Exemplo n.º 1
def get_all_couplings(qpu_layout: QpuLayout) -> list[Coupling]:
    Given `qpu_layout` of `Qubit`s, return all couplings between nearest

    qpu_layout: QpuLayout
        List of `Qubit`s to use as `QpuLayout`.

        List of all possible couplings between nearest neighbor `Qubit`s.

    >>> get_all_couplings(qpu_layout=((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)))
    [((0, 0), (0, 1)), ((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 1), (1, 1)), ((1, 0), (1, 1))]

    return sort({
        tuple(sort(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))))
        for x1, y1 in qpu_layout for x2, y2 in qpu_layout
        if x1 == x2 and abs(y1 - y2) == 1 or y1 == y2 and abs(x1 - x2) == 1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def isclose(self, gate: Gate, atol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        Determine if the matrix of `gate` is close within an absolute
        tollerance. If the gates are acting on a different set of qubits,
        `isclose` will return `False`.

        gate: PowerMatrixGate
            Gate to compare with.
        atol: float, optional
            Absolute tollerance.

            `True` if the two gates are close withing the given absolute
            tollerance, otherwise `False`.

        >>> g1 = PowerMatrixGate(U = [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        >>> g2 = PowerMatrixGate(U = [[4, 5], [3, 4]])
        >>> g1.isclose(g1)
        >>> g1.isclose(g2)
        >>> g1.on([3]).isclose(g1)
        >>> g1.on([3]).isclose(g1.on([3])

        if not (self.qubits is None) ^ (gate.qubits is None):

            # The gates differ if they act on a different set of qubits
            if self.qubits is not None and sort(self.qubits) != sort(
                return False

            # Get unitaries
            _U1 = self.matrix(order=self.qubits if self.qubits else None)
            _U2 = gate.matrix(order=self.qubits if self.qubits else None)

            # If either matrix does not exist, the two gates differ
            return np.allclose(_U1, _U2, atol=atol)


            return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def moments(
        circuit: iter[{BaseGate, Circuit}]) -> list[list[{BaseGate, Circuit}]]:
    Split circuit in moments.
    from hybridq.gate import TupleGate

    # Convert iterable to list
    circuit = list(circuit)

    # If circuit is empty, return a single empty TupleGate
    if not circuit:
        return [TupleGate()]

    # Get qubits
    def _get_qubits(x):
        if isinstance(x, BaseGate):
            return x.qubits if x.n_qubits else tuple()
        elif isinstance(x, Circuit):
            return x.all_qubits()
            raise ValueError(f"'{x}' is not valid.")

    # Get all used qubits
    qubits = sort({q for x in circuit for q in _get_qubits(x)})

    # Get map of leves
    level_map = {q: 0 for q in qubits}
    level = [0] * len(circuit)

    # Get the right level for each object ..
    for i, x in enumerate(circuit):
        # Get qubits
        _qubits = _get_qubits(x)

        # If gate is acting on qubits, add gate to the right level
        if _qubits:
            # Get max level
            level[i] = np.max([level_map[q] for q in _get_qubits(x)]) + 1

            # Update level_map
            level_map.update({q: level[i] for q in _get_qubits(x)})

        # .. otherwise, simply update all qubits to create a new moment
            level[i] = np.max(level) + 1
            level_map = {q: level[i] for q in qubits}

    # Initialize moments
    moments = [[] for _ in range(np.max(level))]

    # Update moments
    for i, x in enumerate(circuit):
        moments[level[i] - 1].append(x)

    # Return moments
    return list(map(TupleGate, moments))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def qubits(self) -> tuple[any, ...]:
        from hybridq.utils import sort

        # If empty, return empty tuple
        if not len(self):
            return tuple()

        # Get all qubits
        _qubits = tuple(g.qubits if g.provides('qubits') else None
                        for g in self)

        # If any None is present, return None
        if any(q is None for q in _qubits):
            return None

        # Flatten list and remove duplicates
            return tuple(sort(set(y for x in _qubits for y in x)))
Exemplo n.º 5
def _simulate_tn_mpi(circuit: Circuit, initial_state: any, final_state: any,
                     optimize: any, backend: any, complex_type: any,
                     tensor_only: bool, verbose: bool, **kwargs):
    import quimb.tensor as tn
    import cotengra as ctg

    # Get MPI
    _mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    _mpi_size = _mpi_comm.Get_size()
    _mpi_rank = _mpi_comm.Get_rank()

    # Set default parameters
    kwargs.setdefault('compress', 2)
    kwargs.setdefault('simplify_tn', 'RC')
    kwargs.setdefault('max_iterations', 1)
    kwargs.setdefault('methods', ['kahypar', 'greedy'])
    kwargs.setdefault('max_time', 120)
    kwargs.setdefault('max_repeats', 16)
    kwargs.setdefault('minimize', 'combo')
    kwargs.setdefault('target_largest_intermediate', 0)
    kwargs.setdefault('max_largest_intermediate', 2**26)
    kwargs.setdefault('temperatures', [1.0, 0.1, 0.01])
    kwargs.setdefault('parallel', None)
    kwargs.setdefault('cotengra', {})
    kwargs.setdefault('max_n_slices', None)
    kwargs.setdefault('return_info', False)

    # Get random leaves_prefix
    leaves_prefix = ''.join(
        np.random.choice(list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), size=20))

    # Initialize info
    _sim_info = {}

    # Alias for tn
    if optimize == 'tn':
        optimize = 'cotengra'

    if isinstance(circuit, Circuit):

        if not kwargs['parallel']:
            kwargs['parallel'] = 1
            # If number of threads not provided, just use half of the number of available cpus
            if isinstance(kwargs['parallel'],
                          bool) and kwargs['parallel'] == True:
                kwargs['parallel'] = cpu_count() // 2

        if optimize is not None and kwargs['parallel'] and kwargs[
                'max_iterations'] == 1:
            warn("Parallelization for MPI works for multiple iterations only. "
                 "For a better performance, use: 'max_iterations' > 1")

        # Get number of qubits
        qubits = circuit.all_qubits()
        n_qubits = len(qubits)

        # If initial/final state is None, set to all .'s
        initial_state = '.' * n_qubits if initial_state is None else initial_state
        final_state = '.' * n_qubits if final_state is None else final_state

        # Initial and final states must be valid strings
        for state, sname in [(initial_state, 'initial_state'),
                             (final_state, 'final_state')]:
            # Get alphabet
            from string import ascii_letters

            # Check if string
            if not isinstance(state, str):
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' must be a valid string.")

