Exemplo n.º 1
 def _reorder_following_line(self, reorder_lines):
     # Reordering from a line is a bit more complex than it seems. We have to find intersection
     # points from all lines in all rects (when there's an interestion, of course). Then, for
     # each intersection, we compute the distance of it from the origin of the order arrow.
     # We sort our elements by that distance and we have our new order!
     neworder = []
     for reorder_line in reorder_lines:
         neworder += self._get_intersections(reorder_line)
     neworder = dedupe(neworder)
     if len(neworder) < 2:
         return # nothing to reorder
     # ok, we have our new order. That was easy huh? Now, what we have to do is to insert that
     # new order in the rest of the elements, which might not all be in our new order. That's
     # a bit complex too because when drawing arrows, a naive re-ordering is counter intuitive.
     # I won't explain why what is done below is done thus because it's hard to describe, but
     # here's what we do: We compute the min and max of old orders in our elems. Whatever came
     # before min stays before. Whatever came after max stays *right* after, but not at the end.
     # The end of the order is constituted of what is between min and max, but isn't in the new
     # order. Arrow-wise, these elements have been "orphaned" by the new link and the most
     # intuitive thing to do with them is to put them at the end of the order.
     minorder = min(e.order for e in neworder)
     maxorder = max(e.order for e in neworder)
     all_elems = list(self._ordered_elems())
     affected_elems = set(neworder)
     unaffected_elems = [e for e in all_elems if e not in affected_elems]
     before = [e for e in unaffected_elems if e.order < minorder]
     after = [e for e in unaffected_elems if e.order > maxorder]
     inbetween = [e for e in unaffected_elems if minorder < e.order < maxorder]
     # we also add ignore elems to our big concat so that their order value doesn't conflict
     ignored = list(self._ignored_elems())
     concat = before + neworder + after + inbetween + ignored
     for i, elem in enumerate(concat):
         elem.order = i
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_dupe_groups(self, files, j=job.nulljob):
     j = j.start_subjob([8, 2])
     for f in (f for f in files if not hasattr(f, 'is_ref')):
         f.is_ref = False
     files = remove_dupe_paths(files)
     logging.info("Getting matches. Scan type: %d", self.scan_type)
     matches = self._getmatches(files, j)
     logging.info('Found %d matches' % len(matches))
     j.set_progress(100, tr("Removing false matches"))
     # In removing what we call here "false matches", we first want to remove, if we scan by
     # folders, we want to remove folder matches for which the parent is also in a match (they're
     # "duplicated duplicates if you will). Then, we also don't want mixed file kinds if the
     # option isn't enabled, we want matches for which both files exist and, lastly, we don't
     # want matches with both files as ref.
     if self.scan_type == ScanType.Folders and matches:
         allpath = {m.first.path for m in matches}
         allpath |= {m.second.path for m in matches}
         sortedpaths = sorted(allpath)
         toremove = set()
         last_parent_path = sortedpaths[0]
         for p in sortedpaths[1:]:
             if p in last_parent_path:
                 last_parent_path = p
         matches = [m for m in matches if m.first.path not in toremove or m.second.path not in toremove]
     if not self.mix_file_kind:
         matches = [m for m in matches if get_file_ext(m.first.name) == get_file_ext(m.second.name)]
     matches = [m for m in matches if m.first.path.exists() and m.second.path.exists()]
     matches = [m for m in matches if not (m.first.is_ref and m.second.is_ref)]
     if self.ignore_list:
         j = j.start_subjob(2)
         iter_matches = j.iter_with_progress(matches, tr("Processed %d/%d matches against the ignore list"))
         matches = [
             m for m in iter_matches
             if not self.ignore_list.AreIgnored(str(m.first.path), str(m.second.path))
     logging.info('Grouping matches')
     groups = engine.get_groups(matches, j)
     matched_files = dedupe([m.first for m in matches] + [m.second for m in matches])
     if self.scan_type in {ScanType.Filename, ScanType.Fields, ScanType.FieldsNoOrder, ScanType.Tag}:
         self.discarded_file_count = len(matched_files) - sum(len(g) for g in groups)
         # Ticket #195
         # To speed up the scan, we don't bother comparing contents of files that are both ref
         # files. However, this messes up "discarded" counting because there's a missing match
         # in cases where we end up with a dupe group anyway (with a non-ref file). Because it's
         # impossible to have discarded matches in exact dupe scans, we simply set it at 0, thus
         # bypassing our tricky problem.
         # Also, although ScanType.FuzzyBlock is not always doing exact comparisons, we also
         # bypass ref comparison, thus messing up with our "discarded" count. So we're
         # effectively disabling the "discarded" feature in PE, but it's better than falsely
         # reporting discarded matches.
         self.discarded_file_count = 0
     groups = [g for g in groups if any(not f.is_ref for f in g)]
     logging.info('Created %d groups' % len(groups))
     j.set_progress(100, tr("Doing group prioritization"))
     for g in groups:
         g.prioritize(self._key_func, self._tie_breaker)
     return groups
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __Perform(self, copy=False, job=nulljob):
         cd_operations = [
             t for t in self.name_list if t[0][0].startswith('!')
         normal_operations = [
             t for t in self.name_list if t not in cd_operations
         cds = dedupe(t[0][0][1:] for t in cd_operations)
         job_count = len(cds)
         if normal_operations:
             job_count += 1
         newjob = job.start_subjob(job_count)
         if normal_operations:
             self.__ProcessNormalList(normal_operations, copy, newjob)
         for cd in cds:
             cd_location = [
                 location for location in self.cd_locations
                 if location.name == cd
             cd_path = self.OnNeedCD(cd_location)
             if not cd_path:
                 return False
             name_list = [(t[0][1:], t[1]) for t in cd_operations
                          if t[0][0][1:] == cd]
             if not self.__ProcessCDList(name_list, Path(cd_path),
                                         cd_location, newjob):
                 return False
         return True
     except JobCancelled:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _perform_action(self, import_action, apply=ActionSelectionOptions.ApplyToPane):
        if self.selected_pane is None:

