Exemplo n.º 1
def test_schedule_lib():
    """Test that the honeybee-energy lib has been extended with new schedule data."""
    assert len(sched_lib.SCHEDULES) > 8  # should now have many more schedules

    sched_from_lib = sched_lib.schedule_by_identifier(sched_lib.SCHEDULES[0])
    assert isinstance(sched_from_lib, ScheduleRuleset)

    sched_from_lib = sched_lib.schedule_by_identifier(sched_lib.SCHEDULES[8])
    assert isinstance(sched_from_lib, ScheduleRuleset)
Exemplo n.º 2
def opaque_construction_by_identifier(construction_identifier):
    """Get an opaque construction from the library given the construction identifier.

        construction_identifier: A text string for the identifier of the construction.
        return _opaque_constructions[construction_identifier]
    except KeyError:
        try:  # search the extension data
            constr_dict = _opaque_constr_standards_dict[
            if constr_dict['type'] == 'OpaqueConstructionAbridged':
                mats = {}
                mat_key = 'layers' if 'layers' in constr_dict else 'materials'
                for mat in constr_dict[mat_key]:
                    mats[mat] = _m.opaque_material_by_identifier(mat)
                return OpaqueConstruction.from_dict_abridged(constr_dict, mats)
            else:  # AirBoundaryConstruction
                    sch_id = constr_dict['air_mixing_schedule']
                    schs = {sch_id: _s.schedule_by_identifier(sch_id)}
                except KeyError:  # no air mixing key provided
                    schs = {}
                return AirBoundaryConstruction.from_dict_abridged(
                    constr_dict, schs)
        except KeyError:  # construction is nowhere to be found; raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                '"{}" was not found in the opaque energy construction library.'
Exemplo n.º 3
def window_construction_by_identifier(construction_identifier):
    """Get an window construction from the library given the construction identifier.

        construction_identifier: A text string for the identifier of the construction.
        return _window_constructions[construction_identifier]
    except KeyError:
        try:  # search the extension data
            constr_dict = _window_constr_standards_dict[
            if constr_dict['type'] == 'WindowConstructionAbridged':
                mats = {}
                for mat in constr_dict['layers']:
                    mats[mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(mat)
                return WindowConstruction.from_dict_abridged(constr_dict, mats)
            else:  # WindowConstructionShade
                mats = {}
                for mat in constr_dict['window_construction']['layers']:
                    mats[mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(mat)
                shd_mat = constr_dict['shade_material']
                mats[shd_mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(shd_mat)
                    sch_id = constr_dict['schedule']
                    schs = {sch_id: _s.schedule_by_identifier(sch_id)}
                except KeyError:  # no schedule key provided
                    schs = {}
                return WindowConstructionShade.from_dict_abridged(
                    constr_dict, mats, schs)
        except KeyError:  # construction is nowhere to be found; raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                '"{}" was not found in the window energy construction library.'
Exemplo n.º 4
def schedule_by_id(schedule_id, abridged, output_file):
    """Get a schedule definition from the standards lib with its identifier.
        schedule_id: The identifier of a schedule in the library.
    except Exception as e:
        _logger.exception('Retrieval from schedule library failed.\n{}'.format(e))
Exemplo n.º 5
def schedules_by_id(schedule_ids, abridged, output_file):
    """Get several schedule definitions from the standards lib at once.
        schedule_ids: A list of schedule identifiers to be retrieved from the library.
        schs = []
        for sch_id in schedule_ids:
        output_file.write(json.dumps([sch.to_dict(abridged=abridged) for sch in schs]))
    except Exception as e:
        _logger.exception('Retrieval from schedule library failed.\n{}'.format(e))
Exemplo n.º 6
def hb_schedule_to_data(_schedule_name):
        _schedule = schedule_by_identifier(_schedule_name)
        return None

    week_start_day = 'Sunday'
    start_date, end_date, timestep = Date(1, 1), Date(12, 31), 1
    holidays = None

    data = _schedule.data_collection(timestep,

    return data
Exemplo n.º 7
def from_standards_dict(cls, data):
    """Create a ProgramType from an OpenStudio standards gem dictionary.

        data: An OpenStudio standards dictionary of a space type in the
            format below.

