Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: server.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def __init__(self, server, limit = None):
    @type server: L{server.Server}
    @param server: Server this pool belongs to.
    @type limit: C{int}
    @param limit: Maximal number of running threads. Default is C{None} which means "no limit".

    super(ThreadPool, self).__init__()

    self.limit = limit
    self.server = server

    self.lock	= hlib.locks.RLock(name = 'ThreadPool lock')
    self.worker_index = 0
    self.current_count = 0
    self.free_count	= 0
    self.queue = Queue.Queue()

    self.threads = {}
    self.hooks = {}

    self.stats_name	= 'Pool (%s)' % self.server.name

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, OrderedDict([
      ('Queue size', lambda s: self.queue.qsize()),
      ('Current threads', lambda s: self.current_count),
      ('Free threads', lambda s: self.free_count),
      ('Total threads started', 0),
      ('Total threads finished', 0),
      ('Threads', {})
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, name, address, **kwargs):
    super(DB, self).__init__()

    self.name		= name
    self.address	= address
    self.db		= None
    self.root		= None

    self.log_transaction_handler = self.__nolog_transaction
    self.log_transaction_lock = hlib.locks.RLock(name = 'Transaction logging setup')

    self.kwargs		= kwargs

    self.stats_name	= 'Database (%s)' % self.name

    # pylint: disable-msg=W0621
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, OrderedDict([
      ('Loads', 0),
      ('Stores', 0),
      ('Commits', 0),
      ('Rollbacks', 0),
      ('Failed commits', 0),
      ('Connections', {}),
      ('Caches', {})

    import events
    events.Hook('engine.ThreadFinished', self.on_thread_finished)
    events.Hook('engine.RequestFinished', self.on_request_finished)
Exemplo n.º 3
  def update_stats(self):
    data = self.db.getActivityMonitor().getActivityAnalysis(divisions = 1)[0]
    connections = {}
    caches = {}

    i = 0
    for data in self.db.connectionDebugInfo():
      connections[i] = {
        'Opened': data['opened'],
        'Info': data['info'],
        'Before': data['before']
      i += 1

    for data in self.db.cacheDetailSize():
      caches[data['connection']] = {
        'Connection': data['connection'],
        'Non-ghost size': data['ngsize'],
        'Size': data['size']

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Load', data['loads'] if 'loads' in data else 0)
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Stores', data['stores'] if 'stores' in data else 0)
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Connections', connections)
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Caches', caches)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
        UserDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.app = app

        self.lock = hlib.locks.RLock(name="Session storage")

        self.sessions = {}

        self.__online = None
        self.__online_ctime = 0

        self.stats_name = "Sessions (%s)" % self.app.name

        STATS.set(self.stats_name, OrderedDict([("Active", lambda s: ", ".join(self.online_users))]))
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: server.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def on_thread_start(self, _):
    # Setup hruntime info, and set stats record

    hruntime.service_engine = self.server.engine
    hruntime.service_server = self.server
    hruntime.service_thread = threading.current_thread()
    hruntime.tid = hruntime.service_thread.name

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Threads', hruntime.tid, OrderedDict([
      ('Start time', time.time()),
      ('Uptime', lambda s: time.time() - s['Start time']),
      ('Time per request', lambda s: (float(s['Total time']) / float(s['Total requests'])) if s['Total requests'] > 0 else 0.0)

    with STATS:
      STATS.inc(self.stats_name, 'Total threads started')
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: engine.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def on_request_connected(self, _):

    hruntime.dont_commit = True

    with STATS:
      STATS.inc(self.stats_name, 'Total requests')

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Requests', hruntime.tid, OrderedDict([
      ('Bytes read',     0),
      ('Bytes written',  0),
      ('Client',         hlib.server.ips_to_str(hruntime.request.ips)),
      ('Start time',     hruntime.time),
      ('Requested line', None),
      ('User',           None)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: cache.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def __init__(self, name, app):
    super(Cache, self).__init__()

    self.name = name
    self.app = app

    self.lock = hlib.locks.RLock(name = 'Cache')
    self.objects	= {}

    self.stats_name = 'Cache (%s - %s)' % (self.app.name, self.name)

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, OrderedDict([
      ('Total objects', lambda s: sum([len(chain) for chain in self.objects.values()])),
      ('Total chains', lambda s: len(self.objects)),
      ('Total size', lambda s: sum([sum([sys.getsizeof(v) for v in chain.values()]) for chain in self.objects.values()])),
      ('Hits', 0),
      ('Misses', 0),
      ('Inserts', 0),
      ('Chains', lambda s: self.to_stats())
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: stats.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def test_sanity(self):
    with STATS:
      STATS.set('key1', {
        'foo': 1,
        'bar': 2,
        'baz': {
          'key1_foo': 7

      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'foo'), 1)
      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'bar'), 2)
      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'baz', 'key1_foo'), 7)

      STATS.inc('key1', 'foo')
      STATS.add('key1', 'bar', 2)
      STATS.inc('key1', 'baz', 'key1_foo')

