Exemplo n.º 1
def samples_fix_patches_cmd(task):
    """Generate missing patches for the samples in the database"""

    # Get a list of all patches relevant to us, sorted by slide so we don't have to
    # sample slides out of order
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM v_full '
                    'WHERE task=? ORDER BY slide_name', (task, )).fetchall()

    # Get the required patch dimensions
    (project, t_data) = get_task_data(task)
    patch_dim = t_data['dltrain'].get('display-patch-size', 512)

    # For each patch check if it is there
    for row in rc:
        id = row['id']
        fn = get_sample_patch_filename(id)
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            w, h = Image.open(fn).size
            if w == patch_dim and h == patch_dim:
        print('Missing or corrupt patch for sample %d, %s' % (id, fn))

        rect = (float(row['x0']), float(row['y0']), float(row['x1']),

        # Generate the patch
                              dims=(patch_dim, patch_dim))
Exemplo n.º 2
def block_detail_by_name(task_id, specimen_name, block_name):

    # Get the current task data
    project,task = get_task_data(task_id)
    pr = ProjectRef(project)
    return render_template('slide/task_detail.html',
                           project=project, project_name=pr.disp_name, task=task, task_id=task_id,
                           specimen_name=specimen_name, block_name=block_name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_label_id_in_task(task_id, label_name):

    db = get_db()
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)
    ls_id = get_labelset_id(project, task)

    # Look up the label
    label_id = db.execute('SELECT id FROM label WHERE name=? AND labelset=?',
                          (label_name, ls_id)).fetchone()['id']

    return label_id
Exemplo n.º 4
def block_slide_listing(task_id, specimen_name, block_name):
    db = get_db()

    # Get the current task data
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    # Get the block descriptor
    block = db.execute(
        'SELECT * FROM block_info WHERE specimen_name=? AND block_name=? AND project=?',
        (specimen_name, block_name, project)).fetchone()

    if block is None:
        return json.dumps([])

    block_id = block['id']

    # List all the blocks that meet requirements for the current task
    if task['mode'] == 'annot':

        # Join with the annotations table
        slides = db.execute(
            """SELECT S.*,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_paths),0) as n_paths,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_markers),0) as n_markers,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_paths),0) + IFNULL(SUM(A.n_markers),0) as n_annot
                FROM task_slide_index TSI
                    LEFT JOIN slide_info S ON TSI.slide = S.id
                    LEFT JOIN annot A on A.slide_id = S.id AND A.task_id = TSI.task_id
                WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND S.block_id = ?
                GROUP BY S.id, S.section, S.slide
                ORDER BY section, slide""", (task_id, block_id)).fetchall()

    elif task['mode'] == 'dltrain':

        # Join with the training samples table
        slides = db.execute(
            """SELECT S.*, COUNT(T.id) as n_samples 
               FROM task_slide_index TSI
                   LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
                   LEFT JOIN training_sample T on T.slide = S.id AND T.task = TSI.task_id
               WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND block_id = ?
               GROUP BY S.id, S.section, S.slide
               ORDER BY section, slide""", (task_id, block_id)).fetchall()

    elif task['mode'] == 'browse':

        slides = db.execute(
            """SELECT S.* FROM task_slide_index TSI
               LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND S.block_id = ?
               ORDER BY section, slide""", (task_id, block_id)).fetchall()

    return json.dumps([dict(row) for row in slides])
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_labelset_label(task_id):

    db = get_db()
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)
    ls_id = get_labelset_id(project, task)

    label_name = request.form['label_name']
    color = request.form['label_color']
    desc = request.form['label_desc']
    label_id = db.execute(
        'INSERT INTO label (name, labelset, description, color) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
        (label_name, ls_id, desc, color)).lastrowid
    return json.dumps({"id": label_id})
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_slide_dbview(task_id, view_name):

    db = get_db()