            # Deprecated error
            if any(x in 'xX' for x in state):
                from warnings import warn

                # Define new DeprecationWarning (to always print the warning
                # signal)
                class DeprecationWarning(Warning):

                # Warn the user that '.' is used to represent open qubits
                    "Since '0.6.3', letters in the alphabet are used to "
                    "trace selected qubits (including 'x' and 'X'). "
                    "Instead, '.' is used to represent an open qubit.",

            # Check only valid symbols are present
            if set(state).difference('01+-.' + ascii_letters):
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' contains invalid symbols.")

            # Check number of qubits
            if len(state) != n_qubits:
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' has the wrong number of qubits "
                                 f"(expected {n_qubits}, got {len(state)})")

        # Check memory
        if 2**(initial_state.count('.') +
               final_state.count('.')) > kwargs['max_largest_intermediate']:
            raise MemoryError("Memory for the given number of open qubits "
                              "exceeds the 'max_largest_intermediate'.")

        # Compress circuit
        if kwargs['compress']:
            if verbose:
                    f"Compress circuit (max_n_qubits={kwargs['compress']}): ",
                _time = time()

            circuit = utils.compress(
                kwargs['compress']['max_n_qubits'] if isinstance(
                    kwargs['compress'], dict) else kwargs['compress'],
                    k: v
                    for k, v in kwargs['compress'].items()
                    if k != 'max_n_qubits'
                } if isinstance(kwargs['compress'], dict) else {}))

            circuit = Circuit(
                utils.to_matrix_gate(c, complex_type=complex_type)
                for c in circuit)
            if verbose:
                print(f"Done! ({time()-_time:1.2f}s)", file=stderr)

        # Get tensor network representation of circuit
        tensor, tn_qubits_map = utils.to_tn(circuit,

        # Define basic MPS
        _mps = {
            '0': np.array([1, 0]),
            '1': np.array([0, 1]),
            '+': np.array([1, 1]) / np.sqrt(2),
            '-': np.array([1, -1]) / np.sqrt(2)

        # Attach initial/final state
        for state, ext in [(initial_state, 'i'), (final_state, 'f')]:
            for s, q in ((s, q) for s, q in zip(state, qubits) if s in _mps):
                inds = [f'{leaves_prefix}_{tn_qubits_map[q]}_{ext}']
                tensor &= tn.Tensor(_mps[s], inds=inds, tags=inds)

        # For each unique letter, apply trace
        for x in set(initial_state + final_state).difference(''.join(_mps) +
            # Get indexes
            inds = [
                for s, q in zip(initial_state, qubits) if s == x
            inds += [
                for s, q in zip(final_state, qubits) if s == x

            # Apply trace
            tensor &= tn.Tensor(np.reshape([1] + [0] * (2**len(inds) - 2) +
                                           [1], (2, ) * len(inds)),

        # Simplify if requested
        if kwargs['simplify_tn']:
            # Otherwise, just convert to the given complex_type

        # Get contraction from heuristic
        if optimize == 'cotengra' and kwargs['max_iterations'] > 0:

            # Set cotengra parameters
            def cotengra_params():
                # Get HyperOptimizer
                q = ctg.HyperOptimizer(methods=kwargs['methods'],

                # For some optlib, HyperOptimizer._retrieve_params is not
                # pickeable. Let's fix the problem by hand.
                q._retrieve_params = __FunctionWrap(q._retrieve_params)

                # Return HyperOptimizer
                return q

            # Get target size
            tli = kwargs['target_largest_intermediate']

            with Pool(kwargs['parallel']) as pool:

                # Sumbit jobs
                _opts = [
                    cotengra_params() for _ in range(kwargs['max_iterations'])
                _map = [
                    pool.apply_async(tensor.contract, (all, ),
                                     dict(optimize=_opt, get='path-info'))
                    for _opt in _opts

                with tqdm(total=len(_map),
                          disable=not verbose,
                          desc='Collecting contractions') as pbar:

                    _old_completed = 0
                    while 1:

                        # Count number of completed
                        _completed = 0
                        for _w in _map:
                            _completed += _w.ready()
                            if _w.ready() and not _w.successful():

                        # Update pbar
                        pbar.update(_completed - _old_completed)
                        _old_completed = _completed

                        if _completed == len(_map):

                        # Wait

                # Collect results
                _infos = [_w.get() for _w in _map]

            if kwargs['minimize'] == 'size':
                opt, info = sort(
                    zip(_opts, _infos),
                    key=lambda w:
                    (w[1].largest_intermediate, w[0].best['flops']))[0]
                opt, info = sort(
                    zip(_opts, _infos),
                    key=lambda w:
                    (w[0].best['flops'], w[1].largest_intermediate))[0]

        if optimize == 'cotengra':

            # Gather best contractions
            _cost = _mpi_comm.gather(
                (info.largest_intermediate, info.opt_cost, _mpi_rank), root=0)
            if _mpi_rank == 0:
                if kwargs['minimize'] == 'size':
                    _best_rank = sort(_cost, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))[0][-1]
                    _best_rank = sort(_cost, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))[0][-1]
                _best_rank = None
            _best_rank = _mpi_comm.bcast(_best_rank, root=0)

            if hasattr(opt, '_pool'):
                del (opt._pool)

            # Distribute opt/info
            tensor, info, opt = _mpi_comm.bcast((tensor, info, opt),

        # Just return tensor if required
        if tensor_only:
            if optimize == 'cotengra' and kwargs['max_iterations'] > 0:
                return tensor, (info, opt)
                return tensor


        # Set tensor
        tensor = circuit

        if len(optimize) == 2 and isinstance(
                optimize[0], PathInfo) and isinstance(
                    optimize[1], ctg.hyper.HyperOptimizer):

            # Get info and opt from optimize
            info, opt = optimize

            # Set optimization
            optimize = 'cotengra'


            # Get tensor and path
            tensor = circuit

    # Print some info
    if verbose and _mpi_rank == 0:
            f'Largest Intermediate: 2^{np.log2(float(info.largest_intermediate)):1.2f}',
            f'Max Largest Intermediate: 2^{np.log2(float(kwargs["max_largest_intermediate"])):1.2f}',
        print(f'Flops: 2^{np.log2(float(info.opt_cost)):1.2f}', file=stderr)

    if optimize == 'cotengra':

        if _mpi_rank == 0:

            # Get indexes
            _inds = tensor.outer_inds()

            # Get input indexes and output indexes
            _i_inds = sort([x for x in _inds if x[-2:] == '_i'],
                           key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))
            _f_inds = sort([x for x in _inds if x[-2:] == '_f'],
                           key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))

