def open_style(html, args, tumd): global used_style if used_style: print('ERROR: You can only use one style context.') raise SystemExit if len(tumd.context) > 2: print('ERROR: You can only use a style context at the beginning of the tumd file.') print(tumd.context) raise SystemExit html.add('<style>') used_style = True push([html])
def write_sidenav(args): args[0].html.add('<nav id="sidenav">') push([args[0].html]) for heading in args[0].headings: sidenav_level = '' # for i in range(1, heading[2]): # sidenav_level += '<div class="sidenav-level"></div>' args[0].html.add(sidenav_level + '<a href="#' + heading[0] + '" style="padding-left:' + str(12 * (heading[2])) + 'px;">' + heading[1] + '</a>') pop([args[0].html]) args[0].html.add('</nav>') args[0].html.add('<div id="sidenav-activator"></div>') return ''
def add_li(html, line_data): global list_first_element line = line_data[0] blank_lines = line_data[1] > 1 if list_first_element: html.add('<li>' + line) push([html]) list_first_element = False return if blank_lines: pop([html]) html.add('</li>') html.add('<li>' + line) push([html]) else: html.add(line)
def print_subfolders(args): html = args[0] content = args[1] maindir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath( dirs = get_immediate_subdirectories(maindir) dirs.sort() articles = [] for directory in dirs: try: with open(maindir + '/' + directory + '/index.tumd', 'r') as file_reader: line = file_reader.readline().rstrip() if line == 'article': content_dict = get_tags(file_reader, line) content_dict['Directory'] = directory articles.append(content_dict) except: pass if len(articles) > 0: html.add('<h1 class="section-head">Articles</h1>') for article in articles: html.add('<div class="article-box">') push([html]) html.add('<h2 class="article-box-text"><a href="' + article['Directory'] + '">' + article['Title'] + '</a></h2><br>') html.add('<h4 class="article-box-text">by <a href="' + author_name(article['Author']) + '">' + article['Author'] + '</a></h4><br>') html.add('<span style="font-size: 1.25em">' + article['Tagline'] + '</span>') html.add('<a href="' + article['Directory'] + '" class="article-box-link"></a>') pop([html]) html.add('</div>') return ''
def open_aside(html, args, tumd): html.add('<div class="aside" ' + args + '>') push([html])
def open_spoiler(html, args, tumd): html.add('<div class="spoiler">') push([html]) html.add('<div class="content">')
def open_ol(html, args, tumd): global list_first_element html.add('<ol>') push([html]) list_first_element = True