    # This call guarantees that there is no database spoofing
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    # Create a where clause
    wcl = ''
    if 'stains' in task:
        col = ','.join('"{0}"'.format(x) for x in task['stains'])
        wcl = "AND S.stain COLLATE NOCASE IN (%s)" % col

    if task['mode'] == 'annot':

        db.execute("""CREATE TEMP VIEW %s AS
                SELECT S.*,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_paths),0) as n_paths,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_markers),0) as n_markers,
                   IFNULL(SUM(A.n_paths),0) + IFNULL(SUM(A.n_markers),0) as n_annot
                FROM task_slide_index TSI
                    LEFT JOIN slide_info S ON TSI.slide = S.id
                    LEFT JOIN annot A on A.slide_id = S.id AND A.task_id = TSI.task_id
                WHERE TSI.task_id = %d
                GROUP BY S.id, S.section, S.slide, specimen_name, block_name
                ORDER BY specimen_name, block_name, section, slide""" %
                   (view_name, int(task_id)))

    elif task['mode'] == 'dltrain':

        db.execute("""CREATE TEMP VIEW %s AS
                SELECT S.*,
                   COUNT(T.id) as n_samples
                FROM task_slide_index TSI
                    LEFT JOIN slide_info S ON TSI.slide = S.id
                    LEFT JOIN training_sample T on T.slide = S.id AND T.task = TSI.task_id
                WHERE TSI.task_id = %d
                GROUP BY S.id, S.section, S.slide, specimen_name, block_name
                ORDER BY specimen_name, block_name, section, slide""" %
                   (view_name, int(task_id)))

    elif task['mode'] == 'browse':

        db.execute("""CREATE TEMP VIEW %s AS
               SELECT S.* FROM task_slide_index TSI
                   LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               WHERE TSI.task_id = %d
               ORDER BY specimen_name, block_name, section, slide""" %
                   (view_name, int(task_id)))
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_rect(task_id, rect):

    project, t_data = get_task_data(task_id)
    min_size = t_data['dltrain'].get('min-size')
    max_size = t_data['dltrain'].get('max-size')

    w = round(abs(rect[2] - rect[0]))
    h = round(abs(rect[3] - rect[1]))

    print('Checking %d %d against %d %d' % (w, h, min_size, max_size))

    if min_size is not None and (w < min_size or h < min_size):
        abort(Response('Box is too small', 401))

    if max_size is not None and (w > max_size or h > max_size):
        abort(Response('Box is too large', 401))
Exemplo n.º 8
def specimen_block_listing(task_id, specimen_name):

    db = get_db()

    # Get the current task data
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    # List all the blocks that meet requirements for the current task
    if task['mode'] == 'annot':

        # Join with the annotations table
        blocks = db.execute(
            """SELECT block_id,block_name,specimen_name,
                   COUNT (S.id) as nslides, COUNT(A.slide_id) as nannot 
               FROM task_slide_index TSI
               LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               LEFT JOIN annot A on A.slide_id = S.id AND A.task_id = TSI.task_id
               WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND S.specimen_name = ?
               GROUP BY block_id,block_name,specimen_name
               ORDER BY block_name""", (task_id, specimen_name)).fetchall()

    elif task['mode'] == 'dltrain':

        # Join with the annotations table
        blocks = db.execute(
            """SELECT block_id,block_name,specimen_name,
                   COUNT (DISTINCT S.id) as nslides, COUNT(T.slide) as nsamples
               FROM task_slide_index TSI
               LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               LEFT JOIN training_sample T on T.slide = S.id AND T.task = TSI.task_id
               WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND S.specimen_name = ?
               GROUP BY block_id,block_name,specimen_name
               ORDER BY block_name""", (task_id, specimen_name)).fetchall()

        # Browse mode
        blocks = db.execute(
            """SELECT block_id,block_name,specimen_name,COUNT(S.id) as nslides
               FROM task_slide_index TSI
               LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               WHERE TSI.task_id = ? AND S.specimen_name = ?
               GROUP BY block_id,block_name,specimen_name
               ORDER BY block_name""", (task_id, specimen_name)).fetchall()

    return json.dumps([dict(row) for row in blocks])
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_labelset_labels_table(task_id, slide_id):
    db = get_db()

    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    ll = db.execute(
        'SELECT L.*, COUNT(T.id) as n_samples '
        'FROM label L LEFT JOIN training_sample T '
        '             ON T.label = L.id AND T.task=? AND T.slide=? '
        'GROUP BY L.id '
        'ORDER BY L.id', (task_id, slide_id))

    ll_data = [dict(row) for row in ll.fetchall()]

    return render_template('dbtrain/label_table.html',
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_labelset_labels_table_json(task_id, slide_id):
    db = get_db()