            # Get order
            _inds = [_inds.index(x) for x in _i_inds + _f_inds]

            # Get slice finder
            sf = ctg.SliceFinder(

            # Find slices
            with tqdm(kwargs['temperatures'], disable=not verbose,
                      leave=False) as pbar:
                for _temp in pbar:
                    pbar.set_description(f'Find slices (T={_temp})')
                    ix_sl, cost_sl = sf.search(temperature=_temp)

            # Get slice contractor
            sc = sf.SlicedContractor([t.data for t in tensor])

            # Make sure that no open qubits are sliced
            assert (not {
                ix: i
                for i, ix in enumerate(sc.output) if ix in sc.sliced

            # Print some infos
            if verbose:
                    f'Number of slices: 2^{np.log2(float(cost_sl.nslices)):1.2f}',
                    f'Flops+Cuts: 2^{np.log2(float(cost_sl.total_flops)):1.2f}',

            # Update infos
                'flops': info.opt_cost,
                'largest_intermediate': info.largest_intermediate,
                'n_slices': cost_sl.nslices,
                'total_flops': cost_sl.total_flops

            # Get slices
            slices = list(range(cost_sl.nslices + 1)) + [None] * (
                _mpi_size -
                cost_sl.nslices) if cost_sl.nslices < _mpi_size else [
                    cost_sl.nslices / _mpi_size * i for i in range(_mpi_size)
                ] + [cost_sl.nslices]
            if not np.alltrue(
                [int(x) == x
                 for x in slices if x is not None]) or not np.alltrue([
                     slices[i] < slices[i + 1] for i in range(_mpi_size)
                     if slices[i] is not None and slices[i + 1] is not None
                raise RuntimeError('Something went wrong')

            # Convert all to integers
            slices = [int(x) if x is not None else None for x in slices]


            sc = slices = None

        # Distribute slicer and slices
        sc, slices = _mpi_comm.bcast((sc, slices), root=0)

        _n_slices = max(x for x in slices if x)
        if kwargs['max_n_slices'] and _n_slices > kwargs['max_n_slices']:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Too many slices ({_n_slices} > {kwargs["max_n_slices"]})')

        # Contract slices
        _tensor = None
        if slices[_mpi_rank] is not None and slices[_mpi_rank + 1] is not None:
            for i in tqdm(range(slices[_mpi_rank], slices[_mpi_rank + 1]),
                          desc='Contracting slices',
                          disable=not verbose,
                if _tensor is None:
                    _tensor = np.copy(sc.contract_slice(i, backend=backend))
                    _tensor += sc.contract_slice(i, backend=backend)

        # Gather tensors
        if _mpi_rank != 0:
            _mpi_comm.send(_tensor, dest=0, tag=11)
        elif _mpi_rank == 0:
            for i in tqdm(range(1, _mpi_size),
                          desc='Collecting tensors',
                          disable=not verbose):
                _p_tensor = _mpi_comm.recv(source=i, tag=11)
                if _p_tensor is not None:
                    _tensor += _p_tensor

        if _mpi_rank == 0:

            # Create map
            _map = ''.join([get_symbol(x) for x in range(len(_inds))])
            _map += '->'
            _map += ''.join([get_symbol(x) for x in _inds])

            # Reorder tensor
            tensor = contract(_map, _tensor)

            # Deprecated
            ## Reshape tensor
            #if _inds:
            #    if _i_inds and _f_inds:
            #        tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
            #                            (2**len(_i_inds), 2**len(_f_inds)))
            #    else:
            #        tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
            #                            (2**max(len(_i_inds), len(_f_inds)),))


            tensor = None


        if _mpi_rank == 0:

            # Contract tensor
            tensor = tensor.contract(optimize=optimize, backend=backend)

            if hasattr(tensor, 'inds'):

                # Get input indexes and output indexes
                _i_inds = sort([x for x in tensor.inds if x[-2:] == '_i'],
                               key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))
                _f_inds = sort([x for x in tensor.inds if x[-2:] == '_f'],
                               key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))

                # Transpose tensor
                tensor.transpose(*(_i_inds + _f_inds), inplace=True)

                # Deprecated
                ## Reshape tensor
                #if _i_inds and _f_inds:
                #    tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
                #                        (2**len(_i_inds), 2**len(_f_inds)))
                #    tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
                #                        (2**max(len(_i_inds), len(_f_inds)),))


            tensor = None

    if kwargs['return_info']:
        return tensor, _sim_info
        return tensor
Exemplo n.º 6
    def commutes_with(self, gate: PowerMatrixGate, atol: float = 1e-7) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the calling gate commutes with `gate`.

        gate: PowerMatrixGate
            Gate to check commutation with.
        atol: float
            Absolute tollerance.

            `True` if the calling gate commutes with `gate`, otherwise `False`.
        from string import ascii_lowercase as alc, ascii_uppercase as auc

        # Check both gates have qubits
        if self.qubits is None or gate.qubits is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot check commutation between virtual gates.")

        # Get shared qubits
        shared_qubits = sort(set(self.qubits).intersection(gate.qubits))

        # If no qubits are shared, the gates definitely commute
        if not shared_qubits:
            return True

        # Rename
        g1, g2 = self, gate

        # Get all qubits
        q12 = tuple(sort(set(g1.qubits + g2.qubits)))

        # Get number of qubits
        n12 = len(q12)

        # Get unitaries
        U1 = np.reshape(g1.matrix(), (2, ) * 2 * g1.n_qubits)
        U2 = np.reshape(g2.matrix(), (2, ) * 2 * g2.n_qubits)

        # Define how to multiply matrices
        def _mul(w1, w2):
            # Get qubits and unitaries
            q1, U1 = w1
            q2, U2 = w2

            # Get number of qubits
            n1 = len(q1)
            n2 = len(q2)

            # Construct map
            _map = ''
            _map += ''.join(alc[q12.index(q)] for q in q1)
            _map += ''.join(auc[-shared_qubits.index(q) -
                                1 if q in shared_qubits else q12.index(q)]
                            for q in q1)
            _map += ','
            _map += ''.join(auc[-shared_qubits.index(q) -
                                1] if q in shared_qubits else alc[q12.index(q)]
                            for q in q2)
            _map += ''.join(auc[q12.index(q)] for q in q2)
            _map += '->'
            _map += ''.join(alc[x] for x in range(n12))
            _map += ''.join(auc[x] for x in range(n12))

            # Multiply map
            return np.einsum(_map, U1, U2)

        # Compute products
        P1 = _mul((g1.qubits, U1), (g2.qubits, U2))
        P2 = _mul((g2.qubits, U2), (g1.qubits, U1))

        # Check if the same
        return np.allclose(P1, P2, atol=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def matrix(self, order: iter[any] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        Return matrix representing `MatrixPowerGate`. If `order` is provided,
        the given order of qubits is used to output its matrix.

        order: iter[any]
            Order of qubits used to output the matrix.

