single interval, then return a 1-D array for that

        If `features` is an iterable of intervals, then return a 1-D
        array that is a concatenation of signal for these intervals.

        Available for bigWig.

    bins : None, int, list
        If `bins` is None, then each value in the returned array will
        correspond to one bp in the genome.

        If `features` is a single Interval, then `bins` is an integer or None.

        If `features` is an iterable of Intervals, `bins` is an iterable of
        integers of the same length as `features`.

        Available for bigWig.

    fragment_size : None or int
        If not None, then each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from
        a BAM file) will be extended `fragment_size` bp in the 3' direction.
        Higher fragment sizes will result in smoother signal.  Not available
        for bigWig.

    shift_width : int
        Each item from the genomic signal (e.g., reads from a BAM
        file) will be shifted `shift_width` bp in the 3' direction.  This can
        be useful for reconstructing a ChIP-seq profile, using the shift width
        determined from the peak-caller (e.g., modeled `d` in MACS). Not
        available for bigWig.

    read_strand : None or str
        If `read_strand` is one of "+" or "-", then only items from the genomic
        signal (e.g., reads from a BAM file) on that strand will be considered
        and reads on the opposite strand ignored.  Useful for plotting genomic
        signal for stranded libraries. Not available for bigWig.

    stranded : bool
        If True, then the profile will be reversed for features whose strand
        attribute is "-".

    use_score : bool
        If True, then each bin will contain the sum of the *score* attribute of
        genomic features in that bin instead of the *number* of genomic
        features falling within each bin. Not available for bigWig.

    accumulate : bool
        If False, then only record *that* there was something there, rather
        than acumulating reads.  This is useful for making matrices with called
        peaks. Available for bigWig.

    preserve_total : bool
        If True, re-scales the returned value so that each binned row's total
        is equal to the sum of the original, un-binned data.  The units of the
        returned array will be in "total per bin".  This is useful for, e.g.,
        counting reads in features.  If `preserve_total` is False, then the
        returned array will have units of "density"; this is more generally
        useful and is the default behavior.  Available for bigWig, but not when
        using method="ucsc_summarize".

    method : str;
        all types:
            * one of ["mean_bin_coverage", "bin_covered", None]
        bigWig specific:
            * one of [ "summarize" | "get_as_array" | "ucsc_summarize" ]

        The method specifies how data are extracted from
        the bigWig file.  "summarize" is the default.  It's quite fast, but may
        yield slightly different results when compared to running this same
        function on the BAM file from which the bigWig was created.

        "summarize" uses bx-python.  The values returned will not be exactly
        the same as the values returned when local_coverage is called on a BAM,
        BED, or bigBed file, but they will be close.  This method is quite
        fast, and is the default when bins is not None.

        "get_as_array" uses bx-python, but does a separate binning step.  This
        can be slower than the other two methods, but the results are exactly
        the same as those from a BAM, BED, or bigBed file.  This method is
        always used if bins=None.

        "ucsc_summarize" is an alternative version of "summarize".  It uses the
        UCSC program `bigWigSummary`, which must already installed and on your

        "mean_offset_coverage": Let's split [start, stop] range in nbin bins,
        where each bin represents average peaks coverage (per bp) around
        the bin center. 'xs' array contains bin centers. If 'accumulate'
        is TRUE method provides average offset coverage by peaks, else peaks
        density in bin

        "bin_covered": Let's split [start, stop] range in nbin bins,
        where each bin represents whether it was covered by at least 1 peak
        or not. Bins defined by centers from 'xs' array.

        "mean_offset_coverage" and "bin_covered" methods differ from
        default interpolation based method. Difference is more visible when
        data is split in large bins covered by short peaks (e.g like raw bam
        peaks). Also default methods split in bins which not symmetric
        relatively +/- strand direction.

        These 2 methods tends:
         * to generate same bins for +/- strand data
         * bin value depends on bin signal coverage/enrichment

        Default method:
         * last bin on minus strand (first on plus strand) length differ from
          other bins, so merged + and - signal bins are introduce some 'shift'
         * bin value is interpolated between closest left and right genome
         offsets, thus whole bin doesn't represent bin enrichment

        So default method is good, when bins length are close or smaller than
        signal peaks lengths.

    processes : int or None
        The feature can be split across multiple processes.


    1-d NumPy array

    If a feature has a "-" strand attribute, then the resulting profile will be
    *relative to a minus-strand feature*.  That is, the resulting profile will
    be reversed.

    Returns arrays `x` and `y`.  `x` is in genomic coordinates, and `y` is
    the coverage at each of those coordinates after extending fragments.

