Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, fname):
     # labels = get_labels(fname)
     # self.labels = labels
     # try:
     #     self.offset = float(labels['IMAGE']['OFFSET'])
     #     print self.offset
     #     self.scaling_factor = float(labels['IMAGE']['SCALING_FACTOR'])
     #     print self.scaling_factor
     # except KeyError:
     #     self.offset = float(labels['UNCOMPRESSED_FILE']
     #                         ['IMAGE']['OFFSET'])
     #     print self.offset
     #     self.scaling_factor = float(labels['UNCOMPRESSED_FILE']
     #                                 ['IMAGE']['SCALING_FACTOR'])
     #     print self.scaling_factor
     ds = gdal.Open(fname)
     band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
     self.data = band.ReadAsArray()
     self.x = self.data.shape[0]
     self.y = self.data.shape[1]
     self.binned = rebin(self.data, self.dSize)
     fig = figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     im = ax.imshow(self.binned)
     LS = RectangleSelector(ax, self.line_select_callback,
                drawtype='box', useblit=True,
                minspanx=5, minspany=5, spancoords='pixels')
     self.fig = fig
     self.ax = ax
     self.im = im
Exemplo n.º 2
 def line_select_callback(self, event1, event2):
     'event1 and event2 are the press and release events'
     x1, y1 = event1.xdata, event1.ydata
     x2, y2 = event2.xdata, event2.ydata
     x = array([x1, x2])
     y = array([y1, y2])
     print x.astype(int)
     print y.astype(int)
 #    print "(%3.2f, %3.2f) --> (%3.2f, %3.2f)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)
 #    print " The button you used were: ", event1.button, event2.button
     allX = self.dSize[0]
     allY = self.dSize[1]
     newX = (x / allX * self.x).astype(int)
     newY = (y / allY * self.y).astype(int)
     print newX, newY
     self.binned = rebin(self.data[newY[0]:newY[1], newX[0]:newX[1]],
                         self.dSize) * self.scaling_factor + self.offset
     with open('data/binned.pkl', 'w') as f:
         pickle.dump(self.binned, f)
     fig = figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     im = ax.imshow(self.binned)