            Matrix representing `MatrixPowerGate`.

        >>> g = PowerMatrixGate(qubits=[0, 1], U=[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
        array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 1],
               [0, 0, 1, 0]])

        The order of qubits is `[1, 0]`. On the contrary:
        >>> g.on().matrix(order=[1, 0])
        array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 1],
               [0, 0, 1, 0],
               [0, 1, 0, 0]])

        outputs a matrix with the qubits order being if `[0, 1]`.

        # Get Unitary
        _U = np.asarray(self.Matrix)

        if order is not None:
            # Covert order to list
            order = list(order)

            # Order is allowed only if gate.qubits are specified
            if self.qubits is None or sort(order) != sort(self.qubits):
                raise ValueError(
                    "'order' is not a permutation of 'gate.qubits'.")

        # Reorder matrix in case qubits are out-of-order
        if order and order != self.qubits:
            # Transpose
            _U = np.reshape(
                    np.reshape(_U, (2, ) * (2 * self.n_qubits)),
                    [self.qubits.index(q) for q in order] +
                    [self.n_qubits + self.qubits.index(q) for q in order]),
                (2**self.n_qubits, 2**self.n_qubits))

        # Apply power
        if self.power != 1:
            _U = powm(_U, float(self.power))

        # Apply conjugation
        if self.__conj:
            _U = _U.conj()

        # Apply transposition
        if self.__T:
            _U = _U.T

        # Return matrix
        return _U
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _unique_flatten(l):
     from hybridq.utils import sort
     return sort(set(y for x in l for y in x))
Exemplo n.º 9
def pad(gate: Gate,
        qubits: iter[any],
        order: iter[any] = None,
        return_matrix_only: bool = False) -> {MatrixGate, np.ndarray}:
    Pad `gate` to act on `qubits`. More precisely, if `gate` is acting on a
    subset of `qubits`, extend `gate` with identities to act on all `qubits`.

    gate: Gate
        The gate to pad.
    qubits: iter[any]
        Qubits used to pad `gate`. If `gate.qubits` is not a subset of
        `qubits`, raise an error.
    order: iter[any], optional
        If provided, reorder qubits in the final gate accordingly to `qubits`.
    return_matrix_only: bool, optional
        If `True`, the matrix representing the state is returned instead of
        `MatrixGate` (default: `False`).

        The padded gate acting on `qubits`.
    from hybridq.gate import MatrixGate
    from hybridq.utils import sort

    # Convert qubits to tuple
    qubits = tuple(qubits)

    # Convert order to tuple if provided
    order = None if order is None else tuple(order)

    # Check that order is a permutation of qubits
    if order and sort(qubits) != sort(order):
        raise ValueError("'order' must be a permutation of 'qubits'")

    # 'gate' must have qubits and it must be a subset of 'qubits'
    if not gate.provides('qubits') or set(gate.qubits).difference(qubits):
        raise ValueError("'gate' must provide qubits and those "
                         "qubits must be a subset of 'qubits'.")

    # Get matrix
    M = gate.matrix()

    # Pad matrix with identity
    if gate.n_qubits != len(qubits):
        M = np.kron(M, np.eye(2**(len(qubits) - gate.n_qubits)))

    # Get new qubits
    qubits = gate.qubits + tuple(set(qubits).difference(gate.qubits))

    # Reorder if required
    if order and order != qubits:
        # Get new matrix
        M = MatrixGate(M, qubits=qubits).matrix(order=order)

        # Set new qubits
        qubits = order

    # Return gate
    return M if return_matrix_only else MatrixGate(
        M, qubits=qubits, tags=gate.tags if gate.provides('tags') else {})
Exemplo n.º 10
def _simulate_tn(circuit: any, initial_state: any, final_state: any,
                 optimize: any, backend: any, complex_type: any,
                 tensor_only: bool, verbose: bool, **kwargs):
    import quimb.tensor as tn
    import cotengra as ctg

    # Get random leaves_prefix
    leaves_prefix = ''.join(
        np.random.choice(list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), size=20))

    # Initialize info
    _sim_info = {}

    # Alias for tn
    if optimize == 'tn':
        optimize = 'cotengra'

    if isinstance(circuit, Circuit):

        # Get number of qubits
        qubits = circuit.all_qubits()
        n_qubits = len(qubits)

        # If initial/final state is None, set to all .'s
        initial_state = '.' * n_qubits if initial_state is None else initial_state
        final_state = '.' * n_qubits if final_state is None else final_state

        # Initial and final states must be valid strings
        for state, sname in [(initial_state, 'initial_state'),
                             (final_state, 'final_state')]:
            # Get alphabet
            from string import ascii_letters

            # Check if string
            if not isinstance(state, str):
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' must be a valid string.")

            # Deprecated error
            if any(x in 'xX' for x in state):
                from hybridq.utils import DeprecationWarning
                from warnings import warn

                # Warn the user that '.' is used to represent open qubits
                    "Since '0.6.3', letters in the alphabet are used to "
                    "trace selected qubits (including 'x' and 'X'). "
                    "Instead, '.' is used to represent an open qubit.",

            # Check only valid symbols are present
            if set(state).difference('01+-.' + ascii_letters):
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' contains invalid symbols.")

            # Check number of qubits
            if len(state) != n_qubits:
                raise ValueError(f"'{sname}' has the wrong number of qubits "
                                 f"(expected {n_qubits}, got {len(state)})")

        # Check memory
        if 2**(initial_state.count('.') +
               final_state.count('.')) > kwargs['max_largest_intermediate']:
            raise MemoryError("Memory for the given number of open qubits "
                              "exceeds the 'max_largest_intermediate'.")

        # Compress circuit
        if kwargs['compress']:
            if verbose:
                    f"Compress circuit (max_n_qubits={kwargs['compress']}): ",
                _time = time()

            circuit = utils.compress(
                kwargs['compress']['max_n_qubits'] if isinstance(
                    kwargs['compress'], dict) else kwargs['compress'],
                    k: v
                    for k, v in kwargs['compress'].items()
                    if k != 'max_n_qubits'
                } if isinstance(kwargs['compress'], dict) else {}))

            circuit = Circuit(
                utils.to_matrix_gate(c, complex_type=complex_type)
                for c in circuit)
            if verbose:
                print(f"Done! ({time()-_time:1.2f}s)", file=stderr)

        # Get tensor network representation of circuit
        tensor, tn_qubits_map = utils.to_tn(circuit,

        # Define basic MPS
        _mps = {
            '0': np.array([1, 0]),
            '1': np.array([0, 1]),
            '+': np.array([1, 1]) / np.sqrt(2),
            '-': np.array([1, -1]) / np.sqrt(2)

