Exemplo n.º 1
def get_data_below(organization, startdate, enddate, depth):
    """Do a lookukp of the organizations children and flattens
       the recursive return into 
       a simple array of items in the format:
       [recursiondepth, descriptor, item, report_rowdata] """
    fullret = []
    for child_org in organization.children.all():
        # add the child organization itself
        fullret.append(get_single_item(None, child_org, startdate, enddate, depth))
        members, supervisors = utils.get_members_and_supervisors(child_org)
        # add supervisor/member counts
        is_first = True
        for supervisor in supervisors:
            # leaving the hack in that everything after the first is expected
            # to have a "None" description.  This should be revisited
            if is_first: 
                fullret.append(get_single_item("Supervisors", supervisor, startdate, enddate, depth + 1))
                is_first = False
                fullret.append(get_single_item(None, supervisor, startdate, enddate, depth + 1))
        is_first = True
        for member in members:
            if is_first:
                fullret.append(get_single_item("Members", member, startdate, enddate, depth + 1))
                is_first = False
                fullret.append(get_single_item(None, member, startdate, enddate, depth + 1))
        # and don't forget to recurse through this child's children, if they 
        # exist
        fullret += get_data_below(child_org, startdate, enddate, depth + 1)
    # CZUE: 6/9/2009 this was in the previous implementation.  I don't exactly
    # know how the cache works, but I'm leaving it in.
    if depth == 0:
    return fullret
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_single_org_data(organization, startdate, enddate):
    fullret = []
    fullret.append(get_single_item(None, organization, startdate, enddate, 0))
    members, supervisors = utils.get_members_and_supervisors(organization)
    is_first = True
    for supervisor in supervisors:
        # leaving the hack in that everything after the first is expected
        # to have a "None" description.  This should be revisited
        if is_first: 
            fullret.append(get_single_item("Supervisors", supervisor, startdate, enddate, 1))
            is_first = False
            fullret.append(get_single_item(None, supervisor, startdate, enddate, 1))
    is_first = True #reset the first of the supervisors
    for member in members:
        if is_first:
            fullret.append(get_single_item("Members", member, startdate, enddate, 1))
            is_first = False
            fullret.append(get_single_item(None, member, startdate, enddate, 1))
    return fullret
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_org_reportdata(organization, startdate, enddate):
    """returns a full domain of data reportage information"""
    fullret = []    
    members, supervisors = utils.get_members_and_supervisors(organization)    
    is_first = True    
    fdefs = get_formdefs_for_domain(organization.domain)
    for supervisor in supervisors:
        # leaving the hack in that everything after the first is expected
        # to have a "None" description.  This should be revisited
            username = ReporterProfile.objects.get(reporter=supervisor).chw_username   
            usercount = get_username_count(fdefs,[username], startdate, enddate)[username]        
        except Exception, e:
            logging.error("Error with reporter profile query: " + str(supervisor) + " :: " +  str(e))
        if is_first: 
            fullret.append([1,"Supervisors", supervisor, usercount])
            is_first = False
            fullret.append([1,None, supervisor, usercount])            
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testGetAllMembers(self):
     orgs = Organization.objects.all()
     for org in orgs:
         print utils.get_members_and_supervisors(org)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_aggregate_count(content_obj, startdate, enddate,forms_to_filter=None):
    """For a given content object, presumably it's a organization or a user, 
       it'll query all the xforms in its domain and see what the aggregate 
       counts of all submissions it has under itself"""
    if not content_obj:
        return 0 
    usernames_to_filter = []    

    totalspan = enddate-startdate    
    master_date_hash = {}
    for day in range(0,totalspan.days+1):
        delta = timedelta(days=day)
        target_date = startdate + delta
        master_date_hash[target_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] = 0

