Exemplo n.º 1
def test_rng_helper_2():
    from hpobench.util.rng_helper import get_rng

    rng = get_rng(None, None)
    assert isinstance(rng, np.random.RandomState)

    old_rng = np.random.RandomState(123)
    rng = get_rng(None, old_rng)
    assert rng == old_rng
Exemplo n.º 2
    def objective_function_test(self,
                                configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                                fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                                rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int,
                                           None] = None,
                                **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a XGBoost model with a given configuration on both the train
        and validation data set and evaluates the model on the test data set.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the XGBoost Model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.
            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : test loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        default_subsample = self.get_fidelity_space().get_hyperparameter(
        if fidelity['subsample'] != default_subsample:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'Test error can not be computed for subsample <= {default_subsample:d}'

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        start = time.time()

        # Impute potential nan values with the feature-
        data = np.concatenate((self.X_train, self.X_valid))
        targets = np.concatenate((self.y_train, self.y_valid))

        model = self._get_pipeline(n_estimators=fidelity['n_estimators'],
        model.fit(X=data, y=targets)

        test_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_test, self.y_test)
        cost = time.time() - start

        return {
            'function_value': test_loss,
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 dataset_name: str,
                 rng: Union[int, np.random.RandomState, None] = None):
        dataset_name : str
            Must be one of [
                "annthyroid", "arrhythmia", "breastw", "cardio", "ionosphere",
                "mammography", "musk", "optdigits", "pendigits", "pima",
                "satellite", "satimage-2", "thyroid", "vowels", "wbc"]
        rng : int, np.random.RandomState, None
            defines the random state

        super(OutlierDetectionDataManager, self).__init__()

        if dataset_name not in ODDS_URL:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        self.dataset_name = dataset_name
        self.rng = get_rng(rng=rng)

        self._url_source = ODDS_URL[dataset_name]
        self._save_to = hpobench.config_file.data_dir / dataset_name

        filename = self.__load_data(filename=self.dataset_name)

        self.dataset = OutlierDataset(filename,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def objective_function(self, configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict:
        MetaLearna trains an RL agent for 1 hour on the given training set and then tries to solve the sequences.
        MetaLearna has only a maximum solving time per sequence of 60 seconds.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : sum of min distances
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                num_solved : int - number of solved sequences
                sum_of_first_distances : metric describing quality of result
                fidelity : the used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self.rng)
        tmp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.config.cache_dir))

        config, network_config, agent_config, env_config = self._setup(configuration)
        start_time = time()
            train_info = self._train(budget=fidelity["cutoff_agent_per_sequence"],

            validation_info = self._validate(evaluation_timeout=60,

            cost = time() - start_time
            shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)

        return {'function_value': validation_info["sum_of_min_distances"],
                'cost': cost,
                'info': {'train_info': train_info,
                         'validation_info': validation_info,
                         'fidelity': fidelity},
Exemplo n.º 5
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict,
                                           None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Start the learna experiment. Dont train a RL agent. Just optimize on the sequences.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : sum of min distances
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                num_solved : int - number of soved sequences
                sum_of_first_distances : metric describing quality of result
                fidelity : the used fidelities in this evaluation

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        config, network_config, agent_config, env_config = self._setup(

        start_time = time()
        validation_info = self._validate(
        cost = time() - start_time

        return {
            'function_value': validation_info["sum_of_min_distances"],
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'num_solved': validation_info["num_solved"],
                'fidelity': fidelity,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _train_objective(self,
                         config: Dict,
                         fidelity: Dict,
                         shuffle: bool,
                         rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                         evaluation: Union[str, None] = "valid"):

        if rng is not None:
            rng = get_rng(rng, self.rng)

        # initializing model
        model = self.init_model(config, fidelity, rng)

        # preparing data
        if eval == "valid":
            train_X = self.train_X
            train_y = self.train_y
            train_idx = self.train_idx
            train_X = np.vstack((self.train_X, self.valid_X))
            train_y = pd.concat((self.train_y, self.valid_y))
            train_idx = np.arange(len(train_X))

        # shuffling data
        if shuffle:
            train_idx = self.shuffle_data_idx(train_idx, rng)
            train_X = train_X.iloc[train_idx]
            train_y = train_y.iloc[train_idx]

