def toggle_autopaste(*args): global autopaste_handler words = args[0] bools = {True: ("1", "on", "true", "t"), False: ("0", "off", "false", "f")} try: requested = words[1] except IndexError: # oh god requested = "" # TODO # /fc_autopaste off # 074 [21:02:11] [Floodcontrol] disabling autopaste # /fc_autopaste off # 074 [21:02:15] Traceback (most recent call last): # 074 [21:02:15] File "/home/user/.config/hexchat/addons_wip/floodcontrol/", line 801, in toggle_autopaste # 074 [21:02:15] if requested.lower() in v: # 074 [21:02:15] SystemError: ../Objects/longobject.c:426: bad argument to internal function print_debug("toggle_autopaste requested", requested) if not autopaste_handler and requested.lower() not in bools[False]: print_fc("enabling autopaste") set_option("autopaste", "on") autopaste_handler = hexchat.hook_print("Key Press", keypress_cb) elif requested.lower() not in bools[True]: print_fc("disabling autopaste") set_option("autopaste", "off") hexchat.unhook(autopaste_handler) autopaste_handler = None
def on_unload(userdata): global hooks for hook in hooks: if hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(hook) del hooks[:] print("Send Multiple Channels unloaded")
def checkStreams(): global firstRun if(firstRun): hexchat.unhook(timerHook) hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb) firstRun = False channels = hexchat.get_list("channels") realChannels = [] channelObjects = {} for channel in channels: if(channel.server == "" and[0] == '#'): realChannels.append('#')) channelObjects['#')] = channel if len(realChannels) > 0: streams = ",".join(realChannels) obj = loadJSON('' + streams) # Returns only streams that are currently live, but returns them all in one go. if (obj is not None): streamData = {} for stream in obj["streams"]: streamData[stream["channel"]["name"]] = stream for channel in realChannels: newTopic = "\00318{0}\00399 - \00320\002OFFLINE\002\00399 | \035Stream is offline\017".format(channel) if (channel in streamData): newTopic = "\00318{0}\00399 - \00319\002LIVE\002\00399 for {1} viewers | Now playing: \00318{2}\00399 | {3}".format(streamData[channel]["channel"]["display_name"], streamData[channel]["viewers"], streamData[channel]["channel"]["game"], streamData[channel]["channel"]["status"]) if (get_topic(channelObjects[channel]) is not None): if (hexchat.strip(newTopic) != hexchat.strip(get_topic(channelObjects[channel]))): set_topic(channelObjects[channel], newTopic) else: set_topic(channelObjects[channel], newTopic)
def setup_channels(word, word_eol, user_data): # Callback for: server motd-received event # Unhook and /join channels hexchat.unhook(setup_channels) hexchat.prnt('FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO') x = hexchat.list_pluginpref() hexchat.prnt(x)
def disable_standup(word, word_eol, userdata): global standup_hook if standup_hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(standup_hook) standup_hook = None print("standup pluging disabled") return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def on_unload(userdata): global hooks for hook in hooks: if hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(hook) del hooks[:] print("ChatBash unloaded")
def rejoin(userdata): hook = rejoin_hooks[userdata] del rejoin_hooks[userdata] hexchat.unhook(hook) print("Rejoining {} now…".format(userdata)) hexchat.command("join " + userdata) return hexchat.EAT_NONE
def on_unload(userdata): global hooks for hook in hooks: if hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(hook) del hooks[:] print("ChatPipe unloaded")
def links_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): if word[1] == "364": hexchat.command("FULLVERSION {}".format(word[3])) elif word[1] == "365": global hook, hookend hexchat.unhook(hook) hexchat.unhook(hookend)
def base_commands(word, word_eol, userdata): if hexchat.get_info("network") != "Twitch": if word[1] == "help": say("Valid commands: help, currenttime, eat, time, uptime, douptime, version, mail") elif word[1] == "time": say("blargcat was started at " + datetime.strftime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) elif word[1] == "currenttime": say("The current time for blargcat is " + datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) elif word[1] == "uptime": get_uptime(word) elif word[1] == "eat": eat() elif word[1] == "reload": reload_config() hexchat.unhook(notify_hook) hexchat.hook_timer(notif_timer_value, notify) # elif word[1] == ".tps": # say("TPS:\0033 19.97") # elif word[1] == ".list": # say("\00312Online (2/20): \0034[Admin] \00315blargcat\0031, \0039[Member] \00315FacePolice") elif word[1] == "version": say("blargcat is running \0039" + __module_name__ + "\0031 version\0039 " + __module_version__) elif word[1].startswith("mail"): mail(word) elif word[1] == "douptime": say(".uptime") elif word[1].startswith("raw "): global authed_user print(authed_user) print(word[0]) if authed_user == hexchat.strip(word[0], len(word[0]), 3): raw(word[1].replace("raw ", "")) else: say("You are not authed!")