        action_params = self._collect_action_params(import_action, apply)

        if not action_params:

        panes = dedupe(flatten((grp[2] for grp in action_params)))

        for pane in panes:
            pane.match_flag = False
            pane.import_document.cook_flag = False

        for action_param in action_params:

        for pane in panes:
            if not pane.import_document.cook_flag:

        for pane in panes:
            if not pane.match_flag:

Exemplo n.º 5
 def _reorder_following_line(self, reorder_lines):
     # Reordering from a line is a bit more complex than it seems. We have to find intersection
     # points from all lines in all rects (when there's an interestion, of course). Then, for
     # each intersection, we compute the distance of it from the origin of the order arrow.
     # We sort our elements by that distance and we have our new order!
     neworder = []
     for reorder_line in reorder_lines:
         neworder += self._get_intersections(reorder_line)
     neworder = dedupe(neworder)
     if len(neworder) < 2:
         return  # nothing to reorder
     # ok, we have our new order. That was easy huh? Now, what we have to do is to insert that
     # new order in the rest of the elements, which might not all be in our new order. That's
     # a bit complex too because when drawing arrows, a naive re-ordering is counter intuitive.
     # I won't explain why what is done below is done thus because it's hard to describe, but
     # here's what we do: We compute the min and max of old orders in our elems. Whatever came
     # before min stays before. Whatever came after max stays *right* after, but not at the end.
     # The end of the order is constituted of what is between min and max, but isn't in the new
     # order. Arrow-wise, these elements have been "orphaned" by the new link and the most
     # intuitive thing to do with them is to put them at the end of the order.
     minorder = min(e.order for e in neworder)
     maxorder = max(e.order for e in neworder)
     all_elems = list(self._ordered_elems())
     affected_elems = set(neworder)
     unaffected_elems = [e for e in all_elems if e not in affected_elems]
     before = [e for e in unaffected_elems if e.order < minorder]
     after = [e for e in unaffected_elems if e.order > maxorder]
     inbetween = [e for e in unaffected_elems if minorder < e.order < maxorder]
     # we also add ignore elems to our big concat so that their order value doesn't conflict
     ignored = list(self._ignored_elems())
     concat = before + neworder + after + inbetween + ignored
     for i, elem in enumerate(concat):
         elem.order = i
Exemplo n.º 6
 def guess_date_format(self, str_dates):
     totry = DATE_FORMATS[:]
     extra = []
     if self.NATIVE_DATE_FORMAT:
     if self.EXTRA_DATE_FORMATS:
         extra += self.EXTRA_DATE_FORMATS
     if self.default_date_format:
     for format in dedupe(extra + totry):
         found_at_least_one = False
         for str_date in str_dates:
                 datetime.datetime.strptime(str_date, format)
                 found_at_least_one = True
             except ValueError:
                     "Failed try to read the date {0} with the format {1}".
                     format(str_date, format))
             if found_at_least_one:
                 logging.debug("Correct date format: {0}".format(format))
                 return format
     return None
Exemplo n.º 7
 def mimeData(self, indexes):
     nodes = dedupe(index.internalPointer() for index in indexes)
     paths = [str(self.name + node.ref.path) for node in nodes]
     data = '\n'.join(paths).encode('utf-8')
     mimeData = QMimeData()
     mimeData.setData(MIME_PATHS, QByteArray(data))
     return mimeData
Exemplo n.º 8
 def mimeData(self, indexes):
     nodes = dedupe(index.internalPointer() for index in indexes)
     paths = [str(self.name + node.ref.path) for node in nodes]
     data = '\n'.join(paths).encode('utf-8')
     mimeData = QMimeData()
     mimeData.setData(MIME_PATHS, QByteArray(data))
     return mimeData
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _collect_action_params(self, import_action, apply=ActionSelectionOptions.ApplyToPane):
        if apply == ActionSelectionOptions.ApplyToSelection:
            if not self.selected_pane:
                return []

            panes = [self.selected_pane]
            selected_rows = self.import_table.selected_rows

            if not selected_rows:
                return []

            transactions = [row.imported.transaction for row in selected_rows if row.imported]
            transactions = dedupe(transactions)
            can_perform_action = import_action.can_perform_action(panes[0].import_document,
            if not can_perform_action:
                return []

            return [(panes[0].import_document, transactions, panes, selected_rows)]

        if apply == ActionSelectionOptions.ApplyToAll:
            panes = self.panes.copy()
            panes = [self.selected_pane]
        results = []