        # subsample here:
        # application of the other fidelity to the dataset that the model interfaces
        if self.lower_bound_train_size is None:
            self.lower_bound_train_size = (
                10 * self.n_classes) / self.train_X.shape[0]
            self.lower_bound_train_size = np.max(
                (1 / 512, self.lower_bound_train_size))
        subsample = np.max(
            (fidelity['subsample'], self.lower_bound_train_size))
        train_idx = self.rng.choice(np.arange(len(train_X)),
                                    size=int(subsample * len(train_X)))
        # fitting the model with subsampled data
        start = time.time()
        model.fit(train_X[train_idx], train_y.iloc[train_idx])
        model_fit_time = time.time() - start
        # computing statistics on training data
        scores = dict()
        score_cost = dict()
        for k, v in self.scorers.items():
            scores[k] = 0.0
            score_cost[k] = 0.0
            if evaluation == "test":
                _start = time.time()
                scores[k] = v(model, train_X, train_y)
                score_cost[k] = time.time() - _start
        train_loss = 1 - scores["acc"]
        return model, model_fit_time, train_loss, scores, score_cost
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
                 openml_task_id: int,
                 rng: Union[int, np.random.RandomState, None] = None):
        super(OpenMLCrossvalidationDataManager, self).__init__()

        self._save_to = hpobench.config_file.data_dir / 'OpenML'
        self.task_id = openml_task_id
        self.rng = get_rng(rng=rng)
        self.name = None
        self.variable_types = None


        openml.config.apikey = '610344db6388d9ba34f6db45a3cf71de'
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,
                 rng: Union[int, np.random.RandomState, None] = None,
                 defaults: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                 max_episodes: Union[int, None] = 3000):
        Base benchmark for "cartpole" benchmark. In this benchmark a PPO agent tries to solve the cartpole task.

        rng : int,None,np.RandomState
            RandomState for the experiment
        defaults : dict, None
            default configuration used for the PPO agent
        max_episodes : int, None
            limit of the length of a episode for the cartpole runner. Defaults to 3000

        logger.warning('This Benchmark is not deterministic.')
        super(CartpoleBase, self).__init__()

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng)
        self.env = OpenAIGym('CartPole-v0', visualize=False)
        self.avg_n_episodes = 20
        self.max_episodes = max_episodes

        self.defaults = {
            "n_units_1": 64,
            "n_units_2": 64,
            "batch_size": 64,
            "learning_rate": 1e-3,
            "discount": 0.99,
            "likelihood_ratio_clipping": 0.2,
            "activation_1": "tanh",
            "activation_2": "tanh",
            "optimizer_type": "adam",
            "optimization_steps": 10,
            "baseline_mode": "states",
            "baseline_n_units_1": 64,
            "baseline_n_units_2": 64,
            "baseline_learning_rate": 1e-3,
            "baseline_optimization_steps": 10,
            "baseline_optimizer_type": "adam"

        if defaults is not None:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 dataset_name: str,
                 rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None):
        dataset_name : str
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng)

        # Load dataset manager
        self.dataset_name = dataset_name
        self.datamanager = OutlierDetectionDataManager(dataset_name, self.rng)

        super(ODTraditional, self).__init__(rng=self.rng)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict,
                                           None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Query the NAS-benchmark using a given configuration and a epoch (=budget).

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation error
            cost : runtime
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        # Returns (valid_accuracy: 0, runtime: 0) if it is invalid, e.g. config not valid or
        # budget not in 4 12 36 108
        data = self._query_benchmark(config=configuration,
        return {
            'function_value': 1 - data['validation_accuracy'],
            'cost': data['training_time'],
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity,
                'data': data
Exemplo n.º 11
    def objective_function_test(self,
                                configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                                fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                                rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int,
                                           None] = None,
                                **kwargs) -> Dict:

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark. To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is
            possible to pass a parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this
            function. If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        default_fidelity = self.get_fidelity_space().get_default_configuration(
        assert fidelity == default_fidelity, 'Test function works only on the highest budget.'
        result = self.benchmark.objective_function_test(configuration)

        return {
            'function_value': float(result[0]),
            'cost': float(result[1]),
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, rng: Union[int, np.random.RandomState, None] = None):
        Interface for benchmarks.

        A benchmark consists of two building blocks, the target function and
        the configuration space. Furthermore it can contain additional
        benchmark-specific information such as the location and the function
        value of the global optima.
        New benchmarks should be derived from this base class or one of its
        child classes.

        rng: int, np.random.RandomState, None
            The default random state for the benchmark. If type is int, a
            np.random.RandomState with seed `rng` is created. If type is None,
            create a new random state.