def checkStreams(): global firstRun if (firstRun): hexchat.unhook(timerHook) hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb) firstRun = False channels = hexchat.get_list('channels') realChannels = [] for channel in channels: if (channel.server == '' and[0] == '#'): realChannels.append('#')) for channel in realChannels: obj = loadJSON('' + channel) if (obj['stream'] == None and channel in liveChannels): liveChannels.remove(channel) format(channel.title() + ' is not live anymore.') elif (obj['stream'] != None and channel not in liveChannels): liveChannels.append(channel) format(channel.title() + ' is live!') format(obj['stream']['channel']['status'] + '(' + obj['stream']['game'] + ')') elif (obj['stream'] == None and channel not in liveChannels): format(channel.title() + ' is offline.')
def remove_alias(name, quiet=False): hexchat.del_pluginpref('alias_' + name) if name in alias_hooks: hook = alias_hooks.get(name) hexchat.unhook(hook) del alias_hooks[name] return True return False
def stop(self): """ Stop pasting lines in this message context. """ if self.state == 'stop': raise HexPasteError('HexPaste: not pasting to: {}.'.format(self.context)) hexchat.unhook(self.hook) self.hook = None self.state = 'stop'
def defab_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): global fab_hook if fab_hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(fab_hook) fab_hook = None hexchat.prnt('Fabulous mode off') return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def time_cb(txt): global week global hook channel = hexchat.find_context(channel='#xshellz') channel.command('say {1} {0}'.format(username,txt)) update() if hook: hexchat.unhook(hook) hook = hexchat.hook_timer((week*1000),time_cb,userdata='!keep')
def _timeout_telegram_first(userdata): global timer_telegram_first try: telegram_bot_get_bot_info() except: if bDEBUG: print("** Telegram interface :: Can't get bot info | Error from script call to telegram_bot_get_bot_info()") log_print("** Telegram interface :: Can't get bot info | Error from script call to telegram_bot_get_bot_info()") hexchat.unhook(timer_telegram_first) timer_telegram_first = None return 1
def stop(self, word=[""], word_eol=[""], userdata=None): self.SendMessage(BOLD + COLORDEFAULT + 'Le jeu s\'arrête.') self.mode = 0 try: hexchat.unhook(self.timerHook) except SystemError: hexchat.prnt('Unable to unhook the timer.') self.writeCooldownFile('cooldowns') self.writeScores() return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def unload(): """This function disconects all module functions""" # Store all pending changes to the database helper.gatodb_commit() # Disconnect everything else hexchat.unhook(HOOKANTISPAM) hexchat.unhook(HOOKANTIADD) hexchat.unhook(HOOKANTILIST) hexchat.unhook(HOOKANTIDEL) hexchat.unhook(HOOKDEBUG)
def stop(self, word = [""], word_eol = [""], userdata = None): self.SendMessage(BOLD + COLORDEFAULT + 'Le jeu s\'arrête.') self.mode = 0 try: hexchat.unhook(self.timerHook) except SystemError: hexchat.prnt('Unable to unhook the timer.') self.writeCooldownFile('cooldowns') self.writeScores() return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def invited_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): invited_result = hexchat.EAT_NONE if word[0] == channel: hexchat.unhook(invited_hook) hexchat.unhook(denied_hook) invited_result = hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT hexchat.command('join {0}'.format(channel)) return invited_result
