Exemplo n.º 1
    def slice_to_two(self, subscripts, out=None, factor=1.0, clear=True):
        """Returns a two-index contraction of the four-index object.


                Any of ``aabb->ab``, ``abab->ab``, ``abba->ab``

           **Optional arguments:**

           out, factor, clear
                See :py:meth:`DenseLinalgFactory.einsum`
        # Error checking
        check_options('subscripts', subscripts, 'aabb->ab', 'abab->ab', 'abba->ab')
        # Handle output argument
        if out is None:
            out = DenseTwoIndex(self.nbasis)
            check_type('out', out, DenseTwoIndex)
            if clear:
        # Actual computation
        if subscripts == 'aabb->ab':
            out._array[:] += factor*np.einsum('xab,xab->ab', self._array, self._array2)
        elif subscripts == 'abab->ab':
            out._array[:] += factor*np.einsum('xaa,xbb->ab', self._array, self._array2)
        elif subscripts == 'abba->ab':
            out._array[:] += factor*np.einsum('xab,xba->ab', self._array, self._array2)
        return out
Exemplo n.º 2
    def slice_to_three(self, subscripts, out=None, factor=1.0, clear=True):
        """Returns a three-index contraction of the four-index object.


                Any of ``abcc->bac``, ``abcc->abc``, ``abcb->abc``, ``abbc->abc``

           **Optional arguments:**

           out, factor, clear
                See :py:meth:`DenseLinalgFactory.einsum`
        # Error checking
        check_options('subscripts', subscripts, 'abcc->bac', 'abcc->abc', 'abcb->abc', 'abbc->abc')
        if out is None:
            out = DenseThreeIndex(self.nbasis)
            check_type('out', out, DenseThreeIndex)
            if clear:
        # Actual computation
        if subscripts == 'abbc->abc':
            slice_to_three_abbc_abc(self._array, self._array2, out._array, factor, clear)
        elif subscripts == 'abcc->bac':
            slice_to_three_abcc_bac(self._array, self._array2, out._array, factor, clear)
        elif subscripts == 'abcc->abc':
            slice_to_three_abcc_abc(self._array, self._array2, out._array, factor, clear)
        elif subscripts == 'abcb->abc':
            L_r = np.diagonal(self._array2, axis1=1, axis2=2)
            out._array[:] += factor*np.tensordot(self._array, L_r, [(0,),(0,)]).swapaxes(1,2)
        return out
Exemplo n.º 3
    def init_two_dm(self, select):
        r'''Initialize 2-RDM as TwoIndex object

           Only the symmetry-unique elements of the (response) 2-RDM are
           stored. These are matrix elements of type

           .. math::


           (spin-up and spin-down (bar-sign)) or

           .. math::

           and are stored as elements :math:`{pq}` of two_dm_pqpq, and


                '(r(esponse))ppqq', or '(r(esponse))pqpq'.
        check_options('twodm', select, 'ppqq', 'pqpq', 'rppqq', 'rpqpq')
        dm, new = self._cache.load('two_dm_%s' % select,
        if not new:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The density matrix two_dm_%s already exists. Call two_dm_%s.clear prior to updating the 2DM.'
                % select)
        return dm
Exemplo n.º 4
    def contract_two_to_four(self, subscripts, two, out=None, factor=1.0, clear=True):
        '''Contracts with a two-index object to obtain a four-index object.


                Any of ``abcd,cd->acbd``, ``abcd,cd->acdb``, ``abcd,cb->acdb``,
                ``abcd,cb->acbd``, ``abcd,ab->acbd``, ``abcd,ab->acdb``,
                ``abcd,ad->acbd``, ``abcd,ad->acdb``, ``abcd,ad->abcd``,
                ``abcd,ad->abdc``, ``abcd,bd->abcd``, ``abcd,bd->abdc``,
                ``abcd,bc->abdc``, ``abcd,bc->abcd``, ``abcd,ac->abcd``,

                An instance of DenseTwoIndex.

