Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.model = IsotropicGaussian()
     # Setup simple grid
     [gx, gy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(35.5, 40., 0.5),
                            np.arange(40.5, 45., 0.5))
     ngp = np.shape(gx)[0] * np.shape(gx)[1]
     gx = np.reshape(gx, [ngp, 1])
     gy = np.reshape(gy, [ngp, 1])
     depths = 10. * np.ones(ngp)
     self.data = np.column_stack(
         [gx, gy, depths, np.zeros(ngp, dtype=float)])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_analysis_Frankel_comparison(self):
        To test the run_analysis function we compare test results with those
        from Frankel's fortran implementation, under the same conditions
        self.grid_limits = [-128., -113.0, 0.2, 30., 43.0, 0.2, 0., 100., 100.]
        comp_table = np.array([[1933., 4.0], [1900., 5.0], [1850., 6.0],
                               [1850., 7.0]])
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3., 'BandWidth': 50., 'increment': 0.1}
        self.model = SmoothedSeismicity(self.grid_limits, bvalue=0.8)
        self.catalogue = Catalogue()
        frankel_catalogue = np.genfromtxt(
            os.path.join(BASE_PATH, FRANKEL_TEST_CATALOGUE))
        self.catalogue.data['magnitude'] = frankel_catalogue[:, 0]
        self.catalogue.data['longitude'] = frankel_catalogue[:, 1]
        self.catalogue.data['latitude'] = frankel_catalogue[:, 2]
        self.catalogue.data['depth'] = frankel_catalogue[:, 3]
        self.catalogue.data['year'] = frankel_catalogue[:, 4]
        self.catalogue.end_year = 2006
        frankel_results = np.genfromtxt(
            os.path.join(BASE_PATH, FRANKEL_OUTPUT_FILE))
        # Run analysis
        output_data = self.model.run_analysis(

            fabs(np.sum(output_data[:, -1]) -
                 np.sum(output_data[:, -2])) < 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(fabs(np.sum(output_data[:, -1]) - 390.) < 1.0)
 def setUp(self):
     self.model = IsotropicGaussian()
     # Setup simple grid
     [gx, gy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(35.5, 40., 0.5),
                            np.arange(40.5, 45., 0.5))
     ngp = np.shape(gx)[0] * np.shape(gx)[1]
     gx = np.reshape(gx, [ngp, 1])
     gy = np.reshape(gy, [ngp, 1])
     depths = 10. * np.ones(ngp)
     self.data = np.column_stack([gx, gy, depths,
                                 np.zeros(ngp, dtype=float)])
Exemplo n.º 4
    comp_table = np.array([[1980, 3.], [1975, 3.5], [1975, 4.], [1965, 4.5],
                           [1965, 5.], [1860, 5.5], [1860, 6.]])

config = {
    'Length_Limit': 3.,
    'BandWidth': 150.,
    'increment': True,
    'magnitude_increment': 0.5
o = model.run_analysis(
    #increment = False,

x = o[:, 0]
y = o[:, 1]
r = o[:, 4]  #/ (res**2)

r = np.array([np.log10(r) if r > 0 else np.NaN for r in r])
#r = np.log10(r)
r[r < 0] = 0.
#r =

#print np.sqrt(len(x))

from map import rate_map
class TestIsotropicGaussian(unittest.TestCase):
    Simple tests the of Isotropic Gaussian Kernel
    (as implemented by Frankel (1995))
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = IsotropicGaussian()
        # Setup simple grid
        [gx, gy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(35.5, 40., 0.5),
                               np.arange(40.5, 45., 0.5))
        ngp = np.shape(gx)[0] * np.shape(gx)[1]
        gx = np.reshape(gx, [ngp, 1])
        gy = np.reshape(gy, [ngp, 1])
        depths = 10. * np.ones(ngp)
        self.data = np.column_stack([gx, gy, depths,
                                    np.zeros(ngp, dtype=float)])