    .. code-block:: python

        "template": "90.1-2013",
        "building_type": "Office",
        "space_type": "MediumOffice - OpenOffice",
        "lighting_standard": "ASHRAE 90.1-2013",
        "lighting_per_area": 0.98,
        "lighting_per_person": None,
        "additional_lighting_per_area": None,
        "lighting_fraction_to_return_air": 0.0,
        "lighting_fraction_radiant": 0.7,
        "lighting_fraction_visible": 0.2,
        "lighting_schedule": "OfficeMedium BLDG_LIGHT_SCH_2013",
        "ventilation_standard": "ASHRAE 62.1-2007",
        "ventilation_primary_space_type": "Office Buildings",
        "ventilation_secondary_space_type": "Office space",
        "ventilation_per_area": 0.06,
        "ventilation_per_person": 5.0,
        "ventilation_air_changes": None,
        "minimum_total_air_changes": None,
        "occupancy_per_area": 5.25,
        "occupancy_schedule": "OfficeMedium BLDG_OCC_SCH",
        "occupancy_activity_schedule": "OfficeMedium ACTIVITY_SCH",
        "infiltration_per_exterior_area": 0.0446,
        "infiltration_schedule": "OfficeMedium INFIL_SCH_PNNL",
        "gas_equipment_per_area": None,
        "gas_equipment_fraction_latent": None,
        "gas_equipment_fraction_radiant": None,
        "gas_equipment_fraction_lost": None,
        "gas_equipment_schedule": None,
        "electric_equipment_per_area": 0.96,
        "electric_equipment_fraction_latent": 0.0,
        "electric_equipment_fraction_radiant": 0.5,
        "electric_equipment_fraction_lost": 0.0,
        "electric_equipment_schedule": "OfficeMedium BLDG_EQUIP_SCH_2013",
        "heating_setpoint_schedule": "OfficeMedium HTGSETP_SCH_YES_OPTIMUM",
        "cooling_setpoint_schedule": "OfficeMedium CLGSETP_SCH_YES_OPTIMUM"
    pr_type_identifier = data['space_type']
    people = None
    lighting = None
    electric_equipment = None
    gas_equipment = None
    hot_water = None
    infiltration = None
    ventilation = None
    setpoint = None

    if 'occupancy_schedule' in data and data['occupancy_schedule'] is not None and \
            'occupancy_per_area' in data and data['occupancy_per_area'] != 0:
        occ_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(data['occupancy_schedule'])
        act_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
        occ_density = data['occupancy_per_area'] / 92.903
        people = People('{}_People'.format(pr_type_identifier), occ_density,
                        occ_sched, act_sched)

    if 'lighting_schedule' in data and data['lighting_schedule'] is not None:
        light_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(data['lighting_schedule'])
            lpd = data['lighting_per_area'] * 10.7639
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            lpd = 0  # there's a schedule but no actual load object
            raf = data['lighting_fraction_to_return_air']
        except KeyError:
            raf = 0
            lfr = data['lighting_fraction_radiant']
        except KeyError:
            lfr = 0.32
            lfv = data['lighting_fraction_visible']
        except KeyError:
            lfv = 0.25
        lighting = Lighting('{}_Lighting'.format(pr_type_identifier), lpd,
                            light_sched, raf, lfr, lfv)
        lighting.baseline_watts_per_area = lpd

    if 'electric_equipment_schedule' in data and \
            data['electric_equipment_schedule'] is not None:
        eequip_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
            eepd = data['electric_equipment_per_area'] * 10.7639
        except KeyError:
            eepd = 0  # there's a schedule but no actual load object
        electric_equipment = ElectricEquipment(
            '{}_Electric'.format(pr_type_identifier), eepd, eequip_sched,

    if 'gas_equipment_schedule' in data and \
            data['gas_equipment_schedule'] is not None:
        gequip_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
            gepd = data['gas_equipment_per_area'] * 3.15459
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            gepd = 0  # there's a schedule but no actual load object
        gas_equipment = GasEquipment('{}_Gas'.format(pr_type_identifier), gepd,

