Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def manuscript_full_json (passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.


    auth ()

    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get ('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id
    chapter    = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage   = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        ms        = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id     = passage.range_id (chapter)

        json = ms.to_json ()
        json['length'] = ms.get_length (passage, chapter)

        # Get the attestation(s) of the manuscript (may be uncertain eg. a/b/c)
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id = ms.ms_id, pass_id = passage.pass_id))
        json['labez'], json['clique'], json['labez_clique'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to all manuscripts
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT avg (a.affinity) as aa,
        percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.affinity) as ma
        FROM affinity a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        json['aa'], json['ma'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to MT
        # For a description of mt and mtp see the comment in
        # ActsMsListValPh3.pl and
        # http://intf.uni-muenster.de/cbgm/actsPh3/guide_en.html#Ancestors

        json['mt'], json['mtp'] = 0.0, 0.0
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT a.affinity as mt, a.equal::float / c.length as mtp
        FROM affinity a
        JOIN ms_ranges c
          ON (a.ms_id1, a.rg_id) = (c.ms_id, c.rg_id)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = 2 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        if res.rowcount > 0:
            json['mt'], json['mtp'] = res.fetchone ()

        return make_json_response (json)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def cliques_json(passage_or_id):
    """ Endpoint.  Serve all cliques found in a passage.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.



    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response(passage.cliques())
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def cliques_json (passage_or_id):
    """ Endpoint.  Serve all cliques found in a passage.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.


    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response (passage.cliques ())
Exemplo n.º 4
def notes_json(range_id):
    """Endpoint.  Get a list of all editor notes."""


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT pass_id, begadr, endadr, note
        FROM passages_view p
        JOIN ranges rg
          ON (rg.passage @> p.passage)
        JOIN notes
          USING (pass_id)
        WHERE rg.rg_id = :range_id
        ORDER BY pass_id
        """, dict(parameters, range_id=range_id))

        Notes = collections.namedtuple('Notes',
                                       'pass_id, begadr, endadr, note')
        notes = []
        for r in res:
            note = Notes._make(r)._asdict()
            note['hr'] = Passage.static_to_hr(note['begadr'], note['endadr'])

        return make_json_response(notes)
Exemplo n.º 5
def stemma(passage_or_id):
    """Serve a local stemma in dot format.

    A local stemma is a DAG (directed acyclic graph).  The layout of the DAG is
    precomputed on the server using GraphViz.  GraphViz adds a precomputed
    position to each node and a precomputed bezier path to each edge.

    N.B. I also considered client-side layout of DAGs, but found only 2 viable

    - dagre.  Javascript clone of GraphViz.  Unmaintained.  Buggy.  Does not
      work well with require.js.

    - viz.js.  GraphViz cross-compiled to Javascript with Emscripten.  Huge.
      Promising but still early days.

    Both libraries have their drawbacks so the easiest way out was to precompute
    the layout on the server.


    width = float(request.args.get('width') or 0.0)
    fontsize = float(request.args.get('fontsize') or 10.0)

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        graph = db_tools.local_stemma_to_nx(conn, passage.pass_id,
        dot = helpers.nx_to_dot(graph, width, fontsize, nodesep=0.2)
        return dot
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def leitzeile_json(passage_or_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve the leitzeile for the verse containing passage_or_id. """


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        verse_start = (passage.start // 1000) * 1000
        verse_end = verse_start + 999

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT l.begadr, l.endadr, l.lemma, ARRAY_AGG (p.pass_id)
        FROM nestle l
          LEFT JOIN passages p ON (p.passage @> l.passage)
        WHERE int4range (:start, :end + 1) @> l.passage
        GROUP BY l.begadr, l.endadr, l.lemma

        UNION -- get the insertions

        SELECT p.begadr, p.endadr, '', ARRAY_AGG (p.pass_id)
        FROM passages_view p
        WHERE int4range (:start, :end + 1) @> p.passage AND (begadr % 2) = 1
        GROUP BY p.begadr, p.endadr

        ORDER BY begadr, endadr DESC
        """, dict(parameters, start=verse_start, end=verse_end))

        Leitzeile = collections.namedtuple('Leitzeile',
                                           'begadr, endadr, lemma, pass_ids')
        leitzeile = [Leitzeile._make(r)._asdict() for r in res]

        return make_json_response(leitzeile)
Exemplo n.º 7
def notes_txt(passage_or_id):
    """Read or write the editor notes for a passage



    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)

        if request.method == 'PUT':

            json = request.get_json()

            res = execute(
                conn, """
            SET LOCAL ntg.user_id = :user_id;
            """, dict(parameters, user_id=flask_login.current_user.id))

            # check for edit conflicts
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            SELECT * FROM notes
            WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND note != :old_note
            for row in res:
                return make_json_response(
                    message='Cannot save. The note was edited by another user.'