           **Optional arguments:**

           out, factor, clear
                See :py:meth:`DenseLinalgFactory.einsum`
        check_options('subscripts', subscripts, 'abcd,cd->acbd',
            'abcd,cd->acdb', 'abcd,cb->acdb', 'abcd,cb->acbd', 'abcd,ab->acbd',
            'abcd,ab->acdb', 'abcd,ad->acbd', 'abcd,ad->acdb', 'abcd,ad->abcd',
            'abcd,ad->abdc', 'abcd,bd->abcd', 'abcd,bd->abdc', 'abcd,bc->abdc',
            'abcd,bc->abcd', 'abcd,ac->abcd', 'abcd,ac->abdc')
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 5
    def init_two_dm(self, select):
        r'''Initialize 2-RDM as TwoIndex object

           Only the symmetry-unique elements of the (response) 2-RDM are
           stored. These are matrix elements of type

           .. math::


           (spin-up and spin-down (bar-sign)) or

           .. math::

           and are stored as elements :math:`{pq}` of two_dm_pqpq, and


                '(r(esponse))ppqq', or '(r(esponse))pqpq'.
        check_options('twodm', select, 'ppqq', 'pqpq', 'rppqq', 'rpqpq')
        dm, new = self._cache.load('two_dm_%s' % select, alloc=(self._lf.create_two_index, self.nbasis), tags='d')
        if not new:
            raise RuntimeError('The density matrix two_dm_%s already exists. Call two_dm_%s.clear prior to updating the 2DM.' % select)
        return dm
Exemplo n.º 6
    def contract_two_to_two(self, subscripts, two, out=None, factor=1.0, clear=True):
        """Contract self with a two-index to obtain a two-index.


                Any of ``abcd,bd->ac`` (direct), ``abcd,cb->ad`` (exchange)

                The input two-index object. (DenseTwoIndex)

           **Optional arguments:**

           out, factor, clear
                See :py:meth:`DenseLinalgFactory.einsum`
        check_options('subscripts', subscripts, 'abcd,bd->ac', 'abcd,cb->ad')
        if out is None:
            out = DenseTwoIndex(self.nbasis)
            if clear:
            check_type('out', out, DenseTwoIndex)
        if subscripts == 'abcd,bd->ac':
            tmp = np.tensordot(self._array2, two._array, axes=([(1,2),(1,0)]))
            out._array[:] += factor*np.tensordot(self._array, tmp, [0,0])
        elif subscripts == 'abcd,cb->ad':
            tmp = np.tensordot(self._array2, two._array, axes=([1,1]))
            out._array[:] += factor*np.tensordot(self._array, tmp, ([0,2],[0,2]))
        return out
Exemplo n.º 7
 def assign_locblock(self):
     '''Get localization block. A OneIndex instance'''
     check_options('block', self.locblock, 'occ', 'virt')
     block = self.lf.create_one_index()
     if self.locblock == 'occ':
         block.assign(1.0, end0=self.nocc)
     elif self.locblock == 'virt':
         block.assign(1.0, begin0=self.nocc)
     return block
Exemplo n.º 8
 def assign_locblock(self):
     '''Get localization block. A OneIndex instance'''
     check_options('block', self.locblock, 'occ', 'virt')
     block = self.lf.create_one_index()
     if self.locblock=='occ':
         block.assign(1.0, end0=self.nocc)
     elif self.locblock=='virt':
         block.assign(1.0, begin0=self.nocc)
     return block
Exemplo n.º 9
 def symmetrize(self, symmetry=8):
     check_options('symmetry', symmetry, 1, 2, 4, 8)
     if symmetry in (2, 8) and self.is_decoupled:
         # This is a different type of symmetrization than in the dense case!
         self._array[:] += self._array2
         self._array *= 0.5
     if symmetry in (4, 8):
         self._array[:] = self._array + self._array.transpose(0,2,1)
         if self.is_decoupled:
             self._array2[:] = self._array2 + self._array2.transpose(0,2,1)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def init_one_dm(self, select):
        '''Initialize 1-RDM as OneIndex object

           The 1-RDM expressed in the natural orbital basis is diagonal and
           only the diagonal elements are stored.


