Exemplo n.º 1
    def buildEditAuthor(self, book_id):
        '''build a table that will be a stub table of the main edit table.
        it will have all author information and will (eventually) be the place
        to remove and add authors from/to book records
        accepts a book id, finds all authors asscoiated with
        returns a table for those authors'''

        author = Author()
        bookAuthor = author.getBookAuthor(book_id)
        editAuthorTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        add ='<button type = "button" id="authorToggle"> Add Author </button>'

        addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: none">'
        addAuthor += self.buildAddAuthor()
        addAuthor += '</div>'

        editAuthorTable.addHeader(['Author', add])

        for author in bookAuthor:
            catAuthor = '<nobr>%s %s</nobr>'\
                %(author['first_name'], author['last_name'])
            remove = 'Remove author %s*' %author['author_id']

            editAuthorTable.addRow([catAuthor, remove])
                               '*remove author feature not avalible yet'])

        return editAuthorTable.getTable(), addAuthor
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getBody(self):
     table = HtmlTable(cellspacing=2, cellpadding=2, border=1)
     table.addHeader(['Painter', 'Style', 'Born', 'Until'])
     table.setRowBGColor(table.rownum, 'lightgreen')
     for row in self.getData():
     return center(table.getTable())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def buildAddDate(self):
        ''' old method. to be incorporated into buildEditDate when ready
        to activate the features'''
        datepicker =  self.forms.getJQueryUI('when_read','', 'datepicker')
        addDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        addDateTable.addRow(['Date', datepicker])

        return addDateTable.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def buildMain(self, where= None, order_by = None):
        '''build table seen on main page using all books. Accepts optional
        arguements to filter (search) or sort. Returns table'''

        bookData = self.query.getData('main', where, order_by)

        # start html table
        mainTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)

        # table header, uses display name and enables sorting
        table_header = ['#']

        for field, name in self.display_names:
            sortflag =''
            if field == order_by:
                sortflag = ' ^'
            js =  "document.form1.order_by.value='%s';" % field
            js += "document.form1.submit();"
            h = '<a onclick="javascript:%s">%s%s</a>' % (js, name, sortflag)

        # table body- build a numbered row for each record
        i = 0
        activity = 'view'

        for rec in bookData: 
            i += 1
            href = '<a href="detail.py?book_id=%d&activity=%s">%s'\
                % (rec['book_id'], activity, rec['title'])

            # format date
            if rec['date']:
                dates = '<br>'.join(['<nobr>%s</nobr>' % d.strip()
                                     for d in rec['date'].split('&')])
                dates = '-'

                 rec['author'] or '' ,
                 rec['notes' ]       ,

        return mainTable.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def buildEditDate(self, book_id):
        '''build table that will be a sub-table of the main edit table to
        hold dates and date addtion/subtraction features. Accepts a book id,
        find associated dates. Returns table'''

        when = WhenRead()
        bookDate = when.getWhenRead(book_id)

        editDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        editDateTable.addHeader(['Date', 'Add Addtional Date'])

        for bD in bookDate:
            remove = 'Forget this date'

            editDateTable.addRow([str(bD[0]), remove])

        return editDateTable.getTable()        
Exemplo n.º 6
    def buildRecordForm (self, book_id = None):
        '''responisble for building the composite form for book records by
        gathering all data, calling necessary helper methods, and adding all
        sub-forms together. Form has 3 sub-parts:
        (1) the book form which holds all data fields with a 1:1 relationship
        to a book_id 
        (2) the edit author from which itself has 2 sub-parts:
        (2a) the remove author feature (currently inactive) 
        (2b) add author section which defaults to hidden
        (3) the dates read add/remove (currently inactive)
        form is used for adding records and editing records. If a book_id is
        recieved current values for that book_id are pulled from the DB and
        used to pre-populate form fields (used for edit). Otherwise the form
        is built blank, with no default values (used for add).
        Returns composite form as an HTML table

        #create holder variables
        bookData = None
        authorData = None
        dateData = None

        #bring in data if book_id is present
        if book_id:
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
            bookData = self.query.getData('edit', where)
            authorData = self.author.getBookAuthor(book_id)
            dateData = self.when.getWhenRead(book_id) 
        #call helper methods to build all sub-parts
        bookForm = self.buildBookForm(bookData)
        removeAuthor = self.buildEditAuthor(authorData)
        dateForm = self.buildEditDate(dateData)

        #put tables with many:many relationships together in a sub-table table
        subTs = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding = 20)
        subTables = subTs.getTable()

        #put all form tables together 
        recordForm  = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding=30)
        recordForm. addRow([bookForm, subTables])

        return recordForm.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def buildEditDate(self, dateData):
        '''build table that will be a sub-table of the main edit table to
        hold dates and date addtion/subtraction features. Accepts a book id,
        find associated dates. Returns table'''