        # Groups of panes which share the same import document
        pane_groups = unique_groups(panes, lambda p: p.import_document)
        selected_group = None
        for ps in pane_groups:
            transactions = [e.transaction for p in ps for e in p.account.entries]
            transactions = dedupe(transactions)
            can_perform_action = import_action.can_perform_action(ps[0].import_document, transactions, ps)
            if not can_perform_action:
            if self.selected_pane in ps:
                selected_group = (ps[0].import_document, transactions, ps)
                results.append((ps[0].import_document, transactions, ps))
        # We want to ensure that the selected pane group is the last to be called
        # allowing the name of the plugin to update.
        if selected_group:
        return results
Exemplo n.º 10
 def get_dupe_groups(self, files, ignore_list=None, j=job.nulljob):
     for f in (f for f in files if not hasattr(f, "is_ref")):
         f.is_ref = False
     files = remove_dupe_paths(files)
     logging.info("Getting matches. Scan type: %d", self.scan_type)
     matches = self._getmatches(files, j)
     logging.info("Found %d matches" % len(matches))
     j.set_progress(100, tr("Almost done! Fiddling with results..."))
     # In removing what we call here "false matches", we first want to remove, if we scan by
     # folders, we want to remove folder matches for which the parent is also in a match (they're
     # "duplicated duplicates if you will). Then, we also don't want mixed file kinds if the
     # option isn't enabled, we want matches for which both files exist and, lastly, we don't
     # want matches with both files as ref.
     if self.scan_type == ScanType.FOLDERS and matches:
         allpath = {m.first.path for m in matches}
         allpath |= {m.second.path for m in matches}
         sortedpaths = sorted(allpath)
         toremove = set()
         last_parent_path = sortedpaths[0]
         for p in sortedpaths[1:]:
             if p in last_parent_path:
                 last_parent_path = p
         matches = [m for m in matches if m.first.path not in toremove or m.second.path not in toremove]
     if not self.mix_file_kind:
         matches = [m for m in matches if get_file_ext(m.first.name) == get_file_ext(m.second.name)]
     matches = [m for m in matches if m.first.path.exists() and m.second.path.exists()]
     matches = [m for m in matches if not (m.first.is_ref and m.second.is_ref)]
     if ignore_list:
         matches = [m for m in matches if not ignore_list.are_ignored(str(m.first.path), str(m.second.path))]
     logging.info("Grouping matches")
     groups = engine.get_groups(matches)
     if self.scan_type in {
         matched_files = dedupe([m.first for m in matches] + [m.second for m in matches])
         self.discarded_file_count = len(matched_files) - sum(len(g) for g in groups)
         # Ticket #195
         # To speed up the scan, we don't bother comparing contents of files that are both ref
         # files. However, this messes up "discarded" counting because there's a missing match
         # in cases where we end up with a dupe group anyway (with a non-ref file). Because it's
         # impossible to have discarded matches in exact dupe scans, we simply set it at 0, thus
         # bypassing our tricky problem.
         # Also, although ScanType.FuzzyBlock is not always doing exact comparisons, we also
         # bypass ref comparison, thus messing up with our "discarded" count. So we're
         # effectively disabling the "discarded" feature in PE, but it's better than falsely