def DelHook(): global nibl_hook if os.path.exists(nibl_dir + "xdccfilter"): os.remove(nibl_dir + "xdccfilter") if nibl_hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(nibl_hook) nibl_hook = None hexchat.command("MENU -t0 ADD \"NIBL/XDCC Filter\" \"nxf on\" \"nxf off\"") print "NIBL XDCC Filter deactivated" return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def on_reply(word, word_eol, userdata): match ='(\d\d):\d\d:\d\d', word_eol[3]) if match: msg = 'Good {}'.format(daytime( else: msg = 'Hello' hexchat.command('msg {} {}!'.format(chan, msg)) hexchat.unhook(reply_hook) return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def DelHook(): global nibl_hook if os.path.exists(nibl_dir + "xdccfilter"): os.remove(nibl_dir + "xdccfilter") if nibl_hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(nibl_hook) nibl_hook = None hexchat.command( "MENU -t0 ADD \"NIBL/XDCC Filter\" \"nxf on\" \"nxf off\"") print "NIBL XDCC Filter deactivated" return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def numeric_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): line = word_eol[3][1:] if msgbox: helpop_line.append(line) else: print(line) if line == "*** End of HELPOP": hexchat.unhook(hook) if msgbox: hexchat.command("GUI MSGBOX {}".format("\n".join(map(sanitise_line, helpop_line)))) helpop_line.clear() return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
def toggle_debug(*args): global debug_handler global DEBUG if not debug_handler: print_fc("enabling debug") DEBUG = True debug_handler = hexchat.hook_print("Key Press", debug_keypress_cb) else: print_fc("disabling debug") DEBUG = False hexchat.unhook(debug_handler) debug_handler = None
def notice_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): unban_result = hexchat.EAT_NONE nickname = hexchat.get_info('nick') if'{0} has been unbanned from {1}\.'.format(nickname, channel), hexchat.strip(word[1])): hexchat.unhook(notice_hook) unban_result = hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT hexchat.command('join {0}'.format(channel)) elif word[1] == 'Permission denied.': hexchat.unhook(notice_hook) return unban_result
def getkey_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): key = '' matches = re.match('KEY {0} (.*)$'.format(channel), word[1]) or re.match('Channel \x02{0}\x02 key is: (.*)$'.format(channel), word[1]) if matches: hexchat.unhook(getkey_hook) key = elif word[1] == 'Access denied.' or word[1] == 'You are not authorized to perform this operation.': hexchat.unhook(getkey_hook) if key: hexchat.command('join {0} {1}'.format(channel, key))
def _timeout(ud): hexchat.unhook(ud[2]) hexchat.unhook(ud[3]) hexchat.unhook(ud[4]) hexchat.unhook(ud[5]) if timeoutcb is not None: timeoutcb()
def _localend(word, word_eol, ud): hexchat.unhook(ud[2]) #hook_id hexchat.unhook(ud[3]) #hook_end_id hexchat.unhook(ud[4]) #hook_timeout_id hexchat.unhook(ud[5]) #hook_421_id ud[1](Context(hexchat.get_context()), ud[0]) return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
def notice_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): unban_result = hexchat.EAT_NONE nickname = hexchat.get_info('nick') if r'{0} has been unbanned from {1}\.'.format(nickname, channel), hexchat.strip(word[1])): hexchat.unhook(notice_hook) unban_result = hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT hexchat.command('join {0}'.format(channel)) elif word[1] == 'Permission denied.': hexchat.unhook(notice_hook) return unban_result
def _timeout_telegram_first(userdata): global timer_telegram_first try: telegram_bot_get_bot_info() except: if bDEBUG: print( "** Telegram interface :: Can't get bot info | Error from script call to telegram_bot_get_bot_info()" ) log_print( "** Telegram interface :: Can't get bot info | Error from script call to telegram_bot_get_bot_info()" ) hexchat.unhook(timer_telegram_first) timer_telegram_first = None return 1
