Exemplo n.º 1
def test_u_init(u_init_type):
    """ Test the u initialization. """
    seed = 0
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)

    eta = 10.0
    n_spatial_maps = 1
    n_subjects = 1
    X = [kwargs['X']]
    v = [kwargs['v']]
    rng = kwargs['rng']
    n_atoms = kwargs['n_atoms']
    n_voxels = [kwargs['n_voxels']]
    n_times = [kwargs['n_times']]
    n_times_atom = kwargs['n_times_atom']

    if u_init_type == 'user_defined':
        u_init_type = []
        for n in range(n_subjects):
            u_init_ = rng.randn(n_atoms, n_voxels[n])

    u_hat = init_u_hat(X, v, rng, u_init_type, eta, n_spatial_maps, n_atoms,
                       n_voxels, n_times, n_times_atom)

    for n in range(n_subjects):
        assert u_hat[n].shape == (n_atoms, n_voxels[n])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_v_init(hrf_model):
    """ Test the v initialization. """
    seed = 0
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)

    constants = dict()
    delta_init = 1.0
    n_subjects = 1

    t_r = kwargs['t_r']
    n_times_atom = kwargs['n_times_atom']
    n_hrf_rois = kwargs['n_hrf_rois']

    v_hat, a_hat = init_v_hat(hrf_model, t_r, n_times_atom, n_subjects,
                              n_hrf_rois, constants, delta_init)

    assert len(v_hat) == n_subjects
    assert len(a_hat) == n_subjects

    for n in range(n_subjects):
        for m in range(n_hrf_rois):
            assert v_hat[n][m].shape == (n_times_atom, )
            if 'hrf_model' == '3_basis_hrf':
                assert a_hat[n][m].shape == (3, )
            elif 'hrf_model' == '2_basis_hrf':
                assert a_hat[n][m].shape == (2, )
            elif 'hrf_model' == 'scaled_hrf':
                assert a_hat[n][m].shape == (1, )
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_v_loss(seed):
    """ Test the loss function. """
    rng = check_random_state(seed)
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    X, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    t_r, n_times_atom = kwargs['t_r'], kwargs['n_times_atom']
    uz = u.T.dot(z)
    eps = 1.0e-6
    a = rng.uniform(MIN_DELTA + eps, MAX_DELTA - eps, 1)

    def loss_ref(a):
        n_atoms, _ = z.shape
        v = scaled_hrf(a, t_r, n_times_atom)
        X_hat = np.zeros_like(X)
        for k in range(n_atoms):
            X_hat += np.outer(u[k, :], np.convolve(v, z[k, :]))
        residual = (X_hat - X).ravel()
        return 0.5 * residual.dot(residual)

    loss_ref_ = loss_ref(a)
    sum_ztz, sum_ztz_y = _precompute_sum_ztz_sum_ztz_y(uz,
    loss_test_ = _loss_v(a, u, z, X, t_r, n_times_atom, sum_ztz, sum_ztz_y)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(loss_ref_, loss_test_)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_precomputed_uvtuv(seed):
    """ Test the computation of uvtX. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u, v, rois_idx = kwargs['u'], kwargs['v'], kwargs['rois_idx']

    def _precompute_uvtuv_ref(u, v, rois_idx):
        # computation close to the maths formulation
        n_atoms, n_voxels = u.shape
        _, n_times_atom = v.shape
        uv = np.empty((n_atoms, n_voxels, n_times_atom))
        for m in range(rois_idx.shape[0]):
            indices = get_indices_from_roi(m, rois_idx)
            for j in indices:
                for k in range(n_atoms):
                    uv[k, j, :] = u[k, j] * v[m]
        uvtuv = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, 2 * n_times_atom - 1))
        for k0 in range(n_atoms):
            for k in range(n_atoms):
                _sum = np.convolve(uv[k0, 0, ::-1], uv[k, 0, :])
                for j in range(1, n_voxels):
                    _sum += np.convolve(uv[k0, j, ::-1], uv[k, j, :])
                uvtuv[k0, k, :] = _sum
        return uvtuv