            # save
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            INSERT INTO notes AS n (pass_id, note)
            VALUES (:pass_id, :note)
            ON CONFLICT (pass_id) DO
            SET note = :note
            WHERE n.pass_id = EXCLUDED.pass_id
            """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id, note=json['note']))

            return make_json_response(message='Note saved.')

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT note
        FROM notes
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        if res.rowcount > 0:
            return make_text_response(res.fetchone()[0])
        return make_text_response('')
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def attesting_csv(passage_or_id, labez):
    """ Serve all relatives of all mss. attesting labez at passage. """


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT ms_id, hs, hsnr
        FROM apparatus_view
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND labez = :labez
        ORDER BY hsnr
        """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id, labez=labez))

        Attesting = collections.namedtuple('Attesting', 'ms_id hs hsnr')

        return csvify(Attesting._fields, list(map(Attesting._make, res)))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def apparatus_json(passage_or_id):
    """ The contents of the apparatus table. """


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)

        # list of labez => lesart
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT labez, reading (labez, lesart)
        FROM readings
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY labez
        """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        Readings = collections.namedtuple('Readings', 'labez lesart')
        readings = [Readings._make(r)._asdict() for r in res]

        # list of labez_clique => manuscripts
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique, labezsuf, reading (labez, lesart), ms_id, hs, hsnr, certainty
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY hsnr, labez, clique
        """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        Manuscripts = collections.namedtuple(
            'labez clique labez_clique labezsuf lesart ms_id hs hsnr certainty'
        manuscripts = [Manuscripts._make(r)._asdict() for r in res]

        return make_json_response({
            'readings': readings,
            'manuscripts': manuscripts,

    return 'Error'
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def passage_json (passage_or_id = None):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a passage.

    Return information about a passage or navigate to it.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.
    :param string siglum:        The siglum of the book to navigate to.
    :param string chapter:       The chapter to navigate to.
    :param string verse:         The verse to navigate to.
    :param string word:          The word (range) to navigate to.
    :param string button:        The button pressed.


    auth ()

    passage_or_id = request.args.get ('pass_id') or passage_or_id or '0'

    siglum  = request.args.get ('siglum')
    chapter = request.args.get ('chapter')
    verse   = request.args.get ('verse')
    word    = request.args.get ('word')
    button  = request.args.get ('button')

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        if siglum and chapter and verse and word and button == 'Go':
            parsed_passage = Passage.parse ("%s %s:%s/%s" % (siglum, chapter, verse, word))
            # log (logging.INFO, parsed_passage)
            passage = Passage (conn, parsed_passage)
            return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())

        if button in ('-1', '1'):
            passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
            passage = Passage (conn, int (passage.pass_id) + int (button))
            return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())

        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: editor.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def notes_json ():
    """Endpoint.  Get a list of all editor notes."""

    if not flask_login.current_user.has_role ('editor'):
        raise PrivilegeError ('You don\'t have editor privilege.')

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT pass_id, begadr, endadr, note
        FROM passages_view
        JOIN notes
          USING (pass_id)
        """, dict (parameters))

        Notes = collections.namedtuple ('Notes', 'pass_id, begadr, endadr, note')
        notes = []
        for r in res:
            note = Notes._make (r)._asdict ()
            note['hr'] = Passage.static_to_hr (note['begadr'], note['endadr'])
            notes.append (note)

        return make_json_response (notes)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def attestation_json(passage_or_id):
    """Answer with a list of the attestations of all manuscripts at one specified


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT ms_id, labez
        FROM apparatus
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY ms_id
        """, dict(parameters, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        attestations = {}
        for row in res:
            ms_id, labez = row
            attestations[str(ms_id)] = labez

        return make_json_response({'attestations': attestations})
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def relatives_csv(passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Output a table of the nearest relatives of a manuscript.

    Output a table of the nearest relatives/ancestors/descendants of a
    manuscript and what they attest.



    type_ = request.args.get('type') or 'rel'
    limit = int(request.args.get('limit') or 0)
    labez = request.args.get('labez') or 'all'
    mode = request.args.get('mode') or 'sim'
    include = request.args.getlist('include[]') or []
    fragments = request.args.getlist('fragments[]') or []

    view = 'affinity_view' if mode == 'rec' else 'affinity_p_view'

    where = ''
    if type_ == 'anc':
        where = ' AND older < newer'
    if type_ == 'des':
        where = ' AND older >= newer'

    if labez == 'all':
        where += " AND labez !~ '^z'"
    elif labez == 'all+lac':
        where += " AND labez = '%s'" % labez

    if 'fragments' in fragments:
        frag_where = ''
        frag_where = 'AND aff.common > aff.ms1_length / 2'

    limit = '' if limit == 0 else ' LIMIT %d' % limit

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:

        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id = passage.request_rg_id(request)

        exclude = get_excluded_ms_ids(conn, include)