        #initilize date table
        editDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        editDateTable.addHeader(['Date(s) Read'])

        if dateData:
            for d  in dateData:

        addNew = 'Add Date:'
        addNew +=  self.forms.getJQueryUI('when_read', '', 'datepicker')

        return editDateTable.getTable()        
Exemplo n.º 8
    def buildDetail(self, book_id):
        '''Static table to view book details'''

        where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
        bookData = self.query.getData('record', where)

        detailTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        detailTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            for rec in bookData:
                if rec[column]:
                    data = rec[column]
                    data = '-'
            detailTable.addRow([display, data])                 

        return detailTable.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 9
def htmlify(data, type='table'):
    if isinstance(data, list):
        table = HtmlTable(cellpadding=2)
        for row in data:
            if isinstance(row, list):
                for i, col in enumerate(row):
                    if isinstance(col, list):
                        row[i] = ', '.join(str(c) for c in col)
        return table.getTable()
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        if type == 'table':
            return dict2table(data)
        return dict2dl(data)
    if isinstance(data, (str, unicode)) and '\033[' in data:
        from utils import system_call
        return system_call("echo '%s' | aha" % data, 1)

    return p(data)
Exemplo n.º 10
def htmlify(data, type='table'):
    if isinstance(data, list):
        table = HtmlTable(cellpadding=2)
        for row in data:
            if isinstance(row, list):
                for i, col in enumerate(row):
                    if isinstance(col, list):
                        row[i] = ', '.join(str(c) for c in col)
        return table.getTable()
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        if type == 'table':
            return dict2table(data)
        return dict2dl(data)
    if isinstance(data, (str, unicode)) and '\033[' in data:
        from utils import system_call
        return system_call("echo '%s' | aha" % data, 1)

    return p(data)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def build_report(self):
        metadata = Metadata()
        display_data = metadata.interrogateMetadata(self.page, 'display')
        display_names = display_data['col_attributes']
        table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        table.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in display_names:
            if self.activity == 'view':
            # make a simple table, not a form
                for rec in self.recordData:
                    if rec[column]:
                        data = rec[column]
                        data = self.show_blank
                table.addRow([display, data])                 

            #use methods to build form
                form = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']
#                type_method = {'text'        :' self.getTextField(column)',
#                               'drop_down'   : 'self.getDropDown(column)',
#                               'radio_static': 'self.getStaticRadio(column)',
#                               'autocomplete': 'self.getAutocomplete(column)'
#                              }

                if form == 'text':
                    form_field =self.getTextField(column)
                if form == 'drop_down':
                    form_field =self.getDropDown(column)
                if form == 'radio_static':
                    form_field =self.getStaticRadio(column)
                if form == 'autocomplete':
                    form_field =self.getAutocomplete(column)

                table.addRow([display, form_field])

        #push final product
        report = table.getTable()
        return report
Exemplo n.º 12
    def buildEditAuthor(self, authorData):
        '''Accept authorData which may be None
        Build author sub-table. if authorData !None include the list of authors
        and set the add author section to hidden. Else set add author section
        to be visable. Return 2 seperate sections: remove author and add author

        #initialize Author form
        editAuthorTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        #create button that will toggle open the add author section
        add ='<button type = "button" id="authorToggle"> Add Author </button>'

        #add the header row of the table with the add button

        #section shows list of authors currenlty paired with the book
        if authorData:
            for author in authorData:
                catAuthor = '<nobr>%s %s</nobr>'\
                    %(author['first_name'], author['last_name'])


             #initialize hidden add author section
#            addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: none">'

#        else:
            #initialize visable add author section
#            addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: default">'

        #complete the addAuthor section
        addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: default">'
        addAuthor += self.buildAddAuthor()
        addAuthor += '</div>'


        return editAuthorTable.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def buildBookForm(self, bookData):
        '''Accepts bookData, which may be blank. 
        Builds book form. If bookData !None pre-populates form with default
        values from bookData.
        returns book form HTML table
        #initialze book from table
        bookForm = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        bookForm.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        #loop through display names (the ordered list of column names)
        #for each: determine the default value and form type
        for column, display in self.display_names:
            form_type = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']

            if self.report == 'edit' and bookData !=None:
                default = bookData[0][column]
                default = None

            #buld a form field of the correct type
            if form_type == 'text':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''
                form_field = self.forms.getTextField(column, default)

            elif form_type == 'drop_down':
                #pull in the values from the home table to make a 
                #list of options
                options = self.query.getColumnValues(column)
                form_field = self.forms.getDropDown(column, default, options)

            elif form_type == 'radio_static':
                if default == None and column == 'published':
                    default = 1

                #pull in status radio options from metadata
                options = self.columns[column][0]['radio_options']
                form_field =self.forms.getStaticRadio(column, default, options)
            elif form_type == 'datepicker':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''

                form_field = self.forms.getJQueryUI(column, default, form_type)

            elif form_type == 'autocomplete':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''

                form_field =self.forms.getAutoComplete(column, default)

                #debug feature that will make a cell in the table declare
                #what form type it thinks it should be if the form type is not
                #found above
                form_field = form_type

