def __init__(self, image, x, y, radius, health, max_speed, render_group = foreground, collision_group = collision_objects): super(Unit, self).__init__(image, x, y, radius, render_group, collision_group) #stats = Stat(health, health) #movement stuff self.sprinting = False self.crouching = False self.friction = 0.001 self.max_speed = max_speed self.up = False self.left = False self.down = False self.right = False self.aim_x = 500 self.aim_y = 500 = None #gun stuff self.accuracy_modifier = 1 self.recoil = .0 self.cooldown = 0 self.guns = [Gun(carbine_gun_type, self, carbine_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(shotgun_gun_type, self, shotgun_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(sniper_gun_type, self, sniper_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(pdw_gun_type, self, pdw_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(lmg_gun_type, self, lmg_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(saiga_gun_type, self, saiga_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(rpg_gun_type, self, rpg_gun_type.mag_size*3)] self.gun = choice(self.guns) self.health_bar = Bar(stat =, x = x, y = y-(self.height/2)) #random name label = generate() self.label_offset = -50 self.label = pyglet.text.Label(, x=self.x, y=self.y+self.label_offset, batch=batch, group = hud, anchor_x="center") #walksound test self.walkcycle = 0 self.collision_group.append(self) self.check_collision() self.push(0, 50)
class Unit(DynamicObject): #baseclass for units, to controll the unit either by ai or by keyboard sublcass this """ for collision to work the unit must be added to and ONLY to collision_objects, there can not be any reference of the object outside of collision_objects or the unit won't get cleaned up properly """ def __init__(self, image, x, y, radius, health, max_speed, render_group = foreground, collision_group = collision_objects): super(Unit, self).__init__(image, x, y, radius, render_group, collision_group) #stats = Stat(health, health) #movement stuff self.sprinting = False self.crouching = False self.friction = 0.001 self.max_speed = max_speed self.up = False self.left = False self.down = False self.right = False self.aim_x = 500 self.aim_y = 500 = None #gun stuff self.accuracy_modifier = 1 self.recoil = .0 self.cooldown = 0 self.guns = [Gun(carbine_gun_type, self, carbine_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(shotgun_gun_type, self, shotgun_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(sniper_gun_type, self, sniper_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(pdw_gun_type, self, pdw_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(lmg_gun_type, self, lmg_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(saiga_gun_type, self, saiga_gun_type.mag_size*3), Gun(rpg_gun_type, self, rpg_gun_type.mag_size*3)] self.gun = choice(self.guns) self.health_bar = Bar(stat =, x = x, y = y-(self.height/2)) #random name label = generate() self.label_offset = -50 self.label = pyglet.text.Label(, x=self.x, y=self.y+self.label_offset, batch=batch, group = hud, anchor_x="center") #walksound test self.walkcycle = 0 self.collision_group.append(self) self.check_collision() self.push(0, 50) def sprint_on(self): self.accuracy_modifier += 0.3 self.max_speed += 80 self.sprinting = True def sprint_off(self): self.accuracy_modifier -= 0.3 self.max_speed -= 80 self.sprinting = False def crouch_on(self): self.accuracy_modifier -= 0.3 self.max_speed -= 80 self.crouching = True def crouch_off(self): self.accuracy_modifier += 0.3 self.max_speed += 80 self.crouching = False def loop(self, dt): super(Unit, self).loop(dt) self.controll(dt) self.decrease_recoil() #check if any of the movement flags are set, if so... add velocity if self.up: self.velocity_y += (self.max_speed*10) * dt elif self.down: self.velocity_y -= (self.max_speed*10) * dt if self.left: self.velocity_x -= (self.max_speed*10) * dt elif self.right: self.velocity_x += (self.max_speed*10) * dt #print self.velocity_x #restrict velocity to max_speed if self.velocity_x < -self.max_speed: self.velocity_x = -self.max_speed elif self.velocity_x > self.max_speed: self.velocity_x = self.max_speed if self.velocity_y < -self.max_speed: self.velocity_y = -self.max_speed elif self.velocity_y > self.max_speed: self.velocity_y = self.max_speed self.walkcycle += 1 self.health_bar.update() self.look_at(self.aim_x, self.aim_y) def on_reload(self, reload_time): pass def on_move(self): #update health bar position self.health_bar.center_on(self.x, self.y-25) #update name label position self.label.x = int(self.x) self.label.y = int(self.y+self.label_offset) #!!!!!NEEDS DT but how???? #walk step sounds LOL this works good for first try #also sounds like shit with a lot of units, as expected... if self.walkcycle >= 50 - max([abs(self.velocity_x),abs(self.velocity_y)])*0.11: play_sound(Resources.Audio.Unit.Step.stone, self.x, self.y, 0.15, 300, 1000) self.walkcycle = 0 def on_collision(self, obj): super(Unit, self).on_collision(obj) if isinstance(obj, Unit): self.seperate(obj) self.add_force(obj) self.reduce_velocity() elif isinstance(obj, Obstacle): self.reduce_velocity() self.seperate(obj) def controll(self, dt): pass #to be overwriten with keyboard/ai controll #or just a very dumb npc def walking(self): if self.velocity_x != 0 or self.velocity_y != 0: return True return False def on_kill(self, victim): pass def damage(self, amount, damager = None): play_sound(Resources.Audio.Impact.flesh, self.x, self.y, 0.15, 300, 1000) -= amount if <= 0: damager.on_kill(self) self.die(damager) def heal(self, amount): += amount if > = def aim_angle(self): dx = self.aim_x - self.x dy = self.aim_y - self.y rads = atan2(-dy,dx) rads %= 2*pi return degrees(rads) def look_at(self, x, y): dx = x - self.x dy = y - self.y rads = atan2(-dy,dx) rads %= 2*pi self.rotation = degrees(rads) """ prolly stupid but mb not ? for setting the movement flags in a subclass """ def move_right(self, flag = True): if flag: self.right = True self.left = False else: self.right = False def move_left(self, flag = True): if flag: self.left = True self.right = False else: self.left = False def move_up(self, flag = True): if flag: self.up = True self.down = False else: self.up = False def move_down(self, flag = True): if flag: self.down = True self.up = False else: self.down = False def on_gun_switch(self): pass def switch_gun(self, to): self.on_gun_switch() self.gun.switch_from() self.gun = to self.gun.switch_to() def speed_x(self): return self.velocity_x + self.force_x def speed_y(self): return self.velocity_y + self.force_y def accuracy(self): return (self.recoil + self.gun.gun_type.accuracy + ((max([abs(self.speed_x()),abs(self.speed_y())]) * 0.015 )*self.gun.gun_type.accuracy_move))*self.accuracy_modifier def decrease_recoil(self): if self.cooldown > 5: self.recoil *= self.gun.gun_type.recoil.decreasing_strength else: self.cooldown += 1 def increase_recoil(self): self.recoil += self.gun.gun_type.recoil.increasing_strength if self.recoil > self.gun.gun_type.recoil.cap: self.recoil = self.gun.gun_type.recoil.cap self.cooldown = 0 def pull_trigger(self): self.gun.pull_trigger() def release_trigger(self): self.gun.release_trigger() def die(self, killer=None): self.on_death(killer) play_sound(Resources.Audio.Unit.death, self.x, self.y, 0.5, 300, 1000) self.remove() def kill(self, victim): victim.die(self) def on_death(self, killer): pass def release(self): self.gun.release() super(Unit, self).release() def clean(self,dt): #self.gun = None #self.guns = None try: self.label.delete() except AttributeError: #print "why" pass self.health_bar.clean() super(Unit, self).clean(dt)