Exemplo n.º 1
def post_stats(post):
    """Get post statistics and derived properties.

    Source: contentStats - https://github.com/steemit/condenser/blob/master/src/app/utils/StateFunctions.js#L109
    neg_rshares = 0
    total_votes = 0
    up_votes = 0
    for vote in post['active_votes']:
        rshares = int(vote['rshares'])

        if rshares == 0:

        total_votes += 1
        if rshares > 0: up_votes += 1
        if rshares < 0: neg_rshares += rshares

    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(int(neg_rshares / 2))) - 11, 0))

    author_rep = rep_log10(post['author_reputation'])
    has_pending_payout = sbd_amount(post['pending_payout_value']) >= 0.02

    return {
        'hide': author_rep < 0 and not has_pending_payout,
        'gray': author_rep < 1,
        'author_rep': author_rep,
        'flag_weight': flag_weight,
        'total_votes': total_votes,
        'up_votes': up_votes
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _sql(cls, account, cached_at):
        """Prepare a SQL query from a steemd account."""
        vests = vests_amount(account['vesting_shares'])

        vote_weight = (vests
                       + vests_amount(account['received_vesting_shares'])
                       - vests_amount(account['delegated_vesting_shares']))

        proxy_weight = 0 if account['proxy'] else float(vests)
        for satoshis in account['proxied_vsf_votes']:
            proxy_weight += float(satoshis) / 1e6

        # remove empty keys
        useless = ['transfer_history', 'market_history', 'post_history',
                   'vote_history', 'other_history', 'tags_usage',
        for key in useless:
            del account[key]

        # pull out valid profile md and delete the key
        profile = safe_profile_metadata(account)
        del account['json_metadata']
        del account['posting_json_metadata']

        active_at = max(account['created'],

        values = {
            'name':         account['name'],
            'created_at':   account['created'],
            'proxy':        account['proxy'],
            'post_count':   account['post_count'],
            'reputation':   rep_log10(account['reputation']),
            'proxy_weight': proxy_weight,
            'vote_weight':  vote_weight,
            'active_at':    active_at,
            'cached_at':    cached_at,

            'display_name':  profile['name'],
            'about':         profile['about'],
            'location':      profile['location'],
            'website':       profile['website'],
            'profile_image': profile['profile_image'],
            'cover_image':   profile['cover_image'],

            'raw_json': json.dumps(account)}

        # update rank field, if present
        _id = cls.get_id(account['name'])
        if _id in cls._ranks:
            values['rank'] = cls._ranks[_id]

        bind = ', '.join([k+" = :"+k for k in list(values.keys())][1:])
        return ("UPDATE hive_accounts SET %s WHERE name = :name" % bind, values)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _generate_cache_sqls(cls, accounts):
        """Prepare a SQL query from a steemd account."""
        cached_at = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        sqls = []
        for account in SteemClient.instance().get_accounts(accounts):
            vote_weight = (vests_amount(account['vesting_shares']) +
                           vests_amount(account['received_vesting_shares']) -

            # remove empty keys
            useless = [
                'transfer_history', 'market_history', 'post_history',
                'vote_history', 'other_history', 'tags_usage', 'guest_bloggers'
            for key in useless:
                del account[key]

            # pull out valid profile md and delete the key
            profile = safe_profile_metadata(account)
            del account['json_metadata']

            values = {
                'name': account['name'],
                'proxy': account['proxy'],
                'post_count': account['post_count'],
                'reputation': rep_log10(account['reputation']),
                'proxy_weight': vests_amount(account['vesting_shares']),
                'vote_weight': vote_weight,
                'kb_used': int(account['lifetime_bandwidth']) / 1e6 / 1024,
                'active_at': account['last_bandwidth_update'],
                'cached_at': cached_at,
                'display_name': profile['name'],
                'about': profile['about'],
                'location': profile['location'],
                'website': profile['website'],
                'profile_image': profile['profile_image'],
                'cover_image': profile['cover_image'],
                'raw_json': json.dumps(account)

            update = ', '.join([k + " = :" + k
                                for k in list(values.keys())][1:])
            sql = "UPDATE hive_accounts SET %s WHERE name = :name" % (update)
            sqls.append((sql, values))
        return sqls
Exemplo n.º 4
def _bridge_profile_object(row):
    """Convert an internal account record into legacy-steemd style."""

    #Important. The member `sp` in `stats` is removed, because currently the hivemind doesn't hold any balances.
    # The member `vote_weight` from `hive_accounts` is removed as well.
    profile = safe_db_profile_metadata(row['posting_json_metadata'],

    return {
        'id': row['id'],
        'name': row['name'],
        'created': json_date(row['created_at']),
        'active': json_date(row['active_at']),
        'post_count': row['post_count'],
        'reputation': rep_log10(row['reputation']),
        'blacklists': [],
        'stats': {
            'rank': row['rank'],
            'following': row['following'],
            'followers': row['followers'],
        'metadata': {
            'profile': {
                if 'blacklist_description' in profile else '',
                if 'muted_list_description' in profile else ''
Exemplo n.º 5
def post_stats(post):
    """Get post statistics and derived properties.