                'ps2' or 'response'.
        check_options('onedm', select, 'ps2', 'response')
        dm, new = self._cache.load('one_dm_%s' % select, alloc=(self._lf.create_one_index, self.nbasis), tags='d')
        if not new:
            raise RuntimeError('The density matrix one_dm_%s already exists. Call one_dm_%s.clear prior to updating the 1DM.' % select)
        return dm
Exemplo n.º 11
    def compute_single_orbital_entropy(self, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Compute single-orbital entropy for each orbital in the active space.
           Currently, only the von Neumann entropy is supported.

           The 1-ODM is assumed to be diagonalized.

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        for index in range(self.nbasis):
        for item in self.odm1:
            mat = item[1]
            term = 0.0
            for ind in range(mat.shape[0]):
                term -= self.calculate_entropy_term(mat.get_element(ind), select)
            self.so_entropy.set_element(item[0], term)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def compute_single_orbital_entropy(self, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Compute single-orbital entropy for each orbital in the active space.
           Currently, only the von Neumann entropy is supported.

           The 1-ODM is assumed to be diagonalized.

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        for index in range(self.nbasis):
        for item in self.odm1:
            mat = item[1]
            term = 0.0
            for ind in range(mat.shape[0]):
                term -= self.calculate_entropy_term(mat.get_element(ind),
            self.so_entropy.set_element(item[0], term)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def init_one_dm(self, select):
        '''Initialize 1-RDM as OneIndex object

           The 1-RDM expressed in the natural orbital basis is diagonal and
           only the diagonal elements are stored.


                'ps2' or 'response'.
        check_options('onedm', select, 'ps2', 'response')
        dm, new = self._cache.load('one_dm_%s' % select,
        if not new:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The density matrix one_dm_%s already exists. Call one_dm_%s.clear prior to updating the 1DM.'
                % select)
        return dm
Exemplo n.º 14
    def calculate_entropy_term(self, val, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Calculate entropic term


                Used to determine entropy

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        if select=='vonNeumann':
            if val > 0.0:
                return np.log(val)*val
                if abs(val) > 1e-6:
                    log('Neglecting negative value %f in entropy function' % val)
                return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 15
    def calculate_entropy_term(self, val, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Calculate entropic term


                Used to determine entropy

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        if select == 'vonNeumann':
            if val > 0.0:
                return np.log(val) * val
                if abs(val) > 1e-6:
                    log('Neglecting negative value %f in entropy function' %
                return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 16
    def compute_two_orbital_entropy(self, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Compute two-orbital entropy for each orbital in the active space.
           Currently, only the von Neumann entropy is supported.

           The 1-ODM and 2-ODM are assumed to be diagonalized.

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        for index1 in range(self.nbasis):
            for index2 in range(self.nbasis):
                if index2 is not index1:
                    self.compute_odm2(index1, index2)
        for item in self.odm2:
            mat = item[2]
            term = 0.0
            for ind in range(mat.shape[0]):
                term -= self.calculate_entropy_term(mat.get_element(ind), select)
            self.to_entropy.set_element(item[0], item[1], term)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def generate_guess(self, guess, dim=None):
        '''Generate a guess of type 'guess'.


               A dictionary, containing the type of guess.

           **Optional arguments:**

               Length of guess.
        check_options('guess.type', guess['type'], 'random', 'const')
        check_type('guess.factor', guess['factor'], int, float)
        if guess['factor'] == 0:
            raise ValueError('Scaling factor must be different from 0.')
        if dim is None:
            dim = self.dimension
        if guess['type'] == 'random':
            return np.random.random(dim) * guess['factor']
        elif guess['type'] == 'const':
            return np.ones(dim) * guess['factor']
Exemplo n.º 18
    def generate_guess(self, guess, dim=None):
        '''Generate a guess of type 'guess'.


               A dictionary, containing the type of guess.