        # Attach initial/final state
        for state, ext in [(initial_state, 'i'), (final_state, 'f')]:
            for s, q in ((s, q) for s, q in zip(state, qubits) if s in _mps):
                inds = [f'{leaves_prefix}_{tn_qubits_map[q]}_{ext}']
                tensor &= tn.Tensor(_mps[s], inds=inds, tags=inds)

        # For each unique letter, apply trace
        for x in set(initial_state + final_state).difference(''.join(_mps) +
            # Get indexes
            inds = [
                for s, q in zip(initial_state, qubits) if s == x
            inds += [
                for s, q in zip(final_state, qubits) if s == x

            # Apply trace
            tensor &= tn.Tensor(np.reshape([1] + [0] * (2**len(inds) - 2) +
                                           [1], (2, ) * len(inds)),

        # Simplify if requested
        if kwargs['simplify_tn']:
            # Otherwise, just convert to the given complex_type

        # Get contraction from heuristic
        if optimize == 'cotengra' and kwargs['max_iterations'] > 0:

            # Create local client if MPI has been detected (not compatible with Dask at the moment)
            if _mpi_env and kwargs['parallel']:

                from distributed import Client, LocalCluster
                _client = Client(LocalCluster(processes=False))


                _client = None

            # Set cotengra parameters
            cotengra_params = lambda: ctg.HyperOptimizer(

            # Get optimized path
            opt = cotengra_params()
            info = tensor.contract(all, optimize=opt, get='path-info')

            # Get target size
            tli = kwargs['target_largest_intermediate']

            # Repeat for the requested number of iterations
            for _ in range(1, kwargs['max_iterations']):

                # Break if largest intermediate is equal or smaller than target
                if info.largest_intermediate <= tli:

                # Otherwise, restart
                _opt = cotengra_params()
                _info = tensor.contract(all, optimize=_opt, get='path-info')

                # Store the best
                if kwargs['minimize'] == 'size':

                    if _info.largest_intermediate < info.largest_intermediate or (
                            == info.largest_intermediate
                            and _opt.best['flops'] < opt.best['flops']):
                        info = _info
                        opt = _opt


                    if _opt.best['flops'] < opt.best['flops'] or (
                            _opt.best['flops'] == opt.best['flops']
                            and _info.largest_intermediate <
                        info = _info
                        opt = _opt

            # Close client if exists
            if _client:


        # Just return tensor if required
        if tensor_only:
            if optimize == 'cotengra' and kwargs['max_iterations'] > 0:
                return tensor, (info, opt)
                return tensor


        # Set tensor
        tensor = circuit

        if len(optimize) == 2 and isinstance(
                optimize[0], PathInfo) and isinstance(
                    optimize[1], ctg.hyper.HyperOptimizer):

            # Get info and opt from optimize
            info, opt = optimize

            # Set optimization
            optimize = 'cotengra'


            # Get tensor and path
            tensor = circuit

    # Print some info
    if verbose:
            f'Largest Intermediate: 2^{np.log2(float(info.largest_intermediate)):1.2f}',
            f'Max Largest Intermediate: 2^{np.log2(float(kwargs["max_largest_intermediate"])):1.2f}',
        print(f'Flops: 2^{np.log2(float(info.opt_cost)):1.2f}', file=stderr)

    if optimize == 'cotengra':

        # Get indexes
        _inds = tensor.outer_inds()

        # Get input indexes and output indexes
        _i_inds = sort([x for x in _inds if x[-2:] == '_i'],
                       key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))
        _f_inds = sort([x for x in _inds if x[-2:] == '_f'],
                       key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))

        # Get order
        _inds = [_inds.index(x) for x in _i_inds + _f_inds]

        # Get slice finder
        sf = ctg.SliceFinder(info,

        # Find slices
        with tqdm(kwargs['temperatures'], disable=not verbose,
                  leave=False) as pbar:
            for _temp in pbar:
                pbar.set_description(f'Find slices (T={_temp})')
                ix_sl, cost_sl = sf.search(temperature=_temp)

        # Get slice contractor
        sc = sf.SlicedContractor([t.data for t in tensor])

        # Update infos
            'flops': info.opt_cost,
            'largest_intermediate': info.largest_intermediate,
            'n_slices': cost_sl.nslices,
            'total_flops': cost_sl.total_flops

        # Print some infos
        if verbose:
                f'Number of slices: 2^{np.log2(float(cost_sl.nslices)):1.2f}',
            print(f'Flops+Cuts: 2^{np.log2(float(cost_sl.total_flops)):1.2f}',

        if kwargs['max_n_slices'] and sc.nslices > kwargs['max_n_slices']:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Too many slices ({sc.nslices} > {kwargs["max_n_slices"]})')

        # Contract tensor
        _li = np.log2(float(info.largest_intermediate))
        _mli = np.log2(float(kwargs["max_largest_intermediate"]))
        _tensor = sc.gather_slices((sc.contract_slice(
            i, backend=backend
        ) for i in tqdm(
            desc=f'Contracting tensor (li=2^{_li:1.0f}, mli=2^{_mli:1.1f})',

        # Create map
        _map = ''.join([get_symbol(x) for x in range(len(_inds))])
        _map += '->'
        _map += ''.join([get_symbol(x) for x in _inds])

        # Reorder tensor
        tensor = contract(_map, _tensor)

        # Deprecated
        ## Reshape tensor
        #if _inds:
        #    if _i_inds and _f_inds:
        #        tensor = np.reshape(tensor, (2**len(_i_inds), 2**len(_f_inds)))
        #    else:
        #        tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
        #                            (2**max(len(_i_inds), len(_f_inds)),))


        # Contract tensor
        tensor = tensor.contract(optimize=optimize, backend=backend)

        if hasattr(tensor, 'inds'):

            # Get input indexes and output indexes
            _i_inds = sort([x for x in tensor.inds if x[-2:] == '_i'],
                           key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))
            _f_inds = sort([x for x in tensor.inds if x[-2:] == '_f'],
                           key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))

            # Transpose tensor
            tensor.transpose(*(_i_inds + _f_inds), inplace=True)

            # Deprecated
            ## Reshape tensor
            #if _i_inds and _f_inds:
            #    tensor = np.reshape(tensor, (2**len(_i_inds), 2**len(_f_inds)))
            #    tensor = np.reshape(tensor,
            #                        (2**max(len(_i_inds), len(_f_inds)),))

    if kwargs['return_info']:
        return tensor, _sim_info
        return tensor
Exemplo n.º 11
def _simulate_evolution(circuit: iter[Gate], initial_state: any,
                        final_state: any, optimize: any, backend: any,
                        complex_type: any, verbose: bool, **kwargs):
    Perform simulation of the circuit by using the direct evolution of the quantum state.

    if _detect_mpi:
        warn("Detected MPI but optimize='evolution' does not support MPI.")