    if 'service_water_heating_schedule' in data and \
            data['service_water_heating_schedule'] is not None:
        shw_sch = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
            shw_load = data[
                'service_water_heating_peak_flow_per_area'] * 40.7458
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            shw_load = 0  # there's a schedule but no actual load object
            shw_temp = round(
                (data['service_water_heating_target_temperature'] - 32.) * 5. /
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            shw_temp = 60
            fs = data['service_water_heating_fraction_sensible']
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            fs = 0.2
            fl = data['service_water_heating_fraction_latent']
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            fl = 0.05
        hot_water = ServiceHotWater('{}_SHW'.format(pr_type_identifier),
                                    shw_load, shw_sch, shw_temp, fs, fl)

    if 'infiltration_schedule' in data and \
            data['infiltration_schedule'] is not None:
        inf_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
            inf = data['infiltration_per_exterior_area'] * 0.00508
        except KeyError:  # might be using infiltration_per_exterior_wall_area
                inf = data['infiltration_per_exterior_wall_area'] * 0.00508
            except KeyError:
                inf = 0  # there's a schedule but no actual load object
        infiltration = Infiltration(
            '{}_Infiltration'.format(pr_type_identifier), inf, inf_sched)

    if 'ventilation_standard' in data and \
            data['ventilation_standard'] is not None:
        person = data['ventilation_per_person'] * 0.000471947 if \
            'ventilation_per_person' in data and \
            data['ventilation_per_person'] is not None else 0
        area = data['ventilation_per_area'] * 0.00508 if \
            'ventilation_per_area' in data and \
            data['ventilation_per_area'] is not None else 0
        ach = data['ventilation_air_changes'] if \
            'ventilation_air_changes' in data and \
            data['ventilation_air_changes'] is not None else 0
        ventilation = Ventilation('{}_Ventilation'.format(pr_type_identifier),
                                  person, area, 0, ach)

    if 'heating_setpoint_schedule' in data and \
            data['heating_setpoint_schedule'] is not None:
        heat_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
        cool_sched = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(
        setpoint = Setpoint('{}_Setpoint'.format(pr_type_identifier),
                            heat_sched, cool_sched)

    return cls(data['space_type'], people, lighting, electric_equipment,
               gas_equipment, hot_water, infiltration, ventilation, setpoint)
Exemplo n.º 8
            _sys_name = hvac_dict[_system_type]
        except KeyError:
            _sys_name = _system_type
        hvac_class = EQUIPMENT_TYPES_DICT[_sys_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('System Type "{}" is not recognized as a DOAS HVAC '
    vintage = vintages[_vintage_]  # get the vintage of the HVAC
    name = clean_and_id_ep_string(
        'DOAS HVAC') if _name_ is None else clean_ep_string(_name_)

    # create the HVAC
    hvac = hvac_class(name, vintage, _sys_name, sensible_hr_, latent_hr_, dcv_)
    if doas_avail_sch_ is not None:
        if isinstance(doas_avail_sch_, str):
            doas_avail_sch_ = schedule_by_identifier(doas_avail_sch_)
        hvac.doas_availability_schedule = doas_avail_sch_
    if _name_ is not None:
        hvac.display_name = _name_

    # apply the HVAC system to the rooms
    vent_scheds = set()
    hvac_count = 0
    for room in rooms:
        if room.properties.energy.is_conditioned:
            room.properties.energy.hvac = hvac
            vent_obj = room.properties.energy.ventilation
            if vent_obj is not None:
            hvac_count += 1
    from honeybee_energy.lib.schedules import schedule_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # make a default Setpoint name if none is provided
    name = clean_and_id_ep_string('Setpoint') if _name_ is None else \

    # get the schedules
    if isinstance(_heating_sch, str):
        _heating_sch = schedule_by_identifier(_heating_sch)
    if isinstance(_cooling_sch, str):
        _cooling_sch = schedule_by_identifier(_cooling_sch)