           **Optional arguments:**

               Length of guess.
        check_options('guess.type', guess['type'], 'random', 'const')
        check_type('guess.factor', guess['factor'], int, float)
        if guess['factor'] == 0:
            raise ValueError('Scaling factor must be different from 0.')
        if dim is None:
            dim = self.dimension
        if guess['type'] == 'random':
            return np.random.random(dim)*guess['factor']
        elif guess['type'] == 'const':
            return np.ones(dim)*guess['factor']
Exemplo n.º 19
    def compute_two_orbital_entropy(self, select='vonNeumann'):
        '''Compute two-orbital entropy for each orbital in the active space.
           Currently, only the von Neumann entropy is supported.

           The 1-ODM and 2-ODM are assumed to be diagonalized.

           **Optional arguments:**

                Select entropy function. Default: von Neumann.
        check_options('select', select, 'vonNeumann')
        for index1 in range(self.nbasis):
            for index2 in range(self.nbasis):
                if index2 is not index1:
                    self.compute_odm2(index1, index2)
        for item in self.odm2:
            mat = item[2]
            term = 0.0
            for ind in range(mat.shape[0]):
                term -= self.calculate_entropy_term(mat.get_element(ind),
            self.to_entropy.set_element(item[0], item[1], term)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, lf, **kw):

                A LinalgFactory instance

                :method: step search method used, one of ``trust-region``
                         (default), ``None``, ``backtracking``
                :alpha: scaling factor for step, used in ``backtracking`` and
                        ``None`` method (default 0.75)
                :c1: parameter used in ``backtracking`` (default 1e-4)
                :minalpha: minimum step length used in ``backracking``
                           (default 1e-6)
                :maxiterouter: maximum number of step search steps (default 10)
                :maxiterinner: maximum number of optimization steps in each
                               step search step (used only in pcg, default 500)
                :maxeta: upper bound for estimated vs actual change in
                         ``trust-region`` (default 0.75)
                :mineta: lower bound for estimated vs actual change in
                         ``trust-region`` (default 0.25)
                :upscale: scaling factor to increase trust radius in
                          ``trust-region`` (default 2.0)
                :downscale: scaling factor to decrease trust radius in
                            ``trust-region`` and step length in ``backtracking``
                            (float) (default 0.25)
                :trustradius: initial trust radius (default 0.75)
                :maxtrustradius: maximum trust radius (default 0.75)
                :threshold: trust-region optimization threshold, only used in
                            ``pcg`` method of ``trust-region``
                :optimizer: optimizes step to boundary of trust radius. One of
                            ``pcg``, ``dogleg``, ``ddl`` (default ddl)
        self.lf = lf
        # Check keywords and set default arguments, types and options are also
        # checked
        names = []
        def _helper(x,y):
        _helper('method', 'trust-region')
        _helper('alpha', 1.0)
        _helper('c1', 0.0001)
        _helper('minalpha', 1e-6)
        _helper('maxiterouter', 10)
        _helper('maxiterinner', 500)
        _helper('maxeta', 0.75)
        _helper('mineta', 0.25)
        _helper('upscale', 2.0)
        _helper('downscale', 0.25)
        _helper('trustradius', 0.75)
        _helper('maxtrustradius', 0.75)
        _helper('threshold', 1e-8)
        _helper('optimizer', 'ddl')

        for name, value in kw.items():
            if name not in names:
                raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument %s" % name)
            if value is not None:
                if value < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot set attribute %s because of illegal value %s' %(name, value))
                setattr(self, name, kw[name])

        check_options('method', self.method, 'None', 'backtracking', 'trust-region')
        check_options('optimizer', self.optimizer, 'pcg', 'dogleg', 'ddl')
        check_type('alpha', self.alpha, int, float)
        check_type('c1', self.c1, int, float)
        check_type('minalpha', self.minalpha, int, float)
        check_type('maxiterouter', self.maxiterouter, int)
        check_type('maxiterinner', self.maxiterinner, int)
        check_type('maxeta', self.maxeta, int, float)
        check_type('mineta', self.mineta, int, float)
        check_type('upscale', self.upscale, float)
        check_type('downscale', self.downscale, float)
        check_type('trustradius', self.trustradius, float)
        check_type('maxtrustradius', self.maxtrustradius, float)
        check_type('threshold', self.threshold, float)