    # Initialize info
    _sim_info = {}

    # Convert iterable to circuit
    circuit = Circuit(circuit)

    # Get number of qubits
    qubits = circuit.all_qubits()
    n_qubits = len(qubits)

    # Check if core libraries have been loaded properly
    if any(not x for x in
           [_swap_core, _dot_core, _to_complex_core, _log2_pack_size]):
        warn("Cannot find C++ HybridQ core. "
             "Falling back to optimize='evolution-einsum' instead.")
        optimize = 'einsum'

    # If the system is too small, fallback to einsum
    if optimize == 'hybridq' and n_qubits <= max(10, _log2_pack_size):
        warn("The system is too small to use optimize='evolution-hybridq'. "
             "Falling back to optimize='evolution-einsum'")
        optimize = 'einsum'

    if verbose:
        print(f'# Optimization: {optimize}', file=stderr)

    # Check memory
    if 2**n_qubits > kwargs['max_largest_intermediate']:
        raise MemoryError(
            "Memory for the given number of qubits exceeds the 'max_largest_intermediate'."

    # If final_state is specified, warn user
    if final_state is not None:
            f"'final_state' cannot be specified in optimize='{optimize}'. Ignoring 'final_state'."

    # Initial state must be provided
    if initial_state is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "'initial_state' must be specified for optimize='evolution'.")

    # Convert complex_type to np.dtype
    complex_type = np.dtype(complex_type)

    # Print info
    if verbose:
        print(f"Compress circuit (max_n_qubits={kwargs['compress']}): ",
        _time = time()

    # Compress circuit
    circuit = utils.compress(
        kwargs['compress']['max_n_qubits'] if isinstance(
            kwargs['compress'], dict) else kwargs['compress'],
            k: v
            for k, v in kwargs['compress'].items() if k != 'max_n_qubits'
        } if isinstance(kwargs['compress'], dict) else {}))

    # Check that FunctionalGate's are not compressed
    assert (all(not isinstance(g, pr.FunctionalGate) if len(x) > 1 else True
                for x in circuit for g in x))

    # Compress everything which is not a FunctionalGate
    circuit = Circuit(g for c in (c if any(
        isinstance(g, pr.FunctionalGate)
        for g in c) else [utils.to_matrix_gate(c, complex_type=complex_type)]
                                  for c in circuit) for g in c)

    # Get state
    initial_state = prepare_state(initial_state,
                                  complex_type=complex_type) if isinstance(
                                      initial_state, str) else initial_state

    if verbose:
        print(f"Done! ({time()-_time:1.2f}s)", file=stderr)

    if optimize == 'hybridq':

        if complex_type not in ['complex64', 'complex128']:
                "optimize=evolution-hybridq only support ['complex64', 'complex128']. Using 'complex64'."
            complex_type = np.dtype('complex64')

        # Get float_type
        float_type = np.real(np.array(1, dtype=complex_type)).dtype

        # Get C float_type
        c_float_type = {
            np.dtype('float32'): ctypes.c_float,
            np.dtype('float64'): ctypes.c_double

        # Load libraries
        _apply_U = _dot_core[float_type]

        # Get swap core
        _swap = _swap_core[float_type]

        # Get to_complex core
        _to_complex = _to_complex_core[complex_type]

        # Get states
        _psi = aligned.empty(shape=(2, ) + initial_state.shape,
        # Split in real and imaginary part
        _psi_re = _psi[0]
        _psi_im = _psi[1]

        # Check alignment
        assert (_psi_re.ctypes.data % 32 == 0)
        assert (_psi_im.ctypes.data % 32 == 0)

        # Get C-pointers
        _psi_re_ptr = _psi_re.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(c_float_type))
        _psi_im_ptr = _psi_im.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(c_float_type))

        # Initialize
        np.copyto(_psi_re, np.real(initial_state))
        np.copyto(_psi_im, np.imag(initial_state))

        # Create index maps
        _map = {q: n_qubits - x - 1 for x, q in enumerate(qubits)}
        _inv_map = [q for q, _ in sort(_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])]

        # Set largest swap_size
        _max_swap_size = 0

        # Start clock
        _ini_time = time()

        # Apply all gates
        for gate in tqdm(circuit, disable=not verbose):

            # FunctionalGate
            if isinstance(gate, pr.FunctionalGate):
                # Get order
                order = tuple(
                    for q, _ in sorted(_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1])

                # Apply gate to state
                new_psi, new_order = gate.apply(psi=_psi, order=order)

                # Copy back if needed
                if new_psi is not _psi:
                    # Align if needed
                    _psi = aligned.asarray(new_psi,

                    # Redefine real and imaginary part
                    _psi_re = _psi[0]
                    _psi_im = _psi[1]

                    # Get C-pointers
                    _psi_re_ptr = _psi_re.ctypes.data_as(
                    _psi_im_ptr = _psi_im.ctypes.data_as(

                # This can be eventually fixed ...
                if any(x != y for x, y in zip(order, new_order)):
                    raise RuntimeError("'order' has changed.")

            elif gate.provides(['qubits', 'matrix']):

                # Check if any qubits is withing the pack_size
                if any(q in _inv_map[:_log2_pack_size] for q in gate.qubits):

                    #@@@ Alternative way to always use the smallest swap size
                    #@@@ # Get positions
                    #@@@ _pos = np.fromiter((_map[q] for q in gate.qubits),
                    #@@@                    dtype=int)

                    #@@@ # Get smallest swap size
                    #@@@ _swap_size = 0 if np.all(_pos >= _log2_pack_size) else next(
                    #@@@     k
                    #@@@     for k in range(_log2_pack_size, 2 *
                    #@@@                    max(len(_pos), _log2_pack_size) + 1)
                    #@@@     if sum(_pos < k) <= k - _log2_pack_size)

                    #@@@ # Get new order
                    #@@@ _order = [
                    #@@@     x for x, q in enumerate(_inv_map[:_swap_size])
                    #@@@     if q not in gate.qubits
                    #@@@ ]
                    #@@@ _order += [
                    #@@@     x for x, q in enumerate(_inv_map[:_swap_size])
                    #@@@     if q in gate.qubits
                    #@@@ ]

                    if len(gate.qubits) <= 4:

                        # Get new order
                        _order = [
                            x for x, q in enumerate(_inv_map[:8])
                            if q not in gate.qubits
                        _order += [
                            x for x, q in enumerate(_inv_map[:8])
                            if q in gate.qubits


