Exemplo n.º 1
    def testDayOfWeek(self):
        """ Creating date encoder instance. """
        # 1 bit for days in a week (x7 days -> 7 bits), no other fields encoded
        p = DateEncoderParameters()
        p.dayOfWeek_width = 1
        p.verbose = False
        enc = DateEncoder(p)
        # In the middle of fall, Thursday, not a weekend, afternoon - 4th Nov,
        # 2010, 14:55
        d = datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 4, 14, 55)
        bits = enc.encode(d)

        # Week is MTWTFSS,
        # Monday = 0 (for python datetime.datetime.timetuple())
        dayOfWeekExpected = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]  #Thu

        expected = dayOfWeekExpected
        self.assertEqual(bits.size, 7)
        self.assertEqual(expected, bits.dense.tolist())

        # check a day is encoded consistently during most of its hours.
        p = DateEncoderParameters()
        p.dayOfWeek_width = 40
        p.verbose = False
        enc = DateEncoder(p)
        dMorn = datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 4, 8, 00)  # 8 AM to
        dEve = datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 4, 8 + 12, 00)  # 8 PM

        bits1 = enc.encode(dMorn)
        bits2 = enc.encode(dEve)
        assert (bits1.getOverlap(bits2) > 40 * .25)

        # Check the long term statistics of the encoder.
        p = DateEncoderParameters()
        p.dayOfWeek_width = 300
        p.verbose = False
        enc = DateEncoder(p)
        sdr = SDR(enc.dimensions)
        test_period = 1000
        metrics = Metrics(sdr, test_period)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        inc = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
        for i in range(test_period):
            enc.encode(now, sdr)
            now += inc

        #print( metrics )

        assert (metrics.sparsity.min() >= .05)
        assert (metrics.sparsity.max() <= .20)
        assert (metrics.activationFrequency.min() >= .05)
        assert (metrics.activationFrequency.max() <= .20)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testDateEncoder(self):
        """ Creating date encoder instance. """
        # 3 bits for season(4seasons), 1 bit for day of week, 1 for weekend, 5 for time of day
        p = DateEncoderParameters()
        p.season_width = 3
        p.dayOfWeek_width = 1
        p.weekend_width = 1
        p.timeOfDay_width = 5
        p.verbose = False
        enc = DateEncoder(p)
        # In the middle of fall, Thursday, not a weekend, afternoon - 4th Nov,
        # 2010, 14:55
        d = datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 4, 14, 55)
        # d = datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 1, 8, 55) # DEBUG
        bits = enc.encode(d)
        # Season is aaabbbcccddd (1 bit/month)
        seasonExpected = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]

        # Week is MTWTFSS contrary to localtime documentation, Monday = 0 (for
        # python datetime.datetime.timetuple()
        dayOfWeekExpected = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

        # Not a weekend, so it should be "False"
        weekendExpected = [1, 0]

        # Time of day has radius of 4 hours and w of 5 so each bit = 240/5
        # min = 48min 14:55 is minute 14*60 + 55 = 895; 895/48 = bit 18.6
        # should be 30 bits total (30 * 48 minutes = 24 hours)
        timeOfDayExpected = ([
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        expected = seasonExpected + dayOfWeekExpected + weekendExpected + timeOfDayExpected

        self.assertEqual(bits.size, 51)
        self.assertEqual(expected, bits.dense.tolist())