            #add the display name and form field as a new row in the book form
            bookForm.addRow([display, form_field])
        return bookForm.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 14
# table header
header = ['#',
          '<a href= "main2.py?order_by=title">Title</a>',
          '<a href= "main2.py?order_by=author">Author</a>',
          '<a href= "main2.py?order_by=notes">Notes</a>',
          '<a href= "main2.py?order_by=when_read">Date</a>']

# table body
i = 0
for (book_id, title, author, notes, when_read) in results:
    i += 1
    href = '<a href="detail.py?book_id=%d">%s' % (book_id, title)
    date = '<nobr>%s</nobr>' % date2str(when_read)
    table.addRow([i, href, author, notes, date])

# Output HTML
print 'Content-Type: text/html\n'

print "<html>"
print """
<title> Read A Book! </title>
<link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

print "<body>"
print "<h3>Books, Authors, and Notes</h3>"

print """
Exemplo n.º 15
def dict2table(data):
    table = HtmlTable()
    for k, v in sorted(data.items()):
        table.addRow([k or "&nbsp;", str(v)])
    return table.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 16
def dict2table(data):
    table = HtmlTable()
    for k, v in sorted(data.items()):
        table.addRow([k or "&nbsp;", str(v)])
    return table.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 17
    <form method = "POST" action = "detail.py" name = "form">

# bulid report
table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
table.addHeader(["Field", "Value"])

if activity == "edit":
    for key, value in book.data.items():
        form_field = """
        <input type = 'text' name = '%s' value = '%s' size = '100'> 
        """ % (
        table.addRow([key, form_field])

    for key, value in book.data.items():
        string_value = "%s" % value
        table.addRow([key, string_value])

report = table.getTable()

# buld input_section
eactivity = "edit"
uactivity = "update"
vactivity = "view"

edit_button = """
Exemplo n.º 18
    def buildBookForm(self, book_id= None):
        '''dynamic composite table. made of three parts:
        the book form which has all form elements for all elements related to
        the book except the date, and author which a book has a many:many 
        relationship with. 
        Date is a sperate form (INACTIVE currently)
        Author has two parts: the edit author table holds all author
        information, eventually removing authors will be enabled. It has a 
        sub table of add author.
        Accepts a book id, finds relevant data, calls helper methods.
        Returns composite table of all above sub-parts.

        if self.report == 'edit' and book_id != None:
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
            bookData = self.query.getData('edit', where)

        bookTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        bookTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            form_type = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']

            if self.report == 'edit':
                default = bookData[0][column]
                default = None

            if column == 'author' or column == 'when_read':
                #use general methods to build forms
                if form_type == 'text':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''
                    form_field = self.forms.getTextField(column, default)

                elif form_type == 'drop_down':
                    #pull in the values from the home table to make a 
                    #list of options

                    options = self.query.getColumnValues(column)

                    form_field = \
                        self.forms.getDropDown(column, default, options)

                elif form_type == 'radio_static':
                    if default == None and column == 'published':
                        default = 1

                    options = self.columns[column][0]['radio_options']

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getStaticRadio(column, default, options)
                elif form_type == 'datepicker':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getJQueryUI(column, default, form_type)

                elif form_type == 'autocomplete':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getAutoComplete(column, default)

                    form_field = form_type

                bookTable.addRow([display, form_field])
        bookT = bookTable.getTable()

        if self.report == 'edit': 
            authorT, authorF= self.buildEditAuthor(book_id)
            dateT = self.buildEditDate(book_id)
            authorT = self.buildAddAuthor()
            dateT = self.buildAddDate()

        subTables = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding = 20)
        subT = subTables.getTable()

        editModules = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding=30)
        editModules.addRow([bookT, subT])

        return editModules.getTable()
Exemplo n.º 19
#build form_header
form_header = '''
    <form method = "POST" action = "detail.py" name = "form">

#bulid report
table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
table.addHeader(['Field', 'Value'])

if activity == 'edit':
    for key, value in results.data.items():   
        <input type = 'text' name = '%s' value = '%s' size = '100'> 
        ''' % (key, value)
        table.addRow([key, form_field])

    print results

#report = table.getTable()
#buld input_section
eactivity = 'edit'
uactivity = 'update'
vactivity = 'view'

edit_button= '''
       <input type = "hidden" name = "book_id" value = "%s"/>
       <input type = "hidden" name = "activity" value = "%s"/>
Exemplo n.º 20
    for element in columns[item]:
        if 'foreign_table' in element:

for col, display in display_names:
#    column = columns[col]
    for rec in results:
        if rec[col]:
            data = rec[col]
            data = "-"
        if activity == 'view':
            table.addRow([display, data])

        if activity == 'edit':
            if col in drop_down:
                options = query.getDropDown(col)
                form_field = '<select name = "%s"> ' %col
                form_field += options
                form_field += '</select>'
                form_field = '''
                <input type = "text" name = "%s" value = "%s" size = "100">
                ''' %(col, data)
            table.addRow([display, form_field])

report = table.getTable()