         # reporting discarded matches.
         self.discarded_file_count = 0
     groups = [g for g in groups if any(not f.is_ref for f in g)]
     logging.info("Created %d groups" % len(groups))
     for g in groups:
         g.prioritize(self._key_func, self._tie_breaker)
     return groups
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _getData(self):
     folder = self.ref
     parent_volumes = dedupe(song.original.parent_volume for song in folder.iterallfiles())
     return [
         ','.join(l.name for l in parent_volumes),
         format_size(folder.get_stat('size'), 2, 2, False),
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _getData(self):
     folder = self.ref
     parent_volumes = dedupe(song.original.parent_volume
                             for song in folder.iterallfiles())
     return [
         ','.join(l.name for l in parent_volumes),
         format_size(folder.get_stat('size'), 2, 2, False),
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _invert_amounts(self, apply_to_all):
     if apply_to_all:
         panes = self.panes
         panes = [self.selected_pane]
     entries = flatten(p.account.entries for p in panes)
     txns = dedupe(e.transaction for e in entries)
     for txn in txns:
         for split in txn.splits:
             split.amount = -split.amount
     # Entries, I don't remember why, hold a copy of their split's amount. It has to be updated.
     for entry in entries:
         entry.amount = entry.split.amount
Exemplo n.º 14
 def show_transfer_account(self, row_index=None):
     if row_index is None:
         if not self.selected_entries:
         row_index = self.selected_index
     entry = self[row_index].entry
     splits = entry.transaction.splits
     accounts = dedupe(split.account for split in splits if split.account is not None)
     if len(accounts) < 2:
         return # no transfer
     index = accounts.index(entry.account)
     if index < len(accounts) - 1:
         account_to_show = accounts[index+1]
         account_to_show = accounts[0]
Exemplo n.º 15
 def show_transfer_account(self, row_index=None):
     if row_index is None:
         if not self.selected_entries:
         row_index = self.selected_index
     entry = self[row_index].entry
     splits = entry.transaction.splits
     accounts = dedupe(split.account for split in splits
                       if split.account is not None)
     if len(accounts) < 2:
         return  # no transfer
     index = accounts.index(entry.account)
     if index < len(accounts) - 1:
         account_to_show = accounts[index + 1]
         account_to_show = accounts[0]
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _refresh_candidates(self):
     if self.mainwindow is None or not self.attrname:
     doc = self.mainwindow.document
     attrname = self.attrname
     if attrname == 'description':
         self._candidates = doc.transactions.descriptions
     elif attrname == 'payee':
         self._candidates = doc.transactions.payees
     elif attrname in {'from', 'to', 'account', 'transfer'}:
         result = doc.transactions.account_names
         # `result` doesn't contain empty accounts' name, so we'll add them.
         result += [a.name for a in doc.accounts if not a.inactive]
         if attrname == 'transfer' and self.account is not None:
             result = [name for name in result if name != self.account.name]
         self._candidates = result
     self._candidates = dedupe([name for name in self._candidates if name.strip()])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, partial, candidates):
        """Build a completion list.