                        # Get qubit indexes for gate
                        _gate_idxs = [_inv_map.index(q) for q in gate.qubits]

                        # Get new order
                        _order = [
                            x for x in range(n_qubits) if x not in _gate_idxs
                        _order += [x for x in _gate_idxs if x < max(_order)]

                    # Get swap size
                    _swap_size = len(_order)

                    # Update max swap size
                    if _swap_size > _max_swap_size:
                        _max_swap_size = _swap_size

                    # Update maps
                    _inv_map[:_swap_size] = [
                        _inv_map[:_swap_size][x] for x in _order
                        {q: x
                         for x, q in enumerate(_inv_map[:_swap_size])})

                    # Apply swap
                    _order = np.array(_order, dtype='uint32')
                        n_qubits, len(_order))
                        n_qubits, len(_order))

                # Get positions
                _pos = np.array([_map[q] for q in reversed(gate.qubits)],

                # Get matrix
                _U = np.asarray(gate.matrix(), dtype=complex_type, order='C')

                # Apply matrix
                if _apply_U(
                        _psi_re_ptr, _psi_im_ptr,
                        n_qubits, len(_pos)):

                    raise RuntimeError('something went wrong')

                raise RuntimeError(f"'{gate}' not supported")

        # Check maps are still consistent
        assert (all(_inv_map[_map[q]] == q for q in _map))

        # Swap back to the correct order
        _order = np.array([_inv_map.index(q)
                           for q in reversed(qubits)][:_max_swap_size],
              _order.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)), n_qubits,
              _order.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)), n_qubits,

        # Stop clock
        _end_time = time()

        # Copy the results
        if kwargs['return_numpy_array']:
            _complex_psi = np.empty(_psi.shape[1:], dtype=complex_type)
                _psi_re_ptr, _psi_im_ptr,
            _psi = _complex_psi

        # Update info
        _sim_info['runtime (s)'] = _end_time - _ini_time

    elif optimize.split('-')[0] == 'einsum':

        optimize = '-'.join(optimize.split('-')[1:])
        if not optimize:
            optimize = 'auto'

        # Split circuits to separate FunctionalGate's
        circuit = utils.compress(
                k: v
                for k, v in kwargs['compress'].items() if k != 'max_n_qubits'
            } if isinstance(kwargs['compress'], dict) else {}))

        # Check that FunctionalGate's are not compressed
        assert (all(
            not isinstance(g, pr.FunctionalGate) if len(x) > 1 else True
            for x in circuit for g in x))

        # Prepare initial_state
        _psi = initial_state

        # Initialize time
        _ini_time = time()
        for circuit in circuit:

            # Check
            assert (all(not isinstance(g, pr.FunctionalGate) for g in circuit)
                    or len(circuit) == 1)

            # Apply gate if functional
            if len(circuit) == 1 and isinstance(circuit[0], pr.FunctionalGate):

                # Apply gate to state
                _psi, qubits = circuit[0].apply(psi=_psi, order=qubits)

                # Get gates and corresponding qubits
                _qubits, _gates = zip(
                       np.reshape(c.matrix().astype(complex_type), (2, ) *
                                  (2 * len(c.qubits)))) for c in circuit))

                # Initialize map
                _map = {q: get_symbol(x) for x, q in enumerate(qubits)}
                _count = n_qubits
                _path = ''.join((_map[q] for q in qubits))

                # Generate map
                for _qs in _qubits:

                    # Initialize local paths
                    _path_in = _path_out = ''

                    # Add incoming legs
                    for _q in _qs:
                        _path_in += _map[_q]

                    # Add outcoming legs
                    for _q in _qs:
                        _map[_q] = get_symbol(_count)
                        _count += 1
                        _path_out += _map[_q]

                    # Update path
                    _path = _path_out + _path_in + ',' + _path

                # Make sure that qubits order is preserved
                _path += '->' + ''.join([_map[q] for q in qubits])

                # Contracts
                _psi = contract(_path,

                # Block JAX until result is ready (for a more precise runtime)
                if backend == 'jax' and kwargs['block_until_ready']:

        # Stop time
        _end_time = time()

        # Update info
        _sim_info['runtime (s)'] = _end_time - _ini_time


        raise ValueError(f"optimize='{optimize}' not implemented.")

    if verbose:
        print(f'# Runtime (s): {_sim_info["runtime (s)"]:1.2f}', file=stderr)

    # Return state
    if kwargs['return_info']:
        return _psi, _sim_info
        return _psi
Exemplo n.º 12
def to_nx(circuit: iter[BaseGate],
          add_final_nodes: bool = True,
          node_tags: dict = None,
          edge_tags: dict = None,
          return_qubits_map: bool = False,
          leaves_prefix: str = 'q') -> networkx.Graph:
    Return graph representation of circuit. `to_nx` is deterministic, so it can
    be reused elsewhere.

    circuit: iter[BaseGate]
        Circuit to get graph representation from.
    add_final_nodes: bool, optional
        Add final nodes for each qubit to the graph representation of `circuit`.
    node_tags: dict, optional
        Add specific tags to nodes.
    edge_tags: dict, optional
        Add specific tags to edges.
    return_qubits_map: bool, optional
        Return map associated to the Circuit qubits.
    leaves_prefix: str, optional
        Specify prefix to use for leaves.

        Graph representing `circuit`.

    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> # Define circuit
    >>> circuit = Circuit(
    >>>     [Gate('X', qubits=[0])**1.2,
    >>>      Gate('ISWAP', qubits=[0, 1])**2.3], Gate('H', [1]))
    >>> # Draw graph
    >>> nx.draw_planar(utils.to_nx(circuit))

    .. image:: ../../images/circuit_nx.png
    import networkx as nx

    # Initialize
    if node_tags is None:
        node_tags = {}
    if edge_tags is None:
        edge_tags = {}

    # Check if node is a leaf
    def _is_leaf(node):
        return type(node) == str and node[:len(leaves_prefix)] == leaves_prefix

    # Convert iterable to Circuit
    circuit = Circuit(circuit)

    # Get graph
    graph = nx.DiGraph()

    # Get qubits
    qubits = circuit.all_qubits()

    # Get qubits_map
    qubits_map = {q: i for i, q in enumerate(qubits)}

    # Check that no qubits is 'confused' as leaf
    if any(_is_leaf(q) for q in qubits):
        raise ValueError(
            f"No qubits must start with 'leaves_prefix'={leaves_prefix}.")

