Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('numsteps', 'int', 'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0, TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])
        self._cmdBoolean('useconstantratio', 'bool', 'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints '
                                             'and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint'
                                             ', 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling.'
                                             ' The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make '
                                             'atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.'
                                             , {'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1})

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('numsteps', 'int', 'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0, TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 25000, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for time arguments. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as '
                                        '[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self._cmdBoolean('useconstantratio', 'bool', 'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the '
                                                     'barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be '
                                             'applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.'
                                             , {'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1})
        self._cmdValue('nvtsteps', 'int', 'Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.', 500, TYPE_INT,
        self._cmdValue('constraintsteps', 'int', 'Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. '
                                                 'Defaults to half the simulation time.', None, TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set temperature {TEMPERATURE}
set nvtsteps {NVTSTEPS}
set constraintsteps {CONSTRAINTSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps fb_K fb_box nvtsteps constraintsteps
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > $nvtsteps } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off
  if { $step > $constraintsteps } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 - 0.95*$step/$constraintsteps]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
Exemplo n.º 4
class Equilibration(OldProtocolInterface):
    """ Equilibration protocol v2

        Equilibration protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It includes a flatbottom potential box to retrain a ligand
        for example within this box.

        runtime : float, default=0
            Running time of the simulation.
        timeunits : str, default='steps'
            Units for time arguments. Can be 'steps', 'ns' etc.
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        fb_k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        fb_reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        fb_selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        fb_box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstantratio : bool, default=False
            For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.
        constraints : dict, default={'protein and name CA': 1, 'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1}
            A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.
        nvtsteps : int, default=500
            Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.
        constraintsteps : int, default=None
            Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. Defaults to half the simulation time.

        >>> from htmd.protocols.equilibration_v2 import Equilibration
        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.runtime = 4
        >>> md.timeunits = 'ns'
        >>> md.temperature = 300
        >>> md.useconstantratio = True  # only for membrane sims
        >>> # this is only needed for setting the flatbottom potential, otherwise remove it
        >>> md.fb_reference = 'protein and resid 293'
        >>> md.fb_selection = 'segname L and noh'
        >>> md.fb_box = [-25, 25, -25, 25, 43, 45]
        >>> md.fb_k = 5
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 25000, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for time arguments. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as '
                                        '[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self._cmdBoolean('useconstantratio', 'bool', 'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the '
                                                     'barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be '
                                             'applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.'
                                             , {'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1})
        self._cmdValue('nvtsteps', 'int', 'Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.', 500, TYPE_INT,
        self._cmdValue('constraintsteps', 'int', 'Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. '
                                                 'Defaults to half the simulation time.', None, TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set temperature {TEMPERATURE}
set nvtsteps {NVTSTEPS}
set constraintsteps {CONSTRAINTSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps fb_K fb_box nvtsteps constraintsteps
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > $nvtsteps } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off
  if { $step > $constraintsteps } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 - 0.95*$step/$constraintsteps]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb', ),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

        if self.acemd.consref is None:
            self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Write the equilibration protocol

        Writes the equilibration protocol and files into a folder for execution
        using files inside the inputdir directory

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a build process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the equilibration setup files.

        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')

        from htmd.units import convert
        numsteps = convert(self.timeunits, 'timesteps', self.runtime, timestep=self.acemd.timestep)

        pdbfile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
        inmol = Molecule(pdbfile)

        if np.any(inmol.atomselect('lipids')) and not self.useconstantratio:
            logger.warning('Lipids detected in input structure. We highly recommend setting useconstantratio=True '
                           'for membrane simulations.')