    # create the Setpoint object
    setpoint = Setpoint(name, _heating_sch, _cooling_sch)
    if _name_ is not None:
        setpoint.display_name = _name_

    # assign the humidification and dehumidification setpoints if requested
    if humid_setpt_ is not None:
        setpoint.humidifying_setpoint = humid_setpt_
    if dehumid_setpt_ is not None:
        setpoint.dehumidifying_setpoint = dehumid_setpt_
Exemplo n.º 10
    from honeybee.typing import clean_and_id_ep_string, clean_ep_string
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from honeybee_energy.load.infiltration import Infiltration
    from honeybee_energy.lib.schedules import schedule_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # make a default Infiltration name if none is provided
    name = clean_and_id_ep_string('Infiltration') if _name_ is None else \

    # get the schedule
    _schedule_ = _schedule_ if _schedule_ is not None else 'Always On'
    if isinstance(_schedule_, str):
        _schedule_ = schedule_by_identifier(_schedule_)

    # create the Infiltration object
    infil = Infiltration(name, _flow_per_ext_area, _schedule_)
    if _name_ is not None:
        infil.display_name = _name_
    if len(_min_max_) != 0:
        assert len(_min_max_), 'Expected two values for _min_max_.'
        min_t = _min_max_[0]
        max_t = _min_max_[1]
        min_t = 100
        max_t = 2000

    # process the schedule and sun-up hours
    if _occ_sch_ is None:
        schedule = generate_default_schedule()
    elif isinstance(_occ_sch_, BaseCollection):
        schedule = _occ_sch_.values
    elif isinstance(_occ_sch_, str):
        if schedule_by_identifier is not None:
            schedule = schedule_by_identifier(_occ_sch_).values()
            raise ValueError('honeybee-energy must be installed to reference '
                             'occupancy schedules by identifier.')
    else:  # assume that it is a honeybee schedule object
        schedule = _occ_sch_.values()
    total_occupied_hours = sum(schedule)
    occ_pattern = parse_sun_up_hours(_results, schedule)

    # compute the annual metrics
    DA, UDI = [], []
    for ill_file in _results:
        da, udi = annual_metrics(ill_file, occ_pattern, total_occupied_hours,
                                 _threshold_, min_t, max_t)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def add_schedule(scheds, p_type_dict, load_id, sch_id):
         sch_id = p_type_dict[load_id][sch_id]
         scheds[sch_id] = _s.schedule_by_identifier(sch_id)
     except KeyError:
         pass  # key is not included
def convert_to_hb_json(source_dir=None, dest_dir=None):
    """Convert OpenStudio standards JSON files into Honeybee JSON files.

        source_dir: Directory to the cleaned OpenStudio Standards JSONs.
            Default will be the data folder in this package.
        dest_dir: Optional path to a destination directory. Default will be the
            data folder in this package.
    # set default directories
    if source_dir is None:
        master_dir = local_data_dir()
        source_dir = os.path.join(master_dir, '_standards_data')
    if dest_dir is None:
        master_dir = local_data_dir()
        dest_dir = os.path.join(master_dir, 'data')

    # get all of the destination folders
    constr_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'constructions')
    constrset_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'constructionsets')
    sched_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'schedules')
    ptype_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'programtypes')
    ptype_reg_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'programtypes_registry')

    # translate the materials and constructions to honeybee_json
    extra_folder = os.path.join(
        os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0], '_extra')
        source_dir, constr_dir, mat_lib.opaque_material_by_identifier,
        [os.path.join(extra_folder, 'ground_materials.json')])
    honeybee_construction_json(source_dir, constr_dir,
        source_dir, constr_dir, constr_lib.opaque_construction_by_identifier,
        [os.path.join(extra_folder, 'ground_constructions.json')])
    honeybee_construction_json(source_dir, constr_dir,