    def test_kernel_single_event(self):
        # ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for a single event
        self.data[50, 3] = 1.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config)
        raise unittest.SkipTest('Have Graeme fix this')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 1.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 3 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 3)

    def test_kernel_multiple_event(self):
        # ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for multiple events
        self.data[[5, 30, 65], 3] = 1.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config)
        raise unittest.SkipTest('Have Graeme fix this')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 3.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 3 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 2)

    def test_kernel_single_event_3d(self):
        # ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for a single event
        self.data[50, 3] = 1.
        self.data[50, 2] = 20.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config, is_3d=True)
        raise unittest.SkipTest('Have Graeme fix this')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 1.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 2 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run_analysis(self,
        Runs an analysis of smoothed seismicity in the manner
        originally implemented by Frankel (1995)

        :param catalogue:
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following -
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths

        :param dict config:
            Configuration settings of the algorithm:
            * 'Length_Limit' - Maximum number of bandwidths for use in
                               smoothing (Float)
            * 'BandWidth' - Bandwidth (km) of the Smoothing Kernel (Float)
            * 'increment' - Output incremental (True) or cumulative a-value

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table:
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]

        :param smoothing_kernel:
            Smoothing kernel as instance of :class:

            Full smoothed seismicity data as np.ndarray, of the form
            [Longitude, Latitude, Depth, Observed, Smoothed]

        self.catalogue = catalogue
        if smoothing_kernel:
            self.kernel = smoothing_kernel
            self.kernel = IsotropicGaussian()

        # If no grid limits are specified then take from catalogue
        if isinstance(self.grid_limits, list):
            self.grid_limits = Grid.make_from_list(self.grid_limits)
            assert self.grid_limits['xmax'] >= self.grid_limits['xmin']
            assert self.grid_limits['xspc'] > 0.0
            assert self.grid_limits['ymax'] >= self.grid_limits['ymin']
            assert self.grid_limits['yspc'] > 0.0
        elif isinstance(self.grid_limits, float):
            self.grid_limits = Grid.make_from_catalogue(
                self.catalogue, self.grid_limits,
                config['Length_Limit'] * config['BandWidth'])

        completeness_table, mag_inc = utils.get_even_magnitude_completeness(
            completeness_table, self.catalogue)

        end_year = self.catalogue.end_year

        # Get Weichert factor
        t_f, _ = utils.get_weichert_factor(self.beta, completeness_table[:, 1],
                                           completeness_table[:, 0], end_year)
        # Get the grid
        self.create_3D_grid(self.catalogue, completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)
        if config['increment']:
            # Get Hermann adjustment factors
            fval, fival = utils.hermann_adjustment_factors(
                self.bval, completeness_table[0, 1], config['increment'])
            self.data[:, -1] = fval * fival * self.data[:, -1]

        # Apply smoothing
        smoothed_data, sum_data, sum_smooth = self.kernel.smooth_data(
            self.data, config, self.use_3d)
        print 'Smoothing Total Rate Comparison - ' \
            'Observed: %.6e, Smoothed: %.6e' % (sum_data, sum_smooth)
        self.data = np.column_stack([self.data, smoothed_data])
        return self.data
Exemplo n.º 7
class SmoothedSeismicity(object):
    Class to implement an analysis of Smoothed Seismicity, including the
    grid counting of data and the smoothing.

    :param np.ndarray grid:
        Observed count in each cell [Long., Lat., Depth., Count]

    :param catalogue:
        Valid instance of the :class: hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue

    :param bool use_3d:
        Decide if analysis is 2-D (False) or 3-D (True). If 3-D then distances
        will use hypocentral distance, otherwise epicentral distance

    :param float bval:

    :param float beta:
        Beta value for exponential form (beta = bval * log(10.))

    :param np.ndarray data:
        Smoothed seismicity output

    :param dict grid_limits:
        Limits ot the grid used for defining the cells
    def __init__(self, grid_limits, use_3d=False, bvalue=None):
        Instatiate class with a set of grid limits
        :param grid_limits:
            It could be a float (in that case the grid is computed from the
            catalogue with the given spacing).

            Or an array of the form:
            [xmin, xmax, spcx, ymin, ymax, spcy, zmin, spcz]

        :param bool use_3d:
            Choose whether to use hypocentral distances for smoothing or only

        :param float bval:
            b-value for analysis
        self.grid = None
        self.catalogue = None
        self.use_3d = use_3d
        self.bval = bvalue
        if self.bval:
            self.beta = self.bval * log(10.)
            self.beta = None
        self.data = None

        self.grid_limits = grid_limits
        self.kernel = None

    def run_analysis(self,
        Runs an analysis of smoothed seismicity in the manner
        originally implemented by Frankel (1995)

        :param catalogue:
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following -
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths

        :param dict config:
            Configuration settings of the algorithm:
            * 'Length_Limit' - Maximum number of bandwidths for use in
                               smoothing (Float)
            * 'BandWidth' - Bandwidth (km) of the Smoothing Kernel (Float)
            * 'increment' - Output incremental (True) or cumulative a-value

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table:
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]

        :param smoothing_kernel:
            Smoothing kernel as instance of :class:

            Full smoothed seismicity data as np.ndarray, of the form
            [Longitude, Latitude, Depth, Observed, Smoothed]

        self.catalogue = catalogue
        if smoothing_kernel:
            self.kernel = smoothing_kernel
            self.kernel = IsotropicGaussian()

        # If no grid limits are specified then take from catalogue
        if isinstance(self.grid_limits, list):
            self.grid_limits = Grid.make_from_list(self.grid_limits)
            assert self.grid_limits['xmax'] >= self.grid_limits['xmin']
            assert self.grid_limits['xspc'] > 0.0
            assert self.grid_limits['ymax'] >= self.grid_limits['ymin']
            assert self.grid_limits['yspc'] > 0.0
        elif isinstance(self.grid_limits, float):
            self.grid_limits = Grid.make_from_catalogue(
                self.catalogue, self.grid_limits,
                config['Length_Limit'] * config['BandWidth'])

        completeness_table, mag_inc = utils.get_even_magnitude_completeness(
            completeness_table, self.catalogue)

        end_year = self.catalogue.end_year

        # Get Weichert factor
        t_f, _ = utils.get_weichert_factor(self.beta, completeness_table[:, 1],
                                           completeness_table[:, 0], end_year)
        # Get the grid
        self.create_3D_grid(self.catalogue, completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)
        if config['increment']:
            # Get Hermann adjustment factors
            fval, fival = utils.hermann_adjustment_factors(
                self.bval, completeness_table[0, 1], config['increment'])
            self.data[:, -1] = fval * fival * self.data[:, -1]

        # Apply smoothing
        smoothed_data, sum_data, sum_smooth = self.kernel.smooth_data(
            self.data, config, self.use_3d)
        print 'Smoothing Total Rate Comparison - ' \
            'Observed: %.6e, Smoothed: %.6e' % (sum_data, sum_smooth)
        self.data = np.column_stack([self.data, smoothed_data])
        return self.data

    def create_2D_grid_simple(self,
        Generates the grid from the limits using an approach closer to that of
        Frankel (1995)
        :param numpy.ndarray longitude:
            Vector of earthquake longitudes

        :param numpy.ndarray latitude:
            Vector of earthquake latitudes

        :param numpy.ndarray year:
            Vector of earthquake years

        :param numpy.ndarray magnitude:
            Vector of earthquake magnitudes

        :param numpy.ndarray completeness_table:
            Completeness table

        :param float t_f:
            Weichert adjustment factor

           Two-dimensional spatial grid of observed rates

        assert mag_inc > 0.

        xlim = np.ceil((self.grid_limits['xmax'] - self.grid_limits['xmin']) /
        ylim = np.ceil((self.grid_limits['ymax'] - self.grid_limits['ymin']) /
        ncolx = int(xlim)
        ncoly = int(ylim)
        grid_count = np.zeros(ncolx * ncoly, dtype=float)
        for iloc in range(0, len(longitude)):
            dlon = (longitude[iloc] - self.grid_limits['xmin']) /\
            if (dlon < 0.) or (dlon > xlim):
                # Earthquake outside longitude limits
            xcol = int(dlon)
            if xcol == ncolx:
                # If longitude is directly on upper grid line then retain
                xcol = ncolx - 1
            dlat = fabs(self.grid_limits['ymax'] - latitude[iloc]) /\
            if (dlat < 0.) or (dlat > ylim):
                # Earthquake outside latitude limits
            ycol = int(dlat)  # Correct for floating precision
            if ycol == ncoly:
                # If latitude is directly on upper grid line then retain
                ycol = ncoly - 1
            kmarker = (ycol * int(xlim)) + xcol
            adjust = _get_adjustment(magnitude[iloc], year[iloc],
                                     completeness_table[0, 1],
                                     completeness_table[:, 0], t_f, mag_inc)
            if adjust:
                grid_count[kmarker] = grid_count[kmarker] + adjust
        return grid_count

    def create_3D_grid(self,
        Counts the earthquakes observed in a three dimensional grid

        :param catalogue:
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following -
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table:
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]

        :param float t_f:
            Weichert adjustment factor

        :param float mag_inc:
            Increment of the completeness magnitude (rendered 0.1)

           Three-dimensional spatial grid of observed rates (or two dimensional
           if only one depth layer is considered)

        x_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['xmin'], self.grid_limits['xmax'],
        if x_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['xmax']:
            x_bins = np.hstack([x_bins, x_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['xspc']])

        y_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['ymin'], self.grid_limits['ymax'],
        if y_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['ymax']:
            y_bins = np.hstack([y_bins, y_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['yspc']])

        z_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['zmin'],
                           self.grid_limits['zmax'] + self.grid_limits['zspc'],

        if z_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['zmax']:
            z_bins = np.hstack([z_bins, z_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['zspc']])

        # Define centre points of grid cells
        gridx, gridy = np.meshgrid((x_bins[1:] + x_bins[:-1]) / 2.,
                                   (y_bins[1:] + y_bins[:-1]) / 2.)

        n_x, n_y = np.shape(gridx)
        gridx = np.reshape(gridx, [n_x * n_y, 1])
        gridy = np.reshape(np.flipud(gridy), [n_x * n_y, 1])

        # Only one depth range
        idx = np.logical_and(catalogue.data['depth'] >= z_bins[0],
                             catalogue.data['depth'] < z_bins[1])
        mid_depth = (z_bins[0] + z_bins[1]) / 2.

        data_grid = np.column_stack([
            gridx, gridy, mid_depth * np.ones(n_x * n_y, dtype=float),
                                       completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)

        if len(z_bins) < 3:
            # Only one depth range
            self.data = data_grid

        # Multiple depth layers - append to grid
        for iloc in range(1, len(z_bins) - 1):
            idx = np.logical_and(catalogue.data['depth'] >= z_bins[iloc],
                                 catalogue.data['depth'] < z_bins[iloc + 1])
            mid_depth = (z_bins[iloc] + z_bins[iloc + 1]) / 2.

            temp_grid = np.column_stack([
                gridx, gridy, mid_depth * np.ones(n_x * n_y, dtype=float),
                                           completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)

            data_grid = np.vstack([data_grid, temp_grid])
        self.data = data_grid

    def write_to_csv(self, filename):
        Exports to simple csv
        :param str filename:
            Path to file for export
        fid = open(filename, 'wt')
        # Create header list
        header_info = [
            'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Depth', 'Observed Count',
            'Smoothed Rate', 'b-value'
        writer = csv.DictWriter(fid, fieldnames=header_info)
        headers = dict((name0, name0) for name0 in header_info)
        # Write to file
        for row in self.data:
            row_dict = {
                'Longitude': '%.5f' % row[0],
                'Latitude': '%.5f' % row[1],
                'Depth': '%.3f' % row[2],
                'Observed Count': '%.5e' % row[3],
                'Smoothed Rate': '%.5e' % row[4],
                'b-value': '%.4f' % self.bval
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestIsotropicGaussian(unittest.TestCase):
    Simple tests the of Isotropic Gaussian Kernel
    (as implemented by Frankel (1995))
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = IsotropicGaussian()
        # Setup simple grid
        [gx, gy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(35.5, 40., 0.5),
                               np.arange(40.5, 45., 0.5))
        ngp = np.shape(gx)[0] * np.shape(gx)[1]
        gx = np.reshape(gx, [ngp, 1])
        gy = np.reshape(gy, [ngp, 1])
        depths = 10. * np.ones(ngp)
        self.data = np.column_stack(
            [gx, gy, depths, np.zeros(ngp, dtype=float)])

    def test_kernel_single_event(self):
        Tests to ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for a single
        self.data[50, 3] = 1.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(
            os.path.join(BASE_PATH, TEST_1_VALUE_FILE))
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 1.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 3 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 3)

    def test_kernel_multiple_event(self):
        Tests to ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for multiple
        self.data[[5, 30, 65], 3] = 1.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(
            os.path.join(BASE_PATH, TEST_3_VALUE_FILE))
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 3.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 3 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 2)

    def test_kernel_single_event_3d(self):
        Tests to ensure kernel is smoothing values correctly for a single
        self.data[50, 3] = 1.
        self.data[50, 2] = 20.
        config = {'Length_Limit': 3.0, 'BandWidth': 30.0}
        expected_array = np.genfromtxt(
            os.path.join(BASE_PATH, TEST_1_VALUE_3D_FILE))
        (smoothed_array, sum_data, sum_smooth) = \
            self.model.smooth_data(self.data, config, is_3d=True)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_array, smoothed_array)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, 1.)
        # Assert that sum of the smoothing is equal to the sum of the
        # data values to 2 dp
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_data, sum_smooth, 2)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def run_analysis(self, catalogue, config, completeness_table=None, 
        smoothing_kernel=None, end_year=None):
        Runs an analysis of smoothed seismicity in the manner
        originally implemented by Frankel (1995)

        :param catalogue: 
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following - 
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths
        :param dict config:
            Configuration settings of the algorithm:
            * 'Length_Limit' - Maximum number of bandwidths for use in 
                               smoothing (Float)
            * 'BandWidth' - Bandwidth (km) of the Smoothing Kernel (Float)
            * 'increment' - Output incremental (True) or cumulative a-value

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table: 
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes 
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]

        :param smoothing_kernel:
            Smoothing kernel as instance of :class: 

        :param float end_year:
            Year considered as the final year for the analysis. If not given
            the program will automatically take the last year in the catalogue.

            Full smoothed seismicity data as np.ndarray, of the form 
            [Longitude, Latitude, Depth, Observed, Smoothed]
        self.catalogue = catalogue
        if smoothing_kernel:
            self.kernel = smoothing_kernel
            self.kernel = IsotropicGaussian()

        # If no grid limits are specified then take from catalogue
        if not isinstance(self.grid_limits, dict):

        completeness_table, mag_inc = utils.get_even_magnitude_completeness(
        if not end_year:
            end_year = np.max(self.catalogue.data['year'])

        # Get Weichert factor
        t_f, _ = utils.get_weichert_factor(self.beta,
                                           completeness_table[:, 1],
                                           completeness_table[:, 0],
        # Get the grid
        self.create_3D_grid(self.catalogue, completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)           
        if config['increment']:
            # Get Hermann adjustment factors
            fval, fival = utils.hermann_adjustment_factors(self.bval,
                completeness_table[0, 1], config['increment'])
            self.data[:, -1] = fval * fival * self.data[:, -1]

        # Apply smoothing
        smoothed_data, sum_data, sum_smooth = self.kernel.smooth_data(
            self.data, config, self.use_3d)
        print 'Smoothing Total Rate Comparison - ' \
            'Observed: %.6e, Smoothed: %.6e' % (sum_data, sum_smooth)
        self.data = np.column_stack([self.data, smoothed_data])
        return self.data
Exemplo n.º 10
class SmoothedSeismicity(object):
    Class to implement an analysis of Smoothed Seismicity, including the 
    grid counting of data and the smoothing.

    :param np.ndarray grid:
        Observed count in each cell [Long., Lat., Depth., Count]

    :param catalogue:
        Valid instance of the :class: hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue

    :param bool use_3d:
        Decide if analysis is 2-D (False) or 3-D (True). If 3-D then distances
        will use hypocentral distance, otherwise epicentral distance

    :param float bval:

    :param float beta:
        Beta value for exponential form (beta = bval * log(10.))

    :param np.ndarray data:
        Smoothed seismicity output

    :param dict grid_limits:
        Limits ot the grid used for defining the cells

    def __init__(self, grid_limits, use_3d=False, bvalue=None):
        Instatiate class with a set of grid limits
        :param list grid_limits: 
            Limits of the grid as 
            [xmin, xmax, spcx, ymin, ymax, spcy, zmin, spcz]
        :param bool use_3d:
            Choose whether to use hypocentral distances for smoothing or only
        :param float bval:
            b-value for analysis
        self.grid = None
        self.catalogue = None
        self.use_3d = use_3d
        self.bval = bvalue
        if self.bval:
            self.beta = self.bval * log(10.)
            self.beta = None
        self.data = None

        if isinstance(grid_limits, list) and len(grid_limits) == 9:
            self.grid_limits = {'xmin': grid_limits[0],
                                'xmax': grid_limits[1],
                                'xspc': grid_limits[2],
                                'ymin': grid_limits[3],
                                'ymax': grid_limits[4],
                                'yspc': grid_limits[5],
                                'zmin': grid_limits[6],
                                'zmax': grid_limits[7],
                                'zspc': grid_limits[8]}

            assert self.grid_limits['xmax'] >= self.grid_limits['xmin']
            assert self.grid_limits['xspc'] > 0.0
            assert self.grid_limits['ymax'] >= self.grid_limits['ymin']
            assert self.grid_limits['yspc'] > 0.0
        elif isinstance(grid_limits, float):
            # Only the spacing (in degrees) is entered
            self.grid_limits = grid_limits
            self.grid_limits = None
        self.kernel = None

    def run_analysis(self, catalogue, config, completeness_table=None, 
        smoothing_kernel=None, end_year=None):
        Runs an analysis of smoothed seismicity in the manner
        originally implemented by Frankel (1995)

        :param catalogue: 
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following - 
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths
        :param dict config:
            Configuration settings of the algorithm:
            * 'Length_Limit' - Maximum number of bandwidths for use in 
                               smoothing (Float)
            * 'BandWidth' - Bandwidth (km) of the Smoothing Kernel (Float)
            * 'increment' - Output incremental (True) or cumulative a-value

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table: 
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes 
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]

        :param smoothing_kernel:
            Smoothing kernel as instance of :class: 

        :param float end_year:
            Year considered as the final year for the analysis. If not given
            the program will automatically take the last year in the catalogue.