        # Get the X most similar manuscripts and their attestations
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        /* get the LIMIT closest ancestors for this node */
        WITH ranks AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2,
            rank () OVER (ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id2) AS rank,
          FROM {view} aff
          WHERE ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
            AND newer > older {frag_where}
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT r.rank,
               aff.ms_id2 as ms_id,
               aff.common - aff.equal - aff.older - aff.newer - aff.unclear as norel,
               CASE WHEN aff.newer < aff.older THEN ''
                    WHEN aff.newer = aff.older THEN '-'
                    ELSE '>'
               END as direction,
          {view} aff
        JOIN apparatus_view_agg a
          ON aff.ms_id2 = a.ms_id
        JOIN manuscripts ms
          ON aff.ms_id2 = ms.ms_id
        LEFT JOIN ranks r
          ON r.ms_id2 = aff.ms_id2
        WHERE aff.ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude AND aff.ms_id1 = :ms_id1
              AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND aff.common > 0
              AND a.pass_id = :pass_id {where} {frag_where}
        ORDER BY affinity DESC, r.rank, newer DESC, older DESC, hsnr

        Relatives = collections.namedtuple(
            'rank ms_id hs hsnr length common equal older newer unclear norel direction affinity labez certainty'
        return csvify(Relatives._fields, list(map(Relatives._make, res)))
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def manuscript_full_json(passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.



    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id = passage.request_rg_id(request)

        if ms.ms_id is None:
            return cache(
                make_json_response(None, 400,
                                   'Bad request: No such manuscript.'))

        json = ms.to_json()
        json['length'] = ms.get_length(rg_id)

        # Get the attestation(s) of the manuscript (may be uncertain eg. a/b/c)
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique, certainty
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id=ms.ms_id, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['labez'], json['clique'], json['labez_clique'], json[
                'certainty'] = row

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to all manuscripts
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT avg (a.affinity) as aa,
        percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.affinity) as ma
        FROM affinity a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id1=ms.ms_id, rg_id=rg_id))

        json['aa'], json['ma'] = 0.0, 0.0
        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['aa'], json['ma'] = row

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to MT
        # For a description of mt and mtp see the comment in
        # ActsMsListValPh3.pl and
        # http://intf.uni-muenster.de/cbgm/actsPh3/guide_en.html#Ancestors

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT a.affinity as mt, a.equal::float / c.length as mtp
        FROM affinity a
        JOIN ms_ranges c
          ON (a.ms_id1, a.rg_id) = (c.ms_id, c.rg_id)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = 2 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id1=ms.ms_id, rg_id=rg_id))

        json['mt'], json['mtp'] = 0.0, 0.0
        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['mt'], json['mtp'] = row

        return cache(make_json_response(json))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def pass_hr (self):
     return Passage.static_to_hr (self.begadr, self.endadr)
Exemplo n.º 16
def congruence_list(conn, passage, range_id):
    """Check the congruence.

    "Das Prüfprogramm soll eine Inkongruenz anzeigen, wenn der Zeuge einer Lesart
    x, die im lokalen Stemma von y abhängt UND (bei x keinen pV mit Conn <= 5
    hat ODER bei y keinen pV mit höherem Rang hat als ein weiterer pV bei einer
    anderen Variante), nicht mit x ODER x(n) der Quelle "?" zugeordnet wird."
    -- email K. Wachtel 16.01.2020

    Wenn Lesart x im lokalen Stemma von y != ? abhängt, muß jeder Zeuge der
    Lesart x:

    1. einen pV(conn=5) der Lesart x haben, oder

    2. der höchste pV(!= zz) die Lesart y haben.

    Wenn Lesart x im lokalen Stemma von ? abhängt, ist keine Aussage möglich.


    res = execute(
        conn, """
    -- get the closest ancestors ms1 for every manuscript ms2
    WITH ranked AS (
        rank () OVER (PARTITION BY ms_id2 ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id1) AS rank,
      FROM affinity_p_view aff
      WHERE ms_id1 NOT IN :exclude
        AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
        AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id
        AND aff.newer < aff.older
        AND aff.common > aff.ms2_length / 2
      ORDER BY ms_id2, affinity DESC

    -- get readings
    readings AS (
        q1.labez AS labez1,
        q2.labez AS labez2,
        q1.clique AS clique1,
        q2.clique AS clique2,
        labez_clique (q1.labez, q1.clique) as lq1,
        labez_clique (q2.labez, q2.clique) as lq2,
        l.source_labez  as source_l2,
        l.source_clique as source_q2,
        labez_clique (l.source_labez, l.source_clique) as source_lq2,
        row_number () OVER (PARTITION BY p.pass_id, r.ms_id2 ORDER BY r.rank) as row_no,
        count (*) FILTER (WHERE q1.labez !~ '^z') OVER (
           PARTITION BY p.pass_id, r.ms_id2
           ORDER BY r.rank
      FROM passages p
        JOIN ranges rg ON (rg.rg_id = :range_id AND rg.passage @> p.passage)
      CROSS JOIN ranked r
        JOIN apparatus_cliques_view q1 ON q1.ms_id = r.ms_id1 AND q1.pass_id = p.pass_id
        JOIN apparatus_cliques_view q2 ON q2.ms_id = r.ms_id2 AND q2.pass_id = p.pass_id
        JOIN locstem l ON (l.pass_id, l.labez, l.clique) = (q2.pass_id, q2.labez, q2.clique)
      WHERE q1.certainty = 1.0
        AND q2.certainty = 1.0
        AND r.rank <= 2 * :connectivity -- speed things up
      ORDER BY pass_id, ms_id2, rank

