Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_chip(img_fpath, chip_fpath, roi, new_size, preproc_prefs):
    # Read image
    img = Image.open(img_fpath)
    [img_w, img_h] = [gdim - 1 for gdim in img.size]
    # Ensure ROI is within bounds
    [roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h] = [max(0, cdim) for cdim in roi]
    roi_x2 = min(img_w, roi_x + roi_w)
    roi_y2 = min(img_h, roi_y + roi_h)
    # Crop out ROI: left, upper, right, lower
    raw_chip = img.crop((roi_x, roi_y, roi_x2, roi_y2))
    # Scale chip, but do not rotate
    pil_chip = raw_chip.convert('L').resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    # Preprocessing based on preferences
    if preproc_prefs.histeq_bit:
        pil_chip = histeq(pil_chip)
    if preproc_prefs.adapt_histeq_bit:
        pil_chip = Image.fromarray(adapt_histeq(np.asarray(pil_chip)))
    if preproc_prefs.contrast_stretch_bit:
        pil_chip = Image.fromarray(contrast_stretch(np.asarray(pil_chip)))
    if preproc_prefs.autocontrast_bit:
        pil_chip = ImageOps.autocontrast(pil_chip)
    if preproc_prefs.bilateral_filt_bit:
        raise NotImplemented('Bilateral filter implementation removed.')
        #pil_chip = shiftableBF(pil_chip)
    # Save chip to disk
    pil_chip.save(chip_fpath, 'PNG')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def preprocess_chip(am, pil_filt):
        # Convert to grayscale
        # raw_chip = cm.cx2_raw_chip(6)
        # --- Resize ---

        # --- Filters ---
        #if am.algo_prefs.preproc.histeq_bit : 
            ##pil_filt = ImageOps.equalize(pil_filt)
            #img_rescale = exposure.equalize_hist(np.asarray(pil_filt))
            #pil_filt = Image.fromarray(histeq(np.asarray(pil_filt))).convert('L')
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.histeq_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import histeq
            logdbg('Equalizing Histogram')
            pil_filt = histeq(pil_filt)
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.adapt_histeq_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import adapt_histeq
            logdbg('Adaptive Equalizing Histogram')
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(adapt_histeq(np.asarray(pil_filt)))
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.contrast_stretch_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import contrast_stretch
            logdbg('Stretching Histogram')
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(contrast_stretch(np.asarray(pil_filt)))
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.autocontrast_bit :
            logdbg('PIL Autocontrast')
            pil_filt = ImageOps.autocontrast(pil_filt)
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.bilateral_filt_bit :
            logdbg('O(1) Bilateral Filter Approximation')
            from hotspotter.tpl.other.shiftableBF import shiftableBF
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(shiftableBF(np.asarray(pil_filt)))

        return pil_filt
Exemplo n.º 3
    def preprocess_chip(am, pil_filt):
        # Convert to grayscale
        # raw_chip = cm.cx2_raw_chip(6)
        # --- Resize ---

        # --- Filters ---
        #if am.algo_prefs.preproc.histeq_bit :
        ##pil_filt = ImageOps.equalize(pil_filt)
        #img_rescale = exposure.equalize_hist(np.asarray(pil_filt))
        #pil_filt = Image.fromarray(histeq(np.asarray(pil_filt))).convert('L')
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.histeq_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import histeq
            logdbg('Equalizing Histogram')
            pil_filt = histeq(pil_filt)
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.adapt_histeq_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import adapt_histeq
            logdbg('Adaptive Equalizing Histogram')
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(adapt_histeq(np.asarray(pil_filt)))
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.contrast_stretch_bit:
            from hotspotter.algo.imalgos import contrast_stretch
            logdbg('Stretching Histogram')
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(contrast_stretch(np.asarray(pil_filt)))
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.autocontrast_bit:
            logdbg('PIL Autocontrast')
            pil_filt = ImageOps.autocontrast(pil_filt)
        if am.algo_prefs.preproc.bilateral_filt_bit:
            logdbg('O(1) Bilateral Filter Approximation')
            from hotspotter.tpl.other.shiftableBF import shiftableBF
            pil_filt = Image.fromarray(shiftableBF(np.asarray(pil_filt)))

        return pil_filt
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_chip(img_fpath, chip_fpath, roi, new_size, preproc_prefs):
    # Read image
    img = Image.open(img_fpath)
    [img_w, img_h] = [ gdim - 1 for gdim in img.size ]
    # Ensure ROI is within bounds
    [roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h] = [ max(0, cdim) for cdim in roi]
    roi_x2 = min(img_w, roi_x + roi_w)
    roi_y2 = min(img_h, roi_y + roi_h)
    # Crop out ROI: left, upper, right, lower
    raw_chip = img.crop((roi_x, roi_y, roi_x2, roi_y2))
    # Scale chip, but do not rotate
    pil_chip = raw_chip.convert('L').resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    # Preprocessing based on preferences
    if preproc_prefs.histeq_bit:
        pil_chip = histeq(pil_chip)
    if preproc_prefs.adapt_histeq_bit:
        pil_chip = Image.fromarray(adapt_histeq(np.asarray(pil_chip)))
    if preproc_prefs.contrast_stretch_bit:
        pil_chip = Image.fromarray(contrast_stretch(np.asarray(pil_chip)))
    if preproc_prefs.autocontrast_bit :
        pil_chip = ImageOps.autocontrast(pil_chip)
    if preproc_prefs.bilateral_filt_bit :
        raise NotImplemented('Bilateral filter implementation removed.')
        #pil_chip = shiftableBF(pil_chip)
    # Save chip to disk
    pil_chip.save(chip_fpath, 'PNG')