        'partial' is the partial value to be completed
        'candidates' is the list of candidate values to be tried, the most likely candidate first."""
        if not partial:
            self._completions = None
        partial = sort_string(partial)
        candidates = dedupe(c.strip() for c in candidates)
        self._completions = []
        for candidate in candidates:
            normalized = sort_string(candidate)
            if normalized.startswith(partial):
        if self._completions:
            self._index = len(self._completions) - 1
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _refresh_candidates(self):
     if self.mainwindow is None or not self.attrname:
     doc = self.mainwindow.document
     attrname = self.attrname
     if attrname == 'description':
         self._candidates = doc.transactions.descriptions
     elif attrname == 'payee':
         self._candidates = doc.transactions.payees
     elif attrname in {'from', 'to', 'account', 'transfer'}:
         result = doc.transactions.account_names
         # `result` doesn't contain empty accounts' name, so we'll add them.
         result += [a.name for a in doc.accounts if not a.inactive]
         if attrname == 'transfer' and self.account is not None:
             result = [name for name in result if name != self.account.name]
         self._candidates = result
     self._candidates = dedupe(
         [name for name in self._candidates if name.strip()])
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, partial, candidates):
        """Build a completion list.

        'partial' is the partial value to be completed
        'candidates' is the list of candidate values to be tried, the most likely candidate first."""
        if not partial:
            self._completions = None
        partial = sort_string(partial)
        candidates = dedupe(c.strip() for c in candidates)
        self._completions = []
        for candidate in candidates:
            normalized = sort_string(candidate)
            if normalized.startswith(partial):
        if self._completions:
            self._index = len(self._completions) - 1
Exemplo n.º 20
 def GetNodeData(self, node):
     if node.is_container:
         img_name = 'folder_conflict_16' if node.allconflicts else 'folder_16'
         parent_volumes = dedupe(song.original.parent_volume for song in node.iterallfiles())
         return [
             ','.join(l.name for l in parent_volumes),
         img_name = 'song_conflict_16' if is_conflicted(node.name) else 'song_16'
         return [
             format_time(node.duration, with_hours=False),
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _get_intersections(self, reorder_line):
     # return a list of elements that intersect with line, in order. The order depends on the
     # distance of the elem's first intersection with the line's origin
     intersections = []
     for elem in self._active_elems():
         rect = self._elem2drawrect[elem]
         for line in rect.lines():
             inter = reorder_line.intersection_point(line)
             if inter is not None:
                 dist = inter.distance_to(reorder_line.p1)
                 intersections.append((dist, elem))
     if not intersections:
         # so we cross no line, but we might be in the middle of an elem, in which case we should
         # return that elem. It's even possible that we're inside multiple rects. This case is
         # tricky (there's multiple possibilities here). We just choose the elem for which the
         # center is closest to our origin
         origin = reorder_line.p1
         for elem in self._active_elems():
             rect = self._elem2drawrect[elem]
             if rect.contains_point(origin):
                 intersections.append((origin.distance_to(rect.center()), elem))
     intersections.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
     return dedupe([elem for dist, elem in intersections])