    uvtuv_ref = _precompute_uvtuv_ref(u, v, rois_idx)
    uvtuv = _precompute_uvtuv(u, v, rois_idx)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(uvtuv_ref, uvtuv)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_precompute_d_basis_constant(seed):
    """ Test the computation of AtA and AtX for the 3 HRF basis. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    t_r, n_times_atom = kwargs['t_r'], kwargs['n_times_atom']
    X, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    uz = u.T.dot(z)
    h = hrf_3_basis(t_r, n_times_atom)
    _, n_times_valid = z.shape
    n_voxels_rois, n_times = X.shape
    n_atoms_hrf, _ = h.shape
    A_d = np.empty((n_voxels_rois, n_times, n_atoms_hrf))
    for d in range(n_atoms_hrf):
        for j in range(n_voxels_rois):
            A_d[j, :, d] = np.convolve(h[d, :], uz[j, :])
    AtX = np.array(
        [A_d[:, :, d].ravel().dot(X.ravel()) for d in range(n_atoms_hrf)])
    AtA = np.empty((n_atoms_hrf, n_atoms_hrf))
    for d0 in range(n_atoms_hrf):
        for d1 in range(n_atoms_hrf):
            AtA[d0, d1] = A_d[:, :, d0].ravel().dot(A_d[:, :, d1].ravel())

    H = np.empty((n_atoms_hrf, n_times, n_times_valid))
    for d in range(n_atoms_hrf):
        H[d, :, :] = make_toeplitz(h[d, :], n_times_valid)
    AtA_, AtX_ = _precompute_d_basis_constant(X, uz, H)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(AtA, AtA_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(AtX, AtX_)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_precompute_B_C(seed):
    """ Test the computation of B and C for update u. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    X, z, H, v = kwargs['X'], kwargs['z'], kwargs['H'], kwargs['v']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']
    n_hrf_rois, _ = rois_idx.shape

    def _ref_precompute_B_C(X, z, v, rois_idx):
        """ Compute list of B, C from givem H (and X, z). """
        n_hrf_rois, _ = rois_idx.shape
        n_voxels, _ = X.shape
        n_atoms, n_times_valid = z.shape
        vtvz = np.empty((n_atoms, n_times_valid))
        B = np.empty((n_hrf_rois, n_atoms, n_voxels))
        C = np.empty((n_hrf_rois, n_atoms, n_atoms))
        for m in range(n_hrf_rois):
            indices = get_indices_from_roi(m, rois_idx)
            for k in range(n_atoms):
                vz_k = np.convolve(v[m, :], z[k, :])
                vtvz[k, :] = np.convolve(v[m, ::-1], vz_k, mode='valid')
            zvtvz = vtvz.dot(z.T)
            C[m, :, :] = zvtvz
            for j in indices:
                vtX = np.convolve(v[m, ::-1], X[j, :], mode='valid')
                B[m, :, j] = z.dot(vtX.T)
        return B, C

    B, C = _precompute_B_C(X, z, H, rois_idx)
    ref_B, ref_C = _ref_precompute_B_C(X, z, v, rois_idx)

    for m in range(n_hrf_rois):
        indices = get_indices_from_roi(m, rois_idx)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ref_B[m, :, indices], B[m, :, indices])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ref_C, C)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_grad_v_scaled_hrf(seed):
    """ Test the gradient of v (model: scaled hrf). """
    rng = check_random_state(seed)
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    t_r, n_times_atom = kwargs['t_r'], kwargs['n_times_atom']
    X, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    uz = u.T.dot(z)
    epsilon = 1.0e-6
    a = rng.uniform(MIN_DELTA + epsilon, MAX_DELTA - epsilon, 1)

    # Finite grad v
    def finite_grad_v(a):
        def f(a):
            return _loss_v(a, u, z, X, t_r, n_times_atom)

        return (f(a + epsilon) - f(a)) / epsilon

    grad_ref = finite_grad_v(a)

    # Closed form grad v
    sum_ztz, sum_ztz_y = _precompute_sum_ztz_sum_ztz_y(uz,
    grad_ = _grad_v_scaled_hrf(a, t_r, n_times_atom, sum_ztz, sum_ztz_y)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(grad_ref, grad_, rtol=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_grad_z(seed):
    """ Test the gradient of z. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    n_atoms, n_times_valid = kwargs['n_atoms'], kwargs['n_times_valid']
    X, u, z, v, = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z'], kwargs['v']
    H = kwargs['H']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']
    uvtuv = _precompute_uvtuv(u=u, v=v, rois_idx=rois_idx)
    uvtX = adjconv_uH(X, u=u, H=H, rois_idx=rois_idx)

    # Finite grad z
    def finite_grad_z(z):
        def f(z):
            z = z.reshape((n_atoms, n_times_valid))
            return _obj(X,

        grad_ = approx_fprime(xk=z.ravel(), f=f, epsilon=1.0e-6)
        return grad_.reshape((n_atoms, n_times_valid))

    grad_ref = finite_grad_z(z)