def callback_and_unhook(words, words_eol, *args): o = bool(int(words_eol[1])) threading.Thread(target=callback, args=(o, )).start() { hexchat.unhook(handler) for handler in hexchat_callback_handlers[cmdname] }
def on_notice(word, word_eol, userdata): global last_notice if word_eol[0] != last_notice: last_notice = word_eol[0] global timer_hook global block_time # If there is a timer currently running, replace it with a fresh one if timer_hook is not None: hexchat.unhook(timer_hook) timer_hook = hexchat.hook_timer(block_time, timer) else: timer_hook = hexchat.hook_timer(block_time, timer) return hexchat.EAT_NONE else: # Eat the event so other plugins/HexChat don't see it return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def getkey_callback(word, word_eol, user_data): key = '' matches = re.match( 'KEY {0} (.*)$'.format(channel), word[1]) or re.match( 'Channel \x02{0}\x02 key is: (.*)$'.format(channel), word[1]) if matches: hexchat.unhook(getkey_hook) key = elif word[1] == 'Access denied.' or word[ 1] == 'You are not authorized to perform this operation.': hexchat.unhook(getkey_hook) if key: hexchat.command('join {0} {1}'.format(channel, key))
def send_notice_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): global send_notice_hook to = word[1] context = hexchat.find_context(server=hexchat.get_info('server'), channel=to) if not context: if to.startswith('#'): return hexchat.EAT_NONE else: hexchat.command('QUERY -nofocus %s' % to) context = hexchat.find_context(server=hexchat.get_info('server'), channel=to) if context: context.set() hexchat.unhook(send_notice_hook) context.command(word_eol[0]) send_notice_hook = hexchat.hook_command("NOTICE", send_notice_cb) return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def unload(userdata): "Runs when plugin is unloaded. Not exactly necessary, but..." hexchat.unhook("Channel Message") hexchat.unhook("Private Message") hexchat.unhook("Private Message to Dialog") hexchat.unhook(hook_gpg) hexchat.emit_print( "Channel Message", __module_name__, __module_name__ + " unloaded!" )
def redirect_help(word, word_eol, userdata): if len(word) == 1: for i,val in enumerate(redirects): print "#{id}: \x0303{command}\x0f with regex \x0303{regex}\x0f (\x0304{network}\x0f/\x0304{channel}\x0f) => \x0305{target}\x0f".format(id=i, **val.serialize()) if len(word) == 3 and word[1] == "delete": d=False for i,val in enumerate(redirects): if str(i) == word[2]: hexchat.unhook(redirects[i].handler) del(redirects[i]) with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump({"redirects": [redir.serialize() for redir in redirects]}, f) print("Deleted #{id}".format(id=i)) d=True if d is False: print("Could not find #{id}".format(id=i)) return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def callback_and_unhook(words, words_eol, *args): o = words_eol[1] if o != "(paste here)": threading.Thread(target=callback, args=(o, )).start() { hexchat.unhook(handler) for handler in hexchat_callback_handlers[cmdname] }
def _notfound(word, word_eol, ud): if cmd.lower() == word[3].lower(): # command was sent to server and we received a "not found" hexchat.prnt("Could not request data. "\ "Command {!r} is not a hook.".format(cmd)) hexchat.unhook(ud[2]) hexchat.unhook(ud[3]) hexchat.unhook(ud[4]) hexchat.unhook(ud[5]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE
def endquietlist_cb(word, word_eol, usermask): global quiethook global endquiethook global quietlist matchlist = [] hexchat.unhook(quiethook) quiethook = 0 hexchat.unhook(endquiethook) endquiethook = 0 if quietlist: matchlist = search_list(quietlist, usermask) quietlist = [] print_result (usermask, matchlist, 'Quiet') return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
