Exemplo n.º 1
 def verify(self, input_tuples, input_range, output_range, suppress_input=True):
     for tpl in input_tuples:
         truth = self.fn(*tpl)
         truth = [truth] if isinstance(truth, float) or isinstance(truth, numbers.Integral) else truth # convert to list
         truth_s = ["{:10.3f}".format(v) for v in truth] # format numbers nicely
         A = HRR(tpl, valid_range=input_range)
         B = A * self.T
         if Approximation.verbose_probe:
             print("A * T = B (expect {})".format(truth_s))
         suppress_value = tpl if suppress_input else None # suppress values of input parameters if set
         val = B.decode(return_list=True, suppress_value=suppress_value, decode_range=output_range, input_range=input_range)
         # val is a list of tuples -> extract up to two values
         # at least one result:
         val1 = val[0][0] if len(val) > 0 else [np.nan]
         val1 = [val1] if isinstance(val1, float) or isinstance(val1, numbers.Integral) else val1 # convert to list
         val1_s = ["{:10.3f}".format(v) for v in val1] if len(val) > 0 else ["{:10.3f}".format(np.nan)] # format numbers nicely
         assert(len(val1) == len(truth))
         err1 = [v - t for v, t in zip(val1, truth)] # difference
         err1_s = ["{:10.3f}".format(v) for v in err1] # format numbers nicely
         # at least two results:
         val2 = val[1][0] if len(val) > 1 else [np.nan]
         val2 = [val2] if isinstance(val2, float) or isinstance(val2, numbers.Integral) else val2 # convert to list
         val2_s = ["{:10.3f}".format(v) for v in val2] if len(val) > 1 else ["{:10.3f}".format(np.nan)] # format numbers nicely
         assert(len(val2) == len(truth))
         err2 = [v - t for v, t in zip(val2, truth)] # difference
         err2_s = ["{:10.3f}".format(v) for v in err2] # format numbers nicely
         print("truth: {}  HRR: {}/{}{}{}  {}/{}{}{}".format(
             bcolors.WARNING if any(e > 0.01 for e in err1) or any(e < -0.01 for e in err1) else bcolors.OKGREEN,
             bcolors.WARNING if any(e > 0.01 for e in err2) or any(e < -0.01 for e in err2) else bcolors.OKGREEN,
Exemplo n.º 2
 def plot_result(self, input_range, output_range, n_samples=10):
     X = np.linspace(input_range[0], input_range[1], n_samples)
     Y_hrr = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=float)
     Y_hrr2 = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=float)
     Y_hrrsupp = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=float)
     Y_np = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=float)
     for i, x in enumerate(X):
         A = HRR(x, valid_range=input_range)
         B = A * self.T
         if Approximation.verbose_probe:
             print("A * T = B")
         temp = B.decode(return_list=True, decode_range=output_range)
         if len(temp) > 1:
             Y_hrr[i] = temp[1][0]
             Y_hrr2[i] = temp[0][0]
         elif len(temp) > 0:
             Y_hrr[i] = temp[0][0]
             Y_hrr2[i] = temp[0][0]
             Y_hrr[i] = np.nan
             Y_hrr2[i] = np.nan
         if len(temp) > 1:
             temp = B.decode(return_list=False, suppress_value=x, decode_range=output_range, input_range=input_range)
             #print("suppress_value: {}".format(temp))
             Y_hrrsupp[i] = temp
             Y_hrrsupp[i] = np.nan
         #Y_hrr[i] = temp
         Y_np[i] = self.fn(x)
         #print("HRR: f({}) = 2nd({}) 1st({}) suppr({}) / truth: {} error: {}".format(x, Y_hrr[i], Y_hrr2[i], Y_hrrsupp[i], Y_np[i], Y_hrrsupp[i] - Y_np[i]))
     h_np, = plt.plot(X, Y_np, 'g', label="Ground truth")
     h_hrr, = plt.plot(X, Y_hrr, 'cx--', label="2nd peak if avail")
     h_hrr2, = plt.plot(X, Y_hrr2, 'bx--', label="1st peak")
     h_suppr, = plt.plot(X, Y_hrrsupp, 'rx-', label="Suppressed input x")
     plt_handles = [h_np, h_hrr, h_hrr2, h_suppr]
     plt.legend(handles=plt_handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def learn(self, input_range, output_range, n_samples=200, fn=None, stddev=0.03, use_incremental=True):
        if fn is not None:
            self.fn = fn
        #HRR.input_range = np.array([in_range[0], in_range[1]])
        HRR.stddev = stddev
        #if isinstance(n_samples, float) or isinstance(n_samples, numbers.Integral):