    -- output mss that fail both rules
      r.pass_id, r.begadr, r.endadr, ms1.hs AS hs1, ms2.hs AS hs2, r.ms_id1, r.ms_id2, r.lq1, r.lq2, r.rank
    FROM readings r
      JOIN manuscripts ms1 ON ms1.ms_id = r.ms_id1
      JOIN manuscripts ms2 ON ms2.ms_id = r.ms_id2
    WHERE r.lq2       != lq1
      AND r.labez1    !~ '^z'
      AND r.labez2    !~ '^z'
      AND r.source_l2 != '?'
      AND r.row_no    = 1
      -- ancestor ms1 reads different from descendant ms2
      AND -- ms2 fails rule 1 (muß einen pV(conn=5) der Lesart x haben)
        NOT EXISTS (
          SELECT 1 FROM readings c
          WHERE c.ms_id2  = r.ms_id2
            AND c.pass_id = r.pass_id
            AND c.lq1     = r.lq2
            AND c.row_no <= :connectivity
      AND -- ms2 fails rule 2 (der höchste pV(!= zz) muß die Lesart y haben)
        NOT EXISTS (
          SELECT 1 FROM readings c
          WHERE c.ms_id2  = r.ms_id2
            AND c.pass_id = r.pass_id
            AND c.lq1     = r.source_lq2
            AND c.row_no_no_zz = 1

    ORDER BY pass_id, ms1.hsnr
            exclude=(1, 2),

    Ranks = collections.namedtuple(
        'pass_id begadr endadr ms1 ms2 ms_id1 ms_id2 labez1 labez2 rank')
    ranks = []
    for r in res:
        rank = Ranks._make(r)._asdict()
        rank['hr'] = Passage.static_to_hr(rank['begadr'], rank['endadr'])

    return ranks
Exemplo n.º 17
def textflow(passage_or_id):
    """ Output a stemma of manuscripts. """

    labez = request.args.get('labez') or ''
    hyp_a = request.args.get('hyp_a') or 'A'
    connectivity = int(request.args.get('connectivity') or 10)
    width = float(request.args.get('width') or 0.0)
    fontsize = float(request.args.get('fontsize') or 10.0)
    mode = request.args.get('mode') or 'sim'

    include = request.args.getlist('include[]') or []
    fragments = request.args.getlist('fragments[]') or []
    checks = request.args.getlist('checks[]') or []
    var_only = request.args.getlist('var_only[]') or []
    cliques = request.args.getlist('cliques[]') or []

    fragments = 'fragments' in fragments
    checks = 'checks' in checks
    var_only = 'var_only' in var_only  # Panel: Coherence at Variant Passages (GraphViz)
    cliques = 'cliques' in cliques  # consider or ignore cliques
    leaf_z = 'Z' in include  # show leaf z nodes in global textflow?

    view = 'affinity_view' if mode == 'rec' else 'affinity_p_view'

    global_textflow = not ((labez != '') or var_only)
    rank_z = False  # include z nodes in ranking?

    if global_textflow:
        connectivity = 1
        rank_z = True
    if connectivity == 21:
        connectivity = 9999

    labez_where = ''
    frag_where = ''
    z_where = ''

    if labez != '':
        labez_where = 'AND app.cbgm AND app.labez = :labez'
        if hyp_a != 'A':
            labez_where = 'AND app.cbgm AND (app.labez = :labez OR (app.ms_id = 1 AND :hyp_a = :labez))'

    if not fragments:
        frag_where = 'AND a.common > a.ms1_length / 2'

    if not rank_z:
        z_where = "AND app.labez !~ '^z' AND app.certainty = 1.0"

    group_field = 'labez_clique' if cliques else 'labez'

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        rg_id = passage.request_rg_id(request)

        exclude = get_excluded_ms_ids(conn, include)

        # nodes query
        # get all nodes or all nodes (hypothetically) attesting labez

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT ms_id
        FROM apparatus app
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND ms_id NOT IN :exclude {labez_where} {z_where}

        nodes = {row[0] for row in res}
        if not nodes:
            nodes = {-1}  # avoid SQL syntax error

