def main(commands, args): cout("Atomistic module") if len(commands) == 0: commands = ['help'] ############## HELP #################### if commands[0] == "help": cout(atomistic_help_text) elif len(commands)==2 and commands[0] == "visualize" and commands[1] == "help": cout(visualize_help_text) ############## VISUALIZE ############## elif commands[0] == "visualize": import httk.atomistic.vis from httk.atomistic import Structure for command in commands[1:]: struct = httk.load(command) ####################################### else: cerr("Unknown command in atomistic module:", commands[0]) exit(1)
def test_read_all_spacegroups(self): compdir = 'structreading_data' topdir = '../Tutorial/tutorial_data' reldir = 'all_spacegroups/cifs/' def print_num_matrix(l): outstr = "" for i in l: if isinstance(i, list): outstr += print_num_matrix(i) outstr += "\n" else: outstr += str(i) + "\n" return outstr structdir = os.path.join(topdir, reldir) for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(structdir): for f in files: if f.endswith('.cif'): print("TESTING:", f) reldir = os.path.relpath(subdir, topdir) ff = os.path.join(subdir, f) relf = os.path.join(reldir, f + '.check') struct = httk.load(ff) #if not os.path.exists(reldir): # os.makedirs(reldir) if struct.assignments.ratios != [1] * len( struct.assignments.ratios): print("Disordered structure, skipping") continue if f in ['70.cif', '26.cif', '190.cif']: print( "Skipping structure incorrectly read by cif2cell") continue #if f == '184.cif' or f == '119.cif' or f == '217.cif' or f == '200.cif': # # For some reason cif2cell has a different orientation here # continue of = open('structreading.tmp', "w") #of.write(" ".join(struct.uc_formula_symbols)+"\n") #of.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in struct.pc.uc_counts])+"\n") #of.write(print_num_matrix(struct.pc.uc_cell.basis.to_floats())) #of.write(print_num_matrix(struct.pc.uc_reduced_coords.to_floats())) of.write(" ".join(struct.uc_formula_symbols) + "\n\n\n") of.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in struct.uc_counts]) + "\n\n\n") of.write(print_num_matrix( struct.uc_cell.basis.to_floats())) of.write("\n") of.write( print_num_matrix(struct.uc_reduced_coords.to_floats())) of.close() compf = os.path.join(compdir, relf) f = open(compf) s1 = f.close() f = open('structreading.tmp') s2 = f.close() self.assert_numeric_data(s1, s2)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Creates the tutorial sqlite database file") parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('file', metavar='run', nargs='*', help='filenames or directories to import') args = parser.parse_args() debug = args.debug #debug = True process_with_isotropy = True process_with_tidy = True if process_with_isotropy: import httk.external.isotropy_ext try: os.remove('tutorial.sqlite') except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise backend = httk.db.backend.Sqlite('tutorial.sqlite') store = # This is good practice if you are going to add several things to the database, nothing is written to the database until 'commit' is called. # (Special case: if the database is completely newly created, some database engines commit data) store.delay_commit() codeobj = httk.Code.create("create_tutorial_database", '1.0', refs=[httk.citation.httk_reference_main]) print("==== Name of this code:", today = print("==== Db import program started: "+today) if len(args.file) == 0: files = [os.path.join(httk.httk_root, 'Tutorial/tutorial_data')] else: files = args.file argcount = len(files) seen = {} for filek in range(argcount): f = files[filek] if not os.path.exists(f): print("File or dir "+f+" not found.") continue if os.path.isdir(f): filelist = [] dirname = os.path.dirname(f) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f): for file in files: if file.endswith(".cif") or file.endswith(".vasp"): filelist += [os.path.join(root, file)] # Make sure we always generate the same manifest filelist = sorted(filelist) else: dirname = os.path.dirname(f) filelist = [f] for i in range(len(filelist)): filename = filelist[i] print("Filename:"+filename) # Uncomment for better control in how to load structures #if filename.endswith(".cif"): # struct = httk.httkio.cif_to_struct(filename,backends=['cif2cell_reduce']) #elif filename.endswith(".vasp"): # struct = httk.iface.vasp_if.poscar_to_structure(filename) struct = httk.load(filename).clean() print("The formula is:", struct.formula+" ("+struct.anonymous_formula+")") print("Volume", float(struct.uc_volume)) print("Tags:", [str(struct.get_tag(x)) for x in struct.get_tags()]) print("Refs:", [str(x) for x in struct.get_refs()]) if process_with_isotropy: try: newstruct = httk.external.isotropy_ext.struct_process_with_isotropy(struct).clean() newstruct.add_tag("isotropy/findsym", "done") struct = newstruct except Exception as e: print("Isotropy failed with:"+str(e)) struct.add_tag("isotropy", "failed") if debug: raise if process_with_tidy: try: newstruct = struct.tidy() newstruct.add_tag("structure_tidy", "done") struct = newstruct except Exception as e: print("Structure tidy failed with:"+str(e)) struct.add_tag("structure_tidy", "failed") if debug: raise compound = Compound.create(base_on_structure=struct) cs = CompoundStructure.create(compound, struct) store.commit() print("==== Committing changes to database.") store.commit() print("==== Commit complete.")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Simplest possible httk program. Loads a structure and prints out some information on the console. from __future__ import print_function import httk struct = httk.load("example.cif") print("Formula:", struct.formula) print("Primitive cell info:") print("Volume:", float(struct.pc.uc_volume)) print("Assignments", struct.assignments.symbols) print("Counts:", struct.pc.uc_counts) print("Coords", struct.pc.uc_reduced_coords.to_floats()) print() print("Conventional cell info:") print("Volume:", float( print("Assignments", struct.assignments.symbols) print("Counts:", print("Coords",, 'test.vasp')
class TotalEnergyResult(httk.Result): @httk.httk_typed_init({ 'computation': httk.Computation, 'structure': Structure, 'total_energy': float }) def __init__(self, computation, structure, total_energy): self.computation = computation self.structure = structure self.total_energy = total_energy backend = httk.db.backend.Sqlite('example.sqlite') store = reader = httk.task.reader('./', 'Runs/', 'Normal VASP total energy run') print( "Storing results (please note that first store call will take some time, since the database is created)" ) for rundir, computation in reader: struct = httk.load(os.path.join(rundir, "CONTCAR")) print("Reading outcar:", struct.formula) outcar = httk.iface.vasp_if.read_outcar( os.path.join(rundir, "OUTCAR.cleaned.relax-final")) total_energy_result = TotalEnergyResult(computation, struct, float(outcar.final_energy)) store.commit()
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import httk, httk.db from httk.atomistic import Structure backend = httk.db.backend.Sqlite('example.sqlite') store = tablesalt = httk.load('../../Tutorial/Step7/NaCl.cif') tablesalt.add_tag('common name', 'salt') arsenic = httk.load('../../Tutorial/Step7/As.cif') # Search for anything with Na (cf. the search for a material system in tutorial step6, where all symbols must be in a set, 'add' vs. 'add_all'.) search = store.searcher() search_struct = search.variable(Structure) search.add(search_struct.formula_symbols.is_in('Na')) search.output(search_struct, 'structure') for match, header in list(search): struct = match[0] print("Found structure", struct.formula, [str(struct.get_tags()[x]) for x in struct.get_tags()])
#!/usr/bin/env python import httk, httk.db from httk.atomistic import Structure class StructureIsEdible(httk.HttkObject): @httk.httk_typed_init({'structure': Structure, 'is_edible': bool}) def __init__(self, structure, is_edible): self.structure = structure self.is_edible = is_edible backend = httk.db.backend.Sqlite('example.sqlite') store = tablesalt = httk.load('NaCl.cif') arsenic = httk.load('As.cif') edible = StructureIsEdible(tablesalt, True) edible = StructureIsEdible(arsenic, False)