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng)
        self.configuration_space = self.get_configuration_space()
        self.fidelity_space = self.get_fidelity_space()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self,
                 dataset_name: str,
                 rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None):
        dataset_name : str
            Must be one of [
                "annthyroid", "arrhythmia", "breastw", "cardio", "ionosphere",
                "mammography", "musk", "optdigits", "pendigits", "pima",
                "satellite", "satimage-2", "thyroid", "vowels", "wbc"]
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng)
        pl.seed_everything(self.rng.randint(0, 10000))

        # Load datamanager
        # It's important to call it before super
        # as AbstractBenchmark samples configuration space in which
        # the datamanager is needed
        self.dataset_name = dataset_name
        self.datamanager = OutlierDetectionDataManager(dataset_name, self.rng)

        super(ODAutoencoder, self).__init__(rng=self.rng)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def objective_function(self, configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict, None] = None,
                           run_index: Union[int, Tuple, None] = (0, 1, 2),
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Query the NAS-benchmark using a given configuration and a epoch (=budget).

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        run_index : int, Tuple, None
            The nas benchmark has for each configuration-budget-pair results from 3 different runs.
            - If multiple `run_id`s are given as Tuple, the benchmark returns the mean over the given runs.
            - By default (no parameter is specified) all runs are used. A specific run can be chosen by setting the
              `run_id` to a value from [0, 3]. While the performance is averaged across the `run_index`, the costs are
              the sum of the runtime per `run_index`.
            - When this value is explicitly set to `None`, the function will use a random seed.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation error
            cost : runtime
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        if isinstance(run_index, int):
            assert 0 <= run_index <= 2, f'run_index must be in [0, 2], not {run_index}'
            run_index = (run_index, )
        elif isinstance(run_index, (Tuple, List)):
            assert 0 < len(run_index) <= 3, 'run_index must not be empty'
            assert min(run_index) >= 0 and max(run_index) <= 2, \
                f'all run_index values must be in [0, 2], but were {run_index}'
            if len(set(run_index)) != len(run_index):
                logger.debug('There are some values more than once in the run_index. We remove the redundant entries.')
                run_index = tuple(set(run_index))
        elif run_index is None:
            logger.debug('The run index is explicitly set to None! A random seed will be selected.')
            run_index = tuple(self.rng.choice((0, 1, 2), size=1))
            raise ValueError(f'run index must be one of Tuple or Int, but was {type(run_index)}')


        # Returns (valid_accuracy: 0, runtime: 0) if it is invalid, e.g. config not valid or
        # budget not in 4 12 36 108
        train_accuracies = []
        valid_accuracies = []
        test_accuracies = []
        training_times = []
        additional = {}

        for run_id in run_index:
            data = self._query_benchmark(config=configuration, budget=fidelity['budget'], run_index=run_id)


            # Since those information are the same for all run ids, just store one of them.
            additional = {'trainable_parameters': data['trainable_parameters'],
                          'module_operations': data['module_operations']}

        return {'function_value': float(1 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
                'cost': float(np.sum(training_times)),
                'info': {'fidelity': fidelity,
                         'train_accuracies': train_accuracies,
                         'valid_accuracies': valid_accuracies,
                         'test_accuracies': test_accuracies,
                         'training_times': training_times,
                         'data': additional
Exemplo n.º 15
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           data_seed: Union[List, Tuple, int,
                                            None] = (777, 888, 999),
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Objective function for the NASBench201 benchmark.
        This functions sends a query to NASBench201 and evaluates the configuration.
        As already explained in the class definition, different data sets are trained on different splits. For example
        cifar10 is trained on the train and validation split and tested on the test split. Therefore, different entries
        are returned from the NASBench201 result.

        Overview of the used splits for training and testing and which are returned in the objective_function and
        which in the objective_function_test.

        |                   | Returned by           | Returned by               |
        |                   |   objective_function  |   objective_function_test |
        | Data set          | train_*               | eval_*                    |
        | 'cifar10-valid'   | train                 | valid                     |
        | 'cifar10'         | train + valid         | test                      |
        | 'cifar100'        | train                 | valid + test              |
        | 'ImageNet16-120'  | train                 | valid + test              |

        * = [losses, acc1es, times]

        fidelity: Dict, None
            epoch: int - Values: [1, 200]
                Number of epochs an architecture was trained.
                Note: the number of epoch is 1 indexed! (Results after the first epoch: epoch = 1)

            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.
        data_seed : List, Tuple, None, int
            The nasbench_201 benchmark include for each run 3 different seeds: 777, 888, 999.
            The user can specify which seed to use. If more than one seed is given, the results are averaged
            across the seeds but then the time needed for training is the sum of the costs per seed.
                For some architectures (configurations) no run was available. We've set missing values to an
                available value from another seed. Therefore, it is possible that run results are exactly the same for
                different seeds.


