def runsource(self, source, filename='<input>', symbol='single'): global SIMPLE_TRACEBACKS def error_handler(e, use_simple_traceback=False): self.locals[mangle("*e")] = e if use_simple_traceback: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: self.showtraceback() try: try: do = hy_parse(source) except PrematureEndOfInput: return True except LexException as e: if e.source is None: e.source = source e.filename = filename error_handler(e, use_simple_traceback=True) return False try: def ast_callback(main_ast, expr_ast): if self.spy: # Mush the two AST chunks into a single module for # conversion into Python. new_ast = ast.Module(main_ast.body + [ast.Expr(expr_ast.body)]) print(astor.to_source(new_ast)) value = hy_eval(do, self.locals, "__console__", ast_callback) except HyTypeError as e: if e.source is None: e.source = source e.filename = filename error_handler(e, use_simple_traceback=SIMPLE_TRACEBACKS) return False except Exception as e: error_handler(e) return False if value is not None: # Shift exisitng REPL results next_result = value for sym in self._repl_results_symbols: self.locals[sym], next_result = next_result, self.locals[sym] # Print the value. try: output = self.output_fn(value) except Exception as e: error_handler(e) return False print(output) return False
def cant_compile(expr): try: hy_compile(hy_parse(expr), "__main__") assert False except HyTypeError as e: # Anything that can't be compiled should raise a user friendly # error, otherwise it's a compiler bug. assert isinstance(e.expression, HyObject) assert e.message return e except HyCompileError as e: # Anything that can't be compiled should raise a user friendly # error, otherwise it's a compiler bug. assert isinstance(e.exception, HyTypeError) assert e.traceback return e
def run_command(source): tree = hy_parse(source) pretty_error(hy_eval, tree, module_name="__main__") return 0
def can_eval(expr): return hy_eval(hy_parse(expr))
def can_compile(expr): return hy_compile(hy_parse(expr), "__main__")
def _import_error_test(): try: _ = hy_compile(hy_parse("(import \"sys\")"), '') except HyTypeError: return "Error reported"
def test_stringer(): _ast = hy_compile(hy_parse("(defn square [x] (* x x))"), '') assert type(_ast.body[0]) == ast.FunctionDef
def repl_import(filename, code, globals_d, context_name, lang = "hy"): """'code' should be a Hy sexp or None. If it's None, the file 'filename' is opened to get the code to evaluate, and None is returned. If it's a Hy sexp, it's evaluated and the result is returned. 'lang' can be "hy" or "python" when 'code' is None, but must be 'hy' when 'code' is not None. We use different semantics from import *. In particular, __all__ is ignored. The goal of this somewhat involved method (including the module daylight-hy.load) is to ensure that: - (def x 15) (defn foo [] x) followed by (foo) at the command line works - After loading two files, you can access variables defined in file 1 that are shadowed by variables defined in file 2.""" mname = 'daylight-' + os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) m = None try: if code is None: preexisting = mname in sys.modules try: with open(filename) as o: text = if lang == "hy": model = hy_parse(text) m = (sys.modules[mname] if preexisting else imp.new_module(mname)) m.__file__ = filename if lang == "hy": _ast = hy_compile(model, mname) eval(ast_compile(_ast, filename, "exec"), m.__dict__) elif lang == "python": exec(compile(text, filename, 'exec'), m.__dict__) else: raise ValueError("Unknown language: {}".format(lang)) sys.modules[mname] = m except (HyTypeError, LexException) as e: if e.source is None: with open(filename, 'rt') as fp: e.source = e.filename = filename raise except Exception: if not preexisting: sys.modules.pop(mname, None) raise returnval = None else: if lang != 'hy': raise NotImplementedError m = sys.modules.get(mname) if not m: m = imp.new_module(mname) sys.modules[mname] = m returnval = hy_eval(code, m.__dict__, mname) finally: if m is not None: # Copy the module's names (except for names starting with "_") # into our globals. for k in dir(m): if not k.startswith('_'): globals_d[k] = getattr(m, k) # Import macros. hy.macros.require(mname, context_name, "ALL") return returnval