        if self.constraintsteps is None:
            constrsteps = int(numsteps / 2)
            constrsteps = int(self.constraintsteps)

        if isinstance(self.acemd.TCL, tuple):
            tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL)
            tcl[0] = tcl[0].format(NUMSTEPS=numsteps, KCONST=self.fb_k,
                                   REFINDEX=' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_reference))),
                                   SELINDEX=' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_selection))),
                                   BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box)),
                                   NVTSTEPS=self.nvtsteps, CONSTRAINTSTEPS=constrsteps, TEMPERATURE=self.temperature)
            self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1]
            logger.warning('{} default TCL was already formatted.'.format(self.__class__.__name__))

        if self.acemd.celldimension is None and self.acemd.extendedsystem is None:
            coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='water')
            if coords.size == 0:  # It's a vacuum simulation
                coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='all')
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
                dim = dim + 12.
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
            self.acemd.celldimension = '{} {} {}'.format(dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])

        if self.useconstantratio:
            self.acemd.useconstantratio = 'on'

        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints by writing them to the consref file
        inconsreffile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.consref)
        consrefmol = Molecule(inconsreffile)
        consrefmol.set('occupancy', 0)
        consrefmol.set('beta', 0)
        if len(self.constraints) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('You have not defined any constraints for the Equilibration (constraints={}).')
            for sel in self.constraints:
                consrefmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
        outconsreffile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.consref)

    def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1):
        """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints.

        atomselect : str
            Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain
        factor : float
            The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms

        >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3)
        self.constraints[atomselect] = factor
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for runtime. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])
        self._cmdList('useconstraints', 'bool', 'Apply constraints to the production simulation, defined by the constraints parameter', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied '
                                             '(in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.'
                                             , {})

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel fb_K fb_box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
Exemplo n.º 6
class Production(ProtocolInterface):
    ''' Production protocol v3

        Production protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It also includes a possible flatbottom potential box
        It is also possible to define constraints for the production run

        runtime : float, default=0
            Running time of the simulation.
        timeunits : str, default='steps'
            Units for runtime. Can be 'steps', 'ns' etc.
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        fb_k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        fb_reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        fb_selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        fb_box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstraints: bool, default=False
            Apply constraints to the production simulation, defined by the constraints parameter
        constraints : dict, default={}
            A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.

    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for runtime. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])
        self._cmdList('useconstraints', 'bool', 'Apply constraints to the production simulation, defined by the constraints parameter', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied '
                                             '(in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.'
                                             , {})

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel fb_K fb_box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb',),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Writes the production protocol and files into a folder.

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a equilibration process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the production setup files.

        from htmd.units import convert
        numsteps = convert(self.timeunits, 'timesteps', self.runtime, timestep=self.acemd.timestep)
        self.acemd.temperature = str(self.temperature)
        self.acemd.langevintemp = str(self.temperature)
        if self.fb_k > 0: #use TCL only for flatbottom
            mol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates))
            self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
            tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL)
            tcl[0] = tcl[0].format(NUMSTEPS=numsteps, KCONST=self.fb_k,
                                   REFINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_reference))),
                                   SELINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_selection))),
                                   BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box)))
            self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1]
            self.acemd.TCL = 'set numsteps {}\n'.format(numsteps)
        if self.useconstraints:
            # Turn on constraints
            self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
            self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
            if len(self.constraints) != 0:
                logger.warning('You have setup constraints to {} but constraints are turned off. '
                               'If you want to use constraints, define useconstraints=True'.format(self.constraints))
        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints
        if self.useconstraints:
            inmol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates))
            inmol.set('occupancy', 0)
            inmol.set('beta', 0)
            if len(self.constraints) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError('You have set the production to use constraints (useconstraints=True), but have not '
                               'defined any constraints (constraints={}).')
                for sel in self.constraints:
                    inmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
                outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
                self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
                        ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object',
                        'MD engine', None, Acemd)
            'numsteps', 'int',
            'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0,
            TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float',
                       'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'k', 'float',
            'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5',
            0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'reference', 'str',
            'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
            'selection', 'str',
            'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
            'box', 'list',
            'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]',
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            'useconstantratio', 'bool',
            'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.',
            'constraints', 'dict',
            'A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints '
            'and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint'
            ', 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling.'
            ' The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make '
            'atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.',
                'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1,
                'protein and name CA': 1

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = '''
Exemplo n.º 8
class Equilibration(ProtocolInterface):
    """ Equilibration protocol

        Equilibration protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It includes a flatbottom potential box to retrain a ligand
        for example within this box.

        numsteps : int, default=0
            Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstantratio : bool, default=False
            For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.
        constraints : dict, default={'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1}
            A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint, 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling. The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.