        Dict -
            function_value : training precision
            cost : time to train the network
            info : Dict
                train_precision : float
                train_losses : float
                train_cost : float
                    Time needed to train the network for 'epoch' many epochs. If more than one seed is given,
                    this field is the sum of the training time per network
                eval_precision : float
                eval_losses : float
                eval_cost : float
                    Time needed to train the network for 'epoch many epochs plus the time to evaluate the network on the
                    evaluation split. If more than one seed is given, this field is the sum of the eval cost per network
                fidelity : Dict
                    used fidelities in this evaluation
        # Check if the data set seeds are valid
        assert isinstance(data_seed, List) or isinstance(data_seed, Tuple) or isinstance(data_seed, int), \
            f'data seed has unknown data type {type(data_seed)}, but should be tuple or int (777,888,999)'

        if isinstance(data_seed, List):
            data_seed = tuple(data_seed)

        if isinstance(data_seed, int):
            data_seed = (data_seed, )

        assert len(set(data_seed) - {777, 888, 999}) == 0,\
            f'data seed can only contain the elements 777, 888, 999, but was {data_seed}'

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng)

        structure = self.config_to_structure(configuration)
        structure_str = structure.tostr()

        epoch = fidelity['epoch'] - 1

        train_accuracies = [
            self.data[(seed, 'train_acc1es')][structure_str][epoch]
            for seed in data_seed
        train_losses = [
            self.data[(seed, 'train_losses')][structure_str][epoch]
            for seed in data_seed
        train_times = [
            np.sum(self.data[(seed, 'train_times')][structure_str][:epoch + 1])
            for seed in data_seed

        valid_accuracies = [
            self.data[(seed, 'valid_acc1es')][structure_str][epoch]
            for seed in data_seed
        valid_losses = [
            self.data[(seed, 'valid_losses')][structure_str][epoch]
            for seed in data_seed
        valid_times = [
            np.sum(self.data[(seed, 'valid_times')][structure_str][:epoch + 1])
            for seed in data_seed

        # There is a single value for the eval data per seed. (only epoch 200)
        test_accuracies = [
            self.data[(seed, 'test_acc1es')][structure_str]
            for seed in data_seed
        test_losses = [
            self.data[(seed, 'test_losses')][structure_str]
            for seed in data_seed
        test_times = [
            np.sum(self.data[(seed, 'test_times')][structure_str])
            for seed in data_seed

        return {
            'function_value': float(100 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
            'cost': float(np.sum(valid_times) + np.sum(train_times)),
            'info': {
                'train_precision': float(100 - np.mean(train_accuracies)),
                'train_losses': float(np.mean(train_losses)),
                'train_cost': float(np.sum(train_times)),
                'valid_precision': float(100 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
                'valid_losses': float(np.mean(valid_losses)),
                'valid_cost': float(np.sum(valid_times) + np.sum(train_times)),
                'test_precision': float(100 - np.mean(test_accuracies)),
                'test_losses': float(np.mean(test_losses)),
                float(np.sum(train_times)) + float(np.sum(test_times)),
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 16
def run_experiment(out_path, on_travis):

    settings = {
        'min_budget': 1,
        9,  # number of repetitions; this is the fidelity for this bench
        'num_iterations': 10,  # Set this to a low number for demonstration
        'eta': 3,
        'output_dir': Path(out_path)
    if on_travis:

    b = Benchmark(rng=1)


    cs = b.get_configuration_space()
    seed = get_rng(rng=0)
    run_id = 'BOHB_on_cartpole'

    result_logger = hpres.json_result_logger(directory=str(

    ns = hpns.NameServer(run_id=run_id,
    ns_host, ns_port = ns.start()

    worker = CustomWorker(seed=seed,

    master = BOHB(configspace=cs,

    result = master.run(n_iterations=settings.get('num_iterations'))

    with open(settings.get('output_dir') / 'results.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(result, f)

    id2config = result.get_id2config_mapping()
    incumbent = result.get_incumbent_id()
    inc_value = result.get_runs_by_id(incumbent)[-1]['loss']
    inc_cfg = id2config[incumbent]['config']

    logger.info(f'Inc Config:\n{inc_cfg}\n'
                f'with Performance: {inc_value:.2f}')