        # rank query
        # query to get the closest ancestors for every node with rank <= connectivity

        query = """
        SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2, rank
        FROM (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2, rank () OVER (PARTITION BY ms_id1
             ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id2) AS rank
          FROM {view} a
          WHERE ms_id1 IN :nodes AND a.rg_id = :rg_id AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
            AND newer > older {frag_where}
        ) AS r
        WHERE rank <= :connectivity
        ORDER BY rank

        res = execute(
            conn, query,

        Ranks = collections.namedtuple('Ranks', 'ms_id1 ms_id2 rank')
        ranks = list(map(Ranks._make, res))

        # Initially build an unconnected graph with one node for each
        # manuscript.  We will connect the nodes later.  Finally we will remove
        # unconnected nodes.

        graph = nx.DiGraph()

        dest_nodes = {r.ms_id1 for r in ranks}
        src_nodes = {r.ms_id2 for r in ranks}

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT ms.ms_id, ms.hs, ms.hsnr, a.labez, a.clique, a.labez_clique, a.certainty
        FROM apparatus_view_agg a
        JOIN manuscripts ms USING (ms_id)
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND ms_id IN :ms_ids
                 ms_ids=tuple(src_nodes | dest_nodes | nodes),

        Mss = collections.namedtuple(
            'Mss', 'ms_id hs hsnr labez clique labez_clique certainty')
        mss = list(map(Mss._make, res))

        for ms in mss:
            attrs = {}
            attrs['hs'] = ms.hs
            attrs['hsnr'] = ms.hsnr
                'labez'] = ms.labez if ms.certainty == 1.0 else 'zw ' + ms.labez
            attrs['clique'] = ms.clique
                'labez_clique'] = ms.labez_clique if ms.certainty == 1.0 else 'zw ' + ms.labez_clique
            attrs['ms_id'] = ms.ms_id
            attrs['label'] = ms.hs
            attrs['certainty'] = ms.certainty
            attrs['clickable'] = '1'
            if ms.ms_id == 1 and hyp_a != 'A':
                attrs['labez'] = hyp_a[0]
                attrs['clique'] = ''
                attrs['labez_clique'] = hyp_a[0]
            # FIXME: attrs['shape'] = SHAPES.get (attrs['labez'], SHAPES['a'])
            graph.add_node(ms.ms_id, **attrs)

        # Connect the nodes
        # Step 1: If the node has internal parents, keep only the top-ranked
        # internal parent.
        # Step 2: If the node has no internal parents, keep the top-ranked
        # parents for each external attestation.
        # Assumption: ranks are sorted top-ranked first

        def is_z_node(n):
            labez = n['labez']
            cert = n['certainty']
            return (labez[0] == 'z') or (cert < 1.0)

        tags = set()
        for step in (1, 2):
            for r in ranks:
                a1 = graph.nodes[r.ms_id1]
                if not r.ms_id2 in graph.nodes:
                a2 = graph.nodes[r.ms_id2]
                if not (global_textflow) and is_z_node(a2):
                    # disregard zz / zw
                if step == 1 and a1[group_field] != a2[group_field]:
                    # differing attestations are handled in step 2
                if r.ms_id1 in tags:
                    # an ancestor of this node that lays within the node's
                    # attestation was already seen.  we need not look into other
                    # attestations
                if str(r.ms_id1) + a2[group_field] in tags:
                    # an ancestor of this node that lays within this attestation
                    # was already seen.  we need not look into further nodes
                # add a new parent
                if r.rank > 1:
                    graph.add_edge(r.ms_id2, r.ms_id1)

                if a1[group_field] == a2[group_field]:
                    # tag: has ancestor node within the same attestation
                    # tag: has ancestor node with this other attestation
                    tags.add(str(r.ms_id1) + a2[group_field])

        if not leaf_z:

        # the if clause fixes #83
            n for n in nx.isolates(graph) if graph.nodes[n]['labez'] != labez

        if var_only:
            # Panel: Coherence at Variant Passages (GraphViz)
            # if one predecessor is within the same attestation then remove all
            # other predecessors that are not within the same attestation
            for n in graph:
                within = False
                attestation_n = graph.nodes[n][group_field]
                for p in graph.predecessors(n):
                    if graph.nodes[p][group_field] == attestation_n:
                        within = True
                if within:
                    for p in graph.predecessors(n):
                        if graph.nodes[p][group_field] != attestation_n:
                            graph.remove_edge(p, n)

            # remove edges between nodes within the same attestation
            for u, v in list(graph.edges()):
                if graph.nodes[u][group_field] == graph.nodes[v][group_field]:
                    graph.remove_edge(u, v)