    # translate the construction sets to honeybee_json
    src_constr_set_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'construction_set')
    for f in os.listdir(src_constr_set_dir):
        dest_file = os.path.join(constrset_dir, f)
        f_path = os.path.join(src_constr_set_dir, f)
        if os.path.isfile(f_path) and f_path.endswith('.json'):
            with open(f_path, 'r') as json_file:
                c_dict = json.load(json_file)
            hb_dict = {}
            for c_id in c_dict:
                base_dict = \
                del_keys = []
                for key in base_dict:
                    if base_dict[key] is None:
                    elif isinstance(base_dict[key], dict):
                        sub_del_keys = []
                        for s_key in base_dict[key]:
                            if base_dict[key][s_key] is None:
                        for s_key in sub_del_keys:
                            del base_dict[key][s_key]
                for key in del_keys:
                    del base_dict[key]
                hb_dict[c_id] = base_dict
            with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(hb_dict, fp, indent=2)

    # translate schedules to honeybee json
    sched_json = os.path.join(source_dir, 'schedule.json')
    hb_sch_dict = {}
    with open(sched_json, 'r') as json_file:
        sch_dict = json.load(json_file)
    for sch_id in sch_dict:
        hb_sch_dict[sch_id] = sch_lib.schedule_by_identifier(sch_id).to_dict(
    # get a string representation and clean it further
    init_str = json.dumps(hb_sch_dict, indent=2)
    new_str = re.sub(r'\s*(\d*\.\d*),\s*', r'\1, ', init_str)
    right_bracket_str = re.sub(r'\s*(])', r'\1', new_str)
    left_bracket_str = re.sub(r'(\[)\s*', r'\1', right_bracket_str)
    newer_str = re.sub(r'\[(.\d*),\s*(.\d*)\],\s*', r'[\1, \2], ',
    final_str = re.sub(r'\[(.\d*),\s*(.\d*)\]', r'[\1, \2]', newer_str)
    # write the data into a file
    sch_path = os.path.join(sched_dir, 'schedule.json')
    with open(sch_path, 'w') as fp:

    # translate the program types to honeybee json
    src_ptype_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'program_type')
    for f in os.listdir(src_ptype_dir):
        f_path = os.path.join(src_ptype_dir, f)
        if os.path.isfile(f_path) and f_path.endswith('.json') \
                and not f_path.endswith('registry.json'):
            with open(f_path, 'r') as json_file:
                p_dict = json.load(json_file)
            hb_dict = {}
            for p_id in p_dict:
                hb_dict[p_id] = \
            dest_file = os.path.join(ptype_dir, f)
            with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(hb_dict, fp, indent=2)

    # copy the program registry files over to the data folder
    for f in os.listdir(src_ptype_dir):
        f_path = os.path.join(src_ptype_dir, f)
        if os.path.isfile(f_path) and f_path.endswith('registry.json'):
            dest_file = os.path.join(ptype_reg_dir, f)
            shutil.copy(f_path, dest_file)

    print('Successfully translated OpenStudio JSONs to Honeybee.')
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # duplicate the initial objects
    rooms = [room.duplicate() for room in _rooms]

    # set default values and check the inputs
    use_category_ = ['Process'] if len(use_category_) == 0 else use_category_
    radiant_fract_ = [0.0] if len(radiant_fract_) == 0 else radiant_fract_
    latent_fract_ = [0.0] if len(latent_fract_) == 0 else latent_fract_
    lost_fract_ = [0.0] if len(lost_fract_) == 0 else lost_fract_
    for i, sched in enumerate(_schedule):
        if isinstance(sched, str):
            _schedule[i] = schedule_by_identifier(sched)

    # loop through the rooms and assign process loads
    for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
        load_watts = longest_list(_watts, i)
        if load_watts != 0:
            name = clean_and_id_ep_string('Process') if len(_name_) == 0 else \
                clean_ep_string(longest_list(_name_, i))
            process = Process('{}..{}'.format(name, room.identifier),
                              load_watts, longest_list(_schedule, i),
                              longest_list(_fuel_type, i),
                              longest_list(use_category_, i),
                              longest_list(radiant_fract_, i),
                              longest_list(latent_fract_, i),
                              longest_list(lost_fract_, i))
Exemplo n.º 15
    from honeybee_energy.load.infiltration import Infiltration
    from honeybee_energy.load.ventilation import Ventilation
    from honeybee_energy.lib.schedules import schedule_by_identifier
    from honeybee_energy.lib.programtypes import program_type_by_identifier, \
    from honeybee_energy.programtype import ProgramType
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