    if not on_travis:
        benchmark = Benchmark(container_source='library://phmueller/automl')
        incumbent_result = benchmark.objective_function_test(
            configuration=inc_cfg, fidelity={"budget": settings['max_budget']})
Exemplo n.º 17
 def shuffle_data(self, rng=None):
     """ Reshuffle the training data. If 'rng' is None, the training idx are shuffled according to the
     random_state = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self.rng)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict,
                                           None] = None,
                           shuffle: bool = False,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a XGBoost model given a hyperparameter configuration and
        evaluates the model on the validation set.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the XGBoost model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters for the XGBoost model, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        shuffle : bool
            If ``True``, shuffle the training idx. If no parameter ``rng`` is given, use the class random state.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                train_loss : trainings loss
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        if shuffle:

        start = time.time()

        if self.lower_bound_train_size > fidelity['dataset_fraction']:
            train_data_fraction = self.lower_bound_train_size
                f'The given data set fraction is lower than the lower bound (10 * number of classes.) '
                f'Increase the fidelity from {fidelity["dataset_fraction"]:.8f} to '
            train_data_fraction = fidelity['dataset_fraction']

        train_idx = self.train_idx[:int(
            len(self.train_idx) * train_data_fraction)]

        model = self._get_pipeline(n_estimators=fidelity["n_estimators"],
        model.fit(X=self.x_train[train_idx], y=self.y_train[train_idx])

        train_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.x_train[train_idx],
        val_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.x_valid, self.y_valid)
        cost = time.time() - start

        return {
            'function_value': float(val_loss),
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'train_loss': float(train_loss),
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 19
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration,
                                           None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           data_seed: Union[List, Tuple, int,
                                            None] = (777, 888, 999),
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Objective function for the NASBench201 benchmark.
        This functions sends a query to NASBench201 and evaluates the configuration.
        As already explained in the class definition, different data sets are trained on different splits.

        The table above gives a detailed summary over the available splits, epochs, and which identifier are used per

        fidelity: Dict, None
            epoch: int - Values: [1, 200]
                Number of epochs an architecture was trained.
                Note: the number of epoch is 1 indexed! (Results after the first epoch: epoch = 1)

            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.
        data_seed : List, Tuple, None, int
            The nasbench_201 benchmark include for each run 3 different seeds: 777, 888, 999.
            The user can specify which seed to use. If more than one seed is given, the results are averaged
            across the seeds but then the training time is the sum of the costs per seed.
            When this value is explicitly set to `None`, the function will chose randomly one out of [777, 888, 999].

                For some architectures (configurations) no run was available. We've set missing values to an
                available value from another seed. Therefore, it is possible that run results are exactly the same for
                different seeds.


        Dict -
            function_value : training precision
            cost : time to train the network
            info : Dict
                train_precision : float
                train_losses : float
                train_cost : float
                    Time needed to train the network for 'epoch' many epochs. If more than one seed is given,
                    this field is the sum of the training time per network
                eval_precision : float
                eval_losses : float
                eval_cost : float
                    Time needed to train the network for 'epoch many epochs plus the time to evaluate the network on the
                    evaluation split. If more than one seed is given, this field is the sum of the eval cost per network
                fidelity : Dict
                    used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng)

        if isinstance(data_seed, (List, Tuple)):
            assert len(data_seed) != 0, 'data_seed must not be empty'
            if len(set(data_seed)) != len(data_seed):
                    'There are some values more than once in the run_index. We remove the redundant entries.'
            data_seed = tuple(set(data_seed))
        elif isinstance(data_seed, int):
            data_seed = (data_seed, )
        elif data_seed is None:
                'The data seed is explicitly set to None! A random seed will be selected.'
            data_seed = tuple(self.rng.choice((777, 888, 999), size=1))
        # Check if the data set seeds are valid
            raise ValueError(
                f'data seed has unknown data type {type(data_seed)}, '
                f'but should be tuple or int (777,888,999)')

        assert len(set(data_seed) - {777, 888, 999}) == 0,\
            f'data seed can only contain the elements 777, 888, 999, but was {data_seed}'

        structure = self.config_to_structure(configuration)
        structure_str = structure.tostr()

        epoch = fidelity['epoch'] - 1
        data_seed = [str(seed) for seed in data_seed]
        valid_key, test_key = self.dataset_mapping(self.dataset)

        train_accuracies = [
            for seed in data_seed
        train_losses = [
            for seed in data_seed
        train_times = [
                   for e in range(1, epoch + 1)) for seed in data_seed

        valid_accuracies = [
            [f'{valid_key}@{epoch}'] for seed in data_seed
        valid_losses = [
            [f'{valid_key}@{epoch}'] for seed in data_seed
        valid_times = [
                    [f'{valid_key}@{e}']) for e in range(1, epoch + 1))
            for seed in data_seed