    # Closed form grad z
    grad_ = _grad_z(z, uvtuv=uvtuv, uvtX=uvtX)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(grad_ref, grad_, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_construct_X_hat(seed):
    """ Test the X construction functions. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u, z, v, H = kwargs['u'], kwargs['z'], kwargs['v'], kwargs['H']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']
    X_hat = construct_X_hat_from_v(v, z, u, rois_idx)
    X_hat_ = construct_X_hat_from_H(H, z, u, rois_idx)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(X_hat, X_hat_)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_get_lambda_max(seed):
    """ Test the lambda max estimation. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    z, u, H, v = kwargs['z'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['H'], kwargs['v']
    rois_idx, X = kwargs['rois_idx'], kwargs['X']
    lbda_max = _get_lambda_max(X, u, H, rois_idx)
    constants = dict(H=H, v=v, u=u, rois_idx=rois_idx, X=X, lbda=lbda_max,
                     prox_z='tv', rho=2.0)
    z_hat = _update_z(z, constants)
    assert np.linalg.norm(z_hat) / np.linalg.norm(z) < 0.05
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_adjconv_D(seed):
    """ Test the computation of uvtX and uHtX. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u, v, rois_idx = kwargs['u'], kwargs['v'], kwargs['rois_idx']
    residual_i, H = kwargs['X'], kwargs['H'],
    uvtX = adjconv_uv(residual_i, u, v, rois_idx)
    uvtX_ = adjconv_uH(residual_i, u, H, rois_idx)

    # all HRFs / Toep. matrices are associated and all HRFs are equal, so we
    # only take the first: H[0, :, :]
    uvtX_ref = u.dot(residual_i).dot(H[0, :, :])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(uvtX_ref, uvtX)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(uvtX_ref, uvtX_)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_get_lambda_max(seed):
    """ Test the lambda max estimation. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    z, u, H, v = kwargs['z'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['H'], kwargs['v']
    rois_idx, X = kwargs['rois_idx'], kwargs['X']
    lbda_max = _get_lambda_max(X, u, H, rois_idx)
    constants = dict(H=H,
    z_hat = _update_z(z, constants)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(z_hat, axis=1))) < 1e-6
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_prox_l1_simplex(seed):
    """ Test the positive L1 simplex proximal operator. """
    rng = check_random_state(seed)
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u = kwargs['u']
    u_0 = u[0, :]
    prox_u_0 = _prox_l1_simplex(u_0, 10.0)

    assert np.all(prox_u_0 >= 0.0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.sum(np.abs(prox_u_0)), 10.0)

    n_try = 100
    for _ in range(n_try):
        x = rng.randn(*u_0.shape)
        x[x < 0.0] = 0.0
        norm_x = np.sum(np.abs(x))
        if not (norm_x != 10.0):
            x /= norm_x
        assert np.linalg.norm(u_0 - prox_u_0) < np.linalg.norm(u_0 - x)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_init_z(z_init):
    """ Test the z initialization. """
    seed = 0
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    n_subjects = 1
    rng = kwargs['rng']
    n_atoms = kwargs['n_atoms']
    n_times_valid = [kwargs['n_times_valid']]

    if z_init == 'user_defined':
        z_init = []
        for n in range(n_subjects):
            u_init_ = rng.randn(n_atoms, n_times_valid[n])

    z_hat = init_z_hat(z_init, n_subjects, n_atoms, n_times_valid)

    for n in range(n_subjects):
        assert z_hat[n].shape == (n_atoms, n_times_valid[n])
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_prox_positive_L2_ball(seed):
    """ Test the positive L2 ball proximal operator. """
    rng = check_random_state(seed)
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u = kwargs['u']
    u_0 = u[0, :]
    prox_u_0 = _prox_positive_l2_ball(u_0, 1.0)

    assert np.all(prox_u_0 >= 0.0)
    assert np.linalg.norm(prox_u_0) <= 1.0

    n_try = 100
    for _ in range(n_try):
        x = rng.randn(*u_0.shape)
        x[x < 0.0] = 0.0
        norm_x = x.ravel().dot(x.ravel())
        if not (norm_x <= 1.0):
            x /= norm_x
        assert np.linalg.norm(u_0 - prox_u_0) < np.linalg.norm(u_0 - x)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_cdclinmodel(seed):
    """ Test the coordinate descente on constraint linear model algo. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    u, C, B = kwargs['u'], kwargs['C'], kwargs['B']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']
    X, z, v = kwargs['X'], kwargs['z'], kwargs['v']

    def _prox(u_k):
        return _prox_positive_l2_ball(u_k, 1.0)

    constants = dict(C=C, B=B, rois_idx=rois_idx, prox_u=_prox)