# get the always on schedule
always_on = schedule_by_identifier('Always On')

def dup_load(hb_obj, object_name, object_class):
    """Duplicate a load object assigned to a Room or ProgramType."""
    # try to get the load object assgined to the Room or ProgramType
    try:  # assume it's a Room
        load_obj = hb_obj.properties
        for attribute in ('energy', object_name):
            load_obj = getattr(load_obj, attribute)
    except AttributeError:  # it's a ProgramType
        load_obj = getattr(hb_obj, object_name)

    load_id = '{}_{}'.format(hb_obj.identifier, object_name)
    try:  # duplicate the load object
        dup_load = load_obj.duplicate()
Exemplo n.º 16
def schedule_ruleset_office_occupancy(directory):
    office_sch = schedule_by_identifier('OfficeLarge BLDG_OCC_SCH')
    dest_file = os.path.join(directory, 'schedule_ruleset_office_occupancy.json')
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(office_sch.to_dict(True), fp, indent=4)
Exemplo n.º 17
def calc_room_vent_rates_from_HB(_hb_room, _ghenv):
    ''' Uses the EP Loads and Schedules to calc the HB Room's annual flowrate '''

    # Guard
    if _hb_room.floor_area == 0:
        warning =   "Something wrong with the floor area - are you sure\n"\
                    "there is at least one 'Floor' surface making up the Room?"
        return None

    # Pull the Loads from HB Room
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    vent_flow_per_area = _hb_room.properties.energy.ventilation.flow_per_area
    vent_flow_per_person = _hb_room.properties.energy.ventilation.flow_per_person
    vent_flow_per_zone = _hb_room.properties.energy.ventilation.flow_per_zone
    vent_flow_ach = _hb_room.properties.energy.ventilation.air_changes_per_hour
    people_per_area = _hb_room.properties.energy.people.people_per_area

    # Pull the Schedules from HB Room
    week_start_day = 'Sunday'
    holidays = None
    start_date, end_date, timestep = Date(1, 1), Date(12, 31), 1

    hb_sched_occ = _hb_room.properties.energy.people.occupancy_schedule
    hb_sched_vent = _hb_room.properties.energy.ventilation.schedule

    if hb_sched_occ:
        hb_sched_occ = schedule_by_identifier(hb_sched_occ.identifier)

        if isinstance(hb_sched_occ, ScheduleRuleset):
            data_occ = hb_sched_occ.data_collection(timestep,
        data_occ = (1 for i in range(8760))

    if hb_sched_vent:
        hb_sched_vent = schedule_by_identifier(hb_sched_vent.identifier)

        if isinstance(hb_sched_vent, ScheduleRuleset):
            data_vent = hb_sched_vent.data_collection(timestep,
        data_vent = (1 for i in range(8760))

    # Nominal (peak) flow rates (m3/h) based on the HB/EP Load values
    # m3/s---> m3/h

    nom_vent_flow_per_area = vent_flow_per_area * _hb_room.floor_area * 60.0 * 60.0
    nom_vent_flow_per_zone = vent_flow_per_zone * 60.0 * 60.0
    nom_vent_flow_ach = vent_flow_ach * _hb_room.volume
    nom_vent_flow_per_person = people_per_area * _hb_room.floor_area * vent_flow_per_person * 60.0 * 60.0

    nom_vent_flow_total = nom_vent_flow_per_area + nom_vent_flow_per_person + nom_vent_flow_per_zone + nom_vent_flow_ach

