Exemplo n.º 1
    def OnMove(self, e):
        row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)
        #row, col = max(0, row), max(0, col)
        height, width = self.currentmap.terrain.shape

        if 0 <= row < height and 0 <= col < width:
            if self.currentmap.terrain[row, col] > 0:
                print "BOARD:", self.currentmap.terrain[row, col]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def OnMove(self, e):
        row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(
            self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height
        # row, col = max(0, row), max(0, col)
        height, width = self.currentmap.terrain.shape

        if 0 <= row < height and 0 <= col < width:
            if self.currentmap.terrain[row, col] > 0:
                print "BOARD:", self.currentmap.terrain[row, col]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def OnLeftUp(self, e):

        if self.battle_result_panel.IsShown():

        row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)

        if self.mode == UNSELECTED:
            unit_type, unit_color, unit_health = self.currentmap.board[:, row, col]

            if not unit_type:

            unit_class = units.type[unit_type].unitclass

            movement_cost = units.unitclass2movementcost[unit_class]
            movecost = movement_cost[self.currentmap.terrain]

            ## do not move to blocked tiles
            movecost[(self.currentmap.board[1] != 0) & (self.currentmap.board[1] != unit_color)] = 888

            zoc = self.currentmap.zoc(unit_class, unit_color)
            #movecost *= - ((zoc * 2) - 1)
            print movecost

            visited = np.ones(self.currentmap.terrain.shape, dtype=np.int64) * -1

            can_move = units.type[unit_type].movementpoints[0]
            t = time.time()
            reachable = aux_functions.find_paths(visited, zoc, movecost, row, col, can_move)
            print (time.time() - t) * 1000.0

            self.overlays[((reachable == -1) & (self.currentmap.terrain > 0)) | (self.currentmap.board[0] > 0)] |= SHADED
            self.overlays[row, col] = BLUE_RING

            self.original_board = self.currentmap.board.copy()

            self.mode = MOVING
            self.selectedTile = (row, col)
            self.sourceTile = (row, col)
            ## flip value
            #overlays[row, col] ^= 1

        elif self.mode == MOVING:

            row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)

            source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
            print "DISTANCE:", getDistance(row, col, source_row, source_col)

            ## deselect
            if (row, col) == self.selectedTile or self.overlays[row, col] != 0:

                print "self.overlays[row, col] = ", self.overlays[row, col]

                self.selectedTile = None
                self.sourceTile = None
                self.mode = UNSELECTED
                self.arrows = []
                self.overlays[:] = 0
                # move unit
                source_row, source_col = self.selectedTile
                self.currentmap.board[:, row, col] = self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col]
                self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col] = 0

                self.selectedTile = row, col
                self.mode = MOVING_CONFIRM

                ## shade everything but target tile
                self.overlays[self.currentmap.terrain > 0] |= SHADED
                self.overlays[row, col] = 0

                source_coords = hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel(self.sourceTile, self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)
                target_coords = hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((row, col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)

                self.arrows = [(source_coords, target_coords, 5, "#80b3ff")]

        elif self.mode == MOVING_CONFIRM:

            row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)

            ## unselect
            if (row, col) != self.selectedTile:
                ## todo: moved units must be shaded
                self.overlays[:] = 0

                ## move unit back
                source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
                target_row, target_col = self.selectedTile
                self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col] = self.currentmap.board[:, target_row, target_col]
                self.currentmap.board[:, target_row, target_col] = 0

                self.selectedTile = None
                self.mode = UNSELECTED
                self.arrows = []

                # move unit
                source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
                self.moveUnit((source_row, source_col), (row, col))

                self.mode = ATTACKING

                ## attack overlay
                self.overlays[self.currentmap.terrain > 0] |= SHADED

                unit_type, unit_color, unit_health = self.currentmap.board[:, row, col]
                min_range, max_range = units.type[unit_type].attackrange
                attackable = sum([hexlib.rings(self.currentmap.terrain.shape, row, col, x) for x in range(min_range, max_range + 1)])

                print "attackable classes:", np.arange(8)[np.array(units.type[unit_type].power) > 0]

                self.overlays[(attackable > 0) & (self.currentmap.board[1, :, :] > 0) & (self.currentmap.board[1, :, :] != unit_color)] = RED_RING

        elif self.mode == ATTACKING:

            if self.selectedTile == (row, col):
                dlg = YesNoDialog(self)

            defending_row, defending_col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)
            attacking_row, attacking_col = self.selectedTile

            defending_type, defending_color, defending_health = self.currentmap.board[:, defending_row, defending_col]
            attacking_type, attacking_color, attacking_health = self.currentmap.board[:, attacking_row, attacking_col]

            attacking_terrain = self.currentmap.terrain[attacking_row, attacking_col]
            defending_terrain = self.currentmap.terrain[defending_row, defending_col]

            #print attacking_type, attacking_color, attacking_health
            #print defending_type, defending_color, defending_health

            attacking_left, defending_left = battle.evaluate(attacking_type, attacking_health, attacking_terrain, defending_type, defending_health, defending_terrain)

            self.red_counters[attacking_row, attacking_col] = attacking_health - attacking_left
            self.red_counters[defending_row, defending_col] = defending_health - defending_left