    The total number of reads is guaranteed to be the same no matter how it's

    (with ideas from

    # bigWig files are handled differently, so we need to know if we're working
    # with one; raise exeception if a kwarg was supplied that's not supported.
    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BigWigAdapter):
        is_bigwig = True
        defaults = (
            ('read_strand', read_strand, None),
            ('fragment_size', fragment_size, None),
            ('shift_width', shift_width, 0),
            ('use_score', use_score, False),
            ('preserve_total', preserve_total, False),
        for name, check, default in defaults:
            if (((default is None) and (check is not default))
                    or (check != default)):
                raise ArgumentError("Argument '%s' not supported for bigWig" %

        if method == 'ucsc_summarize':
            if preserve_total:
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "preserve_total=True not supported when using "
        is_bigwig = False

    if isinstance(reader, filetype_adapters.BamAdapter):
        if use_score:
            raise ArgumentError("Argument 'use_score' not supported for "

    # e.g., features = "chr1:1-1000"
    if isinstance(features, basestring):
        features = helpers.tointerval(features)

    if not ((isinstance(features, list) or isinstance(features, tuple))):
        if bins is not None:
            if not isinstance(bins, int):
                raise ArgumentError("bins must be an int, got %s" % type(bins))
        features = [features]
        bins = [bins]
        if bins is None:
            bins = [None for i in features]
        if not len(bins) == len(features):
            raise ArgumentError("bins must have same length as feature list")

    # nomenclature:
    #   "window" is region we're getting data for
    #   "alignment" is one item in that region
    profiles = []
    xs = []
    for window, nbin in zip(features, bins):
        window = helpers.tointerval(window)
        chrom = window.chrom
        start = window.start
        stop = window.stop
        strand = window.strand

        if not is_bigwig:
            # Extend the window to catch reads that would extend into the
            # requested window
            _fs = fragment_size or 0
            padded_window = pybedtools.Interval(
                max(start - _fs - shift_width, 0),
                stop + _fs + shift_width,
            window_size = stop - start

            # start off with an array of zeros to represent the window
            profile = np.zeros(window_size, dtype=float)

            for interval in reader[padded_window]:

                if read_strand:
                    if interval.strand != read_strand:

                # Shift interval by modeled distance, if specified.
                if shift_width:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start -= shift_width
                        interval.stop -= shift_width
                        interval.start += shift_width
                        interval.stop += shift_width

                # Extend fragment size from 3'
                if fragment_size:
                    if interval.strand == '-':
                        interval.start = interval.stop - fragment_size
                        interval.stop = interval.start + fragment_size

                # Convert to 0-based coords that can be used as indices into
                # array
                start_ind = interval.start - start

                # If the feature goes out of the window, then only include the
                # part that's inside the window
                start_ind = max(start_ind, 0)

                # Same thing for stop
                stop_ind = interval.stop - start
                stop_ind = min(stop_ind, window_size)

                # Skip if the feature is shifted outside the window. This can
                # happen with large values of `shift_width`.
                if start_ind >= window_size or stop_ind < 0:

                # Finally, increment profile
                if use_score:
                    score = float(interval.score)
                    score = 1

                if accumulate:
                    if preserve_total:
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += (score / float(
                            (stop_ind - start_ind)))
                        profile[start_ind:stop_ind] += score

                    profile[start_ind:stop_ind] = score

        else:  # it's a bigWig
            profile = reader.summarize(window,
                                       bins=(nbin or len(window)))

        # If no bins, return genomic coords
        if (nbin is None):
            x = np.arange(start, stop)

        # Otherwise do the downsampling; resulting x is stll in genomic
        # coords
            if preserve_total:
                total = float(profile.sum())

            if method == 'mean_offset_coverage' or method == 'bin_covered':
                # Let's split [start, stop] range in nbin bins, where each
                # bin represent average peaks coverage (per bp) around the bin.
                # Profile for minus strand is reversed profile for plus strand,
                # so we need to split in bins symmetrically.
                # So:
                # * start offset represents [start, start + bin_size / 2) bind
                # * stop offset represents [stop - bin_size / 2, stop] bin
                # * i-th bin center: [center_i - bin_size / 2,
                #                     center_i + bin_size/2)

                size = stop - start
                assert size == len(profile)
                assert nbin > 2

                # Let's split in nbins + (nbins - 1) small bins. In this case
                # we have 1 small bin near start, 1 small near stop and
                # each 2 inner small bins represent one normal bin.

                # Otherwise we need to be more accurate while calculating
                # indexes
                bounds = np.linspace(0, size - 1, nbin * 2 - 1)

                # inner bins bounds indexes
                ib_bounds = zip(
                    np.ceil(bounds[3:-1:2]).astype(int) - 1)

                ib_centers = np.ceil(bounds[2:-1:2]).astype(int)

                profile = np.fromiter(itertools.chain(
                    (profile[0:max(1, ib_bounds[0][0])].mean(), ),
                    [profile[l:max(l, r) + 1].mean() for l, r in ib_bounds],
                    (profile[min(size - 1, ib_bounds[-1][1] + 1):].mean(), )),

                x = np.fromiter(itertools.chain(
                    (start, ), (start + offset for offset in ib_centers),
                    (stop - 1, )),

                if method == 'bin_covered':
                    nonzero = profile != 0
                    profile[nonzero] = 1

            elif not is_bigwig or method == 'get_as_array':
                xi, profile = rebin(x=np.arange(start, stop),
                if not accumulate:
                    nonzero = profile != 0
                    profile[nonzero] = 1
                x = xi

                x = np.linspace(start, stop - 1, nbin)

        # Minus-strand profiles should be flipped left-to-right.
        if stranded and strand == '-':
            profile = profile[::-1]
        if preserve_total:
            scale = profile.sum() / total
            profile /= scale

    stacked_xs = np.hstack(xs)
    stacked_profiles = np.hstack(profiles)
    del xs
    del profiles
    return stacked_xs, stacked_profiles