Exemplo n.º 1
    def _reg(self,
             name: str,
             dtype: HdlType = BIT,
             def_val: Union[int, None, dict, list] = None,
             clk: Union[RtlSignalBase, None, Tuple[RtlSignalBase,
                                                   OpDefinition]] = None,
             rst: Optional[RtlSignalBase] = None) -> RtlSyncSignal:
        Create RTL FF register in this unit

        :param def_val: s default value of this register,
            if this value is specified reset signal of this component is used
            to generate a reset logic
        :param clk: optional clock signal specification,
            (signal or tuple(signal, edge type (AllOps.RISING_EDGE/FALLING_EDGE)))
        :param rst: optional reset signal specification
        :note: rst/rst_n resolution is done from signal type,
            if it is negated type the reset signal is interpreted as rst_n
        :note: if clk or rst is not specified default signal
            from parent unit instance will be used
        if clk is None:
            clk = getClk(self)

        if def_val is None:
            # if no value is specified reset is not required
            rst = None
        elif rst is None:
            rst = getRst(self)

        if isinstance(dtype, HStruct):
            container = HdlType_to_Interface(dtype)
            flattened_def_val = {}
            _flatten_map(TypePath(), def_val, flattened_def_val)
            for path, intf in container._fieldsToInterfaces.items():
                if isinstance(intf, Signal):
                    _def_val = flattened_def_val.get(path, None)
                    intf._sig = self._reg(
                        "%s_%s" %
                         intf._getFullName(separator_getter=lambda x: "_")),

            return container
        elif isinstance(dtype, HArray):
            raise NotImplementedError()

        return self._ctx.sig(name,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getRstn(self):
        lookup reset(n) signal on parent
        end = self.end
        if end is None:
            rst = getRst(self.parent)
            rst = end._getAssociatedRst()

        if isinstance(rst._dtype, Bits) and rst._dtype.negated:
            return rst
            return ~rst
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _reg(self,
             name: str,
             dtype: HdlType = BIT,
             def_val: Union[int, None, dict, list] = None,
             clk: Union[RtlSignalBase, None, Tuple[RtlSignalBase,
                                                   OpDefinition]] = None,
             rst: Optional[RtlSignalBase] = None) -> RtlSyncSignal:
        Create RTL FF register in this unit

        :param def_val: s default value of this register,
            if this value is specified reset signal of this component is used
            to generate a reset logic
        :param clk: optional clock signal specification,
            (signal or tuple(signal, edge type (AllOps.RISING_EDGE/FALLING_EDGE)))
        :param rst: optional reset signal specification
        :note: rst/rst_n resolution is done from signal type,
            if it is negated type the reset signal is interpreted as rst_n
        :note: if clk or rst is not specified default signal
            from parent unit instance will be used
        if clk is None:
            clk = getClk(self)

        if def_val is None:
            # if no value is specified reset is not required
            rst = None
        elif rst is None:
            rst = getRst(self)

        if isinstance(dtype, (HStruct, HArray)):
            container = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(dtype)
            _loadDeclarations(container, name)
                container, clk, rst, def_val, NOT_SPECIFIED,
                lambda name, dtype, clk, rst, def_val, nop_val: self._reg(
                    name, dtype, def_val=def_val, clk=clk, rst=rst))
            container._parent = self
            return container
            # primitive data type signal
            return self._ctx.sig(name,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _getAssociatedRst(self):
        If interface has associated rst(_n) return it otherwise
        try to find rst(_n) on parent recursively
        a = self._associatedRst

        if a is not None:
            return a

        p = self._parent
        assert p is not None

        if isinstance(p, UnitBase):
            return getRst(p)
            return p._getAssociatedRst()