        >>> from htmd.protocols.equilibration_v1 import Equilibration
        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.numsteps = 10000000
        >>> md.temperature = 300
        >>> md.useconstantratio = True  # only for membrane sims
        >>> # this is only needed for setting the flatbottom potential, otherwise remove it
        >>> md.reference = 'protein and resid 293'
        >>> md.selection = 'segname L and noh'
        >>> md.box = [-25, 25, -25, 25, 43, 45]
        >>> md.k = 5
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')
    def __init__(self):
                        ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object',
                        'MD engine', None, Acemd)
            'numsteps', 'int',
            'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0,
            TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float',
                       'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'k', 'float',
            'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5',
            0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'reference', 'str',
            'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
            'selection', 'str',
            'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
            'box', 'list',
            'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]',
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            'useconstantratio', 'bool',
            'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.',
            'constraints', 'dict',
            'A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints '
            'and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint'
            ', 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling.'
            ' The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make '
            'atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.',
                'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1,
                'protein and name CA': 1

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = '''
set numsteps NUMSTEPS
set temperature TEMPERATURE
set refindex { REFINDEX }
set selindex { SELINDEX }
set box { BOX }
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel refindex selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps K box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $box 0] [lindex $box 1] $K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $box 2] [lindex $box 3] $K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $box 4] [lindex $box 5] $K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > 500 } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off}
  if { $step > [expr $numsteps/2] } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 + $step*(0.05-1)*2/$numsteps]}
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
proc calcforces_terminate { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {
            'coordinates': ('structure.pdb', ),
            'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
            'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[
                    field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[
                        field] != userval:
                    'Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.
                    format(os.path.join(inputdir, userval),
                           os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])))
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                    'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                    'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

        if self.acemd.consref is None:
            self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Write the equilibration protocol

        Writes the equilibration protocol and files into a folder for execution
        using files inside the inputdir directory

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a build process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the equilibration setup files.

        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')

        pdbfile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
        inmol = Molecule(pdbfile)

        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('NUMSTEPS', str(self.numsteps))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('TEMPERATURE',
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('KCONST', str(self.k))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace(
            'REFINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.reference))))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace(
            'SELINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.selection))))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('BOX',
                                                ' '.join(map(str, self.box)))
        if self.acemd.celldimension is None and self.acemd.extendedsystem is None:
            coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='water')
            if coords.size == 0:  # It's a vacuum simulation
                coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='all')
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
                dim = dim + 12.
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
            self.acemd.celldimension = '{} {} {}'.format(
                dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])
        if self.useconstantratio:
            self.acemd.useconstantratio = 'on'
        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints
        inmol.set('occupancy', 0)
        inmol.set('beta', 0)
        for sel in self.constraints:
            inmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
        outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)

    def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1):
        """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints.

        atomselect : str
            Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain
        factor : float
            The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms

        >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3)
        self.constraints[atomselect] = factor
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for runtime. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel fb_K fb_box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
Exemplo n.º 10
class Production(ProtocolInterface):
    ''' Production protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It also includes a possible flatbottom potential box

        runtime : float, default=0
            Running time of the simulation.
        timeunits : str, default='steps'
            Units for runtime. Can be 'steps', 'ns' etc.
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        fb_k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        fb_reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        fb_selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        fb_box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]

    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for runtime. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel fb_K fb_box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb',),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Writes the production protocol and files into a folder.