        # There is a single value for the eval data per seed. (only epoch 200)
        test_accuracies = [
            for seed in data_seed
        test_losses = [
            for seed in data_seed
        test_times = [
                    [f'{test_key}@{199}']) for e in range(1, epoch + 1))
            for seed in data_seed

        return {
            'function_value': float(100 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
            'cost': float(np.sum(valid_times) + np.sum(train_times)),
            'info': {
                'train_precision': float(100 - np.mean(train_accuracies)),
                'train_losses': float(np.mean(train_losses)),
                'train_cost': float(np.sum(train_times)),
                'valid_precision': float(100 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
                'valid_losses': float(np.mean(valid_losses)),
                'valid_cost': float(np.sum(valid_times) + np.sum(train_times)),
                'test_precision': float(100 - np.mean(test_accuracies)),
                'test_losses': float(np.mean(test_losses)),
                float(np.sum(train_times)) + float(np.sum(test_times)),
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 20
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration,
                                           None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a bayesian neural network with 3 layers on the defined data set and evaluates the trained model on
        the validation split.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the pyBNN model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            budget : int [500 - 10000]
                number of epochs to train the model
            Fidelity parameters for the pyBNN model, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        start = time.time()

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)
        np.random.seed(self.rng.randint(1, 10000))

        # See comment in objective function test
        burn_in_steps = max(1,
                            int(configuration['burn_in'] * fidelity['budget']))

        net = partial(_get_net,

        model = BayesianNeuralNetwork(sampling_method="sghmc",


        mean_pred, var_pred = model.predict(self.valid)

        # Negative log-likelihood
        valid_loss = self._neg_log_likelihood(self.valid_targets, mean_pred,

        cost = time.time() - start

        return {
            'function_value': float(valid_loss),
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 21
    def objective_function_test(self,
                                configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                                fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                                shuffle: bool = False,
                                rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int,
                                           None] = None,
                                **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a SVM model with a given configuration on both the X_train
        and validation data set and evaluates the model on the X_test data set.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the SVM Model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.
            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : X_test loss
            cost : time to X_train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                train_valid_loss: Loss on the train+valid data set
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        assert np.isclose(fidelity['dataset_fraction'], 1), \
            f'Data set fraction must be 1 but was {fidelity["dataset_fraction"]}'

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        start_time = time.time()

        # Concatenate training and validation dataset
        if isinstance(self.X_train, sparse.csr.csr_matrix) or isinstance(
                self.X_valid, sparse.csr.csr_matrix):
            data = sparse.vstack((self.X_train, self.X_valid))
            data = np.concatenate((self.X_train, self.X_valid))
        targets = np.concatenate((self.y_train, self.y_valid))

        # Transform hyperparameters to linear scale
        hp_c = np.exp(float(configuration['C']))
        hp_gamma = np.exp(float(configuration['gamma']))

        model = self.get_pipeline(hp_c, hp_gamma)
        model.fit(data, targets)

        # Compute validation error
        train_valid_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, data, targets)

        # Compute test error
        test_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_test, self.y_test)

        cost = time.time() - start_time

        return {
            'function_value': test_loss,
            "cost": cost,
            'info': {
                'train_valid_loss': train_valid_loss,
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 22
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                           shuffle: bool = False,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a SVM model given a hyperparameter configuration and
        evaluates the model on the validation set.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the SVM model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters for the SVM model, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        shuffle : bool
            If ``True``, shuffle the training idx. If no parameter ``rng`` is given, use the class random state.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                train_loss : training loss
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        start_time = time.time()

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        if shuffle:

        # Split of dataset subset
        if self.lower_bound_train_size > fidelity['dataset_fraction']:
            train_size = self.lower_bound_train_size
                f'The given data set fraction is lower than the lower bound (10 * number of classes.) '
                f'Increase the fidelity from {fidelity["dataset_fraction"]:.2f} to '
            train_size = fidelity['dataset_fraction']

        train_size = int(train_size * len(self.train_idx))
        train_idx = self.train_idx[:train_size]

        # Transform hyperparameters to linear scale
        hp_c = np.exp(float(configuration['C']))
        hp_gamma = np.exp(float(configuration['gamma']))

        # Train support vector machine
        model = self.get_pipeline(hp_c, hp_gamma)
        model.fit(self.X_train[train_idx], self.y_train[train_idx])

        # Compute validation error
        train_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_train[train_idx],
        val_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_valid, self.y_valid)

        cost = time.time() - start_time

        return {
            'function_value': val_loss,
            "cost": cost,
            'info': {
                'train_loss': train_loss,
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 23
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict,
                                           None] = None,
                           run_index: Union[int, Tuple, None] = (0, 1, 2, 3),
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Query the NAS-benchmark using a given configuration and a epoch (=budget).

