def build_camera(json_file): with open(json_file, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) obj_node = hou.node('/obj') cam_node = obj_node.createNode('cam', node_name=json_data['name'])'Building %s camera', json_data['name']) eye = hou.Vector3(json_data['eye']) up = hou.Vector3(json_data['up']) look = hou.Vector3(json_data['look']) cam_node.parmTuple('t').set(json_data['eye']) z = look - eye x = up.cross(z) y = z.cross(x) # x axis is flipped from houdini x = -x.normalized() y = y.normalized() z = z.normalized() mat3 = hou.Matrix3((x, y, z)) cam_node.parmTuple('r').set(mat3.extractRotates()) cam_node.parmTuple('res').set((2048, int(2048 * 1.0 / json_data['ratio']))) focal = json_data['focalLength'] cam_node.parm('focal').set(focal) fov_rad = math.radians(json_data['fov']) fov_ratio = (1.0 / math.tan(fov_rad * 0.5)) * 0.5 cam_node.parm('aperture').set(focal / fov_ratio) cam_node.parm('focus').set(json_data['centerOfInterest']) cam_node.parm('fstop').set(focal / (json_data['lensRadius'] * 2.0)) cam_node.parm('far').set(1.0e6) create_rop(cam_node)
def extractBoxTransform(geo): # Extrects Box Transforms from the geo p = [] for prim in geo.prims(): p += [prim.positionAtInterior(0.5, 0.5)] center = (p[4] + p[5]) * 0.5 dx = (p[1] - p[3]).length() dy = (p[5] - p[4]).length() dz = (p[2] - p[0]).length() size = hou.Vector3(dx, dy, dz) yax = (p[5] - p[4]).normalized() xax = (p[1] - p[3]).normalized() zax = (p[2] - p[0]).normalized() m = hou.Matrix3([ xax.x(), xax.y(), xax.z(), yax.x(), yax.y(), yax.z(), zax.x(), zax.y(), zax.z() ]) rotates = m.extractRotates() return [center, size, rotates]
def prim_transform(prim): """Return a tuple representing the Matrix4 of the transform intrinsic""" rot_mat = hou.Matrix3(prim.intrinsicValue("transform")) vtx = prim.vertex(0) pt = vtx.point() pos = pt.position() xlate = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(pos) return (hou.Matrix4(rot_mat) * xlate).asTuple()
def test_buildLookat(self): TARGET = hou.Matrix3( ((0.70710678118654746, -0.0, 0.70710678118654746), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (-0.70710678118654746, 0.0, 0.70710678118654746))) lookAt = hou.hmath.buildLookat(hou.Vector3(0, 0, 1), hou.Vector3(1, 0, 0), hou.Vector3(0, 1, 0)) self.assertEqual(lookAt, TARGET)
def getTransform(self): self.update() if (self.__transmat is None): rangle = radians(self.__localangle) co = cos(rangle) si = sin(rangle) pos = self.__localposition localmat = hou.Matrix3( ((co, si, 0.0), (-si, co, 0.0), (pos[0], pos[1], 1.0))) if (self.__parent is not None): self.__transmat = localmat * self.__parent.getTransform() else: self.__transmat = localmat return self.__transmat
def test_m3ZeroIsNotIdentity(self): m3 = hou.Matrix3() self.assertFalse(m3.isIdentity())
def test_m3IdentIsIdentity(self): m3 = hou.Matrix3() m3.setToIdentity() self.assertTrue(m3.isIdentity())
def test_getDual(self): TARGET = hou.Matrix3(((0, -3, 2), (3, 0, -1), (-2, 1, 0))) v3 = hou.Vector3(1, 2, 3) self.assertEqual(v3.getDual(), TARGET)