      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'foo'), 2)
      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'bar'), 4)
      EQ(STATS.get('key1', 'baz', 'key1_foo'), 8)
Exemplo n.º 9
    with self._lock:
      super(TournamentLists, self).created(t)

    return True

_tournament_lists = TournamentLists()

f_active        = _tournament_lists.f_active
f_inactive      = _tournament_lists.f_inactive
f_archived      = _tournament_lists.f_archived

from hlib.stats import stats as STATS
STATS.set('Tournaments lists', OrderedDict([
  ('Active', lambda s: dict([ (k.name, dict(tournaments = ', '.join([str(i) for i in v]))) for k, v in _tournament_lists.snapshot('active').items() ])),
  ('Inactive', lambda s: dict([ (k.name, dict(tournaments = ', '.join([str(i) for i in v]))) for k, v in _tournament_lists.snapshot('inactive').items() ])),
  ('Archived', lambda s: dict([ (k.name, dict(tournaments = ', '.join([str(i) for i in v]))) for k, v in _tournament_lists.snapshot('archived').items() ]))

class TournamentCreationFlags(games.GameCreationFlags):
  FLAGS = ['name', 'desc', 'kind', 'owner', 'engine', 'password', 'num_players', 'limit_rounds']

class Player(lib.play.Player):
  def __init__(self, tournament, user):
    lib.play.Player.__init__(self, user)

    self.tournament = tournament
    self.active = True

    self.points = 0
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: engine.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def on_request_started(self, _):
    Default hlib handler for C{engine.RequestStarted} event.

    Prepare enviroment for (and based on) new request. Reset L{hruntime} properties to default values, start new db transaction, and check basic access controls for new request.

    @raise http.Prohibited:	Raised when requested resource is marked as prohibited (using L{handlers.prohibited})
    @raise http.Redirect:	Raised when requested resource is admin-access only (using L{handlers.require_admin}). Also can be raised by internal call to L{auth.check_session}.

    req = hruntime.request

    if req.requires_write != True:

    if req.requires_hosts:
      hosts_allowed = req.requires_hosts()
      hosts_present = req.ips

      def __check_host(h):
        for host_allowed in hosts_allowed:
          if type(host_allowed) in (ipaddr.IPv4Address, ipaddr.IPv6Address) and h == host_allowed:
            return True
          if type(host_allowed) in (ipaddr.IPv4Network, ipaddr.IPv6Network) and h in host_allowed:
            return True

        return False

      if len(hosts_present) <= 0:
        # handler has require_hosts but client present no address => fail
        passed = False

      elif len(hosts_present) == 1:
        passed = __check_host(hosts_present[0])

      elif len(hosts_present) > 1:
        passed = __check_host(hosts_present[1])

      if passed != True:
        raise hlib.http.Prohibited()

    if req.requires_login:
      io_regime = hlib.handlers.tag_fn_check(req.handler, 'ioregime', None)
      if not io_regime:
        raise hlib.http.Prohibited()


      STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Requests', hruntime.tid, 'User', hruntime.user.name)

    if req.is_prohibited:
      raise hlib.http.Prohibited()

    if hruntime.dbroot.server.maintenance_mode == True and req.requires_login and hruntime.user.maintenance_access != True:
      raise hlib.http.Redirect('/maintenance/')

    if req.requires_admin and not hruntime.user.is_admin:
      raise hlib.http.Redirect('/admin/')

    hruntime.dont_commit = False
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: engine.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def on_request_accepted(self, _):
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Requests', hruntime.tid, 'Client', hlib.server.ips_to_str(hruntime.request.ips))
    STATS.set(self.stats_name, 'Requests', hruntime.tid, 'Requested', hruntime.request.requested_line)

    hruntime.db.log_transaction('requested-set', requested = hruntime.request.requested)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: engine.py Projeto: happz/hlib
  def __init__(self, name, server_configs):
    super(Engine, self).__init__()

    self.name = name
    self.quit_event = threading.Event()

    self.servers = []
    self.apps = {}
    self.hooks = {}

    self.scheduler = hlib.scheduler.SchedulerThread(self)

    self.scheduler.add_task(DataBaseGCTask(), None)
    self.scheduler.add_task(PurgeSessionsTask(), None)
    self.scheduler.add_task(SaveSessionsTask(), None)

    i = 0
    for sc in server_configs:
      self.apps[sc['app'].name] = sc['app']

      server = hlib.server.Server(self, 'server-%i' % i, sc)

      i += 1

    self.stats_name	= self.name

    STATS.set(self.stats_name, OrderedDict([
      ('Current time', lambda s: hruntime.time),
      ('Current requests', lambda s: len(s['Requests'])),

      ('Start time', time.time()),
      ('Uptime', lambda s: time.time() - s['Start time']),

      ('Total bytes read', 0),
      ('Total bytes written', 0),
      ('Total requests', 0),
      ('Total time', 0),

      ('Bytes read/second', lambda s: s['Total bytes read'] / s['Uptime'](s)),
      ('Bytes written/second', lambda s: s['Total bytes written'] / s['Uptime'](s)),
      ('Bytes read/request', lambda s: (s['Total requests'] and (s['Total bytes read'] / float(s['Total requests'])) or 0.0)),
      ('Bytes written/request', lambda s: (s['Total requests'] and (s['Total bytes written'] / float(s['Total requests'])) or 0.0)),
      ('Requests/second', lambda s: float(s['Total requests']) / s['Uptime'](s)),

      ('Requests', {}),

      ('Missing handlers', 0),
      ('RO requests', 0),
      ('Forced RO requests', 0),
      ('Failed commits', 0),

    self.console = hlib.console.Console('main console', self, sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
    self.console.register_command('db', hlib.database.Command_Database)
    self.console.register_command('server', hlib.server.Command_Server)
    self.console.register_command('engine', Command_Engine, self)

    with ENGINES_LOCK: