Exemplo n.º 1
def parseHolidays(holidaysStr, holidayMap=None):
    Takes a string like NZ[WTL,Nelson],AU[*],Northern Ireland and builds a HolidaySum from it
    if holidayMap is None:
        holidayMap = _PYTHON_HOLIDAYS_MAP
    retval = python_holidays.HolidayBase()
    retval.country = None
    holidaysStr = holidaysStr.strip()
    for (country, subdivisions) in HolsRe.findall(holidaysStr):
        if country == "*":
            retval = python_holidays.HolidayBase()
            retval.country = None
            for cls in holidayMap.values():
                if subdivisions:
                    retval += _parseSubdivisions(subdivisions, cls)
                    retval += cls()
            return retval
        cls = holidayMap.get(country)
        if cls is not None:
            if subdivisions:
                retval += _parseSubdivisions(subdivisions, cls)
                retval += cls()
    return retval
def get_holidays(custom_days, year):
    import holidays
    holiday_dict = holidays.US(years=year)
    custom_holiday_dict = holidays.HolidayBase()

    holiday_list = []
    date_list = []
    for i in holiday_dict.items():
    df_a = pd.DataFrame({'ds': date_list, 'holiday': holiday_list})

    custom_holiday_list = []
    custom_date_list = []
    for i in custom_holiday_dict.items():
    df_b = pd.DataFrame({
        'ds': custom_date_list,
        'holiday': custom_holiday_list

    holiday_df = pd.concat([df_a, df_b])
    return holiday_df.sort_values(by='ds')
Exemplo n.º 3
async def previous_working_day(day):
    hol = holidays.HolidayBase()

    for i in range(date.today().year - 3, date.today().year + 3):
        hol.append({datetime(i, 1, 1): 'Neujahr'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 4, 10): 'Karfreitag'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 4, 13): 'Ostermontag'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 5, 1): 'Tag der Arbeit'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 5, 21): 'Christi Himmelfahrt'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 6, 1): 'Pfingstmontag'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 10, 3): 'Tag der dt. Einheit'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 12, 24): 'Heiligabend'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 12, 25): '1. Weihnachtsfeiertag'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 12, 26): '2. Weihnachtsfeiertag'})
        hol.append({datetime(i, 12, 31): 'Silvester'})

    weekday = day.weekday()

    if weekday == 5:
        most_recent = day - timedelta(days=1)
    elif weekday == 6:
        most_recent = day - timedelta(days=2)
        most_recent = day

    if most_recent not in hol:
        return most_recent
        most_recent = most_recent - timedelta(days=1)
        return await previous_working_day(most_recent)
def is_US_holiday(est_date):

    # if not a holiday then holiday will be assigned NoneType
    # if it is a holiday then holiday will be assigned a US Holiday Name -> 'Independence Day'
    us_holidays = holidays.UnitedStates()
    holiday = us_holidays.get(est_date)

    # custom_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()
    # usage append: custom_holidays.append({"2018-03-30": "Good Friday"})
    # usage get:    custom_holidays.get("2018-03-30")
    # Good Friday needs to be added as a custom holiday.
    custom_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()

    custom_holidays.append({'2017-04-14': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2018-03-30': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2019-04-19': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2020-04-10': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2021-04-02': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2022-04-15': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2023-04-07': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2024-03-29': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2025-04-18': 'Good Friday'})
    custom_holidays.append({'2026-04-03': 'Good Friday'})

    if holiday == None:
        holiday = custom_holidays.get(est_date)

    if holiday == None:
        holiday_result = ('not holiday')

        holiday_result = ('is holiday', holiday)

    return holiday_result
Exemplo n.º 5
def _load_holidays(year: int, config: dict) -> holidays.HolidayBase:
    """Load holiday data based on config and year.

    We re-instantiate this at each update so it keeps working as
    the years change."""

    options = holidays.HolidayBase()
    for entry in config.get(CONF_SOURCES):
        CountryCls = getattr(holidays, entry.get(CONF_COUNTRY))
        candidates = CountryCls(state=entry.get(CONF_STATE),
        exclude = [exclusion.lower() for exclusion in entry.get(CONF_EXCLUDE)]
        for query in entry.get(CONF_FILTER):
            # allow text filter (default to add all)
            for date in sorted(candidates.get_named(query)):
                holiday_name = candidates[date]
                if holiday_name.lower() in exclude:
                if entry.get(CONF_MULTIDAY) or (holiday_name
                                                not in options.values()):
                    options[date] = holiday_name

    return options
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_update(self):
     h = holidays.HolidayBase()
         date(2015, 1, 1): "New Year's Day",
         "2015-12-25": "Christmas Day",
     self.assertIn("2015-01-01", h)
     self.assertIn(date(2015, 12, 25), h)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_append(self):
     h = holidays.HolidayBase()
         date(2015, 1, 1): "New Year's Day",
         "2015-12-25": "Christmas Day",
     h.append([date(2015, 4, 1), "2015-04-03"])
     h.append(date(2015, 4, 6))
     self.assertIn("2015-01-01", h)
     self.assertIn(date(2015, 12, 25), h)
     self.assertIn("2015-04-01", h)
     self.assertNotIn("2015-04-02", h)
     self.assertIn("2015-04-03", h)
     self.assertNotIn("2015-04-04", h)
     self.assertNotIn("2015-04-05", h)
     self.assertIn("2015-04-06", h)
     self.assertIn("2015-04-07", h)
Exemplo n.º 8
def listCustomHolidays():
    custom_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()
    custom_holidays.append({"2015-01-01": "New Year's Day"})
    return custom_holidays
Exemplo n.º 9
today = datetime.date.today()
mydate = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
mm = mydate.strftime("%d %B %Y")
datetochecheck = mm.strip('US$: ')

# Delete sql file before create the new one
# endor
if os.path.exists('C:/tools/zinc/data/export_zinc_prices.sql'):
    print('File deleted')
    print('File does not exist')

# Check for public day of zinc prices
in_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()

# append custom dates to holiday
    '10-04-2020', '13-04-2020', '08-05-2020', '25-05-2020', '31-08-2020',
    '25-12-2020', '28-12-2020'

# check condition and run script or stop script
if mydate.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') in in_holidays:
    print('it is holidays date :)')
    # Set cookie
    session = requests.Session()
    jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
def format_features(df):
    # Fill missing copyright across train and test with fixed values
    df["copyright"] = df["copyright"].fillna("UnavailableInformation")

    # Fill nan album
    print("There is {} ratio is nan album".format(
        len(df[df["album"].isnull()]) / len(df)))
    df["album_raw_from_mp3_metadata"] = df["album"]
    df["album"] = df["album"].fillna("")
    df["len_album_name"] = df["album"].apply(lambda x: len(x.split(" ")))
    df["isRemixAlbum"] = [1 if "Remix" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isOSTAlbum"] = [1 if "OST" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isSingleAlbum"] = [1 if "Single" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isBeatAlbum"] = [1 if "Beat" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isTopHitAlbum"] = [1 if "Top Hits" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isCoverAlbum"] = [1 if "Cover" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isEPAlbum"] = [1 if "EP" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]
    df["isLienKhucAlbum"] = [1 if "Liên Khúc" in t else 0 for t in df["album"]]

    df["album_name_is_title_name"] = [
        1 if r.title in r.album else 0 for i, r in df.iterrows()

    # Fill genre
    print("There is {} ratio is nan genre".format(
        len(df[df["genre"].isnull()]) / len(df)))
    df["genre"] = df["genre"].fillna("No genre")
    # Fill album_artist

    print("There is {} ratio is nan album_artist".format(
        len(df[df["album_artist"].isnull()]) / len(df)))
    df["album_artist"] = df["album_artist"].fillna("No album_artist")
    df["album_artist_contain_artistname"] = [
        1 if r.album_artist in r.artist_name else 0 for i, r in df.iterrows()

    # Fill track
    print("There is {} ratio is nan track".format(
        len(df[df["track"].isnull()]) / len(df)))
    df["track"] = df["track"].fillna("(1, 1)")
    df["istrack11"] = df["track"] == "(1, 1)"

    def tracknum_to_value(track_num):

            track_num = make_tuple(track_num)
            if track_num[0] is not None:
                return float(track_num[0]) / float(track_num[1])
                return 1.0
            return 1.0

    df["track"] = df["track"].apply(lambda t: tracknum_to_value(t))

    # Fill lyric
    print("There is {} ratio is nan lyric".format(
        len(df[df["lyric"].isnull()]) / len(df)))
    df["lyric"] = df["lyric"].fillna("")
    df["islyric"] = df["lyric"].apply(lambda x: True if len(x) else False)
    df["num_line_lyric"] = df["lyric"].apply(lambda x: len(x.split("\r")))

    # --------------------------------------------------------

    df['no_artist'] = df.artist_name.apply(lambda x: len(x.split(",")))
    df['no_composer'] = df.composers_name.apply(lambda x: len(x.split(",")))

    df["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df.release_time)
    df["year"] = df["datetime"].dt.year
    df["month"] = df["datetime"].dt.month
    df["hour"] = df["datetime"].dt.hour
    df["day"] = df["datetime"].dt.day
    df["dayofyear"] = df["datetime"].dt.dayofyear
    df["weekday"] = df["datetime"].dt.weekday

    in_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()
    for i in range(26, 32):
        in_holidays.append(str(i) + '-01-2017')
    for i in range(14, 21):
        in_holidays.append(str(i) + '-02-2018')
    df['isHoliday'] = df.release_time.apply(lambda x: x in in_holidays)

    df["len_of_songname"] = df["title"].apply(lambda x: len(x.split(" ")))
    df["isRemix"] = [1 if "Remix" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]
    df["isOST"] = [1 if "OST" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]
    df["isBeat"] = [1 if "Beat" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]
    df["isVersion"] = [1 if "Version" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]
    df["isCover"] = [1 if "Cover" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]
    df["isLienKhuc"] = [1 if "Liên Khúc" in t else 0 for t in df["title"]]

    df["day_release"] = df.groupby(["year", "dayofyear"

    '''from fast ai '''
    from pandas import DataFrame
    import re
    from functools import partial
    import calendar
    from typing import Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

    def ifnone(a, b):
        "`a` if `a` is not None, otherwise `b`."
        return b if a is None else a

    def make_date(df: DataFrame, date_field: str):
        "Make sure `df[field_name]` is of the right date type."
        field_dtype = df[date_field].dtype
        if isinstance(field_dtype, pd.core.dtypes.dtypes.DatetimeTZDtype):
            field_dtype = np.datetime64
        if not np.issubdtype(field_dtype, np.datetime64):
            df[date_field] = pd.to_datetime(df[date_field],

    def cyclic_dt_feat_names(time: bool = True, add_linear: bool = False):
        "Return feature names of date/time cycles as produced by `cyclic_dt_features`."
        fs = ['cos', 'sin']
        attr = [
            for r in 'weekday day_month month_year day_year'.split()
            for f in fs
        if time:
            attr += [
                f'{r}_{f}' for r in 'hour clock min sec'.split() for f in fs
        if add_linear: attr.append('year_lin')
        return attr

    def cyclic_dt_features(d, time: bool = True, add_linear: bool = False):
        "Calculate the cos and sin of date/time cycles."
        tt, fs = d.timetuple(), [np.cos, np.sin]
        day_year, days_month = tt.tm_yday, calendar.monthrange(
            d.year, d.month)[1]
        days_year = 366 if calendar.isleap(d.year) else 365
        rs = d.weekday() / 7, (d.day - 1) / days_month, (d.month - 1) / 12, (
            day_year - 1) / days_year
        feats = [f(r * 2 * np.pi) for r in rs for f in fs]
        if time and isinstance(d, datetime) and type(d) != date:
            rs = tt.tm_hour / 24, tt.tm_hour % 12 / 12, tt.tm_min / 60, tt.tm_sec / 60
            feats += [f(r * 2 * np.pi) for r in rs for f in fs]
        if add_linear:
            if type(d) == date:
                feats.append(d.year + rs[-1])
                secs_in_year = (datetime(d.year + 1, 1, 1) -
                                datetime(d.year, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
                feats.append(d.year +
                             ((d - datetime(d.year, 1, 1)).total_seconds() /
        return feats

    def add_cyclic_datepart(df: DataFrame,
                            field_name: str,
                            prefix: str = None,
                            drop: bool = True,
                            time: bool = False,
                            add_linear: bool = False):
        "Helper function that adds trigonometric date/time features to a date in the column `field_name` of `df`."
        make_date(df, field_name)
        field = df[field_name]
        prefix = ifnone(prefix, re.sub('[Dd]ate$', '', field_name))
        series = field.apply(
            partial(cyclic_dt_features, time=time, add_linear=add_linear))
        columns = [prefix + c for c in cyclic_dt_feat_names(time, add_linear)]
        df_feats = pd.DataFrame([item for item in series],
        for column in columns:
            df[column] = df_feats[column]
        if drop: df.drop(field_name, axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    def add_datepart(df: DataFrame,
                     field_name: str,
                     prefix: str = None,
                     drop: bool = True,
                     time: bool = False):
        'datetimeweekday_sin', 'datetimeday_month_cos', 'datetimeday_month_sin',
        'datetimemonth_year_cos', 'datetimemonth_year_sin',
        'datetimeday_year_cos', 'datetimeday_year_sin'
        Helper function that adds columns relevant to a date in the column `field_name`
        of `df`.
        make_date(df, field_name)
        field = df[field_name]
        prefix = ifnone(prefix, re.sub('[Dd]ate$', '', field_name))
        attr = [
            'Year', 'Month', 'Week', 'Day', 'Dayofweek', 'Dayofyear',
            'Is_month_end', 'Is_month_start', 'Is_quarter_end',
            'Is_quarter_start', 'Is_year_end', 'Is_year_start'
        if time: attr = attr + ['Hour', 'Minute', 'Second']
        for n in attr:
            df[prefix + n] = getattr(field.dt, n.lower())
        df[prefix + 'Elapsed'] = field.astype(np.int64) // 10**9
        if drop: df.drop(field_name, axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    add_datepart(df, 'datetime', drop=False)  # inplace
    add_cyclic_datepart(df, 'datetime', drop=False)  # inplace

    df['title_truncated'] = df['title'].str.split(
        '(', expand=True).loc[:,
    #is_special_char_mask = df['title_truncated'].apply(lambda d: isStringContainSpecialCharacter(d))
        f"{len(df['title']) - df['title'].nunique()} raw titles are identical between songs: {df['title'].nunique()} unique titles"
        f"After cleaning brackets etc. only {df['title_truncated'].nunique()} unique titles remain, i.e. {df['title'].nunique() - df['title_truncated'].nunique()} are highly similar titles "

    # It seems like all songs on albums release at the same time, so groupby by release_time will create album
    df["album_right"] = df.release_time.astype("category").cat.codes

    import re

    def isContainsSpecialChar(string):
        # Make own character set and pass
        # this as argument in compile method
        regex = re.compile('^.*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]')  # [@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]

        # Pass the string in search
        # method of regex object.
        if (regex.search(string) == None):
            return False

            return True

    df['title_truncated'] = df['title'].str.split(
        '(', expand=True).loc[:,
    is_special_char_mask = df['title_truncated'].apply(
        lambda d: isContainsSpecialChar(d))
    _df_train = df[df.dataset == "train"]
    english_like_names = _df_train.loc[_df_train['title_truncated']
    test = ttest_ind(_df_train['label'], english_like_names)
    if test.pvalue < 0.05:
            "There is a statistically signficiant relationship between English-like title and rank. So adding feature: isEnglishLikeTitle"
    df['isEnglishLikeTitle'] = ~is_special_char_mask

    import re

    def get_min_artist_id(s):
        ps = re.split(',|\.', s)
        ps = [int(p) for p in ps]
        return np.min(ps)

    def get_max_artist_id(s):
        ps = re.split(',|\.', s)
        ps = [int(p) for p in ps]
        return np.max(ps)

    df["artist_id_min"] = df["artist_id"].apply(lambda x: get_min_artist_id(x))
    df["artist_id_min_cat"] = df["artist_id_min"].astype('category')
    df["artist_id_min_cat"] = df["artist_id_min_cat"].cat.codes

    df["composers_id_min"] = df["composers_id"].apply(
        lambda x: get_min_artist_id(x))
    df["composers_id_min_cat"] = df["composers_id_min"].astype('category')
    df["composers_id_min_cat"] = df["composers_id_min_cat"].cat.codes

    df["artist_id_max"] = df["artist_id"].apply(lambda x: get_max_artist_id(x))
    df["artist_id_max_cat"] = df["artist_id_max"].astype('category')
    df["artist_id_max_cat"] = df["artist_id_max_cat"].cat.codes

    df["composers_id_max"] = df["composers_id"].apply(
        lambda x: get_max_artist_id(x))
    df["composers_id_max_cat"] = df["composers_id_max"].astype('category')
    df["composers_id_max_cat"] = df["composers_id_max_cat"].cat.codes

    df["num_same_title"] = df.groupby("title")["title"].transform("count")
    df["title_cat"] = df["title"].astype('category')
    # These use knowledge of entire dataset X values

    df["numsongInAlbum"] = df.groupby("album_right")["album_right"].transform(
    df["isSingleAlbum_onesong"] = df["isSingleAlbum"] & (df["numsongInAlbum"]
                                                         == 1)
    # Find the number of songs which were released between 5-6 months from the datetime field == the release date
    def find_num_song_released_that_week(df, day):
        fromtime = day + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=7)
        totime = day
        return len(df.datetime[(df.datetime >= fromtime) & (df.datetime <= totime)])

    df["num_song_released_that_week"] = df.datetime.apply(lambda d: find_num_song_released_that_week(df, d))

    # Find the number of songs which were released between 5-6 months from the datetime field == the release date
    def find_num_song_release_in_final_month(df, day):
        month5th = day + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=5)
        month6th = day + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=6)
        return len(df.datetime[(df.datetime >= month5th)
                               & (df.datetime <= month6th)])

    df["num_song_release_in_final_month"] = df.datetime.apply(
        lambda d: find_num_song_release_in_final_month(df, d))

    df["freq_artist"] = df.groupby('artist_id')['artist_id'].transform(
    df["freq_composer"] = df.groupby('composers_id')['composers_id'].transform(

    df["_artist_id_min_cat"] = df["artist_id_min"].astype('category')
    df["_artist_id_min_cat"] = df["_artist_id_min_cat"].cat.codes

    df["_composers_id_min_cat"] = df["composers_id_min"].astype('category')
    df["_composers_id_min_cat"] = df["_composers_id_min_cat"].cat.codes

    df["freq_artist_min"] = df.groupby('_artist_id_min_cat')[
    df["freq_composer_min"] = df.groupby('_composers_id_min_cat')[
    df["num_album_per_min_artist"] = df.groupby(
    df["num_album_per_min_composer"] = df.groupby(

    # df = df.drop(['album_hash'], axis = 1)

    df = remove_duplicate_songs_with_low_ranks(df)  # recommended by zalo

    return df
Exemplo n.º 11
from datetime import date
import holidays

#custome made holidays

custom_holidays = holidays.HolidayBase()
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,1): "New Year's Day"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,2): "Guru Govind Singh Jayanti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,14): "Lohri"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,15): "Pongal"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,15): "Makar Sankranti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,25): "Chinese New Year"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,26): "Republic Day"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,1,30): "Vasant Panchami"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,2,9): "Guru Ravidas Jayanti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,2,14): "Valentine's Day"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,2,18): "Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,2,19): "Shivaji Jayanti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,2,21): "Maha Shivaratri/Shivaratri"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,3,9): "Holika Dahana"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,3,9): "Hazarat Ali's Birthday"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,3,10): "Holi"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,3,20):"March Equinox"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,3,25): "Chaitra Sukhladi"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,4,2): "Rama Navami"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,4,6): "Mahavir Jayanti"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,4,9): "First day of Passover"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,4,9): "Maundy Thursday"})
custom_holidays.append({"{0}-{1}-{2}".format(year,4,10): "Good Friday"})
Exemplo n.º 12
#calendar from:
from datetime import date
import holidays

empty_calendar = holidays.HolidayBase()

school_calendar = holidays.US(state='GA')
days_off = {}


#end of summer break
for day in range(1, 8):
    days_off[date(2019, 8, day)] = 'Summer Break'

#first day of school
days_off[date(2019, 8, 8)] = 'First Day'

#half days
for month, day in [(8, 9), (8, 30), (9, 27), (11, 8), (12, 13), (12, 20)]:
    days_off[date(2019, month, day)] = 'Half Day'

#labor day
days_off[date(2019, 9, 2)] = 'Labor Day'

#fall break
days_off[date(2019, 10, 11)] = 'Fall Break'

#indigenous people's day
days_off[date(2019, 10, 14)] = "Indigenous People's Day"