            # remove now isolated nodes

            # unconstrain backward edges (yields a better GraphViz layout)
            for u, v in graph.edges():
                if graph.nodes[u][group_field] > graph.nodes[v][group_field]:
                    graph.adj[u][v]['constraint'] = 'false'

            for n in graph:
                # Use a different label if the parent's labez_clique differs from this
                # node's labez_clique.
                pred = list(graph.predecessors(n))
                attrs = graph.nodes[n]
                if not pred:
                    attrs['label'] = "%s: %s" % (attrs['labez_clique'],
                for p in pred:
                    if attrs['labez_clique'] != graph.nodes[p]['labez_clique']:
                        attrs['label'] = "%s: %s" % (attrs['labez_clique'],
                        graph.adj[p][n]['style'] = 'dashed'

        if checks:
            for rank in congruence(conn, passage):
                    graph.adj[rank.ms_id1][rank.ms_id2]['style'] = 'bold'
                except KeyError:

    if var_only:
        dot = helpers.nx_to_dot_subgraphs(graph, group_field, width, fontsize)
        dot = helpers.nx_to_dot(graph, width, fontsize)
    return dot
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: editor.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def stemma_edit (passage_or_id):
    """Edit a local stemma.

    Called from local-stemma.js (split, merge, move) and textflow.js (move-manuscripts).


    if not flask_login.current_user.has_role ('editor'):
        raise PrivilegeError ('You don\'t have editor privilege.')

    args = request.get_json ()

    action = args.get ('action')

    if action not in ('split', 'merge', 'move', 'move-manuscripts'):
        raise EditError ('Bad request')

    params = { 'original_new' : args.get ('labez_new') == '*' }
    for n in 'labez_old labez_new'.split ():
        params[n] = args.get (n)
        if not RE_VALID_LABEZ.match (params[n]):
            raise EditError ('Bad request')
        if params[n] in ('*', '?'):
            params[n] = None
    for n in 'clique_old clique_new'.split ():
        params[n] = args.get (n)
        if not RE_VALID_CLIQUE.match (params[n]):
            raise EditError ('Bad request')
        if params[n] == '0':
            params[n] = None

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        params['pass_id'] = passage.pass_id
        params['user_id'] = flask_login.current_user.id

        res = execute (conn, """
        SET LOCAL ntg.user_id = :user_id;
        """, dict (parameters, **params))

        if action == 'move':
                res = execute (conn, """
                UPDATE locstem
                SET source_labez = :labez_new, source_clique = :clique_new, original = :original_new
                WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND labez = :labez_old AND clique = :clique_old
                """, dict (parameters, **params))
            except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e:
                if 'unique constraint' in str (e):
                    raise EditError (
                        '''Only one original reading allowed. If you want to change the original
                        reading, first remove the old original reading.<br/><br/>''' + str (e)
                raise EditError (str (e))
            except sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError as e:
                raise EditError (str (e))

            # test the still uncommited changes

            graph = db_tools.local_stemma_to_nx (conn, passage.pass_id)

            # test: not a DAG
            if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph (graph):
                raise EditError ('The graph is not a DAG anymore.')
            # test: not connected
            graph.add_edge ('*', '?')
            if not nx.is_weakly_connected (graph):
                raise EditError ('The graph is not connected anymore.')
            # test: x derived from x
            for e in graph.edges:
                m0 = RE_EXTRACT_LABEZ.match (e[0])
                m1 = RE_EXTRACT_LABEZ.match (e[1])
                if m0 and m1 and m0.group (1) == m1.group (1):
                    raise EditError (
                        '''A reading cannot be derived from the same reading.
                        If you want to <b>merge</b> instead, use shift + drag.'''
        elif action == 'split':
            # get the next free clique
            res = execute (conn, """
            SELECT max (clique)
            FROM  cliques
            WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND labez = :labez_old
            """, dict (parameters, **params))
            params['clique_next'] = str (int (res.fetchone ()[0]) + 1)

            # insert into cliques table
            res = execute (conn, """
            INSERT INTO cliques (pass_id, labez, clique)
            VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_next)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

            # insert into locstem table with source = '?'
            res = execute (conn, """
            INSERT INTO locstem (pass_id, labez, clique, source_labez, source_clique, original)
            VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_next, NULL, NULL, false)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

        elif action == 'merge':
            # reassign manuscripts to merged clique
            res = execute (conn, """
            UPDATE ms_cliques
            SET clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

            # reassign sources to merged clique
            res = execute (conn, """
            UPDATE locstem
            SET source_clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, source_labez, source_clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

            # remove clique from locstem
            res = execute (conn, """
            DELETE FROM locstem
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

            # remove clique from cliques
            res = execute (conn, """
            DELETE FROM cliques
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict (parameters, **params))

        elif action == 'move-manuscripts':
            ms_ids = set (args.get ('ms_ids') or [])

            # reassign manuscripts to new clique
            res = execute (conn, """
            UPDATE apparatus_cliques_view
            SET clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
              AND ms_id IN :ms_ids
            """, dict (parameters, ms_ids = tuple (ms_ids), **params))

            tools.log (logging.INFO, 'Moved ms_ids: ' + str (ms_ids))

        # return the changed passage
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())

    raise EditError ('Could not edit local stemma.')
Exemplo n.º 19
 def pass_hr (self):
     return Passage.static_to_hr (self.begadr, self.endadr)
Exemplo n.º 20
def stemma_edit(passage_or_id):
    """Edit a local stemma.