        self.alpha0 = self.alpha

        def _get_lf(self):
            return self.lf

        lf = property(_get_lf)

        def _get_method(self):
            return kw.pop('method')

        method = property(_get_method)

        def _get_maxeta(self):
            return kw.pop('maxeta')

        maxeta = property(_get_maxeta)

        def _get_mineta(self):
            return kw.pop('mineta')

        mineta = property(_get_mineta)

        def _get_upscale(self):
            return kw.pop('upscale')

        upscale = property(_get_upscale)

        def _get_downscale(self):
            return kw.pop('downscale')

        downscale = property(_get_downscale)

        def _get_maxiterouter(self):
            return kw.pop('maxiterouter')

        maxiterouter = property(_get_maxiterouter)

        def _get_maxiterinner(self):
            return kw.pop('maxiterinner')

        maxiterinner = property(_get_maxiterinner)

        def _get_alpha(self):
            return kw.pop('alpha')

        alpha = property(_get_alpha)

        def _get_minalpha(self):
            return kw.pop('minalpha')

        minalpha = property(_get_minalpha)

        def _get_c1(self):
            return kw.pop('c1')

        c1 = property(_get_c1)

        def _get_maxtrustradius(self):
            return kw.pop('maxtrustradius')

        maxtrustradius = property(_get_maxtrustradius)

        def _get_trustradius(self):
            return kw.pop('trustradius')

        trustradius = property(_get_trustradius)

        def _get_threshold(self):
            return kw.pop('threshold')

        threshold = property(_get_threshold)

        def _get_optimizer(self):
            return kw.pop('optimizer')

        optimizer = property(_get_optimizer)
Exemplo n.º 21
def split_core_active(one, two, ecore, orb, ncore, nactive, indextrans='tensordot'):
    '''Reduce a Hamiltonian to an active space

       Works only for restricted wavefunctions.


            One and two-electron integrals.

            The core energy of the given Hamiltonian. In the case of a standard
            molecular system, this is the nuclear nuclear repulsion.

            The MO expansion coefficients. An Expansion instance. If None,
            integrals are assued to be already transformed into the mo basis
            and no transformation is carried out in this function.

            The number of frozen core orbitals (int)

            The number of active orbitals (int)

       **Optional arguments:**

            4-index transformation (str). One of ``tensordot``, ``einsum``

       **Returns** a tuple with three values:

            The one-body operator in the small space

            The two-body operator in the small space

            The core energy, i.e. the sum of the given core energy and HF
            contributions from the core orbitals.
    # Check type/option of arguments
    check_type('ncore', ncore, int)
    check_type('nactive', nactive, int)
    check_options('indextrans', indextrans, 'tensordot', 'einsum')
    if ncore <= 0 or nactive <= 0:
        raise ValueError('ncore and nactive must be strictly positive.')
    if nactive+ncore > one.nbasis:
        raise ValueError('More active orbitals than basis functions.')

    # Optional transformation to mo basis
    if orb is None:
        one_mo = one
        two_mo = two
        # No need to check orb. This is done in transform_integrals function
        (one_mo,), (two_mo,) = transform_integrals(one, two, indextrans, orb)

    # Core energy
    norb = one.nbasis
    #   One body term
    ecore += 2*one_mo.trace(0, ncore, 0, ncore)
    #   Direct part
    ecore += two_mo.slice_to_two('abab->ab', None, 2.0, True, 0, ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore).sum()
    #   Exchange part
    ecore += two_mo.slice_to_two('abba->ab', None,-1.0, True, 0, ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore).sum()

    # Active space one-body integrals
    one_mo_corr = one_mo.new()
    #   Direct part
    two_mo.contract_to_two('abcb->ac', one_mo_corr, 2.0, True, 0, norb, 0, ncore, 0, norb, 0, ncore)
    #   Exchange part
    two_mo.contract_to_two('abbc->ac', one_mo_corr,-1.0, False, 0, norb, 0, ncore, 0, ncore, 0, norb)
    one_mo.iadd(one_mo_corr, 1.0)
    #one_mo.iadd_t(one_mo_corr, 1.0)