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a equilibration process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the production setup files.

        from htmd.units import convert
        numsteps = convert(self.timeunits, 'timesteps', self.runtime, timestep=self.acemd.timestep)
        self.acemd.temperature = str(self.temperature)
        self.acemd.langevintemp = str(self.temperature)
        if self.fb_k > 0: #use TCL only for flatbottom
            mol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates))
            self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
            tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL)
            tcl[0] = tcl[0].format(NUMSTEPS=numsteps, KCONST=self.fb_k,
                                   REFINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_reference))),
                                   SELINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_selection))),
                                   BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box)))
            self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1]
            self.acemd.TCL = 'set numsteps {}\n'.format(numsteps)
        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)
Exemplo n.º 11
class Equilibration(ProtocolInterface):
    """ Equilibration protocol

        Equilibration protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It includes a flatbottom potential box to retrain a ligand
        for example within this box.

        numsteps : int, default=0
            Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstantratio : bool, default=False
            For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.
        constraints : dict, default={'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1}
            A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint, 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling. The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.

        >>> from htmd.protocols.equilibration_v1 import Equilibration
        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.numsteps = 10000000
        >>> md.temperature = 300
        >>> md.useconstantratio = True  # only for membrane sims
        >>> # this is only needed for setting the flatbottom potential, otherwise remove it
        >>> md.reference = 'protein and resid 293'
        >>> md.selection = 'segname L and noh'
        >>> md.box = [-25, 25, -25, 25, 43, 45]
        >>> md.k = 5
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('numsteps', 'int', 'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0, TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])
        self._cmdBoolean('useconstantratio', 'bool', 'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary containing as keys the atomselections of the constraints '
                                             'and as values the constraint scaling factor. 0 factor means no constraint'
                                             ', 1 full constraints and in between values are used for scaling.'
                                             ' The order with which the constraints are applied is random, so make '
                                             'atomselects mutually exclusive to be sure you get the correct constraints.'
                                             , {'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1, 'protein and name CA': 1})

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
set numsteps NUMSTEPS
set temperature TEMPERATURE
set refindex { REFINDEX }
set selindex { SELINDEX }
set box { BOX }
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel refindex selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps K box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $box 0] [lindex $box 1] $K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $box 2] [lindex $box 3] $K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $box 4] [lindex $box 5] $K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > 500 } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off}
  if { $step > [expr $numsteps/2] } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 + $step*(0.05-1)*2/$numsteps]}
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
proc calcforces_terminate { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb', ),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

        if self.acemd.consref is None:
            self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Write the equilibration protocol

        Writes the equilibration protocol and files into a folder for execution
        using files inside the inputdir directory

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a build process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the equilibration setup files.

        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')

        pdbfile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
        inmol = Molecule(pdbfile)

        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('NUMSTEPS', str(self.numsteps))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('TEMPERATURE', str(self.temperature))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('KCONST', str(self.k))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('REFINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.reference))))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('SELINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.selection))))
        self.acemd.TCL = self.acemd.TCL.replace('BOX', ' '.join(map(str, self.box)))
        if self.acemd.celldimension is None and self.acemd.extendedsystem is None:
            coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='water')
            if coords.size == 0:  # It's a vacuum simulation
                coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='all')
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
                dim = dim + 12.
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
            self.acemd.celldimension = '{} {} {}'.format(dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])
        if self.useconstantratio:
            self.acemd.useconstantratio = 'on'
        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints
        inmol.set('occupancy', 0)
        inmol.set('beta', 0)
        for sel in self.constraints:
            inmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
        outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)

    def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1):
        """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints.

        atomselect : str
            Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain
        factor : float
            The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms

        >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3)
        self.constraints[atomselect] = factor
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
                        ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object',
                        'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.',
                       25000, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
            'timeunits', 'str',
            'Units for time arguments. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float',
                       'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'fb_k', 'float',
            'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5',
            0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'fb_reference', 'str',
            'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
            'fb_selection', 'str',
            'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
            'fb_box', 'list',
            'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as '
            '[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            'useconstantratio', 'bool',
            'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the '
            'barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
            'constraints', 'dict',
            'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be '
            'applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.',
                'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1,
                'protein and name CA': 1
            'nvtsteps', 'int',
            'Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.', 500,
            TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)
            'constraintsteps', 'int',
            'Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. '
            'Defaults to half the simulation time.', None, TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set temperature {TEMPERATURE}
set nvtsteps {NVTSTEPS}
set constraintsteps {CONSTRAINTSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
''', '''
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps fb_K fb_box nvtsteps constraintsteps
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > $nvtsteps } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off
  if { $step > $constraintsteps } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 - 0.95*$step/$constraintsteps]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
Exemplo n.º 13
class Equilibration(OldProtocolInterface):
    """ Equilibration protocol v2