            Full smoothed seismicity data as np.ndarray, of the form 
            [Longitude, Latitude, Depth, Observed, Smoothed]
        self.catalogue = catalogue
        if smoothing_kernel:
            self.kernel = smoothing_kernel
            self.kernel = IsotropicGaussian()

        # If no grid limits are specified then take from catalogue
        if not isinstance(self.grid_limits, dict):

        completeness_table, mag_inc = utils.get_even_magnitude_completeness(
        if not end_year:
            end_year = np.max(self.catalogue.data['year'])

        # Get Weichert factor
        t_f, _ = utils.get_weichert_factor(self.beta,
                                           completeness_table[:, 1],
                                           completeness_table[:, 0],
        # Get the grid
        self.create_3D_grid(self.catalogue, completeness_table, t_f, mag_inc)           
        if config['increment']:
            # Get Hermann adjustment factors
            fval, fival = utils.hermann_adjustment_factors(self.bval,
                completeness_table[0, 1], config['increment'])
            self.data[:, -1] = fval * fival * self.data[:, -1]

        # Apply smoothing
        smoothed_data, sum_data, sum_smooth = self.kernel.smooth_data(
            self.data, config, self.use_3d)
        print 'Smoothing Total Rate Comparison - ' \
            'Observed: %.6e, Smoothed: %.6e' % (sum_data, sum_smooth)
        self.data = np.column_stack([self.data, smoothed_data])
        return self.data


    def create_2D_grid_simple(self, longitude, latitude, year, magnitude, 
                              completeness_table, t_f=1., mag_inc=0.1):
        Generates the grid from the limits using an approach closer to that of 
        Frankel (1995)
        :param numpy.ndarray longitude:
            Vector of earthquake longitudes
        :param numpy.ndarray latitude:
            Vector of earthquake latitudes

        :param numpy.ndarray year:
            Vector of earthquake years
        :param numpy.ndarray magnitude:
            Vector of earthquake magnitudes

        :param numpy.ndarray completeness_table:
            Completeness table
        :param float t_f:
            Weichert adjustment factor

           Two-dimensional spatial grid of observed rates
        assert mag_inc > 0.

        xlim = (self.grid_limits['xmax'] - self.grid_limits['xmin']) /\
        ylim = (self.grid_limits['ymax'] - self.grid_limits['ymin']) /\
        ncolx = int(xlim)
        ncoly = int(ylim)
        grid_count = np.zeros(ncolx * ncoly, dtype=float)
        for iloc in range(0, len(longitude)):
            dlon = (longitude[iloc] - self.grid_limits['xmin']) /\
            if (dlon < 0.) or (dlon > xlim):
                # Earthquake outside longitude limits
            xcol = int(dlon)
            if xcol == ncolx:
                # If longitude is directly on upper grid line then retain
                xcol = ncolx - 1
            dlat = fabs(self.grid_limits['ymax'] - latitude[iloc]) /\
            if (dlat < 0.) or (dlat > ylim):
                # Earthquake outside latitude limits
            ycol = int(dlat) # Correct for floating precision
            if ycol == ncoly: 
                # If latitude is directly on upper grid line then retain
                ycol = ncoly - 1
            kmarker = (ycol * int(xlim)) + xcol
            adjust = _get_adjustment(magnitude[iloc],  
                                     completeness_table[0, 1],
                                     completeness_table[:, 0],
            if adjust:
                grid_count[kmarker] = grid_count[kmarker] + adjust
        return grid_count

    def create_3D_grid(self, catalogue, completeness_table, t_f=1.0, 
        Counts the earthquakes observed in a three dimensional grid

        :param catalogue: 
            Instance of the hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue class
            catalogue.data dictionary containing the following - 
            'year' - numpy.ndarray vector of years
            'longitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of longitudes
            'latitude' - numpy.ndarray vector of latitudes
            'depth' - numpy.ndarray vector of depths

        :param np.ndarray completeness_table: 
            Completeness of the catalogue assuming evenly spaced magnitudes 
            from most recent bin to oldest bin [year, magnitude]
        :param float t_f:
            Weichert adjustment factor
        :param float mag_inc:
            Increment of the completeness magnitude (rendered 0.1)