    Called from local-stemma.js (split, merge, move) and textflow.js (move-manuscripts).



    args = request.get_json()

    action = args.get('action')

    if action not in ('add', 'del', 'split', 'merge', 'move',
        raise EditError('Bad request')

    params = {}
    for n in 'labez_old labez_new source_labez'.split():
        if n in args:
            params[n] = args.get(n)
            if not RE_VALID_LABEZ.match(params[n]):
                raise EditError('Bad request')
    for n in 'clique_old clique_new source_clique'.split():
        if n in args:
            params[n] = args.get(n)
            if not RE_VALID_CLIQUE.match(params[n]):
                raise EditError('Bad request')

    def integrity_error(e):
        if 'ix_locstem_unique_original' in str(e):
            raise EditError(
                '''Only one original reading allowed. If you want to change the original
                reading, first remove the old original reading.<br/><br/>''' +
        if 'locstem_pkey' in str(e):
            raise EditError(
                '''This readings already dependes on that reading.<br/><br/>'''
                + str(e))
        if 'same_source' in str(e):
            raise EditError(
                '''A reading cannot be derived from the same reading.
                If you want to <b>merge two readings</b>, use shift + drag.''')
        raise EditError(str(e))

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        params['pass_id'] = passage.pass_id
        params['user_id'] = flask_login.current_user.id

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SET LOCAL ntg.user_id = :user_id;
        """, dict(parameters, **params))

        if action == 'move':
            # reassign a source reading
            # there may be multiple existent assignments, there'll be only one left
                res = execute(
                    conn, """
                DELETE FROM locstem
                WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old);
                INSERT INTO locstem (pass_id, labez, clique, source_labez, source_clique)
                VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old, :labez_new, :clique_new)
                """, dict(parameters, **params))
            except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e:
            except sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError as e:
                raise EditError(str(e))

        if action == 'del':
            # remove a source reading
                # check if we are asked to remove the only link,
                # in that case reassign to 'unknown'
                res = execute(
                    conn, """
                SELECT pass_id
                FROM locstem
                WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old);
                """, dict(parameters, **params))

                tools.log(logging.INFO, 'Deleting: ' + str(params))

                if res.rowcount > 1:
                    res = execute(
                        conn, """
                    DELETE FROM locstem
                    WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
                      AND (source_labez, source_clique) = (:source_labez, :source_clique)
                    """, dict(parameters, **params))
                    res = execute(
                        conn, """
                    UPDATE locstem
                    SET (source_labez, source_clique) = ('?', '1')
                    WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old);
                    """, dict(parameters, **params))
            except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e:
            except sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError as e:
                raise EditError(str(e))

        if action == 'add':
            # add a source reading
                res = execute(
                    conn, """
                INSERT INTO locstem (pass_id, labez, clique, source_labez, source_clique)
                VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old, :labez_new, :clique_new)
                """, dict(parameters, **params))
            except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e:
            except sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError as e:
                raise EditError(str(e))

        if action in ('add', 'del', 'move'):
            # test the still uncommitted changes

            graph = db_tools.local_stemma_to_nx(conn, passage.pass_id)

            # test: not a DAG
            if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph):
                raise EditError('The new graph contains cycles.')
            # test: not connected
            graph.add_edge('*', '?')
            if not nx.is_weakly_connected(graph):
                raise EditError('The new graph is not connected.')

        elif action == 'split':
            # Get the lowest free integer for the new clique. See: #122
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            SELECT clique
            FROM  cliques
            WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND labez = :labez_old
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

            taken = set([int(r[0]) for r in res])
            n = 1
            while n in taken:
                n += 1
            params['clique_next'] = str(n)

            # insert into cliques table
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            INSERT INTO cliques (pass_id, labez, clique)
            VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_next)
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

            # insert into locstem table with source = '?'
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            INSERT INTO locstem (pass_id, labez, clique, source_labez, source_clique)
            VALUES (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_next, '?', '1')
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

        elif action == 'merge':
            # merge two cliques (eg. b1, b2) into one clique (eg. b1)
            # reassign manuscripts to merged clique
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            UPDATE ms_cliques
            SET clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

            # reassign sources to merged clique
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            UPDATE locstem
            SET source_clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, source_labez, source_clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

            # remove clique from locstem
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            DELETE FROM locstem
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

            # remove clique from cliques
            res = execute(
                conn, """
            DELETE FROM cliques
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
            """, dict(parameters, **params))

        elif action == 'move-manuscripts':
            # reassign a set of manuscripts to a new clique
            ms_ids = set(args.get('ms_ids') or [])

            res = execute(
                conn, """
            UPDATE apparatus_cliques_view
            SET clique = :clique_new
            WHERE (pass_id, labez, clique) = (:pass_id, :labez_old, :clique_old)
              AND ms_id IN :ms_ids
            """, dict(parameters, ms_ids=tuple(ms_ids), **params))

            tools.log(logging.INFO, 'Moved ms_ids: ' + str(ms_ids))

        # return the changed passage
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response(passage.to_json())

    raise EditError('Could not edit local stemma.')
Exemplo n.º 21
def congruence_list_json(range_id):
    """ Endpoint: check the congruence """

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, 1)
        return make_json_response(congruence_list(conn, passage, range_id))
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: cceh/ntg
def relatives_csv (passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Output a table of the nearest relatives of a manuscript.

    Output a table of the nearest relatives/ancestors/descendants of a
    manuscript and what they attest.


    auth ()

    type_     = request.args.get ('type') or 'rel'
    chapter   = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'
    limit     = int (request.args.get ('limit') or 0)
    labez     = request.args.get ('labez') or 'all'
    mode      = request.args.get ('mode') or 'sim'
    include   = request.args.getlist ('include[]') or []
    fragments = request.args.getlist ('fragments[]') or []

    view = 'affinity_view' if mode == 'rec' else 'affinity_p_view'

    where = ''
    if type_ == 'anc':
        where =  ' AND older < newer'
    if type_ == 'des':
        where =  ' AND older >= newer'

    if labez == 'all':
        where += " AND labez !~ '^z'"
    elif labez == 'all+lac':
        where += " AND labez = '%s'" % labez

    if 'fragments' in fragments:
        frag_where = ''
        frag_where = 'AND aff.common > aff.ms1_length / 2'

    limit = '' if limit == 0 else ' LIMIT %d' % limit

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:

        passage   = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        ms        = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id     = passage.range_id (chapter)

        exclude = get_excluded_ms_ids (conn, include)

        # Get the X most similar manuscripts and their attestations
        res = execute (conn, """
        /* get the LIMIT closest ancestors for this node */
        WITH ranks AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2,
            rank () OVER (ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id2) AS rank,
          FROM {view} aff
          WHERE ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
            AND newer > older {frag_where}
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT r.rank,
               aff.ms_id2 as ms_id,
               aff.common - aff.equal - aff.older - aff.newer - aff.unclear as norel,
               CASE WHEN aff.newer < aff.older THEN ''
                    WHEN aff.newer = aff.older THEN '-'
                    ELSE '>'
               END as direction,
          {view} aff
        JOIN apparatus_view_agg a
          ON aff.ms_id2 = a.ms_id
        JOIN manuscripts ms
          ON aff.ms_id2 = ms.ms_id
        LEFT JOIN ranks r
          ON r.ms_id2 = aff.ms_id2
        WHERE aff.ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude AND aff.ms_id1 = :ms_id1
              AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND aff.common > 0
              AND a.pass_id = :pass_id {where} {frag_where}
        ORDER BY affinity DESC, r.rank, newer DESC, older DESC, hsnr
        """, dict (parameters, where = where, frag_where = frag_where,
                   ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, hsnr = ms.hsnr,
                   pass_id = passage.pass_id, rg_id = rg_id, limit = limit,
                   view = view, exclude = exclude))

        Relatives = collections.namedtuple (
            'rank ms_id hs hsnr length common equal older newer unclear norel direction affinity labez'
        return csvify (Relatives._fields, list (map (Relatives._make, res)))
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: devolt5/ntg
def passage_json(passage_or_id=None):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a passage.

    Return information about a passage or navigate to it.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.
    :param string siglum:        The siglum of the book to navigate to.
    :param string chapter:       The chapter to navigate to.
    :param string verse:         The verse to navigate to.
    :param string word:          The word (range) to navigate to.
    :param string button:        The button pressed.



    passage_or_id = request.args.get('pass_id') or passage_or_id or '0'

    siglum = request.args.get('siglum')
    chapter = request.args.get('chapter')
    verse = request.args.get('verse')
    word = request.args.get('word')
    button = request.args.get('button')

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        if siglum and chapter and verse and word and button == 'Go':
            parsed_passage = Passage.parse("%s %s:%s/%s" %
                                           (siglum, chapter, verse, word))
            passage = Passage(conn, parsed_passage)
            return make_json_response(passage.to_json())

        if button in ('-1', '1'):
            passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
            passage = Passage(conn, int(passage.pass_id) + int(button))
            return make_json_response(passage.to_json())

        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        return cache(make_json_response(passage.to_json()))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def pass_hr (self):
     """ Add a field with a human-readable passage id. """
     return Passage.static_to_hr (self.begadr, self.endadr)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def pass_hr(self):
     """ Add a field with a human-readable passage id. """
     return Passage.static_to_hr(self.begadr, self.endadr)