def update(self):
     """update method
     @param self
     @return None
     @desc Updates the high score screen. Blits all relevant sprites and positions text. Updates the scores if they change"""
     highscores = HighScoreMonitor.getHighScores()
     i = 0 
     textGroup = []
     font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30)
     #Put all the high scores in a list.
     #Iterate through the list and output them.
     #Use a control variable to define which key the highscore is,
     #and then put it in a different place depending on what
     #high score position its in
     #This means all the high-scores appear in the right place and not in one blob
     for score in reversed(sorted(highscores)):
         text = font.render(str(score), True,(255,255,255), (0,0,0) )#text to be rendered, anti-aliasing, colour, bg-colour
         rect = text.get_rect()
         if i == 0:
             rect.x = 100
             rect.y = 117
         if i == 1:
             rect.x = 100
             rect.y = 170
         if i == 2:
             rect.x = 100
             rect.y = 230
         if i == 3:
             rect.x = 100
             rect.y = 280
         if i == 4:
             rect.x = 100
             rect.y = 330
         if i == 5:
             rect.x = 390
             rect.y = 117
         if i == 6:
             rect.x = 390
             rect.y = 170
         if i == 7:
             rect.x = 390
             rect.y = 230
         if i == 8:
             rect.x = 390
             rect.y = 280
         if i == 9:
             rect.x = 390
             rect.y = 330
         i += 1
     self.screen.blit(, (0,0))
     for text in textGroup:
         self.screen.blit(text['object'], text['rect'])
 def gameOver(screen, score):
     @param screen The screen sprites need to be rendered on
     @param score int The score the player obtained before dying
     @return None
     @desc Stores the relevant values as static properties, load the required background images
     @exception ResourceException Thrown when one of the images cant be loaded"""
     GameOver.screen = screen
     GameOver.score = score
     # Check if the score the user posted is a new high score. If it is then show a different screen for intuitivity/user-feedback purposes
     isHighScore = HighScoreMonitor.newHighScore(score)
     if isHighScore:
    = pygame.image.load("sprites/gameover_bg_hiscore.png").convert()
    = pygame.image.load("sprites/gameover_bg.png").convert()