def test_can_reduce_poison_from_any_subtree(size, seed):
    """This test validates that we can minimize to any leaf node of a binary
    tree, regardless of where in the tree the leaf is."""
    random = Random(seed)

    # Initially we create the minimal tree of size n, regardless of whether it
    # is poisoned (which it won't be - the poison event essentially never
    # happens when drawing uniformly at random).

    # Choose p so that the expected size of the tree is equal to the desired
    # size.
    p = 1.0 / (2.0 - 1.0 / size)
    strat = PoisonedTree(p)

    def test_function(data):
        v = data.draw(strat)
        if len(v) >= size:

    runner = ConjectureRunner(test_function,

    while not runner.interesting_examples:
            runner.new_conjecture_data(lambda data, n: uniform(random, n)))


    data, = runner.interesting_examples.values()

    assert len(ConjectureData.for_buffer(data.buffer).draw(strat)) == size

    starts = [b.start for b in data.blocks if b.length == 2]
    assert len(starts) % 2 == 0

    for i in hrange(0, len(starts), 2):
        # Now for each leaf position in the tree we try inserting a poison
        # value artificially. Additionally, we add a marker to the end that
        # must be preserved. The marker means that we are not allow to rely on
        # discarding the end of the buffer to get the desired shrink.
        u = starts[i]
        marker = hbytes([1, 2, 3, 4])

        def test_function_with_poison(data):
            v = data.draw(strat)
            m = data.draw_bytes(len(marker))
            if POISON in v and m == marker:

        runner = ConjectureRunner(test_function_with_poison,

        runner.cached_test_function(data.buffer[:u] + hbytes([255]) * 4 +
                                    data.buffer[u + 4:] + marker)

        assert runner.interesting_examples

        shrunk, = runner.interesting_examples.values()

        assert ConjectureData.for_buffer(
            shrunk.buffer).draw(strat) == (POISON, )
def test_can_reduce_poison_from_any_subtree(size, seed):
    """This test validates that we can minimize to any leaf node of a binary
    tree, regardless of where in the tree the leaf is."""
    random = Random(seed)

    # Initially we create the minimal tree of size n, regardless of whether it
    # is poisoned (which it won't be - the poison event essentially never
    # happens when drawing uniformly at random).

    # Choose p so that the expected size of the tree is equal to the desired
    # size.
    p = 1.0 / (2.0 - 1.0 / size)
    strat = PoisonedTree(p)

    def test_function(data):
        v = data.draw(strat)
        if len(v) >= size:

    runner = ConjectureRunner(
        test_function, random=random, settings=settings(TEST_SETTINGS, buffer_size=LOTS)

    while not runner.interesting_examples:
            runner.new_conjecture_data(lambda data, n: uniform(random, n))


    data, = runner.interesting_examples.values()

    assert len(ConjectureData.for_buffer(data.buffer).draw(strat)) == size

    starts = [b.start for b in data.blocks if b.length == 2]
    assert len(starts) % 2 == 0

    for i in hrange(0, len(starts), 2):
        # Now for each leaf position in the tree we try inserting a poison
        # value artificially. Additionally, we add a marker to the end that
        # must be preserved. The marker means that we are not allow to rely on
        # discarding the end of the buffer to get the desired shrink.
        u = starts[i]
        marker = hbytes([1, 2, 3, 4])

        def test_function_with_poison(data):
            v = data.draw(strat)
            m = data.draw_bytes(len(marker))
            if POISON in v and m == marker:

        runner = ConjectureRunner(
            test_function_with_poison, random=random, settings=TEST_SETTINGS

            data.buffer[:u] + hbytes([255]) * 4 + data.buffer[u + 4 :] + marker

        assert runner.interesting_examples

        shrunk, = runner.interesting_examples.values()

        assert ConjectureData.for_buffer(shrunk.buffer).draw(strat) == (POISON,)