        Equilibration protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It includes a flatbottom potential box to retrain a ligand
        for example within this box.

        runtime : float, default=0
            Running time of the simulation.
        timeunits : str, default='steps'
            Units for time arguments. Can be 'steps', 'ns' etc.
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        fb_k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        fb_reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        fb_selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        fb_box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstantratio : bool, default=False
            For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.
        constraints : dict, default={'protein and name CA': 1, 'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1}
            A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.
        nvtsteps : int, default=500
            Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.
        constraintsteps : int, default=None
            Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. Defaults to half the simulation time.

        >>> from htmd.protocols.equilibration_v2 import Equilibration
        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.runtime = 4
        >>> md.timeunits = 'ns'
        >>> md.temperature = 300
        >>> md.useconstantratio = True  # only for membrane sims
        >>> # this is only needed for setting the flatbottom potential, otherwise remove it
        >>> md.fb_reference = 'protein and resid 293'
        >>> md.fb_selection = 'segname L and noh'
        >>> md.fb_box = [-25, 25, -25, 25, 43, 45]
        >>> md.fb_k = 5
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')
    def __init__(self):
                        ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object',
                        'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.',
                       25000, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
            'timeunits', 'str',
            'Units for time arguments. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float',
                       'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'fb_k', 'float',
            'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5',
            0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
            'fb_reference', 'str',
            'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
            'fb_selection', 'str',
            'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
            'fb_box', 'list',
            'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as '
            '[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            'useconstantratio', 'bool',
            'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the '
            'barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
            'constraints', 'dict',
            'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be '
            'applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.',
                'protein and noh and not name CA': 0.1,
                'protein and name CA': 1
            'nvtsteps', 'int',
            'Number of initial steps to apply NVT in units of 4fs.', 500,
            TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)
            'constraintsteps', 'int',
            'Number of initial steps to apply constraints in units of 4fs. '
            'Defaults to half the simulation time.', None, TYPE_INT, RANGE_ANY)

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '1000'
        self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressure = 'on'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressuretarget = '1.01325'
        self.acemd.berendsenpressurerelaxationtime = '800'
        self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
        self.acemd.minimize = '500'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set temperature {TEMPERATURE}
set nvtsteps {NVTSTEPS}
set constraintsteps {CONSTRAINTSTEPS}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
''', '''
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel numsteps fb_K fb_box nvtsteps constraintsteps
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
  set step [ getstep ]
  if { $step > $nvtsteps } {
    berendsenpressure  on
  } else {
    berendsenpressure  off
  if { $step > $constraintsteps } {
    constraintscaling 0
  } else {
    constraintscaling [expr 1 - 0.95*$step/$constraintsteps]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {
            'coordinates': ('structure.pdb', ),
            'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
            'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[
                    field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[
                        field] != userval:
                    'Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.
                    format(os.path.join(inputdir, userval),
                           os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])))
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                    'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                    'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

        if self.acemd.consref is None:
            self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Write the equilibration protocol

        Writes the equilibration protocol and files into a folder for execution
        using files inside the inputdir directory

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a build process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the equilibration setup files.