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _get_intersections(self, reorder_line):
     # return a list of elements that intersect with line, in order. The order depends on the
     # distance of the elem's first intersection with the line's origin
     intersections = []
     for elem in self._active_elems():
         rect = self._elem2drawrect[elem]
         for line in rect.lines():
             inter = reorder_line.intersection_point(line)
             if inter is not None:
                 dist = inter.distance_to(reorder_line.p1)
                 intersections.append((dist, elem))
     if not intersections:
         # so we cross no line, but we might be in the middle of an elem, in which case we should
         # return that elem. It's even possible that we're inside multiple rects. This case is
         # tricky (there's multiple possibilities here). We just choose the elem for which the
         # center is closest to our origin
         origin = reorder_line.p1
         for elem in self._active_elems():
             rect = self._elem2drawrect[elem]
             if rect.contains_point(origin):
                 intersections.append((origin.distance_to(rect.center()), elem))
     intersections.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
     return dedupe([elem for dist, elem in intersections])
Exemplo n.º 23
 def guess_date_format(self, str_dates):
     totry = DATE_FORMATS[:]
     extra = []
     if self.NATIVE_DATE_FORMAT:
     if self.EXTRA_DATE_FORMATS:
         extra += self.EXTRA_DATE_FORMATS
     if self.default_date_format:
     for format in dedupe(extra + totry):
         found_at_least_one = False
         for str_date in str_dates:
                 datetime.datetime.strptime(str_date, format)
                 found_at_least_one = True
             except ValueError:
                 logging.debug("Failed try to read the date {0} with the format {1}".format(str_date, format))
             if found_at_least_one:
                 logging.debug("Correct date format: {0}".format(format))
                 return format
     return None
Exemplo n.º 24
 def GetNodeData(self, node):
     if node.is_container:
         img_name = 'folder_conflict_16' if node.allconflicts else 'folder_16'
         parent_volumes = dedupe(song.original.parent_volume
                                 for song in node.iterallfiles())
         return [
             ','.join(l.name for l in parent_volumes),
             format_size(node.get_stat('size'), 2, 2, False),
         img_name = 'song_conflict_16' if is_conflicted(
             node.name) else 'song_16'
         return [
             format_size(node.size, 2, 2, False),
             format_time(node.duration, with_hours=False),
Exemplo n.º 25
 def criteria_list(self):
     dupes = flatten(g[:] for g in self.results.groups)
     values = sorted(dedupe(self.extract_value(d) for d in dupes))
     return [Criterion(self, value) for value in values]
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _insertItem(self, item):
     self._items = dedupe([item] + self._items)[:self._maxItemCount]
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _swap_fields(self, panes, switch_func):
     entries = flatten(p.account.entries for p in panes)
     txns = dedupe(e.transaction for e in entries)
     for txn in txns:
Exemplo n.º 28
 def criteria_list(self):
     dupes = flatten(g[:] for g in self.results.groups)
     values = sorted(dedupe(self.extract_value(d) for d in dupes))
     return [Criterion(self, value) for value in values]
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _insertItem(self, item):
     self._items = dedupe([item] + self._items)[:self._maxItemCount]
Exemplo n.º 30
 def delete_entries(self, entries):
     from_account = first(entries).account
     transactions = dedupe(e.transaction for e in entries)
     self.delete_transactions(transactions, from_account=from_account)