    is_supervisor = False
    is_org = False
    is_member = False
    domain = None
    if isinstance(content_obj, Organization):
        is_org = True        
        domain  = content_obj.domain
        (members, supervisors) = utils.get_members_and_supervisors(content_obj)        
        for member in members:
            # only include these if we have a valid mapping to a chw_id
            except ReporterProfile.DoesNotExist:
                # this is an okay error - just don't include them
        for supervisor in supervisors:
            except ReporterProfile.DoesNotExist:
                # this is an okay error - just don't include them
    elif isinstance(content_obj, User):        
        # CZUE: this could very likely blow up on us.  There is no
        # guarantee that this object exists
        domain  = content_obj.domain_membership.filter(is_active=True)[0]
        supervising_orgs = utils.get_supervisor_roles(content_obj)
        is_member = True        
    for user in usernames_to_filter:
        if not username_datecount_cache.has_key(user):
            username_datecount_cache[user] = get_user_forms_count(domain, user, startdate, enddate,forms_to_filter=forms_to_filter)
        for target_date in username_datecount_cache[user].keys():
            master_date_hash[target_date] += username_datecount_cache[user][target_date]
    row = []
    for day in range(0,totalspan.days+1):        
        delta = timedelta(days=day)        
        target_date = startdate + delta
        val = master_date_hash[target_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')]        
    return row
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_reports(run_frequency):
    """Entry point for all reports in ReportSchedule to run 
    For a given frequency, ALL corresponding reports for that frequency will be queried and executed."""
    (startdate, enddate) = get_daterange(run_frequency)
    logging.debug("running reports for " + run_frequency)
    for report in ReportSchedule.objects.all().filter(active=True, report_frequency=run_frequency):
            logging.debug("running report " + str(report))
            # dmyung - note, this needs to be refactored ASAP to reflect the metadata based reports.
            if report.report_class == "siteadmin":
                # get the user id, then, get the report function.
                usr = report.recipient_user
                organization = report.organization
                if organization != None:
                    data = get_data_for_organization(run_frequency, report.report_delivery, organization)
                    logging.debug("got report data")
                    params = {}
                    heading = "Report for: " + startdate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + " - " + enddate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                    params["heading"] = heading

                    if report.report_delivery == "email":
                        subject = (
                            "[CommCare HQ] "
                            + run_frequency
                            + " report "
                            + startdate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                            + "-"
                            + enddate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                            + " ::  "
                            + str(organization)
                        rendered_text = render_direct_email(
                            data, startdate, enddate, "hq/reports/email_hierarchy_report.txt", params
                            params={"startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "email_subject": subject},
                        rendered_text = render_direct_sms(
                            data, startdate, enddate, "hq/reports/sms_organization.txt", params
                        transport_sms(rendered_text, usr, params)
            elif report.report_class == "supervisor" or report.report_class == "member":
                # get the organization field and run the hierarchical report
                org = report.organization
                (members, supervisors) = utils.get_members_and_supervisors(org)
                orgdata = metadata.get_org_reportdata(org, startdate, enddate)
                params = {}
                if report.report_delivery == "email":
                    params["heading"] = (
                        "User report for period: "
                        + startdate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                        + " - "
                        + enddate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                    rendering_template = "hq/reports/email_hierarchy_report.txt"
                    renderfunc = render_direct_email
                    delivery_func = transport_email
                    params["heading"] = "Report " + startdate.strftime("%m/%d") + " - " + enddate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
                    rendering_template = "hq/reports/sms_organization.txt"
                    renderfunc = render_direct_sms
                    delivery_func = transport_sms

                data = metadata.get_org_reportdata(org, startdate, enddate)
                rendered_message = renderfunc(data, startdate, enddate, rendering_template, params)

                raise Exception("Delivery of metadata based supervisor/member reports not completed yet")
                if report.report_class == "member":
                    for member in members:
                        delivery_func(member, rendered_text, params)
                    for super in supervisors:
                        delivery_func(rendered_text, [super.email], params)
                logging.debug("report delivered")
            elif report.report_class == "other":
                # Custom function.  We will check the attr for that function's existence and execute.
                funcname = report.report_function
                _debug_and_print("Activating custom report function " + str(funcname))
                if hasattr(custom, funcname):
                    func = getattr(custom, funcname)
                    func(report, run_frequency)
                    logging.debug("custom report complete")
                    logging.error("Error, report custom function " + str(funcname) + " does not exist")
            elif report.report_class == "domain":
                # added this enum for the custom domained reports defined in
                # apps/reports/<domain>.py
                if not report.domain or not report.report_function:
                    raise Exception("Domain report %s must have domain and function set." % report)
                    "Activating custom domain report function %s for domain %s."
                    % (report.report_function, report.domain)

                report_method = get_report_method(report.domain, report.report_function)
                if not report_method:
                    raise Exception("No report named %s found for %s" % (report.report_function, report.domain))

                # alrighty, we found the method we want to run.

                # HACK!  For now try manually setting the language to swahili
                # as a proof of concept.  Eventually this will come from the
                # attached reporter profile.

                # So in django all management commands default to english for
                # some reason, so we have to manually activate the language rather than
                # just assuming it'll work with the settings.
                    # TODO: not all reports may be okay with us passing in an empty
                    # request object.  For the time being we assume that they are

                    # pretty moderate hackiness here - if the report takes in a domain
                    # pass it in.
                    if "domain" in inspect.getargspec(report_method)[0]:
                        report_body = report_method(None, domain=report.domain)
                        report_body = report_method(None)

                    # make sure we set the default back.
                # _debug_and_print(report_body)
                    params={"startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "email_subject": report_method.__doc__},

        except Exception, e:
            logging.error("Error running " + run_frequency + " report: " + str(report) + " Exception: " + str(e))