        #    n_samples = np.tuple(n_samples)
        #if isinstance(input_range[0], float) or isinstance(input_range[0], numbers.Integral):
        #    input_range[0] = np.tuple(input_range[0])
        #if isinstance(input_range[1], float) or isinstance(input_range[1], numbers.Integral):
        #    input_range[1] = np.tuple(input_range[1])
        #if isinstance(output_range[0], float) or isinstance(output_range[0], numbers.Integral):
        #    output_range[0] = np.tuple(output_range[0])
        #if isinstance(output_range[1], float) or isinstance(output_range[1], numbers.Integral):
        #    output_range[1] = np.tuple(output_range[1])
        #assert(len(input_range[0]) == len(input_range[1]) == len(output_range[0]) == len(output_range[1]) == len(n_samples))

        #if len(n_samples) == 1:
        if isinstance(n_samples, float) or isinstance(n_samples, numbers.Integral):
            # 1D function
            # create n_samples evenly spaced sampling points for input space
            A = np.linspace(float(input_range[0]), float(input_range[1]), n_samples)
            if use_incremental:
                # initialize T
                B_0 = self.fn(A[0])
                self.T = HRR(B_0, valid_range=output_range) % HRR(A[0], valid_range=input_range)
                for A_i in A[1:]:
                    B = self.fn(A_i)
                    self.T = self.T ** (HRR(B, valid_range=output_range) % HRR(A, valid_range=input_range)) # update T
                samples = np.empty((n_samples, HRR.size), dtype=float)
                for i, A_i in enumerate(A):
                    B_i = self.fn(A_i)  # evaluate ith sample
                    HRR_A = HRR(A_i, valid_range=input_range)
                    HRR_B = HRR(B_i, valid_range=output_range)
                    samples[i] = (HRR_B % HRR_A).memory  # probe HRR
                self.T = HRR(0, generator=samples)
        elif len(n_samples) == 2:
            # 2D function
            A_x = np.linspace(float(input_range[0][0]), float(input_range[0][1]), n_samples[0]) # samples for X-Axis
            A_y = np.linspace(float(input_range[1][0]), float(input_range[1][1]), n_samples[1]) # samples for Y-axis
            if use_incremental:
                # initialize T
                B_0 = self.fn(A_x[0], A_y[0])
                self.T = HRR(B_0, valid_range=output_range[0]) % HRR((A_x[0], A_y[0]), valid_range=input_range[0])
                for A_x_i in A_x[1:]: # iterate over X
                    for A_y_i in A_y[1:]: # iterate over Y
                        B = self.fn(A_x_i, A_y_i)
                        self.T = self.T ** (HRR(B, valid_range=output_range) % HRR((A_x_i, A_y_i), valid_range=input_range)) # update T
                samples = np.empty((n_samples[0] * n_samples[1], HRR.size), dtype=float)
                for i, A_x_i in enumerate(A_x):
                    for j, A_y_i in enumerate(A_y):
                        idx = j * len(A_x) + i
                        B_i = self.fn(A_x_i, A_y_i)  # evaluate ith sample
                        HRR_A = HRR((A_x_i, A_y_i), valid_range=input_range)
                        HRR_B = HRR(B_i, valid_range=output_range)
                        samples[idx] = (HRR_B % HRR_A).memory  # probe HRR
                        #print("Probe sample {} for ({}, {}) and ({}, {}):".format(idx, A_x_i, A_y_i, -1.0, -1.0))
                        #probe1 = HRR_A * HRR('', memory=samples[idx])
                        #probe2 = HRR((-1.0, -1.0), valid_range=input_range) * HRR('', memory=samples[idx])
                        if Approximation.verbose_learn:
                            print("learning f({}, {}) = {}".format(A_x_i, A_y_i, B_i))
                            temp_B = HRR_A * HRR('', memory=samples[idx])
                            print("probed sample {}:".format(idx))
                            print("sample mem:")
                self.T = HRR(0, generator=samples)
                #print("final T:")
                #print("probe (-1.0, -1.0):")
                #probe1 = HRR((-1.0, -1.0), valid_range=input_range) * self.T
                #print("probe (-1.0, 1.0):")
                #probe2 = HRR((-1.0, -1.0), valid_range=input_range) * self.T

            raise ValueError("Dimensions > 2 not implemented yet")