Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, version, stream, ripe):
     self.version = version
     self.stream = stream
     self.ripe = ripe
     sha = crypto.sha512d(self.to_bytes())
     self.xkey = sha[0:32]
     self.tag = sha[32:64]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, version, stream, ripe):
     self.version = version
     self.stream = stream
     self.ripe = ripe
     sha = crypto.sha512d(self.to_bytes())
     self.xkey = sha[0:32]
     self.tag = sha[32:64]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def brink(self):
     a = self.nonce.to_bytes(8, 'big')
     initial = crypto.sha512(self.data[8:])
     c = crypto.sha512d(a + initial)
     value = int.from_bytes(c[:8], 'big')
     return int(self.expires - 2**80 /
                (value * config.NETWORK_TRIALS *
                 (len(self.data) + config.NETWORK_EXTRA)) + 2**16)
Exemplo n.º 4
def decode(chars):
    chars = chars.strip()
    if chars[:3] == 'BM-':
        chars = chars[3:]
    data = decode_raw(chars)
    checksum = crypto.sha512d(data[:-4])[:4]
    assert checksum == data[-4:]
    return data[:-4]
Exemplo n.º 5
def check(payload, trials, extra, ttl, nonce):
    length = len(payload) + 8 + extra
    target = int(2**64/(trials*(length+ttl*length/(2**16))))
    initial = crypto.sha512(payload)
    a = nonce.to_bytes(8, 'big')
    c = crypto.sha512d(a+initial)
    value = int.from_bytes(c[:8], 'big')
    return value <= target
Exemplo n.º 6
def decode(chars):
    chars = chars.strip()
    if chars[:3] == 'BM-':
        chars = chars[3:]
    data = decode_raw(chars)
    checksum = crypto.sha512d(data[:-4])[:4]
    assert checksum == data[-4:]
    return data[:-4]
Exemplo n.º 7
def pow(payload, trials, extra, ttl):
    length = len(payload) + 8 + extra
    target = int(2**64/(trials*(length+max(ttl,0)*length/(2**16))))
    value = target + 1
    initial = crypto.sha512(payload)
    nonce = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), 'big') # Make it harder for attackers to determine how many numbers we have tried
    while value > target:
        nonce = (nonce + 1) % (2**64)
        a = nonce.to_bytes(8, 'big')
        c = crypto.sha512d(a+initial)
        value = int.from_bytes(c[:8], 'big')
    return nonce
Exemplo n.º 8
 def hash(self):
     return crypto.sha512d(self.data)[:32]
Exemplo n.º 9
def encode(data, prepend_bm=False):
    data += crypto.sha512d(data)[:4]
    text = encode_raw(data)
    if prepend_bm:
        text = 'BM-' + text
    return text
Exemplo n.º 10
def encode(data, prepend_bm=False):
    data += crypto.sha512d(data)[:4]
    text = encode_raw(data)
    if prepend_bm:
        text = 'BM-'+text
    return text
Exemplo n.º 11
 def brink(self):
     a = self.nonce.to_bytes(8, 'big')
     initial = crypto.sha512(self.data[8:])
     c = crypto.sha512d(a+initial)
     value = int.from_bytes(c[:8], 'big')
     return int(self.expires-2**80/(value*config.NETWORK_TRIALS*(len(self.data)+config.NETWORK_EXTRA))+2**16)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def hash(self):
     return crypto.sha512d(self.data)[:32]