def test_dictionary(dict_class):
    assert minimal(dictionary(int, text_type, dict_class)) == dict_class()

    x = minimal(dictionary(int, text_type, dict_class), lambda t: len(t) >= 3)
    assert isinstance(x, dict_class)
    assert set(x.values()) == {''}
    for k in x:
        if k < 0:
            assert k + 1 in x
        if k > 0:
            assert k - 1 in x
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dictionary(dict_class):
    assert minimal(dictionary(int, text_type, dict_class)) == dict_class()

    x = minimal(dictionary(int, text_type, dict_class), lambda t: len(t) >= 3)
    assert isinstance(x, dict_class)
    assert set(x.values()) == {''}
    for k in x:
        if k < 0:
            assert k + 1 in x
        if k > 0:
            assert k - 1 in x
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_variadic_dictionaries():
    x = strategy(s.dictionary(bool, bool)).example()
    assert all(
        isinstance(k, bool) and isinstance(v, bool) for k, v in x.items())
Exemplo n.º 4
TestGiantIntegerRange = strategy_test_suite(
    integers_in_range(-(2**129), 2**129))
TestFloatRange = strategy_test_suite(floats_in_range(0.5, 10))
TestSampled10 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=list(range(10))))
TestSampled1 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=(1, )))
TestSampled2 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=(1, 2)))

TestIntegersFrom = strategy_test_suite(integers_from(13))

TestOneOf = strategy_test_suite(one_of((int, int, bool)))
TestOneOfSameType = strategy_test_suite(
    one_of((integers_in_range(1, 10), integers_in_range(8, 15))))
TestRandom = strategy_test_suite(Random)
TestInts = strategy_test_suite(int)
TestBoolLists = strategy_test_suite([bool])
TestDictionaries = strategy_test_suite(dictionary((int, int), bool))
TestOrderedDictionaries = strategy_test_suite(dictionary(
    int, int, OrderedDict))
TestString = strategy_test_suite(text_type)
BinaryString = strategy_test_suite(binary_type)
TestIntBool = strategy_test_suite((int, bool))
TestFloats = strategy_test_suite(float)
TestComplex = strategy_test_suite(complex)
TestJust = strategy_test_suite(just('hi'))
TestTemplates = strategy_test_suite(TemplatesFor({int}))

TestEmptyString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet=''))
TestSingleString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet='a'))
TestManyString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet='abcdef☃'))

Stuff = namedtuple('Stuff', ('a', 'b'))
Exemplo n.º 5
TestFloatRange = strategy_test_suite(floats_in_range(0.5, 10))
TestSampled10 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=list(range(10))))
TestSampled1 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=(1,)))
TestSampled2 = strategy_test_suite(sampled_from(elements=(1, 2)))

TestIntegersFrom = strategy_test_suite(integers_from(13))

TestOneOf = strategy_test_suite(one_of((int, int, bool)))
TestOneOfSameType = strategy_test_suite(
    one_of((integers_in_range(1, 10), integers_in_range(8, 15)))
TestRandom = strategy_test_suite(Random)
TestInts = strategy_test_suite(int)
TestBoolLists = strategy_test_suite([bool])
TestDictionaries = strategy_test_suite(dictionary((int, int), bool))
TestOrderedDictionaries = strategy_test_suite(
    dictionary(int, int, OrderedDict)
TestString = strategy_test_suite(text_type)
BinaryString = strategy_test_suite(binary_type)
TestIntBool = strategy_test_suite((int, bool))
TestFloats = strategy_test_suite(float)
TestComplex = strategy_test_suite(complex)
TestJust = strategy_test_suite(just('hi'))
TestTemplates = strategy_test_suite(TemplatesFor({int}))

TestEmptyString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet=''))
TestSingleString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet='a'))
TestManyString = strategy_test_suite(strings(alphabet='abcdef☃'))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_variadic_dictionaries():
    x = strategy(s.dictionary(bool, bool)).example()
    assert all(
        isinstance(k, bool) and isinstance(v, bool) for k, v in x.items())
Exemplo n.º 7
from hypothesis.specifiers import dictionary

from bidict import bidict, frozenbidict

def inv(d):
    return {v: k for (k, v) in d.items()}

def prune_dup_vals(d):
    pruned = inv(inv(d))
    assume(len(pruned) >= 0.5 * len(d))
    return pruned

immutable_types_ = (None, bool, int, float, str, bytes, tuple(), frozenset())
immutable_types = reduce(or_, map(strategy, immutable_types_))
d = strategy(dictionary(immutable_types, immutable_types)).map(prune_dup_vals)

def test_len(d):
    assert len(d) == len(inv(d)) == len(bidict(d))

def isnan_(x):
    return isnan(x) if isinstance(x, float) else False

def both_nan(a, b):
    return isnan_(a) and isnan_(b)

def test_bidirectional_mappings(d):
    b = bidict(d)
    for k, v in b.items():
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestCatalogBuilder(unittest.TestCase):

    @given(dictionary(int, int))
    def test_arbitrary_mapping(self, mapping):
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

    @given(dictionary(int, just(42)))
    def test_constant_mapping(self, mapping):
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

           num=integers_in_range(0, 10000),
           step=integers_in_range(-10000, 10000),
    def test_regular_constant_mapping(self, start, num, step, value):
        assume(step != 0)
        mapping = {key: value for key in range(start, start + num*step, step)}
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

           num=integers_in_range(0, 10000),
           step=integers_in_range(-10000, 10000),
    def test_regular_mapping(self, start, num, step, values):
        assume(step != 0)
        mapping = {key: value for key, value in zip(range(start, start + num*step, step), values)}
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

    @given(num=integers_in_range(0, 10000),
           key_step=integers_in_range(-10000, 10000),
           value_step=integers_in_range(-10000, 10000))
    def test_linear_regular_mapping(self, num, key_start, key_step, value_start, value_step):
        assume(key_step != 0)
        assume(value_step != 0)
        mapping = {key: value for key, value in zip(range(key_start, key_start + num*key_step, key_step),
                                                    range(value_start, value_start + num*value_step, value_step))}
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

    @given(dictionary((int, int), int))
    def test_arbitrary_mapping(self, mapping):
        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))

    @given(i_start=integers_in_range(0, 10),
           i_num=integers_in_range(1, 10),
           j_start=integers_in_range(0, 10),
           j_num=integers_in_range(1, 10),
           c=integers_in_range(1, 10))
    def test_linear_regular_mapping_2d(self, i_start, i_num, i_step, j_start, j_num, j_step, c):
        assume(i_step != 0)
        assume(j_step != 0)

        def v(i, j):
            return (i - i_start) * ((j_start + j_num*j_step) - j_start) + (j - j_start) + c

        mapping = {(i, j): v(i, j)
                   for i in range(i_start, i_start + i_num*i_step, i_step)
                   for j in range(j_start, j_start + j_num*j_step, j_step)}

        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_minimize_multi_key_dicts():
    assert find(dictionary(bool, bool), bool) == {False: False}
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_minimize_multi_key_dicts():
    assert find(dictionary(bool, bool), bool) == {False: False}
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_find_dictionary():
    assert len(find(
        dictionary(int, int),
        lambda xs: any(kv[0] > kv[1] for kv in xs.items()))) == 1