    # Add first layer
    for q in qubits:

    # Last leg
    last_leg = {q: f'{leaves_prefix}_{qubits_map[q]}_i' for q in qubits}

    # Build network
    for x, gate in enumerate(circuit):

        # Add node

        # Add edges (time directed)
        graph.add_edges_from([(last_leg[q], x) for q in gate.qubits],

        # Update last_leg
        last_leg.update({q: x for q in gate.qubits})

    # Add last indexes if required
    if add_final_nodes:
        for q in qubits:
        graph.add_edges_from([(x, f'{leaves_prefix}_{qubits_map[q]}_f')
                              for q, x in last_leg.items()], **edge_tags)

    if return_qubits_map:
        return graph, qubits_map
        return graph
Exemplo n.º 13
def generate_OTOC(layout: dict[any, list[Coupling]],
                  depth: int,
                  sequence: list[any],
                  one_qb_gates: iter[Gate],
                  two_qb_gates: iter[Gate],
                  butterfly_op: str,
                  ancilla: Qubit,
                  targets: list[Qubit],
                  qubits_order: list[Qubit] = None) -> Circuit:

    # Get all qubits
    all_qubits = {
        for s in sequence[:min(depth, len(sequence))] for gate in layout[s]
        for q in gate

    # Get order of qubits
    qubits_order = sort(all_qubits) if qubits_order is None else qubits_order

    # Get list if single butterfly is provided
    butterfly_op = list(butterfly_op)

    # Check order of qubits
    if sort(all_qubits) != sort(qubits_order):
        raise ValueError(
            "'qubits_order' must be a valid permutation of all qubits.")

    # Check if butterfly op has valid strings
    if set(butterfly_op).difference(['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']):
        raise ValueError('Only {I, X, Y, Z} are valid butterfly operators')

    # Check if ancilla/targets are in layout
    if set(targets).union([ancilla]).difference(all_qubits):
        raise ValueError(f"Ancilla/Targets must be in layout.")

    # Check if targets are unique
    if len(set(targets)) != len(targets):
        raise ValueError('Targets must be unique.')

    # Check that ancilla is not in targets
    if ancilla in targets:
        raise ValueError('Ancilla must be different from targets')

    # Check if the number of targets corresponds to the number of butterfly ops
    if len(targets) != len(butterfly_op) + 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of butterfly operators does not match number "
            f"of targets (expected {len(targets)-1}, got {len(butterfly_op)})."

    # Check that there is a coupling between the ancilla qubit and the measurement qubit
    if next((False for s in sequence[:min(depth, len(sequence))]
             for w in layout[s] if sort(w) == sort([ancilla, targets[0]])),
        raise ValueError(
            f"No available two-qubit gate between ancilla {ancilla} "
            f"and qubit {targets[0]}.")

    # Initialize Circuit
    circ = Circuit()

    # Add initial layer of single qubit gates
        Gate('SQRT_Y' if q != ancilla else 'SQRT_X',
                 'depth': 0,
                 'sequence': 'initial'
             }) for q in sort(all_qubits)

    # Add CZ between ancilla and first target qubit
        Gate('CZ', [ancilla, targets[0]],
                 'depth': 0,
                 'sequence': 'first_control'

    # Generate U
    U = generate_U(layout=layout,
                   exclude_qubits=[ancilla]).update_all_tags({'U': True})

    # Add U to circuit
    circ += U

    # Add butterfly operator
                 'depth': depth - 1,
                 'sequence': 'butterfly'
             }) for _b, _t in zip(butterfly_op, targets[1:])

    # Add U* to circuit and update depth
    circ += Circuit(
            'depth': 2 * depth - gate.tags['depth'] - 1,
            'U^-1': True
        }) for gate in U.inv().remove_all_tags(['U']))

    # Add CZ between ancilla and first target qubit
        Gate('CZ', [ancilla, targets[0]],
                 'depth': 2 * depth - 1,
                 'sequence': 'second_control'

    return circ
Exemplo n.º 14
    def map(self, order: iter[any] = None):
        Return map.

        order: tuple[any, ...], optional
            If provided, Kraus' map is ordered accordingly to `order`.
        # Get left and right qubits
        l_qubits, r_qubits = self.qubits

        # Get order
        if order is not None:
            from hybridq.utils import sort

            # Get order
            order = tuple(order)

                # Split
                l_order, r_order = order

                # Convert to tuples
                l_order = tuple(l_order)
                r_order = tuple(r_order)

                # Check that qubits are consistent
                if sort(l_order) != sort(l_qubits) or sort(r_order) != sort(
                    raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong.")

                # Get order
                order = (l_order, r_order)
                if l_qubits != r_qubits or sort(order) != sort(l_qubits):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'order' is not a valid permutation of qubits.")

                # Get order
                order = (order, order)

        # Get Matrix representing the map
        _U = self.Matrix

        # Transpose if order is provided
        if order is not None and (order[0] != self.l_qubits
                                  or order[1] != self.r_qubits):
            from hybridq.gate import MatrixGate

            # Get gate
            _g = MatrixGate(_U,
                            qubits=tuple((0, q) for q in l_qubits) + tuple(
                                (1, q) for q in r_qubits),

            # Transpose
            _U = _g.matrix(order=tuple((0, q) for q in order[0]) + tuple(
                (1, q) for q in order[1]))

        # Return map
        return _U
Exemplo n.º 15
        def _get_state(state, name):
            # If None, return None
            if state is None:
                return None

            # Check if string
            elif isinstance(state, str):
                # If single char, extend to full size
                state = state * (nl + nr) if len(state) == 1 else state

                # Check that state has the right number of chars
                if not (len(state) == (nl + nr) or
                        (l_qubits == r_qubits and len(state) == nl)):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"'{name}' has the wrong number of qubits.")

                # Extend if needed
                state = state + state if len(state) == nl else state

                # Return
                return state

            # Check if Circuit
            elif isinstance(state, Circuit):
                from hybridq.circuit.utils import matrix

                # Check that qubits are consistent
                if l_qubits != r_qubits or sort(l_qubits) != sort(
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Qubits in '{name}' are not consistent with 'circuit'."

                # Get matrix
                U = matrix(state, order=l_qubits)

                # Swap input/output
                return np.transpose(np.reshape(U, (2, ) * 2 * nl),
                                    list(range(nl, 2 * nl)) + list(range(nl)))

                # Try to convert to numpy array
                state = np.asarray(state)

                # At the moment, only 2-dimensional qubits are allowed
                if set(state.shape) != {2}:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Only 2-dimensional qubits are allowed.")

                # Check if the number of dimensions matches
                if not (state.ndim == (nl + nr) or
                        (l_qubits == r_qubits and state.ndim == nl)):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"'{name}' has the wrong number of qubits.")

                # Extend if needed
                if state.ndim == nl:
                    state = np.reshape(np.kron(state.ravel(), state.ravel()),
                                       (2, ) * 2 * nl)

                # Return state
                return state