    def obj(u):
        return _obj(X=X, prox=_prox_positive_l2_ball, u=u, z=z,
                    rois_idx=rois_idx, v=v, valid=False, return_reg=False,

    u_hat, pobj, _ = cdclinmodel(u, constants=constants, obj=obj,
                                 benchmark=True, max_iter=50)

    assert pobj[0] > pobj[-1]
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_compute_uvtuv_z(seed):
    """ Test the computation of uvtuv_z. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    z, u, v = kwargs['z'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['v']
    rois_idx, n_voxels = kwargs['rois_idx'], kwargs['n_voxels']

    n_hrf_rois, _ = rois_idx.shape
    _, n_times_valid = z.shape

    uz = z.T.dot(u).T
    vtuv_z = np.empty((n_voxels, n_times_valid))
    for m in range(n_hrf_rois):
        indices = get_indices_from_roi(m, rois_idx)
        for j in indices:
            uv_z_j = np.convolve(v[m, :], uz[j, :])
            vtuv_z[j, :] = np.convolve(v[m, ::-1], uv_z_j, mode='valid')
    uvtuv_z_ref = u.dot(vtuv_z)

    uvtuv = _precompute_uvtuv(u, v, rois_idx)
    uvtuv_z = _compute_uvtuv_z(z, uvtuv)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(uvtuv_z_ref, uvtuv_z)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_grad_v_hrf_d_basis(seed):
    """ Test the gradient of v (model: hrf 3 basis). """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    t_r, n_times_atom = kwargs['t_r'], kwargs['n_times_atom']
    X, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    h = hrf_3_basis(t_r, n_times_atom)
    uz = u.T.dot(z)
    n_voxels_rois, n_times_valid = uz.shape
    n_atoms_hrf, _ = h.shape
    _, n_times = X.shape
    A_d = np.empty((n_voxels_rois, n_times, n_atoms_hrf))
    for d in range(n_atoms_hrf):
        for j in range(n_voxels_rois):
            A_d[j, :, d] = np.convolve(h[d, :], uz[j, :])
    AtX = np.array(
        [A_d[:, :, d].ravel().dot(X.ravel()) for d in range(n_atoms_hrf)])
    AtA = np.empty((n_atoms_hrf, n_atoms_hrf))
    for d0 in range(n_atoms_hrf):
        for d1 in range(n_atoms_hrf):
            AtA[d0, d1] = A_d[:, :, d0].ravel().dot(A_d[:, :, d1].ravel())
    a = np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.3])

    # Finite grad v
    def finite_grad_v(a):
        def f(a):
            X_hat = a[0] * A_d[:, :, 0]
            for d in range(1, n_atoms_hrf):
                X_hat += a[d] * A_d[:, :, d]
            res = (X - X_hat).ravel()
            return 0.5 * res.dot(res)

        return approx_fprime(xk=a, f=f, epsilon=1.0e-6)

    grad_ref = finite_grad_v(a)

    # Closed form grad v
    grad_ = _grad_v_hrf_d_basis(a, AtA, AtX)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(grad_ref, grad_, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_global_loss(seed):
    """ Test the loss function. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    X, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    v, H = kwargs['v'], kwargs['H']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']

    def loss_ref(X, u, z, v, rois_idx):
        res = (X - construct_X_hat_from_v(v, z, u, rois_idx)).ravel()
        return 0.5 * res.dot(res)

    loss_ref_ = loss_ref(X, u, z, v, rois_idx)
    loss_test_ = _obj(X,

    np.testing.assert_allclose(loss_ref_, loss_test_)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_grad_u(seed):
    """ Test the gradient of u. """
    kwargs = _set_up_test(seed)
    n_atoms, n_voxels = kwargs['n_atoms'], kwargs['n_voxels']
    X, H, u, z = kwargs['X'], kwargs['H'], kwargs['u'], kwargs['z']
    rois_idx = kwargs['rois_idx']
    B, C = kwargs['B'], kwargs['C']

    # Finite difference with one HRF
    def finite_grad_one_hrfs_(u):
        def f(u):
            u = u.reshape((n_atoms, n_voxels))
            return _obj(X,

        grad_ = approx_fprime(xk=u.ravel(), f=f, epsilon=1.0e-6)
        return grad_.reshape((n_atoms, n_voxels))

    finite_grad_one_hrfs = finite_grad_one_hrfs_(u)

    # Multiple (identical) HRFs
    grad_multi_hrfs = np.empty((n_atoms, n_voxels))
    for k in range(n_atoms):
        grad_multi_hrfs[k, :] = _grad_u_k(u, B, C, k, rois_idx)