    # Preview results
    print("The HB Room: '{}' has an average annual airflow of: {:.2f} "\
        "m3/h".format(_hb_room.display_name, nom_vent_flow_total) )
    print(">Looking at the Honeybee Program parameters:")
    print("   *Note: These are the values BEFORE any occupany / activity schedule"\
        "is applied to reduce this (demand control)" )
        "   *Note: These are the values takes into account the airflow for 'areas', for people, per zone and by ACH."
    print("   Details:")
    print("      >Reference HB-Room Floor Area used is: {:.2f} m2".format(
    print("      >Reference HB-Room Volume used is: {:.2f} m3".format(
    print("      >[Ventilation Per Pers: {:.6f} m3/s-prs] x [Floor Area: {:.2f} m2] x [{:.3f} ppl/m2] "\
        "x 3600 s/hr = {:.2f} m3/hr".format(vent_flow_per_person, _hb_room.floor_area,
        people_per_area, nom_vent_flow_per_person) )
    print("      >[Ventilation Per Area: {:.6f} m3/s-m2] x [Floor Area: {:.2f} m2] "\
        "x 3600 s/hr = {:.2f} m3/hr".format(float(vent_flow_per_area),
        float(_hb_room.floor_area), float(nom_vent_flow_per_area)) )
    print("      >[Ventilation per Zone: {:.6f} m3/s] x 3600 s/hr = "\
        "{:.2f} m3/h".format(vent_flow_per_zone, nom_vent_flow_per_zone, ) )
    print("      >[Ventilation by ACH: {:.2f} ACH] x [Volume: {:.2f} m3]"\
        " = {:.2f} m3/h ".format(vent_flow_ach, _hb_room.volume, nom_vent_flow_ach) )
    print("      >[Vent For Area: {:.2f} m3/h] + [Vent For PPL: {:.2f} m3/h]"\
        " + [Vent For Zone: {:.2f} m3/h] + [Vent For ACH: {:.2f} m3/h]"\
        " = {:.2f} m3/h".format(nom_vent_flow_per_area, vent_flow_per_person,
        nom_vent_flow_per_zone, nom_vent_flow_ach, nom_vent_flow_total) )
    print('- ' * 100)

    # Annual Average flow rates taking schedules into account
    total_nom_vent_flow = nom_vent_flow_per_area + nom_vent_flow_per_zone + nom_vent_flow_ach
    annual_vent_flow_space = sum(total_nom_vent_flow * val
                                 for val in data_vent) / 8760
    annual_vent_flow_ppl = sum(nom_vent_flow_per_person * val
                               for val in data_occ) / 8760
    annual_vent_flow_total = annual_vent_flow_space + annual_vent_flow_ppl

    Output = namedtuple('Output', ['nominal', 'annual_avg'])
    output = Output(nom_vent_flow_total, annual_vent_flow_total)

    return output
Exemplo n.º 18
    'Autosize': autosize,
    None: autosize

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # extract any rooms from input Models and duplicate the rooms
    rooms = []
    for hb_obj in _rooms:
        if isinstance(hb_obj, Model):
            rooms.extend([room.duplicate() for room in hb_obj.rooms])

    # get schedules by identifer if they are strings
    if isinstance(heat_avail_, str):
        heat_avail_ = schedule_by_identifier(heat_avail_)
    if isinstance(cool_avail_, str):
        cool_avail_ = schedule_by_identifier(cool_avail_)

    # loop through the rooms and adjust their properties
    hvac_count = 0
    for room in rooms:
        if room.properties.energy.is_conditioned:
            # check to be sure the assigned HVAC system is an IdealAirSystem
            if not isinstance(room.properties.energy.hvac, IdealAirSystem):

            # create the customized ideal air system
            new_ideal_air = room.properties.energy.hvac.duplicate()
            if _economizer_ is not None:
                new_ideal_air.economizer_type = _economizer_
Exemplo n.º 19
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from honeybee_energy.load.people import People
    from honeybee_energy.lib.schedules import schedule_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # make a default People name if none is provided
    if _name_ is None:
        name = "People_{}".format(uuid.uuid4())
        name = clean_and_id_ep_string(_name_)

    # get the schedules
    if isinstance(_occupancy_sch, str):
        _occupancy_sch = schedule_by_identifier(_occupancy_sch)
    if isinstance(_activity_sch_, str):
        _activity_sch_ = schedule_by_identifier(_activity_sch_)