    # Store in smaller n-index objects
    one_mo_small = one_mo.copy(ncore, ncore+nactive, ncore, ncore+nactive)
    two_mo_small = two_mo.copy(ncore, ncore+nactive, ncore, ncore+nactive,
                               ncore, ncore+nactive, ncore, ncore+nactive)

    # Done
    return one_mo_small, two_mo_small, ecore
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, lf, **kw):

                A LinalgFactory instance

                :method: step search method used, one of ``trust-region``
                         (default), ``None``, ``backtracking``
                :alpha: scaling factor for step, used in ``backtracking`` and
                        ``None`` method (default 0.75)
                :c1: parameter used in ``backtracking`` (default 1e-4)
                :minalpha: minimum step length used in ``backracking``
                           (default 1e-6)
                :maxiterouter: maximum number of step search steps (default 10)
                :maxiterinner: maximum number of optimization steps in each
                               step search step (used only in pcg, default 500)
                :maxeta: upper bound for estimated vs actual change in
                         ``trust-region`` (default 0.75)
                :mineta: lower bound for estimated vs actual change in
                         ``trust-region`` (default 0.25)
                :upscale: scaling factor to increase trust radius in
                          ``trust-region`` (default 2.0)
                :downscale: scaling factor to decrease trust radius in
                            ``trust-region`` and step length in ``backtracking``
                            (float) (default 0.25)
                :trustradius: initial trust radius (default 0.75)
                :maxtrustradius: maximum trust radius (default 0.75)
                :threshold: trust-region optimization threshold, only used in
                            ``pcg`` method of ``trust-region``
                :optimizer: optimizes step to boundary of trust radius. One of
                            ``pcg``, ``dogleg``, ``ddl`` (default ddl)
        self.lf = lf
        # Check keywords and set default arguments, types and options are also
        # checked
        names = []

        def _helper(x, y):
            kw.setdefault(x, y)

        _helper('method', 'trust-region')
        _helper('alpha', 1.0)
        _helper('c1', 0.0001)
        _helper('minalpha', 1e-6)
        _helper('maxiterouter', 10)
        _helper('maxiterinner', 500)
        _helper('maxeta', 0.75)
        _helper('mineta', 0.25)
        _helper('upscale', 2.0)
        _helper('downscale', 0.25)
        _helper('trustradius', 0.75)
        _helper('maxtrustradius', 0.75)
        _helper('threshold', 1e-8)
        _helper('optimizer', 'ddl')

        for name, value in kw.items():
            if name not in names:
                raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument %s" % name)
            if value is not None:
                if value < 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Cannot set attribute %s because of illegal value %s' %
                        (name, value))
                setattr(self, name, kw[name])

        check_options('method', self.method, 'None', 'backtracking',
        check_options('optimizer', self.optimizer, 'pcg', 'dogleg', 'ddl')
        check_type('alpha', self.alpha, int, float)
        check_type('c1', self.c1, int, float)
        check_type('minalpha', self.minalpha, int, float)
        check_type('maxiterouter', self.maxiterouter, int)
        check_type('maxiterinner', self.maxiterinner, int)
        check_type('maxeta', self.maxeta, int, float)
        check_type('mineta', self.mineta, int, float)
        check_type('upscale', self.upscale, float)
        check_type('downscale', self.downscale, float)
        check_type('trustradius', self.trustradius, float)
        check_type('maxtrustradius', self.maxtrustradius, float)
        check_type('threshold', self.threshold, float)

        self.alpha0 = self.alpha

        def _get_lf(self):
            return self.lf

        lf = property(_get_lf)

        def _get_method(self):
            return kw.pop('method')

        method = property(_get_method)

        def _get_maxeta(self):
            return kw.pop('maxeta')

        maxeta = property(_get_maxeta)

        def _get_mineta(self):
            return kw.pop('mineta')

        mineta = property(_get_mineta)

        def _get_upscale(self):
            return kw.pop('upscale')

