Exemplo n.º 1
# # test error train on different year
trLst = [[20150402, 20160401], [20160401, 20170401], [20170401, 20180401]]
statPLst = list()
statFLst = list()
for k in range(3):
    trTrain = trLst[k]
    taTrain = utils.time.tRange2Array(trTrain)
    taAll = utils.time.tRange2Array([20150402, 20180401])
    indTrain, ind2 = utils.time.intersect(taAll, taTrain)
    indTest = np.delete(np.arange(len(taAll)), indTrain)
    tempYp = ypLst[k][:, indTest]
    tempYf = yfLst[k][:, indTest]
    tempMask = maskF[:, indTest]
    tempObs = obs[:, indTest]
    tempStatP = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(tempYp, tempMask),
                               utils.fillNan(tempObs, tempMask))
    tempStatF = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(tempYf, tempMask),
                               utils.fillNan(tempObs, tempMask))

# plot map and time series
import importlib
dataGrid = [
    statPLst[0]['RMSE'] - statFLst[0]['RMSE'],
    statPLst[1]['RMSE'] - statFLst[1]['RMSE'],
    statPLst[2]['RMSE'] - statFLst[2]['RMSE']
prcp = df.getDataTs('APCP_FORA').squeeze()
Exemplo n.º 2
            temp = 1
            if temp != 0:
                temp = temp + 1
ind = np.random.randint(0, ngrid)
print(np.array([maskObs[ind, :], maskDay[ind, :]]))
maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay
unique, counts = np.unique(maskDay, return_counts=True)
print(np.asarray((unique, counts)).T)
print(counts / ngrid / nt)

fLst = [1, 2, 3]
statLstF = list()
statLstP = list()
maskF = (maskDay >= 1) & (maskDay <= 3)
statP = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(yp, maskF), utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
statF = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(yf, maskF), utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
for nf in fLst:
    xp = np.full([ngrid, nt], np.nan)
    xf = np.full([ngrid, nt], np.nan)
    y = np.full([ngrid, nt], np.nan)
    xf[maskObsDay == nf] = yf[maskObsDay == nf]
    xp[maskObsDay == nf] = yp[maskObsDay == nf]
    y[maskObsDay == nf] = obs[maskObsDay == nf]
    statLstF.append(stat.statError(xf, y))
    statLstP.append(stat.statError(xp, y))

# plot box - forecast
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 11})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'lines.linewidth': 2})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'lines.markersize': 12})
Exemplo n.º 3
maskDay = np.zeros(maskObs.shape).astype(int)
ngrid, nt = maskObs.shape
for j in range(ngrid):
    temp = 0
    for i in range(nt):
        maskDay[j, i] = temp
        if maskObs[j, i] == 1:
            temp = 1
            if temp != 0:
                temp = temp + 1
ind = np.random.randint(0, ngrid)
maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay
unique, counts = np.unique(maskObsDay, return_counts=True)
maskF = (maskDay >= 1) & (maskDay <= 3)
statP = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(yp, maskF), utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
statF = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(yf, maskF), utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))

maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay
print(np.array([maskObs[ind, :], maskDay[ind, :]]))
print(np.asarray((unique, counts)).T)
print(counts / ngrid / nt)

# see result for different seasons
tRangeLst = [[20160401, 20160701], [20160701, 20161001], [20161001, 20170101],
             [20170101, 20170401], [20170401, 20170701], [20170701, 20171001],
             [20171001, 20180101], [20180101, 20180401]]

tAllA = utils.time.tRange2Array(tAllR)
statPLst = list()
statFLst = list()
Exemplo n.º 4
    for i in range(nt):
        maskDay[j, i] = temp
        if maskObs[j, i] == 1:
            temp = 1
            if temp != 0:
                temp = temp + 1
maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay

fLst = [1, 2, 3]
statLst = list()
for nf in fLst:
    maskF = maskDay == nf
    temp = list()
    for yf in yfLst:
        statErr = stat.statError(utils.fillNan(yf, maskF),
                                 utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))

# load result from RK
dirRK = r'D:\\data\\Koster17\\'
fileNameLst = ['rmse_lead_{}.dat'.format(x) for x in [1, 2, 3]]
tempLst = list()
for k in range(3):
    # lon lat are identical. Tested
    temp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(dirRK, fileNameLst[k]))
    tempLst.append(temp[:, 2])
RKlon = temp[:, 0]
RKlat = temp[:, 1]
lat, lon = df.getGeo()
Exemplo n.º 5
        maskDay[j, i] = temp
        if maskObs[j, i] == 1:
            temp = 1
            if temp != 0:
                temp = temp + 1
ind = np.random.randint(0, ngrid)
maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay
maskF = (maskDay >= 1) & (maskDay <= 3)

# figure out train and test time index
tR0 = [20150402, 20180401]
tA0 = utils.time.tRange2Array(tR0)
nt = len(tA0)
tTrainLst = list()
tTestLst = list()
for k in range(len(yrLst)):
    tR = tRangeLst[k]
    tA = utils.time.tRange2Array(tR)
    ind0 = np.array(range(nt))
    ind1, ind2 = utils.time.intersect(tA0, tA)
    tTestLst.append(np.delete(ind0, ind1))

# calculate stat
for k in range(len(yrLst)):
    yfTemp = utils.fillNan(yfLst[k], maskF)
    yfTemp = yfTemp[:, tTestLst[k]]
    statP = stat.statError(yfTemp, utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
    statF = stat.statError(yfTemp, utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
Exemplo n.º 6
statPLst = list()
statFLst = list()
for j in range(3):
    tempPLst = list()
    tempFLst = list()
    for i in range(3):
        trTest = trLst[i]
        taTest = utils.time.tRange2Array(trTest)
        taAll = utils.time.tRange2Array([20150402, 20180401])
        ind, ind2 = utils.time.intersect(taAll, taTest)
        tempYp = ypLst[j][:, ind]
        tempYf = yfLst[j][:, ind]
        tempMask = maskF[:, ind]
        tempObs = obs[:, ind]
        tempStatP = stat.statError(
            utils.fillNan(tempYp, tempMask), utils.fillNan(tempObs, tempMask))
        tempStatF = stat.statError(
            utils.fillNan(tempYf, tempMask), utils.fillNan(tempObs, tempMask))

# # plot forecast error train on different year
# keyLst = ['RMSE', 'Corr']
# yrStrLst = ['2015', '2016', '2017']
# [lat, lon] = df.getGeo()
# fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=[8, 4])
# key = 'RMSE'
# for j in range(2):
#     jLst = [0, 2]
Exemplo n.º 7
ngrid, nt = maskObs.shape
for j in range(ngrid):
    temp = 0
    for i in range(nt):
        maskDay[j, i] = temp
        if maskObs[j, i] == 1:
            temp = 1
            if temp != 0:
                temp = temp + 1
ind = np.random.randint(0, ngrid)
maskObsDay = maskObs * maskDay
maskF = (maskDay >= 1) & (maskDay <= 3)
statP = stat.statError(yp, obs)
statLst = [
    stat.statError(utils.fillNan(x, maskF), utils.fillNan(obs, maskF))
    for x in yfLst

# if 'post' in doLst:
caseLst = ['Predict'] + [str(nd) + 'd latency' for nd in dLst]
keyLst = list(statLst[0].keys())
dataBox = list()
for iS in range(len(keyLst)):
    key = keyLst[iS]
    temp = list()
    print(key, np.nanmedian(statP[key]))
    for k in range(len(statLst)):
        data = statLst[k][key]