        >>> md = Equilibration()
        >>> md.write('./build','./equil')

        from htmd.units import convert
        numsteps = convert(self.timeunits,

        pdbfile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
        inmol = Molecule(pdbfile)

        if np.any(inmol.atomselect('lipids')) and not self.useconstantratio:
                'Lipids detected in input structure. We highly recommend setting useconstantratio=True '
                'for membrane simulations.')

        if self.constraintsteps is None:
            constrsteps = int(numsteps / 2)
            constrsteps = int(self.constraintsteps)

        if isinstance(self.acemd.TCL, tuple):
            tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL)
            tcl[0] = tcl[0].format(
                REFINDEX=' '.join(
                    map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_reference))),
                SELINDEX=' '.join(
                    map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_selection))),
                BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box)),
            self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1]
            logger.warning('{} default TCL was already formatted.'.format(

        if self.acemd.celldimension is None and self.acemd.extendedsystem is None:
            coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='water')
            if coords.size == 0:  # It's a vacuum simulation
                coords = inmol.get('coords', sel='all')
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
                dim = dim + 12.
                dim = np.max(coords, axis=0) - np.min(coords, axis=0)
            self.acemd.celldimension = '{} {} {}'.format(
                dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])

        if self.useconstantratio:
            self.acemd.useconstantratio = 'on'

        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints by writing them to the consref file
        inconsreffile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.consref)
        consrefmol = Molecule(inconsreffile)
        consrefmol.set('occupancy', 0)
        consrefmol.set('beta', 0)
        if len(self.constraints) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'You have not defined any constraints for the Equilibration (constraints={}).'
            for sel in self.constraints:
                consrefmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
        outconsreffile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.consref)

    def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1):
        """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints.

        atomselect : str
            Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain
        factor : float
            The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms

        >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3)
        self.constraints[atomselect] = factor
Exemplo n.º 14
class Production(OldProtocolInterface):
    ''' Production protocol v5

        Production protocol for globular and membrane proteins. You can optionally define a flatbottom potential box and
        atom constraints for the production run.

        runtime : float, default=0
            Running time of the simulation.
        timeunits : str, default='steps'
            Units for runtime. Can be 'steps', 'ns' etc.
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        fb_k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        fb_reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        fb_selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        fb_box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
        useconstantratio : bool, default=False
            For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.
        useconstraints : bool, default=False
            Apply constraints to the production simulation, defined by the constraints parameter
        constraints : dict, default={}
            A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.
        adaptive : bool, default=False
            Set to True if making production runs for adaptive sampling.
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('runtime', 'float', 'Running time of the simulation.', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdString('timeunits', 'str', 'Units for runtime. Can be \'steps\', \'ns\' etc.', 'steps')
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('fb_k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0,
                       TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('fb_reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.',
        self._cmdString('fb_selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('fb_box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as '
                                        '[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self._cmdBoolean('useconstantratio', 'bool', 'For membrane protein simulations set it to true so that the '
                                                     'barostat does not modify the xy aspect ratio.', False)
        self._cmdList('useconstraints', 'bool', 'Apply constraints to the production simulation, defined by the '
                                                'constraints parameter', False)
        self._cmdDict('constraints', 'dict', 'A dictionary of atomselections and values of the constraint to be '
                                             'applied (in kcal/mol/A^2). Atomselects must be mutually exclusive.', {})
        self._cmdBoolean('adaptive', 'bool', 'Set to True if making production runs for adaptive sampling.', False)

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.binindex = None
        self.acemd.binvelocities = None
        self.acemd.bincoordinates = 'output.coor'
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '$temperature'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.consref = None
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
        self.acemd.TCL = ('''
set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}
set temperature {TEMPERATURE}
set fb_refindex {{ {REFINDEX} }}
set fb_selindex {{ {SELINDEX} }}
set fb_box {{ {BOX} }}
set fb_K {KCONST}
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM fb_K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $fb_K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel fb_refindex fb_selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $fb_refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $fb_selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel fb_K fb_box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$fb_K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $fb_box 0] [lindex $fb_box 1] $fb_K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $fb_box 2] [lindex $fb_box 3] $fb_K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $fb_box 4] [lindex $fb_box 5] $fb_K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb',),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate file {} set by the user for argument '
                                   'Production.acemd.{}'.format(os.path.join(inputdir, userval), field))

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Production.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

            if self.useconstraints and self.acemd.consref is None:
                self.acemd.consref = self.acemd.coordinates

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.structure.endswith('.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Writes the production protocol and files into a folder.