        upscale = property(_get_upscale)

        def _get_downscale(self):
            return kw.pop('downscale')

        downscale = property(_get_downscale)

        def _get_maxiterouter(self):
            return kw.pop('maxiterouter')

        maxiterouter = property(_get_maxiterouter)

        def _get_maxiterinner(self):
            return kw.pop('maxiterinner')

        maxiterinner = property(_get_maxiterinner)

        def _get_alpha(self):
            return kw.pop('alpha')

        alpha = property(_get_alpha)

        def _get_minalpha(self):
            return kw.pop('minalpha')

        minalpha = property(_get_minalpha)

        def _get_c1(self):
            return kw.pop('c1')

        c1 = property(_get_c1)

        def _get_maxtrustradius(self):
            return kw.pop('maxtrustradius')

        maxtrustradius = property(_get_maxtrustradius)

        def _get_trustradius(self):
            return kw.pop('trustradius')

        trustradius = property(_get_trustradius)

        def _get_threshold(self):
            return kw.pop('threshold')

        threshold = property(_get_threshold)

        def _get_optimizer(self):
            return kw.pop('optimizer')

        optimizer = property(_get_optimizer)
Exemplo n.º 23
def split_core_active(one,
    '''Reduce a Hamiltonian to an active space

       Works only for restricted wavefunctions.


            One and two-electron integrals.

            The core energy of the given Hamiltonian. In the case of a standard
            molecular system, this is the nuclear nuclear repulsion.

            The MO expansion coefficients. An Expansion instance. If None,
            integrals are assued to be already transformed into the mo basis
            and no transformation is carried out in this function.

            The number of frozen core orbitals (int)

            The number of active orbitals (int)

       **Optional arguments:**

            4-index transformation (str). One of ``tensordot``, ``einsum``

       **Returns** a tuple with three values:

            The one-body operator in the small space

            The two-body operator in the small space

            The core energy, i.e. the sum of the given core energy and HF
            contributions from the core orbitals.
    # Check type/option of arguments
    check_type('ncore', ncore, int)
    check_type('nactive', nactive, int)
    check_options('indextrans', indextrans, 'tensordot', 'einsum')
    if ncore <= 0 or nactive <= 0:
        raise ValueError('ncore and nactive must be strictly positive.')
    if nactive + ncore > one.nbasis:
        raise ValueError('More active orbitals than basis functions.')

    # Optional transformation to mo basis
    if orb is None:
        one_mo = one
        two_mo = two
        # No need to check orb. This is done in transform_integrals function
        (one_mo, ), (two_mo, ) = transform_integrals(one, two, indextrans, orb)

    # Core energy
    norb = one.nbasis
    #   One body term
    ecore += 2 * one_mo.trace(0, ncore, 0, ncore)
    #   Direct part
    ecore += two_mo.slice_to_two('abab->ab', None, 2.0, True, 0, ncore, 0,
                                 ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore).sum()
    #   Exchange part
    ecore += two_mo.slice_to_two('abba->ab', None, -1.0, True, 0, ncore, 0,
                                 ncore, 0, ncore, 0, ncore).sum()

    # Active space one-body integrals
    one_mo_corr = one_mo.new()
    #   Direct part
    two_mo.contract_to_two('abcb->ac', one_mo_corr, 2.0, True, 0, norb, 0,
                           ncore, 0, norb, 0, ncore)
    #   Exchange part
    two_mo.contract_to_two('abbc->ac', one_mo_corr, -1.0, False, 0, norb, 0,
                           ncore, 0, ncore, 0, norb)
    one_mo.iadd(one_mo_corr, 1.0)
    #one_mo.iadd_t(one_mo_corr, 1.0)

    # Store in smaller n-index objects
    one_mo_small = one_mo.copy(ncore, ncore + nactive, ncore, ncore + nactive)
    two_mo_small = two_mo.copy(ncore, ncore + nactive, ncore, ncore + nactive,
                               ncore, ncore + nactive, ncore, ncore + nactive)

    # Done
    return one_mo_small, two_mo_small, ecore