    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    ll = db.execute(
        'SELECT L.*, COUNT(T.id) as n_samples '
        'FROM label L LEFT JOIN training_sample T '
        '             ON T.label = L.id AND T.task=? AND T.slide=? '
        '             LEFT JOIN labelset_info LS on L.labelset = LS.id '
        'WHERE LS.name=? AND LS.project=?'
        'GROUP BY L.id '
        'ORDER BY L.id',
        (task_id, slide_id, task['dltrain']['labelset'], project))

    ll_data = [dict(row) for row in ll.fetchall()]

    return json.dumps(ll_data)
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_sample_base(task_id, slide_id, label_id, rect, osl_level=0):

    project, t_data = get_task_data(task_id)

    db = get_db()

    # Create a meta record
    meta_id = create_edit_meta()

    # Create the main record
    sample_id = db.execute(
        'INSERT INTO training_sample (meta_id,x0,y0,x1,y1,label,slide,task) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
        (meta_id, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], label_id, slide_id,

    # Get the preferred patch size
    patch_dim = t_data['dltrain'].get('display-patch-size', 512)

    # Create a job that will sample the patch from the image. The reason we do this in a queue
    # is that a server hosting the slide might have gone down and the slide would need to be
    # downloaded again, and we don't want to hold up returning to the user for so long
    q = Queue(current_app.config['PRELOAD_QUEUE'], connection=Redis())
    job = q.enqueue(generate_sample_patch,
                    rect, (patch_dim, patch_dim),

    # Stick the properties into the job
    job.meta['args'] = (slide_id, sample_id, rect)

    # Only commit once this has been saved

    # Return the sample id and the patch generation job id
    return json.dumps({'id': sample_id, 'patch_job_id': job.id})
Exemplo n.º 12
def slide_view(task_id, slide_id, resolution, affine_mode):

    # Get the current task data
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    # Get the next/previous slides for this task
    si, prev_slide, next_slide, stain_list, user_prefs = get_slide_info(
        task_id, slide_id)

    # Check that the affine mode and resolution requested are available
    pr = ProjectRef(project)
    sr = SlideRef(pr, si['specimen_name'], si['block_name'], si['slide_name'],
    have_affine = sr.resource_exists('affine', True) or sr.resource_exists(
        'affine', False)
    have_x16 = sr.resource_exists('x16', True) or sr.resource_exists(
        'x16', False)

    # If one is missing, we need a redirect
    rd_affine_mode = affine_mode if have_affine else 'raw'
    rd_resolution = resolution if have_x16 else 'raw'

    # Get the list of available overlays and jsonify
    overlays = sr.get_available_overlays(local=False)

    if (affine_mode == 'affine' and not have_affine) or (resolution == 'x16'
                                                         and not have_x16):
        return redirect(

    # Get additional project info
    pr = ProjectRef(project)

    # Form the URL templates for preloading and actual dzi access, so that in JS we
    # can just do a quick substitution
    url_ctx = {
        'project': project,
        'specimen': si['specimen_name'],
        'block': si['block_name'],
        'slide_name': si['slide_name'],
        'slide_ext': si['slide_ext'],
        'mode': affine_mode,
        'resource': 'XXXXX'

    url_tmpl_preload = url_for('dzi.dzi_preload_endpoint', **url_ctx)
    url_tmpl_dzi = url_for('dzi.dzi', **url_ctx)
    url_tmpl_download = url_for('dzi.dzi_download', **url_ctx)

    # Build a dictionary to call
    context = {
        'slide_id': slide_id,
        'slide_info': si,
        'next_slide': next_slide,
        'prev_slide': prev_slide,
        'stain_list': stain_list,
        'affine_mode': affine_mode,
        'have_affine': have_affine,
        'have_x16': have_x16,
        'resolution': resolution,
        'seg_mode': task['mode'],
        'task_id': task_id,
        'project': si['project'],
        'project_name': pr.disp_name,
        'block_id': si['block_id'],
        'url_tmpl_preload': url_tmpl_preload,
        'url_tmpl_dzi': url_tmpl_dzi,
        'url_tmpl_download': url_tmpl_download,
        'task': task,
        'fixed_box_size': get_dltrain_fixed_box_size(task),
        'user_prefs': user_prefs,
        'overlays': overlays

    # Add optional fields to context
    for field in ('sample_id', 'sample_cx', 'sample_cy'):
        if field in request.form:
            context[field] = request.form[field]

    # Render the template
    return render_template('slide/slide_view.html', **context)
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_slide_info(task_id, slide_id):
    db = get_db()

    # Get the info on the current slide
    slide_info = db.execute('SELECT * from slide_info WHERE id = ?',
                            (slide_id, )).fetchone()