def endbanlist_cb(word, word_eol, usermask): global banhook global endbanhook global banlist matchlist = [] hexchat.unhook(banhook) banhook = 0 hexchat.unhook(endbanhook) endbanhook = 0 if banlist: matchlist = search_list(banlist, usermask) banlist = [] print_result (usermask, matchlist, 'Ban') return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
def toggle_autopaste(*args): global autopaste_handler words = args[0] bools = {True: ("1", "on", "true", "t"), False: ("0", "off", "false", "f")} try: requested = words[1].lower() except IndexError: requested = "" print_debug("toggle_autopaste requested", requested) if not autopaste_handler and requested not in bools[False]: print_fc("enabling autopaste") set_option("autopaste", "on") autopaste_handler = hexchat.hook_print("Key Press", keypress_cb) elif autopaste_handler and requested not in bools[True]: print_fc("disabling autopaste") set_option("autopaste", "off") hexchat.unhook(autopaste_handler) autopaste_handler = None
def checkStreams(): global firstRun if (firstRun): hexchat.unhook(timerHook) hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb) firstRun = False channels = hexchat.get_list("channels") realChannels = [] for channel in channels: if (channel.server == "" and[0] == '#'): realChannels.append('#')) for channel in realChannels: obj = loadJSON('' + channel) if (obj["stream"] == None and channel in liveChannels): liveChannels.remove(channel) format(channel.title() + " is not live anymore.") elif (obj["stream"] != None and channel not in liveChannels): liveChannels.append(channel) format(channel.title() + " is live!")
def checkStreams(): global firstRun if(firstRun): hexchat.unhook(timerHook) hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb) firstRun = False channels = hexchat.get_list("channels") realChannels = [] for channel in channels: if(channel.server == "" and[0] == '#'): realChannels.append('#')) for channel in realChannels: obj = loadJSON('' + channel) if (obj["stream"] == None and channel in liveChannels): liveChannels.remove(channel) format(channel.title() + " is not live anymore.") elif (obj["stream"] != None and channel not in liveChannels): liveChannels.append(channel) format(channel.title() + " is live!")
def open_url(word, word_eol, userdata): global hooked network, channel = userdata if word[0] in ["65293", "65421", "65307"]: hooked = False hide_hints(network, channel) hexchat.unhook(hint_hook) # Escape if word[0] == "65307": return inputbox = hexchat.get_info("inputbox") hexchat.command("settext") try: hint = int(inputbox) except ValueError: pretty_print("Hint must be an integer!") return if hint <= len(uids): hexchat.command("URL %s" % uids[hint]) else: pretty_print("Hint not found!")
def off(s,a,b,c): if a[1] == "fizz": hexchat.unhook(s.fizz) s.fizz = 0 elif a[1] == "chan": hexchat.unhook(s.chan) s.chan = 0 elif a[1] == "msg": hexchat.unhook(s.msg) s.msg = 0 elif a[1] == "nim": hexchat.unhook(s.nim) s.nim = 0 else: hexchat.prnt("args must be valid") return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
def show_hints(word, word_eol, userdata): global halt, hint_hook, hooked if not word == ['88', '21', '\x18', '1']: return if hooked is True: hexchat.unhook(hint_hook) hooked = False network = hexchat.get_info("network") channel = hexchat.get_info("channel") if network not in networks or channel not in networks[network]: pretty_print("Nothing to print.") return hexchat.command("clear") uids.clear() halt = True hooked = True for msg in networks[network][channel]: data = urlify(msg['event'], msg['data'], network, channel) hexchat.emit_print(msg['event'], *data, time=msg['time']) pretty_print("Hint to follow?") hint_hook = hexchat.hook_print("Key Press", open_url, (network, channel)) halt = False return hexchat.EAT_ALL