            #self.circles.append([hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((defending_row, defending_col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height), "-5"])
            #self.circles.append([hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((attacking_row, attacking_col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height), "X"])

                                                                  attacking_health - attacking_left,
                                                                  defending_health - defending_left,

Exemplo n.º 4
    def OnLeftUp(self, e):

        if self.battle_result_panel.IsShown():

        row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(
            self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height

        if self.mode == UNSELECTED:
            unit_type, unit_color, unit_health = self.currentmap.board[:, row, col]

            if not unit_type:

            unit_class = units.type[unit_type].unitclass

            movement_cost = units.unitclass2movementcost[unit_class]
            movecost = movement_cost[self.currentmap.terrain]

            ## do not move to blocked tiles
            movecost[(self.currentmap.board[1] != 0) & (self.currentmap.board[1] != unit_color)] = 888

            zoc = self.currentmap.zoc(unit_class, unit_color)
            # movecost *= - ((zoc * 2) - 1)
            print movecost

            visited = np.ones(self.currentmap.terrain.shape, dtype=np.int64) * -1

            can_move = units.type[unit_type].movementpoints[0]
            t = time.time()
            reachable = aux_functions.find_paths(visited, zoc, movecost, row, col, can_move)
            print (time.time() - t) * 1000.0

                ((reachable == -1) & (self.currentmap.terrain > 0)) | (self.currentmap.board[0] > 0)
            ] |= SHADED
            self.overlays[row, col] = BLUE_RING

            self.original_board = self.currentmap.board.copy()

            self.mode = MOVING
            self.selectedTile = (row, col)
            self.sourceTile = (row, col)
            ## flip value
            # overlays[row, col] ^= 1

        elif self.mode == MOVING:

            row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(
                self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height

            source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
            print "DISTANCE:", getDistance(row, col, source_row, source_col)

            ## deselect
            if (row, col) == self.selectedTile or self.overlays[row, col] != 0:

                print "self.overlays[row, col] = ", self.overlays[row, col]

                self.selectedTile = None
                self.sourceTile = None
                self.mode = UNSELECTED
                self.arrows = []
                self.overlays[:] = 0
                # move unit
                source_row, source_col = self.selectedTile
                self.currentmap.board[:, row, col] = self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col]
                self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col] = 0

                self.selectedTile = row, col
                self.mode = MOVING_CONFIRM

                ## shade everything but target tile
                self.overlays[self.currentmap.terrain > 0] |= SHADED
                self.overlays[row, col] = 0

                source_coords = hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel(
                    self.sourceTile, self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height
                target_coords = hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((row, col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height)

                self.arrows = [(source_coords, target_coords, 5, "#80b3ff")]

        elif self.mode == MOVING_CONFIRM:

            row, col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(
                self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height

            ## unselect
            if (row, col) != self.selectedTile:
                ## todo: moved units must be shaded
                self.overlays[:] = 0

                ## move unit back
                source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
                target_row, target_col = self.selectedTile
                self.currentmap.board[:, source_row, source_col] = self.currentmap.board[:, target_row, target_col]
                self.currentmap.board[:, target_row, target_col] = 0

                self.selectedTile = None
                self.mode = UNSELECTED
                self.arrows = []

                # move unit
                source_row, source_col = self.sourceTile
                self.moveUnit((source_row, source_col), (row, col))

                self.mode = ATTACKING

                ## attack overlay
                self.overlays[self.currentmap.terrain > 0] |= SHADED

                unit_type, unit_color, unit_health = self.currentmap.board[:, row, col]
                min_range, max_range = units.type[unit_type].attackrange
                attackable = sum(
                    [hexlib.rings(self.currentmap.terrain.shape, row, col, x) for x in range(min_range, max_range + 1)]

                print "attackable classes:", np.arange(8)[np.array(units.type[unit_type].power) > 0]

                    (attackable > 0)
                    & (self.currentmap.board[1, :, :] > 0)
                    & (self.currentmap.board[1, :, :] != unit_color)
                ] = RED_RING

        elif self.mode == ATTACKING:

            if self.selectedTile == (row, col):
                dlg = YesNoDialog(self)

            defending_row, defending_col = hexlib.pixel_to_hexcoords(
                self.GetVirtualPosition(e.GetPosition()), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height
            attacking_row, attacking_col = self.selectedTile

            defending_type, defending_color, defending_health = self.currentmap.board[:, defending_row, defending_col]
            attacking_type, attacking_color, attacking_health = self.currentmap.board[:, attacking_row, attacking_col]

            attacking_terrain = self.currentmap.terrain[attacking_row, attacking_col]
            defending_terrain = self.currentmap.terrain[defending_row, defending_col]

            # print attacking_type, attacking_color, attacking_health
            # print defending_type, defending_color, defending_health

            attacking_left, defending_left = battle.evaluate(
                attacking_type, attacking_health, attacking_terrain, defending_type, defending_health, defending_terrain

            self.red_counters[attacking_row, attacking_col] = attacking_health - attacking_left
            self.red_counters[defending_row, defending_col] = defending_health - defending_left

            # self.circles.append([hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((defending_row, defending_col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height), "-5"])
            # self.circles.append([hexlib.hexcoords_to_pixel((attacking_row, attacking_col), self.currentmap.width, self.currentmap.height), "X"])

                attacking_health - attacking_left,
                defending_health - defending_left,