    # create the People object
    people = People(name, _ppl_per_area, _occupancy_sch, _activity_sch_)
    if _name_ is not None:
        people.display_name = _name_
try:  # import ladybug_rhino dependencies
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # check that the input _season_scheds align with the _analysis_periods
    assert len(_season_scheds) == len(_analysis_periods), \
        'Length of the _season_scheds list must match that of the _analysis_periods.' \
        '\n{} does not equal {}'.format(len(_season_scheds), len(_analysis_periods))

    # start by duplicating the base schedule
    if isinstance(_base_schedule, str):
        _base_schedule = schedule_by_identifier(_base_schedule)
    schedule = _base_schedule.duplicate()
    schedule.identifier = clean_and_id_ep_string(_name)
    schedule.display_name = _name

    # translate the _season_scheds to individual Rules and apply them to the base
    for season_sch, a_period in zip(_season_scheds, _analysis_periods):
        if isinstance(season_sch, str):
            season_sch = schedule_by_identifier(season_sch)
        season_rules = season_sch.to_rules(
            a_period.st_time.date, a_period.end_time.date)
        for rule in reversed(season_rules):  # preserve priority order of rules

    # get the idf strings of the schedule
    idf_year, idf_week = schedule.to_idf()
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee:\n\t{}'.format(e))

try:  # import the ladybug_rhino dependencies
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # duplicate the initial objects
    hb_objs = [obj.duplicate() for obj in _hb_objs]

    # process the input schedule
    for i, sch in enumerate(_trans_sch):
        if isinstance(sch, str):
            _trans_sch[i] = schedule_by_identifier(sch)

    # error message for unrecognized object
    error_msg = 'Input _hb_objs must be a Room, Face, Aperture, Door, or Shade. Not {}.'

    # assign the schedules
    if len(_trans_sch) == 1:
        for obj in hb_objs:
            if isinstance(obj, Shade):
                obj.properties.energy.transmittance_schedule = _trans_sch[0]
            elif isinstance(obj, (Aperture, Face, Room, Door)):
                for shd in obj.shades:
                    shd.properties.energy.transmittance_schedule = _trans_sch[
                raise TypeError(error_msg.format(type(obj)))
Exemplo n.º 22
        lb_faces = to_face3d(geo)
        for i, lb_face in enumerate(lb_faces):
            shd_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) if len(lb_faces) > 1 else name
            hb_shd = Shade(shd_name, lb_face, is_detached)
            hb_shd.display_name = display_name

            # try to assign the energyplus construction
            if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
                ep_constr = longest_list(ep_constr_, j)
                if isinstance(ep_constr, str):
                    ep_constr = shade_construction_by_identifier(ep_constr)
                hb_shd.properties.energy.construction = ep_constr

            # try to assign the energyplus transmittance schedule
            if len(ep_trans_sch_) != 0:
                ep_trans_sch = longest_list(ep_trans_sch_, j)
                if isinstance(ep_trans_sch, str):
                    ep_trans_sch = schedule_by_identifier(ep_trans_sch)
                hb_shd.properties.energy.transmittance_schedule = ep_trans_sch

            # try to assign the radiance modifier
            if len(rad_mod_) != 0:
                rad_mod = longest_list(rad_mod_, j)
                if isinstance(rad_mod, str):
                    rad_mod = modifier_by_identifier(rad_mod)
                hb_shd.properties.radiance.modifier = rad_mod

            shades.append(hb_shd)  # collect the final Shades
            i += 1  # advance the iterator
    shades = wrap_output(shades)
def schedule_object(schedule):
    """Get a schedule object by its identifier or return it it it's already a schedule."""
    if isinstance(schedule, str):
        return schedule_by_identifier(schedule)
    return schedule
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_schedule_by_identifier():
    """Test that all of the schedules in the library can be loaded by identifier."""
    for sched in sched_lib.SCHEDULES:
        sched_from_lib = sched_lib.schedule_by_identifier(sched)
        assert isinstance(sched_from_lib, ScheduleRuleset)