           Three-dimensional spatial grid of observed rates (or two dimensional
           if only one depth layer is considered)
        x_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['xmin'], 
        if x_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['xmax']:
            x_bins = np.hstack([x_bins, x_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['xspc']])
            self.grid_limits['xmax'] = np.round(x_bins[-1], 5)
        y_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['ymin'], 
        if y_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['ymax']:
            y_bins = np.hstack([y_bins, y_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['yspc']])
            self.grid_limits['ymax'] = np.round(y_bins[-1], 5)

        z_bins = np.arange(self.grid_limits['zmin'], 
                           self.grid_limits['zmax'] + self.grid_limits['zspc'], 

        if z_bins[-1] < self.grid_limits['zmax']:
            z_bins = np.hstack([z_bins, z_bins[-1] + self.grid_limits['zspc']])
            self.grid_limits['zmax'] = np.round(z_bins[-1], 5)
        # Define centre points of grid cells
        gridx, gridy = np.meshgrid((x_bins[1:] + x_bins[:-1]) / 2., 
                                    (y_bins[1:] + y_bins[:-1]) / 2.)

        n_x, n_y = np.shape(gridx)
        gridx = np.reshape(gridx, [n_x * n_y, 1])
        gridy = np.reshape(np.flipud(gridy), [n_x * n_y, 1])

        # Only one depth range
        idx = np.logical_and(catalogue.data['depth'] >= z_bins[0],
                             catalogue.data['depth'] < z_bins[1])
        mid_depth = (z_bins[0] + z_bins[1]) / 2.
        data_grid =  np.column_stack([
            mid_depth * np.ones(n_x * n_y, dtype=float),
        if len(z_bins) < 3:
            # Only one depth range
            self.data = data_grid
        # Multiple depth layers - append to grid
        for iloc in range(1, len(z_bins) - 1):
            idx = np.logical_and(catalogue.data['depth'] >= z_bins[iloc],
                                 catalogue.data['depth'] < z_bins[iloc + 1])
            mid_depth = (z_bins[iloc] + z_bins[iloc + 1]) / 2.

            temp_grid = np.column_stack([
                mid_depth * np.ones(n_x * n_y, dtype=float),
            data_grid =  np.vstack([data_grid, temp_grid])
        self.data = data_grid
    def get_grid_from_catalogue(self, config):
        Defines the grid on the basis of the catalogue
        # Get catalogue bounding box
        cat_bbox = get_catalogue_bounding_polygon(self.catalogue)
        # Dilate polygon by bandwidth * length_limit
        cat_bbox = cat_bbox.dilate(config['BandWidth'] * 
        # Define Grid spacing
        self.grid_limits = {'xmin': np.min(cat_bbox.lons),
                            'xmax': np.max(cat_bbox.lons),
                            'xspc': self.grid_limits,
                            'ymin': np.min(cat_bbox.lats),
                            'ymax': np.max(cat_bbox.lats),
                            'yspc': self.grid_limits}
        if self.use_3d:
            self.grid_limits['zmin'] = 0.
            self.grid_limits['zmax'] = np.max(self.catalogue['depth']) + 1E-5
            self.grid_limits['zspc'] = np.max(self.catalogue['depth'])

    def write_to_csv(self, filename):
        Exports to simple csv
        :param str filename:
            Path to file for export
        fid = open(filename, 'wt')
        # Create header list
        header_info = ['Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Depth', 'Observed Count', 
                       'Smoothed Rate', 'b-value']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(fid, fieldnames=header_info)
        headers = dict((name0, name0) for name0 in header_info)
        # Write to file
        for row in self.data:
            row_dict = {'Longitude': '%.5f' % row[0], 
                        'Latitude': '%.5f' % row[1], 
                        'Depth': '%.3f' % row[2],
                        'Observed Count': '%.5e' % row[3], 
                        'Smoothed Rate': '%.5e' % row[4], 
                        'b-value': '%.4f' % self.bval}