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a equilibration process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the production setup files.

        from htmd.units import convert
        numsteps = convert(self.timeunits, 'timesteps', self.runtime, timestep=self.acemd.timestep)

        pdbfile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)
        inmol = Molecule(pdbfile)

        if np.any(inmol.atomselect('lipids')) and not self.useconstantratio:
            logger.warning('Lipids detected in input structure. We highly recommend setting useconstantratio=True '
                           'for membrane simulations.')

        if self.fb_k > 0:  # use TCL only for flatbottom
            self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
            tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL)
            tcl[0] = tcl[0].format(NUMSTEPS=numsteps, TEMPERATURE=self.temperature, KCONST=self.fb_k,
                                   REFINDEX=' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_reference))),
                                   SELINDEX=' '.join(map(str, inmol.get('index', self.fb_selection))),
                                   BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box)))
            self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1]
            self.acemd.TCL = 'set numsteps {NUMSTEPS}\n' \
                             'set temperature {TEMPERATURE}\n'.format(NUMSTEPS=numsteps, TEMPERATURE=self.temperature)

        if self.useconstraints:
            # Turn on constraints
            self.acemd.constraints = 'on'
            self.acemd.constraintscaling = '1.0'
            if len(self.constraints) != 0:
                logger.warning('You have setup constraints to {} but constraints are turned off. '
                               'If you want to use constraints, define useconstraints=True'.format(self.constraints))

        if self.useconstantratio:
            self.acemd.useconstantratio = 'on'

        if self.adaptive:
            self.acemd.binvelocities = None

        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)

        # Adding constraints by writing them to the consref file
        if self.useconstraints:
            inconsreffile = os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.consref)
            consrefmol = Molecule(inconsreffile)
            consrefmol.set('occupancy', 0)
            consrefmol.set('beta', 0)
            if len(self.constraints) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError('You have set the production to use constraints (useconstraints=True), but have not '
                                   'defined any constraints (constraints={}).')
                for sel in self.constraints:
                    consrefmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel)
            outconsreffile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.consref)

    def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1):
        """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints.

        atomselect : str
            Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain
        factor : float
            The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms

        >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3)
        self.constraints[atomselect] = factor
Exemplo n.º 15
class Production(ProtocolInterface):
    ''' Production protocol for globular and membrane proteins
        It also includes a possible flatbottom potential box

        numsteps : int, default=0
            Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs
        temperature : float, default=300
            Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin
        k : float, default=0
            Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5
        reference : str, default='none'
            Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.
        selection : str, default='none'
            Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential
        box : list, default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
    def __init__(self):
        self._cmdObject('acemd', ':class:`MDEngine <htmd.apps.app.App>` object', 'MD engine', None, Acemd)
        self._cmdValue('numsteps', 'int', 'Number of steps to run the simulations in units of 4fs', 0, TYPE_INT, RANGE_0POS)
        self._cmdValue('temperature', 'float', 'Temperature of the thermostat in Kelvin', 300, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdValue('k', 'float', 'Force constant of the flatbottom potential in kcal/mol/A^2. E.g. 5', 0, TYPE_FLOAT, RANGE_ANY)
        self._cmdString('reference', 'str', 'Reference selection to use as dynamic center of the flatbottom box.', 'none')
        self._cmdString('selection', 'str', 'Selection of atoms to apply the flatbottom potential', 'none')
        self._cmdList('box', 'list', 'Position of the flatbottom box in term of the reference center given as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]', [0,0,0,0,0,0])