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        run_index : int, Tuple, None
            The nas benchmark has for each configuration-budget-pair results from 4 different runs.
            If multiple `run_id`s are given, the benchmark returns the mean over the given runs.
            By default (no parameter is specified) all runs are used. A specific run can be chosen by setting the
            `run_id` to a value from [0, 3].
            When this value is explicitly set to `None`, the function will use a random seed.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark. To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is
            possible to pass a parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this
            function. If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict with valid_rmse_per_run, runtime_per_run
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng)

        if isinstance(run_index, int):
            assert 0 <= run_index <= 3, f'run_index must be in [0, 3], not {run_index}'
            run_index = (run_index, )
        elif isinstance(run_index, (Tuple, List)):
            assert len(run_index) != 0, 'run_index must not be empty'
            if len(set(run_index)) != len(run_index):
                    'There are some values more than once in the run_index. We remove the redundant entries.'
            run_index = tuple(set(run_index))
            assert min(run_index) >= 0 and max(run_index) <= 3, \
                f'all run_index values must be in [0, 3], but were {run_index}'
        elif run_index is None:
                'The run index is explicitly set to None! A random seed will be selected.'
            run_index = tuple(self.rng.choice((0, 1, 2, 3), size=1))
            raise ValueError(
                f'run index must be one of Tuple or Int, but was {type(run_index)}'


        valid_rmse_list, runtime_list = [], []
        for run_id in run_index:
            valid_rmse, runtime = self.benchmark.objective_function_deterministic(
                config=configuration, budget=fidelity["budget"], index=run_id)

        valid_rmse = sum(valid_rmse_list) / len(valid_rmse_list)
        runtime = sum(runtime_list)

        return {
            'function_value': float(valid_rmse),
            'cost': float(runtime),
            'info': {
                'valid_rmse_per_run': valid_rmse_list,
                'runtime_per_run': runtime_list,
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 24
    def objective_function_test(self,
                                configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                                fidelity: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration,
                                                None] = None,
                                rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int,
                                           None] = None,
                                **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a bayesian neural network with 3 layers on the train and valid data split and evaluates it on the test

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the pyBNN model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            budget : int [500 - 10000]
                number of epochs to train the model
            Fidelity parameters for the pyBNN model, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.

            Note: The fidelity should be here the max budget (= 10000). By leaving this field empty, the maximum budget
            will be used by default.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        start = time.time()

        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)
        np.random.seed(self.rng.randint(1, 10000))

        # `burn_in_steps` must be at least 1, otherwise, theano will raise an RuntimeError. (Actually, the definition of
        # the config space allows as lower limit a zero. In this case, set the number of steps to 1.)
        burn_in_steps = max(1,
                            int(configuration['burn_in'] * fidelity['budget']))

        net = partial(_get_net,

        model = BayesianNeuralNetwork(sampling_method="sghmc",

        train = np.concatenate((self.train, self.valid))
        train_targets = np.concatenate(
            (self.train_targets, self.valid_targets))
        model.train(train, train_targets)

        mean_pred, var_pred = model.predict(self.test)
        test_loss = self._neg_log_likelihood(self.test_targets, mean_pred,

        cost = time.time() - start
        return {
            'function_value': float(test_loss),
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 25
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration,
                                           None] = None,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a Tensorforce RL agent on the cartpole experiment. This benchmark was used in the experiments for the
        BOHB-paper (see references). A more detailed explanations can be found there.

        The budget describes how often the agent is trained on the experiment.
        It returns the average number of the length of episodes.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark. To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : average episode length
            cost : time to run all agents
            info : Dict
                max_episodes : the maximum length of an episode
                budget : number of agents used
                all_runs : the episode length of all runs of all agents
                fidelity : the used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)
        tf.random.set_random_seed(self.rng.randint(1, 100000))
        np.random.seed(self.rng.randint(1, 100000))