    Source: contentStats - https://github.com/steemit/condenser/blob/master/src/app/utils/StateFunctions.js#L109
    net_rshares_adj = 0
    neg_rshares = 0
    total_votes = 0
    up_votes = 0
    for vote in post['active_votes']:
        if vote['percent'] == 0:

        total_votes += 1
        rshares = int(vote['rshares'])
        sign = 1 if vote['percent'] > 0 else -1
        if sign > 0:
            up_votes += 1
        if sign < 0:
            neg_rshares += rshares

        # For graying: sum rshares, but ignore neg rep users and dust downvotes
        neg_rep = str(vote['reputation'])[0] == '-'
        if not (neg_rep and sign < 0 and len(str(rshares)) < 11):
            net_rshares_adj += rshares

    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(neg_rshares / 2)) - 11, 0))

    author_rep = rep_log10(post['author_reputation'])
    is_low_value = net_rshares_adj < -9999999999
    has_pending_payout = sbd_amount(post['pending_payout_value']) >= 0.02

    return {
        'hide': not has_pending_payout and (author_rep < 0),
        'gray': not has_pending_payout and (author_rep < 1 or is_low_value),
        'author_rep': author_rep,
        'flag_weight': flag_weight,
        'total_votes': total_votes,
        'up_votes': up_votes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _sql(cls, account, cached_at):
        """Prepare a SQL query from a steemd account."""
        vote_weight = (vests_amount(account['vesting_shares']) +
                       vests_amount(account['received_vesting_shares']) -

        # remove empty keys
        useless = [
            'transfer_history', 'market_history', 'post_history',
            'vote_history', 'other_history', 'tags_usage', 'guest_bloggers'
        for key in useless:
            del account[key]

        # pull out valid profile md and delete the key
        profile = safe_profile_metadata(account)
        del account['json_metadata']

        active_at = max(account['created'], account['last_post'],

        values = {
            'name': account['name'],
            'created_at': account['created'],
            'proxy': account['proxy'],
            'post_count': account['post_count'],
            'reputation': rep_log10(account['reputation']),
            'proxy_weight': vests_amount(account['vesting_shares']),
            'vote_weight': vote_weight,
            'active_at': active_at,
            'cached_at': cached_at,
            'display_name': profile['name'],
            'about': profile['about'],
            'location': profile['location'],
            'website': profile['website'],
            'profile_image': profile['profile_image'],
            'cover_image': profile['cover_image'],
            'raw_json': json.dumps(account)

        bind = ', '.join([k + " = :" + k for k in list(values.keys())][1:])
        return ("UPDATE hive_accounts SET %s WHERE name = :name" % bind,
Exemplo n.º 7
def _bridge_post_object(row, truncate_body=0):
    """Given a hive_posts row, create a legacy-style post object."""
    paid = row['is_paidout']

    post = {}
    post['post_id'] = row['id']
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']
    post['category'] = row.get('category', 'undefined')

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row[
        post['json_metadata'] = json.loads(row['json'])
    except Exception:
        post['json_metadata'] = {}

    post['created'] = json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['updated'] = json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']
    post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']

    post['is_paidout'] = row['is_paidout']
    post['payout_at'] = json_date(row['payout_at'])
    post['payout'] = float(row['payout'] + row['pending_payout'])
    post['pending_payout_value'] = _amount(0 if paid else post['payout'])
    post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(0)  # supplemented below
    post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(0)  # supplemented below
    post['promoted'] = _amount(row['promoted'])

    post['replies'] = []
    post['author_reputation'] = rep_log10(row['author_rep'])

    neg_rshares = (row['rshares'] - row['abs_rshares']
                   ) // 2  # effectively sum of all negative rshares
    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(int(neg_rshares / 2))) - 11, 0))

    post['stats'] = {
        'hide': row['is_hidden'],
        'gray': row['is_grayed'],
        'total_votes': row['total_votes'],
        'flag_weight': float(flag_weight)
    }  # TODO: down_weight

    #post['author_reputation'] = rep_to_raw(row['author_rep'])

    post['url'] = row['url']
    post['beneficiaries'] = row['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = row['max_accepted_payout']
    post['percent_hbd'] = row['percent_hbd']

    if paid:
        curator_payout = sbd_amount(row['curator_payout_value'])
        post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout)
        post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)

    # TODO: re-evaluate
    if row['depth'] > 0:
        post['parent_author'] = row['parent_author']
        post['parent_permlink'] = row['parent_permlink_or_category']
        post['title'] = 'RE: ' + row[
            'root_title']  # PostSummary & comment context

    return post
def test_rep_log10():
    assert rep_log10(0) == 25
    assert rep_log10('2321387987213') == 55.29
Exemplo n.º 9
def _vote_csv_row(vote):
    """Convert a vote object into minimal CSV line."""
    rep = rep_log10(vote['reputation'])
    return "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (vote['voter'], vote['rshares'], vote['percent'],
Exemplo n.º 10
def _vote_csv_row(vote):
    rep = rep_log10(vote['reputation'])
    return "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (vote['voter'], vote['rshares'], vote['percent'],