        self.acemd = Acemd()
        self.acemd.coordinates = None
        self.acemd.structure = None
        self.acemd.parameters = None
        self.acemd.temperature = '300'
        self.acemd.restart = 'on'
        self.acemd.restartfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.outputname = 'output'
        self.acemd.xtcfile = 'output.xtc'
        self.acemd.xtcfreq = '25000'
        self.acemd.timestep = '4'
        self.acemd.rigidbonds = 'all'
        self.acemd.hydrogenscale = '4'
        self.acemd.switching = 'on'
        self.acemd.switchdist = '7.5'
        self.acemd.cutoff = '9'
        self.acemd.exclude = 'scaled1-4'
        self.acemd.scaling14 = '1.0'
        self.acemd.langevin = 'on'
        self.acemd.langevintemp = '300'
        self.acemd.langevindamping = '0.1'
        self.acemd.pme = 'on'
        self.acemd.pmegridspacing = '1.0'
        self.acemd.fullelectfrequency = '2'
        self.acemd.energyfreq = '5000'
        self.acemd.run = '$numsteps'
set numsteps NUMSTEPS
set refindex { REFINDEX }
set selindex { SELINDEX }
set box { BOX }
proc flatbot1d {x xm xM K} {
  set f 0
  if {$x < $xm} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xm-$x]]
  if {$x > $xM} {
    set f [expr $K*[expr $xM-$x]]
  return $f
proc calcforces_init {} {
  global ref sel refindex selindex
  berendsenpressure  off
  set ref [addgroup  $refindex]
  set sel [addgroup  $selindex]
proc calcforces {} {
  global ref sel K box
  loadcoords coords
  if {$K>0} {
    set r0 $coords($ref)
    set r1 $coords($sel)
    set dr  [vecsub $r1 $r0]
    set fx [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $box 0] [lindex $box 1] $K]
    set fy [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 1] [lindex $box 2] [lindex $box 3] $K]
    set fz [flatbot1d [lindex $dr 2] [lindex $box 4] [lindex $box 5] $K]
    #print "dr: $dr  fx: $fx fy: $fy fz: $fz"
    addforce $sel [list $fx $fy $fz]
proc calcforces_endstep { } { }
proc calcforces_terminate { } { }

    def _findFiles(self, inputdir):
        # Tries to find default files if the given don't exist
        defaults = {'coordinates': ('structure.pdb',),
                    'structure': ('structure.psf', 'structure.prmtop'),
                    'parameters': ('parameters', 'structure.prmtop')}

        for field in defaults:
            userval = self.acemd.__dict__[field]
            if userval is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, userval)):
                self.acemd.__dict__[field] = None

            if self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                for val in defaults[field]:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(inputdir, val)):
                        self.acemd.__dict__[field] = val

            if userval is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] is not None and self.acemd.__dict__[field] != userval:
                logger.warning('Could not locate structure file {}. Using {} instead.'.format(
                    os.path.join(inputdir, userval), os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.__dict__[field])
            elif self.acemd.__dict__[field] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not locate any {f:} file in {i:}. '
                                   'Please set the Equilibration.acemd.{f:} property to '
                                   'point to the {f:} file'.format(f=field, i=inputdir))

    def _amberFixes(self):
        # AMBER specific fixes
        if self.acemd.parameters.endswith('structure.prmtop'):
            self.acemd.parmfile = self.acemd.parameters
            self.acemd.parameters = None
            self.acemd.scaling14 = '0.8333333'
            self.acemd.amber = 'on'

    def write(self, inputdir, outputdir):
        """ Writes the production protocol and files into a folder.

        inputdir : str
            Path to a directory containing the files produced by a equilibration process.
        outputdir : str
            Directory where to write the production setup files.

        self.acemd.temperature = str(self.temperature)
        self.acemd.langevintemp = str(self.temperature)
        if self.k > 0: #use TCL only for flatbottom
            mol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates))
            self.acemd.tclforces = 'on'
            TCL = self._TCL
            TCL = TCL.replace('NUMSTEPS', str(self.numsteps))
            TCL = TCL.replace('KCONST', str(self.k))
            TCL = TCL.replace('REFINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.reference))))
            TCL = TCL.replace('SELINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.selection))))
            TCL = TCL.replace('BOX', ' '.join(map(str, self.box)))
            self.acemd.TCL = TCL
            self.acemd.TCL = 'set numsteps {}\n'.format(self.numsteps)
        self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True)