        # fill in missing entries with default values for 'incomplete/reduced' configspaces
        new_config = self.defaults
        configuration = new_config

        start_time = time.time()

        network_spec = [{
            'type': 'dense',
            'size': configuration["n_units_1"],
            'activation': configuration['activation_1']
        }, {
            'type': 'dense',
            'size': configuration["n_units_2"],
            'activation': configuration['activation_2']

        converged_episodes = []

        for _ in range(fidelity["budget"]):
            agent = PPOAgent(
                    'unit': 'episodes',
                    'batch_size': configuration["batch_size"]
                    'type': configuration["optimizer_type"],
                    'learning_rate': configuration["learning_rate"]
                    "sizes": [
                    "type": "multi_step",
                    "optimizer": {
                        "type": configuration["baseline_optimizer_type"],
                    "num_steps": configuration["baseline_optimization_steps"]

            def episode_finished(record):
                # Check if we have converged
                return np.mean(
                    record.episode_rewards[-self.avg_n_episodes:]) != 200

            runner = Runner(agent=agent, environment=self.env)

        cost = time.time() - start_time

        return {
            'function_value': np.mean(converged_episodes),
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'max_episodes': self.max_episodes,
                'all_runs': converged_episodes,
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 26
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[Dict, CS.Configuration],
                           fidelity: Union[Dict, None] = None,
                           shuffle: bool = False,
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Trains a XGBoost model given a hyperparameter configuration and
        evaluates the model on the validation set.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
            Configuration for the XGBoost model
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters for the XGBoost model, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        shuffle : bool
            If ``True``, shuffle the training idx. If no parameter ``rng`` is given, use the class random state.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None,
            Random seed for benchmark. By default the class level random seed.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation loss
            cost : time to train and evaluate the model
            info : Dict
                train_loss : trainings loss
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng=rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        if shuffle:

        start = time.time()

        train_idx = self.train_idx[:int(
            len(self.train_idx) * fidelity["subsample"])]

        model = self._get_pipeline(n_estimators=fidelity["n_estimators"],
        model.fit(X=self.X_train[train_idx], y=self.y_train[train_idx])

        train_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_train[train_idx],
        val_loss = 1 - self.accuracy_scorer(model, self.X_valid, self.y_valid)
        cost = time.time() - start

        return {
            'function_value': val_loss,
            'cost': cost,
            'info': {
                'train_loss': train_loss,
                'fidelity': fidelity
Exemplo n.º 27
    def objective_function(self,
                           configuration: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict],
                           fidelity: Union[CS.Configuration, Dict,
                                           None] = None,
                           run_index: Union[int, Tuple, List,
                                            None] = (0, 1, 2),
                           rng: Union[np.random.RandomState, int, None] = None,
                           **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Query the NAS1shot1-benchmark using a given configuration and an epoch (=budget).
        Only data for the budgets 4, 12, 36, 108 are available.

        configuration : Dict, CS.Configuration
        fidelity: Dict, None
            Fidelity parameters, check get_fidelity_space(). Uses default (max) value if None.
        run_index : int, Tuple, None
            The nas benchmark has for each configuration-budget-pair results from 3 different runs.
            - If multiple `run_id`s are given as Tuple/List, the benchmark returns the mean over the given runs.
            - By default (no parameter is specified) all runs are used. A specific run can be chosen by setting the
              `run_id` to a value from [0, 3]. While the performance is averaged across the `run_index`, the costs are
              the sum of the runtime per `run_index`.
            - When this value is explicitly set to `None`, the function will use a random seed.
        rng : np.random.RandomState, int, None
            Random seed to use in the benchmark.

            To prevent overfitting on a single seed, it is possible to pass a
            parameter ``rng`` as 'int' or 'np.random.RandomState' to this function.
            If this parameter is not given, the default random state is used.

        Dict -
            function_value : validation error
            cost : runtime
            info : Dict
                fidelity : used fidelities in this evaluation
                data : additional data such as trainable parameters and used operations
        self.rng = rng_helper.get_rng(rng, self_rng=self.rng)

        run_index = self._check_run_index(run_index)
        configuration = self._parse_configuration(configuration)

        train_accuracies = []
        valid_accuracies = []
        test_accuracies = []
        training_times = []
        additional = {}
        failure = False
        for run_id in run_index:
            data = self._query_benchmark(config=configuration,

            # Since those information are the same for all run ids, just store one of them.
            additional = {
                'trainable_parameters': data['trainable_parameters'],
                'module_operations': data['module_operations']
            failure = failure or ('info' in data and data['info'] == 'failure')

        return {
            'function_value': float(1 - np.mean(valid_accuracies)),
            'cost': float(np.sum(training_times)),
            'info': {
                'fidelity': fidelity,
                'train_accuracies': train_accuracies,
                'valid_accuracies': valid_accuracies,
                'test_accuracies': test_accuracies,
                'training_times': training_times,
                'data': additional,
                'failure': 'False' if not failure else 'True'