def main(argv):
	(basedir, commonXLSStore) = readArgs(argv)
	client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
	db = client.marketing_campaigns

	companyList = getDirs(basedir)
	for company in companyList:
		excelPath = basedir + '/' + company + '/' + 'CTR'

			campaignList = getDirs(excelPath)
			for j in range(len(campaignList)):
				baseCapmaignPath = excelPath + '/' + str(campaignList[j])

				pageWidth = 0

				campaignFilename = '2_Campaign_files/html.html'
				if not os.path.isfile(campaignFilename):
					campaignFilename = '2_Campaign.html'

				if os.path.isfile(campaignFilename):
					wParser = WidthParser()
					pageWidth = wParser.contentWidth
					raise OSError

				if os.path.isfile(ctrFile):
					dbRecord = [item for item in db.campaigns.find({ 'path': baseCapmaignPath })]
					pageHeight = int(dbRecord[0]['height'])

					quadrantClickCount = defaultdict(int)
					quadrantPercentCount = defaultdict(float)

					(quadrantClickCount, quadrantPercentCount) = quadrantCount(ctrFile, pageHeight, pageWidth)

					raise OSError

		except OSError:
			print 'No CTR found for ' + company
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
	global basedir, commonXLSStore
	(basedir, commonXLSStore) = readArgs(argv)

	# Start node server to save page dimensions
	os.system('launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist')
	os.system('launchctl start org.mongodb.mongod')
	os.system('forever start local-server/app.js')

	# Mongo dababase store page heights received from JS script
	client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
	db = client.marketing_campaigns

	companyList = getDirs(basedir)

	for company in companyList:
		excelPath = basedir + '/' + company + '/' + 'CTR'

			campaignList = getDirs(excelPath)

			# Sort campaign IDs to make it look nicer
			camaignIDs = [int(k) for k in campaignList]

			# Create Excel file and add common header row
			workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(excelPath + '/' + company+'_CTR.xlsx')
			worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
			for i in range(len(excelHeader)):
				headerIndex[ excelHeader[i] ] = i
				worksheet.write(0, i, excelHeader[i])

			# Iterate campaigns and add info to Excel
			for j in range(len(camaignIDs)):
				baseCapmaignPath = excelPath + '/' + str(camaignIDs[j])
				# Mind the header row
				excelRow = j + 1

				worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Campaign code'], camaignIDs[j])

				# Initialize XLS values to zeros
				for z in range(headerIndex['Campaign code'] + 1, len(excelHeader)):
					worksheet.write(excelRow, z, 0)

				# Get stats based on XLS files
				for xlsFile in glob.glob('*.xls'):
					statName = re.sub('\.xls', '', xlsFile)

					# Excel filenames usually match Excel column name
					except KeyError:
						statName = findClosestString(statName, excelHeader)
						if statName is None:

					rowCount = countExcelRows(baseCapmaignPath + '/' + xlsFile)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex[statName], rowCount)	

				# Get stats based on HTML files
				parser = CampaignHTMLParser()
				wParser = WidthParser()
				pageWidth = pageHeight = 0

				# For some companies there is only 2_Campaign_files.html
				campaignFilename = '2_Campaign_files/html.html'
				if not os.path.isfile(campaignFilename):
					campaignFilename = '2_Campaign.html'

				if os.path.isfile(campaignFilename):

					totalPageSize = parser.imageSizeKb + round(os.path.getsize(campaignFilename) * 0.000976562)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Page size (KB)'], totalPageSize)

					subjectWordCount = len(parser.emailSubject.split())
					bodyWordCount = len(parser.emailBody.split()) - subjectWordCount

					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Subject line'], parser.emailSubject)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Number of words in subject line'], subjectWordCount)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Number of links'], parser.linkCount)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Number of words in body'], bodyWordCount)
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Number of images'], parser.imageCount)

					# Save body text as separate file
					cleanedBody = saveBodyText(parser.emailBody)

					# Estimate width and height of the page
					pageWidth = wParser.contentWidth
					worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Page width (px)'], pageWidth)
					print 'No', baseCapmaignPath + '/' + campaignFilename

				# Get delivery date
				camgainDetailsParser = CampaignHTMLParser()

				if not os.path.isfile(campgainDetailsFile):
					dirFiles = [ fileName for fileName in glob.glob('*') ]
					matchedFilename = findClosestString(campgainDetailsFile, dirFiles)

					if matchedFilename is None:
						print 'No', baseCapmaignPath + '/' + campgainDetailsFile

				worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Delivery date'], camgainDetailsParser.delieverDate)
				worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Unique people opened'], camgainDetailsParser.uniqueOpened)
				worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Total clicks'], camgainDetailsParser.totalClicks)
				worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['CTR'], camgainDetailsParser.ctr)

				# Get CTR counts
				if os.path.isfile(campaignFilename):
					dbRecord = [item for item in db.campaigns.find({ 'path': baseCapmaignPath })]

					# Calculate page height only if not previously calculated
					if (not len(dbRecord)):
						appendJSToHTML(campaignFilename, baseCapmaignPath)
						os.system('open -g ' + campaignFilename)
						pageHeight = int(dbRecord[0]['height'])
						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['Page length (px)'], pageHeight)
					print 'No', baseCapmaignPath + '/' + ctrFile

				if os.path.isfile(ctrFile):
					if pageHeight and pageWidth:
						quadrantClickCount = defaultdict(int)
						quadrantPercentCount = defaultdict(float)

						(quadrantClickCount, quadrantPercentCount) = quadrantCount(ctrFile, pageHeight, pageWidth)

						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['1_NE number of clicks'], quadrantClickCount['I'])
						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['1_NE percent of clicks'], quadrantPercentCount['I'])

						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['2_NW number of clicks'], quadrantClickCount['II'])
						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['2_NW percent of clicks'], quadrantPercentCount['II'])

						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['3_SW number of clicks'], quadrantClickCount['III'])
						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['3_SW percent of clicks'], quadrantPercentCount['III'])

						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['4_SE number of clicks'], quadrantClickCount['IV'])
						worksheet.write(excelRow, headerIndex['4_SE percent of clicks'], quadrantPercentCount['IV'])

						print 'WARN: 2nd run required pageHeight=', pageHeight, 'pageWidth=', pageWidth, baseCapmaignPath
					print 'No', baseCapmaignPath + '/' + ctrFile


			# Debugging: copy XLS files to common place
			os.system('cp "' + excelPath + '/' + company+'_CTR.xlsx" ' + commonXLSStore)

		except OSError:
			print 'No CTR found for ' + company

	# Start node server to save page dimensions
	os.system('forever stop local-server/app.js')