    # Get the slide info
    block_id = slide_info['block_id']
    section = slide_info['section']
    slideno = slide_info['slide']
    stain = slide_info['stain']

    # Get the task-specific where clause
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)

    # Create a view for this task
    make_slide_dbview(task_id, 'v_full')

    # Get a list of slides/stains for this section (for drop-down menu)
    rc_slide = db.execute(
        'SELECT id, slide, stain FROM v_full '
        'WHERE block_id=? AND section=? '
        'ORDER BY slide', (block_id, section))

    stain_list = [dict(row) for row in rc_slide.fetchall()]

    # Get the corresponding slide in the previous section. A corresponding slide
    # has the same stain and the closest slide to the current section. If the
    # same stain is not available, then just the closest slide.

    # Find the previous section number
    prev_sec = db.execute(
        'SELECT section FROM v_full '
        'WHERE block_id=? AND section<? '
        'ORDER BY section DESC limit 1', (block_id, section)).fetchone()

    # Find the closest slide in the section
    if prev_sec is not None:
        prev_slide = db.execute(
            'SELECT *,(stain<>?)*1000+abs(slide-?) AS X '
            'FROM v_full WHERE block_id=? AND section=? '
            'ORDER BY X LIMIT 1',
            (stain, slideno, block_id, prev_sec['section'])).fetchone()
        prev_slide = None

    # Find the previous section number
    next_sec = db.execute(
        'SELECT section FROM v_full '
        'WHERE block_id=? AND section>? '
        'ORDER BY section ASC limit 1', (block_id, section)).fetchone()

    # Find the closest slide in the section
    if next_sec is not None:
        next_slide = db.execute(
            'SELECT *,(stain<>?)*1000+abs(slide-?) AS X '
            'FROM v_full WHERE block_id=? AND section=? '
            'ORDER BY X LIMIT 1',
            (stain, slideno, block_id, next_sec['section'])).fetchone()
        next_slide = None

    # Load the user preferences for this slide
    rc = db.execute(
        'SELECT json FROM user_task_slide_preferences '
        '            WHERE user=? AND task_id=? AND slide=?',
        (g.user['id'], task_id, slide_id)).fetchone()

    user_prefs = json.loads(rc['json']) if rc is not None else {}

    return slide_info, prev_slide, next_slide, stain_list, user_prefs
Exemplo n.º 14
def samples_import_csv_command(task, input_file, user):
    """Import training samples from a CSV file"""
    db = get_db()

    # Look up the labelset for the current task
    project, tdata = get_task_data(task)
    if not 'dltrain' in tdata:
        print('Task %s is not the right type for importing samples' %
        return -1

    lsid = get_labelset_id(project, tdata)

    # Look up the user
    g.user = db.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username=?',
                        (user, )).fetchone()
    if g.user is None:
        print('User %s is not in the system' % user)
        return -1

    lines = input_file.read().splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        fields = line.split(',')
        if len(fields) < 6:
            print('skipping ill-formatted line "%s"' % (line, ))

        (slide_name, label_name, x, y, w, h) = fields[0:6]

        # Look up the slide
        rcs = db.execute('SELECT id FROM slide WHERE slide_name=?',
                         (slide_name, )).fetchone()
        if rcs is None:
            print('Slide %s does not exist, skipping line %s' %
                  (slide_name, line))

        # Look up the label
        rcl = db.execute('SELECT id FROM label WHERE name=? AND labelset=?',
                         (label_name, lsid)).fetchone()
        if rcl is None:
            print('Label %s does not exist, skipping line %s' %
                  (label_name, line))

        # Create a data record
        rect = (float(x), float(y), float(x) + float(w), float(y) + float(h))

        # Check for overlapping samples
        rc_intercept = db.execute(
            'SELECT max(x0,?) as p0, min(x1,?) as p1, '
            '       max(y0,?) as q0, min(y1,?) as q1, * '
            'FROM training_sample '
            'WHERE p0 < p1 AND q0 < q1 AND task=? and slide=?',
            (rect[0], rect[2], rect[1], rect[3], task, rcs['id'])).fetchall()

        if len(rc_intercept) > 0:
            # for row in rc_intercept:
            #    print(row)
            print('There are %d overlapping samples for sample "%s"' %
                  (len(rc_intercept), line))

        # Create the sample
        result = json.loads(
            create_sample_base(task, rcs['id'], rcl['id'], rect))

        # Success
        print('Imported new sample %d from line "%s"' % (result['id'], line))